Chapter 139 A gift from the emperor, to turn a death robbery? (2/7, please customize)

[Because of “listening to the emperor’s conversation” to get 10 million points.]

The system log flashed.

Let Yang Hao realize the power of the two giants for the first time.

The Great!

It turned out to be the figure of the Great Emperor.

“Great Emperor Changyu, Great Good Fortune?!”

Yang Hao’s heavy pupils exuding blue light, watching the two giants in the long river talk and laugh, especially when they heard their voices reach his ears, his figure suddenly shook.

After hearing the two short words, he almost guessed the identity of these two giants.

“The great world arrives early?

“Much easier?!”

What does it mean.

You must know that the age of the appearance of both the Great Emperor Changyu and the Great Good Fortune predates the Dark Age 100,000 years ago.

It is only a rough estimate that the two great emperors are almost 300,000 years away from the current era!

But the meaning in their words is clearly that they have realized that soon after the god king’s elixir matures, there will be a great world coming!

Although it is just a few short sentences, the meaning contained therein is too much.

“How terrible is the emperor’s might?”

“Can you predict the great world in hundreds of thousands of years?”

“What makes them easier?”

“It seems that the emperors have not fallen yet?”

Confusions came up in Yang Hao’s mind.

He couldn’t continue to think about it, because he heard the voice of Suspected Emperor Changyu and Emperor Good Fortune again.

“Hope, the god king was born and walked the way for the sky. Only this undead medicine has that magical effect.

“If the real world can come, it won’t be wasted by the emperor to work hard.”

The giant, who was suspected of being the Great Fortune, spoke, but said something unclear and profound.

“Well, good fortune, this emperor has already laid down a time corridor in your true world, and matured with the power of a long river of time, and it will surely mature within 400,000 years.

At this time, the voice of the suspected Emperor Changyu came.

“Thank you, Brother Changyu.”

“After this time, there must be a lot of thanks.”

Suspected the solemn voice of the Great Good Fortune came, and gradually the figures of the two giants began to slowly dissipate in Yang Hao’s eyes.

Obviously, they are not the real emperor who fell in the long river of time.

But the images of the two people have been recorded by the long river of time. After endless years, they still remain in this place and have not disappeared.

“so it is.

At this moment, Yang Hao has basically determined that the two giants in the long river of time should be the Great Emperor Changyu and the Great Good Fortune.

He also probably understood why the Great Emperor Changyu’s time corridor appeared in the core of the real world of the Great Fortune.

It turned out that the Divine King Immortal Potion is very likely to take a longer time to mature.

However, at the request of the Great Fortune, the Great Emperor Changyu descended a corridor of time, and used the breath of time to continuously accelerate the time of the immortal king in the core of the real world to achieve the goal of ripening.

Therefore, this is also the reason why there are two great things coexisting in the core of the real world.

“Is the emperor making arrangements after hundreds of thousands of years?”

“Could it be that the great emperor good fortune wants to open up the great world?”

In Yang Hao’s mind, the scene that he saw in the world of ancient trees in the territory of the Qingyang Dynasty came to light.

In fact, he had also traced back to other ancient world trees, such as the one above the Shaking Light Immortal peak, but the picture he saw was exactly the same.

When he thinks of the great world, he will naturally think of the world’s ancient trees.

The corpse of the Jiuyou Emperor in the ancient battlefield carried the world’s ancient tree westward, and the god king’s immortal medicine was born next to the world’s ancient tree growth

Over the years, in fact, without knowing it, there are too many places where the world’s ancient trees are quietly born.

There are even many strongest people who have already noticed the existence of the world’s ancient trees.

There have been speculations in the major sacred places.

However, no one dared to jump to conclusions if the world did not come out.

At most, the world’s ancient trees that have been discovered are regarded as treasures for one’s own purposes.

Now, he has witnessed the conversation between the two powerful emperors hundreds of thousands of years ago with his own eyes, leaving Yang Hao with too many guesses.

There is no doubt that the elixir of the god king is the key to ushering in the great world in the mouth of the two emperors.

But Yang Hao remembered that in the Wuya Pagoda, almost all the suppressed elixir of God Kings, he couldn’t help blinking.

How can the immortal king of the gods he suppressed, “the god king is born and walks the way for the sky”?


When Yang Hao was in confusion, he suddenly shivered, and a horror that had never happened before came to his heart.

In his ears, there was a soft sound.

“The gate of time?”

“True World Divine Key?”

“Wuya Tower? Immortal descendants?

This voice spoke casually, but it made Yang Hao a warning sign in his heart.

The other party only saw himself through in an instant!

He looked at the source of the line of sight.

It was a sudden surprise.

The one who made the sound was Changyu the Great, who had been slowly lost in the long river of time, and only half of his body remained!

“The little friend is quite courageous, it almost broke my waiting layout.”

“But since you are here, you can be considered to have a predestined relationship with this emperor, so let’s help you resolve a death catastrophe.”

The voice of Emperor Changyu came again.

In Yang Hao’s eyes, he only saw Emperor Changyu who was only half of his body, and Ge Ranjian slowly bent down and picked it up with his own hands from the disappeared Emperor Good Fortune.

Instantaneous time.

A light and shadow, before Yang Hao could see clearly, flew into Yang Hao’s body, and instantly submerged into the Wuya Pagoda in the body.

“Walk early.”

Changyu the Great reminded.

Then, in the eyes of Yang Hao, Emperor Changyu’s shadow in Time Changhe was completely shattered, as if he had never existed before.

“Emperor Changyu, did he come across the long river of time, or did he see today through the long river of time?

“What does he mean to turn a death robbery for me?”

“Does the gate of time refer to the wheel of time?”

“What is that light and shadow?”

Yang Hao saw the Great Emperor Changyu disappear, his eyes flickered, and the sense of oppression had completely disappeared at this moment, but the confusion became more and more.

He heard the words of Emperor Changyu just now, and he felt a sense of horror.

The other party obviously knows the power of Wuya Tower!

The transformation of the Wuya Pagoda can be regarded as one of his biggest secrets.

But if you think about it, it’s not surprising.

Although the era stars existed between Emperor Changyu and Emperor Yongsheng are different, they have also seen each other.

Coupled with the fact that Emperor Changyu can be regarded as one of the most mysterious emperors in the world, it is not surprising to know Wuya Pagoda.

At this moment, the words of Emperor Changyu were constantly echoing in his mind. Although the other party only had a few words, they revealed too much information.

Yang Hao thought of the light and shadow that flew into the body, and immediately sank his consciousness into the Wuya Pagoda.

“this is ”

Yang Hao’s pupils shrank sharply, looking at the scene in the Wuya Pagoda at this moment, revealing an unbelievable expression.

The Immortal King’s Medicine originally collected in the Wuya Pagoda is now surrounding the light and shadow thrown by the Great Emperor Changyu, as if being absorbed.

But when I looked closely, I found that it was not the case!

All the flesh and blood essence of God King Immortal Medicine gradually surging towards the light and shadow.

It seems to be less and less, but the breath is getting more and more exuberant!

This light and shadow, as if it was born with the same origin as this God King Immortal Medicine.

“Goddess King!”

At this moment, Yang Hao finally saw the light and shadow clearly.

As the Immortal King of God gradually rushed to the light and shadow, that light and shadow gradually turned into the appearance of the goddess king who was suppressed before.

There are just some differences.

The appearance of the goddess king who appeared in the Wuya Pagoda was not as domineering and agile as the goddess king suppressed before.

The figure is also small.

If the previous goddess king was born like a king, he is extremely domineering.

Then the goddess king who appeared before Yang Hao’s eyes was immature, like a little loli.


“What is that light and shadow?

Yang Hao’s eyes flickered, and he couldn’t understand it at all.

But he remembered the reminder of Emperor Changyu.

Transform earlier.

Who is crossing?

Naturally this is the reduced version of the goddess Wang Lori.

Yang Hao remembered that this extremely powerful emperor had personally said that he had a death catastrophe. At this moment, he did not hesitate at all, and instantly cleared the light.

The goddess Lori, began to be transformed into Wuya Tadu (Deno’s)!

Just when Yang Hao was crossing the goddess Lori.

At this moment, in a secret place in Zhongzhou.

Several years have passed since the immortal medicine was born.

A figure slowly grew out of a huge ancient tree of the world.

“I will not die.”

This figure said coldly.

But it gradually absorbed the power of this ancient world tree, and the breath began to gradually stabilize.

Goddess king.

This strain of immortal medicine, indeed, as Jiang Wu said, possessed an unexposed divinity, and did not die.

But at this moment, when she was absorbing the power of the world’s ancient trees, her brows were slightly darkened, and she felt a groggy power that seemed to be covering her and affecting her.

“In the sky and the earth, I am the only one.”

“I have come with my destiny, and I shall walk the way for the sky.”

The voice fell to the ground.

The world’s ancient trees withered.

The realm of the goddess king instantly returned to the giant realm.

Her brows frowned, feeling the faint power coming again, but her breath rose again and entered the eternal giant realm.

Next, she will complete her mission.

Open the curtain with your own hands to welcome the arrival of a brilliant world.

ps: Tonight is gone, the update is tomorrow, a bit late, I am afraid that staying up late will delay the update tomorrow. .

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