Chapter 126 Courage is commendable? Kill the old sages! (4/7, please customize)

Look up and look at the sky.

The blood clouds gathered, and the blood rain poured down.

Being in the real world god array, the rain of blood was isolated.

“Another saint class has fallen.


Yang Hao didn’t know whether the fallen saint was a quasi saint or a saint, for him, he didn’t need to care.

He just warned himself, don’t relax his vigilance just because his luck is against the sky.

In the true realm god array, too many strong men have fallen.

“Ta Ying is also solidified.

Yang Hao sensed the horrendous killing array in his body, his eyes flickered.

It has been more than three days since entering the real world god array.

In these three days, he got a lot of treasures.

There are also many other treasures of the level such as Duan Kong Shenjing.

Naturally, under the refining of the system, his prehistoric killing array once again improved.

The shadow of another weapon is solid.

“Not only that, because the condensed gun shadow of the Divine Crystal of Suspension is also beginning to emit a precious light, it seems that there is a spiritual birth in the dark.”


Yang Hao thoughtfully.

The so-called spirituality is not the birth of wisdom.

This is his wild killing array, in essence, it is no different from his flesh and blood, more similar to the billions of cells in the body.

Spirituality refers to the birth of this gun shadow, which is very likely to be earth-shattering when it is sacrificed by Yang Hao.

“Some look forward to you” ー80″ when this world is present.” Yang Hao was a little expectant in his heart.

“Haoer, be careful.”

At this moment, Jiang Wu’s voice came.

Yang Hao’s eyes were slightly cold, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Move magical powers!

Just now, he keenly sensed the terrible killing intent.


At the moment he appeared, a terrifying edge flickered and made a clear sound.

The Immortal King’s creation map automatically protects the lord, blocking this edge.

This mysterious treasure obtained from the Nine Colors Tianmen has been silent in Yang Hao’s aura after evolving a prehistoric killing array for Yang Hao.

At this moment, it is the first rare protector!

“It seems that I was killed.”

Yang Hao glanced at this moment and found three figures.

An old woman, an old man, and an old man with a long beard.

The three of them appeared directly, exuding surging weather.

Everyone’s strength has reached the top of the eternal head.

Don’t think too much, if it weren’t because of being suppressed by the real world god formation, the three people who appeared suddenly, probably all of them are Saint Grade.

Yang Hao turned his mind, his posture was on guard, and he glanced at Jiang Wu and Liu Yan.

Jiang Wu remained independent from the world, and he was immortal. It was obvious that the sudden attack of the three people did not hurt Jiang Wu.

But Liu Yan was much more miserable. Her head was broken, and her body was lying on the side.

Before facing each other, they were beheaded by three people.

Yang Hao frowned, less than ten years after Liu Yan’s last fall in the courtyard, he did not expect to be beheaded again this time.

Liu Yan is a broken body of Nirvana, and I don’t know if it can continue to be resurrected this time.

However, after Yang Hao felt it, he found that he had signed a soul contract with Liu Yan, and it was not broken at this moment.

At the moment of the enemy, he has no time to continue to perceive carefully, but instead looks in front of him.

“Girl Jiang, you should recognize us, and hand over the Ice Crystal Dragon Ball, Kirin Fruit, and Lan Shuang Yulu.”

“And this picture of this kid.

“The old folks leave now.

The old man glanced unexpectedly at the King Immortal creation picture that appeared on Yang Hao’s body. The extremely long lifespan allowed him to see Yang Hao’s King Immortal creation picture and extraordinary items at a glance.

The three of them had mental arithmetic and unintentional, and they were able to do it two days ago.

But they found that Jiang Wu and his party’s popularity was against the sky, and they gained a lot along the way, and even got a few more gods that can increase their lifespan.

The three of them naturally had the intention of fattening the pigs and killing them, and they have been waiting until now.

They can’t help it!

There are so many good things in Yang Hao’s hands.

These old monsters can live for a long time, and the biggest feature is that they know how to advance and retreat.

They understand very well that endless greed will only bury themselves.

In their opinion, the fetishes that Jiang Wu and others have now are enough to satisfy the three of them.

Even if the trip didn’t get the elixir of death, the result was enough to satisfy them.

“Auntie, you can kill a few.” Yang Hao narrowed his eyes and spoke to Jiang Wu.

“The old monster in the yin and yang holy land has a lot of experience.”

“At most two.

Wu Jiang was also feeling brows at this moment. The Real Realm Divine Formation was in danger at all times, so she had always remained vigilant.

If she is outside the real world god array, three sages with blood and decay, she can fight alone.

But now it can only hold one at most, kill one, and spend a little time, and kill two people.

She knows what Yang Hao means, and she also knows many secrets of Yang Hao, plus Jiang Wu’s character is by no means a weak one.


“The one who wants to steal my Immortal King’s creation, give it to me.

Yang Hao was just the next moment when he transmitted the sound to Jiang Wu, he galloped directly towards the old man.

From beginning to end, facing the looting of these three old monsters, there was no response, and there was no room for maneuver to be considered.

Now that they have already shot at them, Yang Hao’s choice is naturally endless!

He was not from Lu Zang’s generation, and he dared to step into the real world god formation, of course, he had known the real world god formation a long time ago.

Even without Jiang Wu, he still dared to enter alone, how could he not expect this situation?!

“Yun Yin.

“Yes, master.”

Yang Hao spoke calmly in his heart, and the aura on his body rose steadily in the next moment!

Just in the blink of an eye, the aura has risen from the king to the realm of the gods!

When Xiao Qing’er was able to combine with Yunyin to improve his cultivation base, he could naturally too!

Yang Hao, who has reached the realm of the gods, has a sharp aura and slays against the old man!

“remarkably brave.”

“With this little method, I dare to do something to the old man.”

The old man chuckles when he sees Yang Hao killing him.

He doesn’t know Yang Hao!

He didn’t care about Yang Hao’s methods of suddenly raising his realm, he had seen too many secret methods like this.

This is not surprising.

He is about to die, and he is usually silent in the depths of the holy land, so naturally he will not deliberately understand the Tianjiao of this era.

Because in the eyes of an old monster like him, if you don’t become a sage, after all, they are all ants.

So when he saw Yang Hao hit back so brazenly, a hint of fun flashed in his silent and old eyes.

It was as if the giant saw the ants jumping towards him, and found it interesting.

Then…just trample it to death.

The old man raised his hand and washed out waves of incomparable mystery.

That is a certain kind of tactics, and the control of power goes beyond the extreme.

On the other side, Jiang Wu also instantly included the other two on the battlefield.

The war is about to start.


The old man saw the mysterious wave washing around Yang Hao.

He had anticipated the scene where Yang Hao’s body was completely broken.

“Listen to my aunt.”

“You all seem to be dying of old age.”

Yang Hao spoke suddenly.

His divine body instantly shines.

Hundreds of defensive treasures appeared.

At the same time, King Immortal’s creation was also brilliant!

Fluctuations in the body.

Baoguang shattered like fireworks!

Hundreds of excellent defensive treasures were destroyed by the wave of the old man in an instant

Fortunately, the Immortal King’s creation map was very terrifying, completely absorbing the last aftermath.

At the same time, Yang Hao was already close.


“Even if you are going to die of old age, the power that the old man controls is not what you can imagine.”

When the old man saw Yang Hao under his shot, he appeared in front of him unharmed, his silent eyes fluctuated slightly.

However, he didn’t care too much.

He has been practicing for too long.

He could think of a hundred and eight thousand ways to solve the confident little guy in front of him.


Yang Hao didn’t care when he heard the words.

In his hand, two ancient divine swords appeared.

The Supreme Killing Sword slashed out.

at the same time.

A breath of terror surging out.

Honghuang killing array.


“What kind of killing array is this!”

Sensing the terrifying aura of the Great Killing Array, the face of the old man changed slightly.

He knew that this might be Yang Hao’s hole card.


Still too young.

“The hole card is opened too early, it is not the hole card.”

The old man disappeared instantly, and the edge of the Supreme Killing Sword fell through.

A strange treasure appeared in his hand.

It is a treasure like a gourd.


The old man spoke indifferently.


Yang Hao sensed that the moment when the old man appeared, the Great Killing Array faintly began to tremble, even in a state of collapse, but he smiled indifferently.

“I have a lot of cards.”

“Which one do you want?”

Yang Hao opened his mouth suddenly and smiled for an instant.

Anling saint appeared.

Almost in an instant, the cultivation base of the Anling Saint was reduced to the level of an eternal giant.

But it surprised the old man!

There is still one person there, but he didn’t notice it!

“Sword of the Years.”

However, at the moment when the old man was surprised, Yang Hao’s supreme supernatural power descended instantly.

At the moment when the old man thought that his trump card was Anling Saint, his magical powers instantly fell into his body.

Immediately, the old man’s pupils shrank sharply.

His breath started to speed Jiang Mo!

There was only a few Shouyuan left, but it was cut off by Yang Hao in an instant!

“This 3.1, what supernatural power is this.”

The old man’s wide-open eyes were full of shock.

But it’s useless.

The divine sword of time, supreme magical powers.

There is no disadvantage to cut Shouyuan.

From the beginning, Yang Hao’s killer copper was this supreme magical power.

The old man has fallen.

When it fell, I still felt incredible.

He never thought that he would die of old age in an instant.

One of the three is missing.

On the other hand, Jiang Wu made a domineering move, with one enemy and two, and also severely wounded one of the old women to death.

There is no suspense in the battle.

Since Yang Hao released the Anling Saint, he didn’t intend to let any of them go.

After he beheaded the old man, even if the other two wanted to escape, there was no possibility.

This time, after being unable to use the magical powers of the years again for a short time, Yang Hao directly sacrificed the killing array.After the terrifying killing array power was combined with Yunyin, it was even more sharp and earth-shattering!

Only three minutes later.

Three old monsters that can suppress the sacred grounds and have supreme status in the outside world are all fallen under the siege of Jiang Wu, Yang Hao and Anling Saints.

at the same time.

Above the sky, three blood clouds appeared.

Eighty-one holy-level practitioners fell into the real world god array.

At the same time, after the appearance of the blood cloud, the True Realm God Array changed drastically. .

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