Chapter 151 Once Holy Son of Shaking Light, Maharaja Longshan (7/7, please customize)

“Auntie, what’s the matter?”

Yang Hao raised his brows when he heard the words and looked at Jiang.

You must know that the Holy Lord of Heaven is the rule left by Emperor Forge, which cannot be changed.

He did not expect that there would be a problem in this matter.

“Some trouble.” Jiang Wu heard the words and remembered the matter of the Presbyterian Church.

After the chief scripture ended that day, the senior officials of the Holy Land called a presbytery.

Because Jiang Wu was misjudged and fell, Jiang Wu’s current identity has not yet been defined, neither the acting saint, nor the elder.

However, as the former saint master Jiang Wu, he still participated in the high-level presbytery of Eternal Sanctuary.

“Originally, there should be no trouble.”

“Unfortunately, one year before our return, someone in the Holy Land had survived the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man. If it weren’t for his strength, he would already be the Lord of the Holy Land.”

Jiang Wu said slowly, she was also a little shocked.

A powerful sacred place like Eternal Sanctuary that can last for endless years,

The position of the Holy Lord is naturally not a direct inheritance.

In order to maintain a strong competitiveness, unless it is the Holy Lord of Heaven, every Holy Lord needs to pass the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Humanity set by the Eternal Emperor before he can become the Holy Lord of the Eternal Sanctuary.

It is conceivable that a great emperor who created a powerful sacred place with great talents left the nine calamities of heaven and man under “1997” is definitely not simple.

After Jiang Wu resigned from the position of the Holy Lord that day, don’t say Jiang Wu, even the entire Holy Land, thought that it would take at least a hundred years before the Eternal Sanctuary could appear in the evil spirits who survived the nine calamities of heaven and man.

If it is due to poor luck, it is not uncommon to wait even thousands or thousands of years.

This is mainly because Jiang Wu’s reign is too short, once the Lord of the Holy Land takes over.

Unless you fall, you must become a sage before you can abdicate.

Quasi-sages, saints, and sages seem to have only three realms.

This is not the case.

When it comes to Saint Level, it is no longer a simple competition for talent and background.

How many people who can be promoted to the holy rank have no talent and no foundation?

The rank position has not reached the heaven-defying rank position, and it is impossible to even be promoted to the holy rank.

Of course, the crape myrtle star has endless years of history, and occasionally weird flowers will be born, and will be promoted to the saint level at a low level.

But those are all special cases among special cases, and they have great opportunities. Counting the whole time, the examples that can be cited will never exceed the number of ten fingers.

At the Saint level, some people may even stay in place after a lifetime.

Otherwise, why are there so many old monsters and living fossils?

It seems to be complimenting these extreme powers.

In fact, it also proved their decay and downfall.

Old sages like the ancestors of the ice phoenix, who can go to the stage of a sage, and even escape the death of the dark age, are already considered to have great luck.

Because of this, after arriving at the Saint Level, Bi’s reality is chance and luck!

Jiang Wu, being able to be ranked as a big star in Tiangang, is not really relying on Yang Hao’s luck alone!

Compared with the previous Eternal Sanctuary, which has been around for thousands of years or even ten thousand years, Jiang Wu walked from the quasi-sage to the realm of the sage in just two hundred years, which is terrible!

But in just two hundred years, the time left for Eternal Sanctuary’s successor to grow up is too short!

Even that day, many people just wanted to give Jiang Wu a step, and they still imagined that Jiang Wu could continue to dominate the Eternal Sanctuary for more than a thousand years, until the successor came.

As a result, it was beyond people’s expectations.

First, Jiang Wu dashed through a hundred thousand mountains and “fallen” in the realm of the gods.

There is another evildoer who miraculously passes through the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man and becomes the Preparatory Holy Master.

Now, more coincidental things are coming!

Yang Hao caused the emperor’s soldiers to shake and became the God of Heaven!

At that time, the spectators in other holy places were busy and shocked, but they did not know that the senior elders of the holy places who knew the inside story, such as the elders, were so anxious that they almost scolded their mother!

It was not without reason to rush to end the Chief Scripture that day!

“so it is.”

“Who is that person?”

“What would the elders think?”

Yang Hao was also a little surprised when he heard what Jiang Wu said.

He is not angry or impatient. Everyone has their own destiny. It is a coincidence that they collide together, and that is also destiny.

Since Jiang Wu felt bothersome, there must be some inside information in it.

It is most important to Yang Hao to understand clearly, plan and act afterwards.

“Longshan Maharaja.” At this time, Jiang Wu slowly said the name of the person who had survived the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man.

“It turned out to be him.

Yang Hao heard the words and squinted his eyes.

He knows that Maharaja Longshan, Tiantong Holy Land once published a list of Tianjiao in the past.

This person is ranked first in Tianjiao.

At that time, Yang Hao had noticed Maharaja Longshan.

The reason is very simple.

This person also has a little fate with himself.

This Maharaja of Longshan is the Holy Son of Shaking Light of his previous two generations!

But he is not the chief.

On the contrary, among the Holy Son saints of that generation of Eternal Sanctuary, Maharaja Longshan was very low-key, and his strength was in the middle level. There was neither a god body nor a killing array that resonated in the world, that is, his generation of heavenly saints. The strength of the left and right.

However, the follow-up Maharaja Longshan has achieved great power and gradually rises after breaking away from the title of Holy Son of Shaking Light.

Not only has it surpassed the Chief Holy Son of the same generation, it has even created many miracles one after another.

Not only that, Maharaja Longshan has a very good reputation. He has been a kindhearted and pure-hearted person since he was a child. Even after his rise, he still treats people with affinity and is extremely friendly, and his prestige in the Eternal Sanctuary is extremely high.

Can be called a peerless figure who has accumulated a lot of accumulation and made a late bloomer.

Back then, Yang Hao paid attention to Maharaja Longshan. When he was the main star of the avenue a few days ago, Yang Hao actually had a glimpse and saw Maharaja Longshan’s name.

This person is in the Dao Xinghe, ranking the evil star!

On innate talent, chance and luck, not under Liu Yan who possesses the Nirvana divine body!

“Maharaja Longshan is the Dao Xinghe that was inspired a few years ago.”

“At that time, many people did not know the specific role of Dao Xinghe.

“Otherwise, if Maharaja Longshan awakens the Dao Xinghe after the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man, he is very likely to have the potential to be among the great stars of Tiangang.

Jiang Wu said to Yang Hao, there was a sense of regret for Maharaja Longshan.

“It’s a pity indeed.

“This is a very talented evildoer, I want to see it.”

Yang Hao sighed with emotion. When he reached the realm of Longshan Maharajah, he had been looking for opportunities outside all year round, and he rarely returned to the Eternal Sanctuary.

Although he had never seen Maharaja Longshan before, he had seen the Holy Son of Shaking Light.

Even with the domineering force of the Holy Son of Shaking Light, the Maharaja Longshan who is more powerful than the Holy Son of Shaking Light, who does not know how much, still smiles, and is extremely kind.

“This is the trouble.” Jiang Wu’s voice continued.

“The strength of Maharaja Longshan has reached the peak of the emperor, and he is only one step away from the quasi-sacred realm.”

“Now he has entered a secret realm in the Holy Land to make a breakthrough, and the possibility of being holy in a short time is extremely high.”

“According to the opinion of the Presbyterian Church, the rule of the Holy Land’s emperors once left the Holy Land as the Holy Lord and the Holy Lord of the Heavens after the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man.

“In their opinion, there is no conflict.”

“You have just achieved great power.

“If you want to be holy, even if you are in the great world and have the posture of the great emperor, you need to spend a lot of time in cultivation.”

“After the great power, it is necessary to perceive the law, but also to evolve the killing array.”

“Everyone knows that your foundation is extremely strong, and some people even speculate that you may reach the legendary extreme in some or even several realms.”

“If you want to be holy, no matter how lucky you are, no matter how you can get amazing opportunities, it will take hundreds of years at least.”

“The opinion of the Presbyterian Church is to let Maharaja Longshan become the Holy Lord first.

“Once you are sanctified, Lord Longshan’s character will definitely give you the position of the Holy Lord.”

Yao Yao frowned and said to Yang Hao slowly.

In fact, this is a very perfect solution.

The Holy Lord needs to be sanctified to be able to bear it, otherwise how can he be called the Holy Lord?

Maharaja Longshan has passed the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man, and will be sanctified. In any respect, it is more in line with the current Yang Hao.

With the almost perfect character and temperament of Maharaja Longshan, when Yang Hao becomes holy, the possibility of him giving in is extremely high.

“The trouble is.”

“The position of the Holy Lord is not Chinese cabbage, you can let it if you want it.”

“Even if Maharaja Longshan wants to give up, he has to become a sage first.”

Yang Hao said with a smile, not caring.

It is indeed a troublesome thing.

Jiang Wu knew his personality, and definitely wanted to make the elders break the rules and let him become the Holy Lord in advance.

If there is no Maharaja Longshan born out of the sky, it is said that the elders will see his enchanting talents, and they will agree with him out of the box.

But the appearance of Maharaja Longshan made everyone guilty.

In the end, such a resolution was made.

“It’s okay, auntie.

“How long does it take for Maharaja Longshan to get out of that secret realm?”

Yang Hao comforted Jiang Wu and asked 3.1 casually.

“At least thirty years, bad luck, maybe fifty years.” Jiang Wu heard this, a little sad.

There is no doubt that this is a very short time.

“That’s enough.

“Auntie, don’t worry, it’s not a big problem.”

Yang Hao chuckled, and said lazily, “As long as Maharaja Longshan walks out and reaches the holy level, won’t this problem be solved?”

“What’s more, compared to Maharaja Longshan, I should stay in the position of the Holy Lord for a shorter time.”

“At least, it doesn’t take two hundred years.”

Hearing Yang Hao’s confident and even arrogant words, Jiang Wu wrinkled his brows and immediately stretched out: “You brat.”


Yang Hao gave a long laugh and teased Jiang Wu a little bit happy, but it reminded him of something.

He flew into the air at this moment, heading towards the Holy Land in a certain direction.

“Go there?” Jiang Wu asked when Yang Hao flew away.

“Open the mausoleum of the great emperor.”

Yang Hao’s voice circled, making Jiang Wu a little startled.

Open the mausoleum of the great emperor?!

What does this little guy want to do?

ps: The seventh update is over, please subscribe automatically, no more tonight, see you tomorrow morning.

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