Chapter 153 Goodbye to the emperor, the potential of the emperor (2/7, please customize)

“Emperor Eternal?”

Yang Hao turned his eyes around, looking at the source of the sound.

A familiar figure appeared before his eyes.

It was the emperor’s remnant who gave him three chances when he first entered the tomb of the emperor.


Hearing Yang Hao’s questioning, the slender middle-aged scribe chuckled, revealing an elegant charm.

“Your breath has changed drastically. It seems that this world has ushered in another flourishing age?”

His eyes looked at Yang Hao’s figure, and there was a strange flicker in his eyes.

Yang Hao suddenly heard the words.

He was just wondering why the other party showed up. He thought it was because he took Huangquan Road, but now it doesn’t seem to be the case.

Since practicing, Yang Hao believes that no major changes have taken place.

The emperor’s remnant soul suddenly said that his breath had changed drastically, and the flourishing age had arrived.

“Is it the breath of Dadao Galaxy?”

Yang Hao’s thoughts moved slightly, but he responded: “It is true that this world has ushered in a great world.”

“What does the emperor seem to know?”

The middle-aged scribe heard the words and said in deep thought: “It’s just a remnant soul trapped in the tomb. Naturally, I don’t know too much.”

“However, the ancient times are fierce, the ancient times are rebellious, and the ancient Immortal is dark. This era will definitely not be peaceful.”

“Xiaoyou, as one of the protagonists of this flourishing age, has a special fate, but he needs to be cautious.”

Hearing the emperor’s reminder, Yang Hao squinted.

Of course he knew that his fate was special, and he didn’t expect the eternal soul of the emperor to see it.

With his own villain’s fate, he is born to compete with various protagonists.

The other party’s reminder was correct.

But what Yang Hao really cares about is another sentence in the words of Emperor Yongsheng.

Immortal is fierce, ancient is rebellious, and Immortal is dark.

It was the first time he heard people say this way.

Don’t think too much, Immortal should be the Dark Age in ancient times.

But if he remembers correctly, the eternal emperor has been rumored to have fallen in ancient times.

Perhaps the other party may have learned from Tianjiao who entered the tomb over the years, or he may still be alive.

“Thank you, the emperor, does the emperor know the elixir of the king?” Yang Hao asked suddenly.

“The God King Immortal Medicine, is it the Immortal Medicine?”

Yang Hao, who paid attention to the look of Emperor Yongsheng, found that Emperor Yongsheng heard the name of God King Immortal, but he didn’t have a trace of surprise, but asked casually.

“It’s a kind of immortal medicine, which has never appeared in the world. A few years ago, because the god king immortal medicine was born, I became the god king and walked the way for the sky, opening the curtain of the great world coming.” Yang Hao continued to say slowly.

“Oh? It turned out to be a new era of undead medicine?”

“Not surprisingly.”

“In the Primordial Era, it was the birth of the first fierce beast in the world. It uttered the words of heaven and lit wildfires, which opened the curtain of the Primordial Era…’

“In ancient times, a Holy Spirit walked out of an Immortal stone, buried Tao seeds, and finally turned into a monument of Dayan God, standing tall and ushering in the ancient times.,

“The Dark Ages, I don’t know.

The Emperor Yongsheng paused, and then slowly said: “Since ancient times, a new era has been ushered in, and the world has been attracted by Zhong Ling. The birth of an undead medicine in this era is also reasonable.”

“So that’s the case, thank you the emperor for your confusion.”

Yang Hao heard the emperor eternally say, and he was also a bit eye-opener.

The ancient times and the ancient times are too many years away from the present, and there are only vague rumors from the outside world, which is by no means as clear as the eternal emperor said.

But he said casually: “I have traveled for a long time and witnessed the origin of this god-king elixir.


“I saw the Great Emperor Good Fortune and the Great Emperor Changyu plant the emperor’s elixir together in Time Changhe, but the two of them are the source of the great world?”

Yang Hao once again asked the emperor.

He has always been confused by what time has seen.

In the Qingyang Dynasty, he had witnessed the resurrection of the ancient stalk trees in the world, and expected the coming of the great world.

I thought it was the passing of time, and the great world came unexpectedly.

The sights seen by Changhe over time made him suspect that the great emperor had already known the arrival of the great emperor and made arrangements in advance.

He doesn’t actually care about these.

However, according to Jiang Wu’s speculation, he crossed the Xiao Yin Nuo, and should have a bond with the goddess king, giving birth to a lot of cause and effect.

If the two emperors have a plan, he is already in it, and he naturally needs to be cautious.

At this time, asking the emperor eternal life was just a side attack, and did not expect the eternal soul of the emperor to know it.

Hearing Yang Hao’s words, the Emperor Yongsheng pondered for a moment and then slowly said: “The relationship between Changyu and my deity is irreversible. His character is kind and he is devoted to seeking the truth. He should not have the mind to do this.”

“As for good fortune, he is not worthy of the layout to attract the great world.”

But I heard the emperor disdain to say.

It seems to look down on the Great Fortune.

“So that’s it.” Yang Hao nodded, but from these words he heard the relationship between the three great emperors.

Obviously, the Great Emperor Changyu has a good relationship with the Great Emperor Yongsheng. At the time, the Great Emperor Changyu deliberately mentioned the descendants of the eternal life after a long time.

On the contrary, Eternal Life and Good Fortune were obviously not dealing with each other, and even the Great Fortune, the first Dao Great in all ages, had a derogatory meaning.

He is not worthy.

This sentence made Yang Hao thoughtful.

What the emperor’s last soul said is different from the scene he saw in the long river that day.

The Great Emperor Changyu did participate in the layout with the Great Good Fortune, and he once said to him that “it almost broke the layout of our wait”.


Yang Hao took a deep breath, spit out a word inwardly.

It was the same as many routines he had seen in Blue Star.

These emperors who once reached the top, if they don’t leave some ancient puzzles, they will have no cards.

In fact, it can be understood that the higher you stand, the more you see.

Sometimes a random move will cause a shocking wave.

“No need to think about this.”

“The arrival of the great world and the change of times are the rules of heaven and earth.”

“Even if I wait for the emperor, I can’t intervene to change it at will.”

The voice of the emperor’s last soul came again, as if he could see Yang Hao’s confusion.

“Thank you, the emperor for your confusion.”

Yang Hao nodded when he heard the words, and he was completely relieved by the words of the other party.

“Huangquan Road is one of the emperor’s favorite god soldiers in the past. If it weren’t for the innocent clone, I would definitely train this thing as the ultimate imperial soldier.”

“Little friend is the most outstanding person who entered the mausoleum of the emperor’s Taoist lineage in these years, and Huangquan Road is not insulting to you.”

“If you are destined in the future, you can try to exercise it.

“It’s a pity for the emperor, but for you, it’s another chance.”

The emperor’s dying soul turned around and said to Yang Hao.

Yang Hao nodded when he heard the words, his heart moved slightly.

It seemed that Huangquan Road was even more extraordinary than he had imagined.

The meaning in the words of the emperor is very clear, Huangquan Road has the potential to become an emperor of Jidao.

Even though Huangquan Road had been viewed very highly before, he did not expect that Huangquan Road was stronger than he had imagined.

“.”I understand. ”

Yang Hao is also not hypocritical.

As the Emperor Yongsheng said, he is behind his orthodoxy.

He is not only the Heavenly Lord of the Eternal Sanctuary, but also has the inheritance of the Wuya Pagoda of the Eternal Sanctuary, and now he has the Huangquan Road of the Eternal Sanctuary, as it should be, and there is nothing to be polite.

Because as a feedback, if he becomes stronger in the future, he will naturally also have to revitalize the Eternal Sanctuary to make the Eternal Sanctuary stronger.

If you can become the sixth emperor of Eternal Sanctuary, don’t talk about Huangquan Road. No matter how good it is, the eternal emperor will probably give it without hesitation.

“Go ahead.

The emperor’s remains looked at Yang Hao with some appreciation.

He is very optimistic about Yang Hao and looks forward to his future achievements.

“The emperor stayed.”

But at this moment, Yang Hao suddenly spoke.


“What else do you have?”

“My chance for the tomb of the great emperor has already been searched for by you.”

“In the future, those little guys will come in and want to take Huangquan Road, but they have no choice but to go.”

The Emperor Yongsheng looked at Yang Hao and joked with a casual smile.

“There is indeed a small thing.

When Yang Hao heard this, it was also a temporary move.


Emperor Yongsheng looked at Yang Hao and wanted to know what else he wanted to do.

“Emperor, the strength of your remnant soul can surpass the giant realm?” Yang Hao asked suddenly.

“Giant Realm?

“Naturally there is.”

“Should be much stronger than the great emperor’s remnant soul that sent you, the strength of the emperor realm.”

“However, this remnant soul needs to suppress the mausoleum and cannot get out of it.

Emperor Yongsheng didn’t understand what Yang Hao meant, and said with some caution.

He thought Yang Hao wanted to ask him to go out.

Although he was a little moved, he wanted to go out and see the current world, but he was restricted by the prohibition and couldn’t leave at all.

“Not really.

Yang Hao understood that the emperor’s last soul had misunderstood what he meant.

He asked a little shyly: “Can the emperor fight me?”

“I want to sharpen myself.”

The Emperor Yongsheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately burst into laughter.

“You little fellow, but you are so self-confident when you are so powerful.”

“According to what you just meant, if my remnant soul does not have the strength of a giant stage, you still disdain to fight with me?”.

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