Chapter 120 Perfect fit! The name of the killing array is Honghuang! (5/7, please customize)

Return from the Holy Land of Good Fortune to the Eternal Sanctuary.

No one knew that Yang Hao had obtained the second order of Wanfa Stele Forest in the Holy Land of Good Fortune, and also took away a saint.

“Yunyin, I will play with you.”

Yang Hao is already the Supreme Array Mage at this moment. Although he still looks at King Immortal’s creations like a heavenly book, he can deduce 100,000 arrays together with Yunyin.

“With the master, you can use time acceleration, and you and me will be able to comprehend the formation map together, and it should be possible to reverse the best fit method of the Immortal King’s creation map in three years at most.”

Yun Yin responded softly when he heard the words.

“It shouldn’t take three years.”

“Although Anling is not of much use, it is also a saint anyway, controlling some of the power of time.”

“I alternate with him and I should be able to speed up a little bit.

Yang Hao said casually, he would start to contact time when he reached the level of the gods. As a saint, An Ling naturally controlled the power of time.

Although it is not as good as his talent of time after he has been favored by the long-term vision, the Anling Saint is better than the realm, and is a very good tool man.

After some arrangements, Yang Hao released the Anling Saint, and then couldn’t wait to start the performance with Yunyin.

Time flows, and two years have passed in a blink of an eye.

For practitioners, two years is too short.

Both Yang Hao and Yunyin were obsessed with deducing hundreds of thousands of formations, unable to extricate themselves, as if they had not sensed the loss of time at all.

“It’s done.”

On this day, Yang Hao’s eyes suddenly brightened, and he sensed that the Immortal King’s creation map in his body began to vibrate.

The endless mysterious trajectory began to rotate in his body.

After two years, plus the acceleration of time, he and Yunyin finally worked together for more than two decades to use one hundred thousand arrays to push the Immortal King’s creation map backwards.

Although neither he nor Yunyin still understood King Immortal’s creation map.

But it’s like on the Blue Star. Although I don’t know how to build a car, I have learned to drive.

One hundred thousand types of formations studied by one person and one spirit are the key to unlocking King Immortal’s creation map.

“Master, the essence of one hundred thousand formations is sufficient to deal with all the changes in King Immortal’s creation.”

“Next, you only need to run the Immortal King’s creation map and combine it with the various materials you have collected. Try a few more times and you should be able to find the perfect combination of the prototype of the killing formation.”

Yunyin’s voice came from Yang Hao’s ears, but he had no time to care about it at the moment.

He naturally understood these, and he even started to try it eagerly.

“Emperor Immortal’s killing array eyes.

“The essence of Emperor Jiuyou.

“The ancient rune of all things, out.”

“Kuihu True Blood, Jiuli True Blood, Dapeng True Blood

Yang Hao will use the various materials that have been prepared long ago, with the eternal emperor’s killing array as the core, and integrate all kinds of rare materials into the sea of ​​aura.

The steps of condensing the prototype of the killing formation are not difficult.

First merge and try to fit.

If you are satisfied with the fit, you will inject spiritual power and activate it.

The prototype of the killing array will evolve on its own according to the material and fit and its own foundation, and finally form a unique supreme killing array!

At this point, Yang Hao has already begun to try to fit again.

The Immortal King’s creation picture he was holding began to flash with strange fluctuations.

All the materials that Yang Hao merged were disassembled and combined by the mysterious waves of the Immortal King’s creation map.

These powerful and rare materials, except for the slow movement of the two emperors and cannot be dismantled, the other materials have become exceptionally compliant under the fluctuations of the Immortal king’s creation map, and finally turned into formation patterns. The thing is the core, and gradually formed a rudimentary killing formation.

“The fit is ninety-eight percent.

At this moment, Yang Hao sensed that the various rare materials in his body were almost completed under his urging Immortal King’s creation map, but after careful perception, he found that the fit was only 98%.

This kind of fit has far surpassed his first fit a few years ago.

Even for many princes against the sky, it is an excellent fit, and if they encounter it, they will be ecstatic.

“Come again.

But Yang Hao is not satisfied, his goal can only be perfection.

He once again urged the Immortal King’s creation map, and the mysterious fluctuations were once again washed away.

After several hours, a brand new combination appeared again.

“It’s still ninety-eight percent.

“not enough.

Yang Hao frowned, he had already reached this point, he had enough patience to try.

He began to constantly urge King Immortal to change the combination method.

Finally, three days later.

“hundred percent!”

Yang Hao’s spirits lifted, and he finally formed a perfect killing formation prototype!

“very good.”

His eyes flickered, and he felt more satisfied with the rudimentary killing formation in his body.

“Next, I will infuse my spiritual power to completely activate the prototype of the killing formation and use it for me.”

Unknowingly, Yang Hao has come to the final step of being promoted to the king rank.

Inject spiritual power into the prototype of the killing array, and completely activate the killing array!

Yang Hao has already begun to look forward to what a powerful supreme killing formation will evolve when he activates the prototype of this perfect killing formation.

The materials he used to create the prototype of the killing formation were terrifying!

Any form of formation eyes, formation patterns, or formation patterns, even if the emperor casts the prototype of the killing formation in the past, he does not necessarily have it!


“Although the essence and blood of the Great Emperor Jiuyou can be used by me to form a killing formation, the inside is still indestructible, and it is impossible to sense the secrets hidden inside.”

“But as I continue to nurture, sooner or later I will be able to break this drop of blood.

On the one hand, Yang Hao felt a little regretful, but on the other hand, he had already begun to introduce his own spirit power like a mountain like a sea into the prototype of the killing formation madly.

He seemed to be practicing peacefully at this moment.

In fact, the sea of ​​spiritual energy in the body has been washed away from endless turbulence!

Time passed by.

The rudiment of this killing formation, like a whirlpool of dissatisfaction, has been continuously devouring Yang Hao’s spiritual power.

The sea of ​​spiritual energy in Yang Hao dries up and replenishes Consummation. I don’t know how many reincarnations have taken place.

Finally, only a tremor was felt.

Yang Hao felt that he was completely sublimated.

The prototype of the killing formation in the body began to condense!

“What kind of killing array is this!”

The Yunyin that Yang Hao is watching constantly vibrates!

In front of her eyes, watching the killing formations slowly born in Yang Hao’s body made her unforgettable in her life!

In the killing formation, a series of phantoms exuding a terrifying aura flashed by!

Three thousand phantoms!

Although every breath has never overflowed from Yang Hao’s body.

But Yunyin can feel it!

Every sense of Yunyin surpasses that of a sage, and even surpasses the quasi emperor she has ever seen!

“Three thousand emperors?”

“how is this possible.”

Yun Yin’s beautiful eyes widened, and the horror in his eyes could not go away for a long time!

Three thousand figures comparable to the aura of the great emperor flashed in the embryonic form of Yang Hao’s evolution of the killing formation!


These three thousand phantoms comparable to the great emperor have gathered into a giant that penetrates the sky and the earth!

The breath of the giant is even more vast and terrifying!

It even surpassed the breath of just three thousand phantoms!


Yunyin is shocked!

She looked at the giant that the phantoms converged into, and she was the face of Yang Hao!

I don’t know when, this giant like Yang Hao has an extra giant axe in his hand!

Without saying anything, Yang Hao raised his giant axe and slashed into this dark world of killing formation!


The original prototype of the dark killing formation was slashed and torn by the giant axe in Yang Hao’s hands almost instantly!

The sky is clear and the earth is muddy, and a whole new world appears in the killing array!

Although this is a brand new world, Yunyin can feel that this world is full of endless depth and ancient aura!

“Obviously it is destruction, but it has brought a new life!”

“I feel a steady stream of vitality surging from the killing array.”

“This killing formation can directly mobilize the power of this world and burst out terrifying power.”

“Vai energy cannot be estimated.”

Yunyin’s Yan trembled subconsciously, the rudimentary form of the killing formation made her feel terrible.

“As we continue to finish (get Zhao Zhao) goodness, I am afraid that the master will be able to prove Dao Emperor by relying on this rudimentary killing formation alone!”

“Is this brought by King Immortal’s creation map?”

Yunyin is a Supreme Array Mage, so she can feel the horror in it even more.

Originally, she had imagined that the prototype of the killing formation created by Yang Hao would surely be earth-shattering, but when it really appeared in front of her, Yunyin was still shocked.

She kept giving birth to conjectures, trying to understand the embryonic form of the killing formation that Yang Hao gave birth to.

“Master, what are you going to call this killing formation?”

Yunyin sensed that the rudimentary form of the killing formation gradually stabilized, and the aura around Yang Hao began to change qualitatively.

She knew that Yang Hao had successfully promoted to Formation Realm and became a King of Heaven Defying.

She knows very well that as the owner of the prototype of this killing formation, Yang Hao must know the prototype of this killing formation better than her.

The intense curiosity made her ask Yang Hao eagerly.

Yang Hao heard Yunyin’s question, and at this moment, he gradually eased from the shock.

He felt the continuous and powerful force coming from his body as the new embryonic killing formation continued to operate. He took a deep breath and recovered from the shocked memories.

Spit out two words slowly.


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