Chapter 116 Elder C, Lin Feng? (1/7, please customize)

“Someone came here beforehand?”

Yang Hao was stunned when he heard the words. At this moment, no matter how hindsight he was, he had actually noticed it.

Here, it must be a secret place in the Forest of Ten Thousand Dharma Steles.

It is not surprising that the great fortune emperor was able to design the evil taste of Sequence God Crystal, and then quietly create a secret place.

He was able to come here, it should have triggered something inadvertently.

According to Yang Hao’s conjecture, the connection with his use of atmospheric transport magical powers is certainly not small.

“The Forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles has existed for so many years. It is normal for someone to come to this secret place with luck.” Yang Hao said to Yun Yin without thinking.


“According to my feelings, at most, someone has been here in this year.” Yunyin said.

She is the Grandmaster of the Array Dao, and she can sense many minor details from the huge sacred monument in this secret place.

These divine steles left by the great emperor of good fortune, recording a large number of formation records, in the eyes of the formations like Yunyin, are like living beings.

She can observe many tiny things in it.

“Somewhat interesting.

“If I remember correctly, the Holy Master of Good Fortune Holy Land said that the Forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles has started to change recently.”

“There is something interesting here, is it because someone has entered this secret place?”

It wasn’t the secret realm of Eternal Sanctuary, Yang Hao didn’t care if anyone entered this place, he just said casually, and didn’t care anymore.

“How many types of formations have we collected now?” Yang Hao seemed to think of something, and asked Yunyin again.

“This secret place is a very big opportunity. One hundred thousand kinds of formations have already been collected, and I have already deduced the master you again.” Yunyin immediately responded.

“Fortunately, I completed the collection ahead of schedule with this simplicity. I thought I would stay in this forest of Wanfa steles for several years.” Yang Hao sighed.

He knew that this 173 was obviously because of the crape myrtle luck, which made his current luck go smoothly and good luck again and again.

This kind of treatment makes him very comfortable, just like getting the protagonist’s luck.

“If that’s the case, then explore this secret place again.”

“If there is no other chance, then you can return to the Eternal Sanctuary to practice.”

Yang Hao secretly said in his heart that even though he has collected 100,000 arrays, he still has to use the power of time to accelerate the time for Yunyin.

Maintaining the power of time for a long time needs to maintain a lot of energy, and naturally needs to return to the Eternal Sanctuary to be able to practice well.

He had come to the end of this golden light-emitting path.

There is no way to go.

“what is that?”

But Yang Hao did not give up, still wandering around in this pure white and flawless space.

Unexpectedly, he finally found a strange shrine in the opposite direction of the path that radiated golden light.

The shape of the shrine is very simple and exudes endless ancient flavor.

“This is a magical formation.”

Yunyin’s voice was silent for a moment, and then came again, with a hint of shock in his tone.


Yang Hao squinted his eyes, his formation attainment has reached the 9th rank, naturally knowing that the divine formation is the highest formation that can be arranged by the formation mage.

Only the most powerful Supreme Array Mage can lay out the Divine Array, and it takes a lot of time and energy.

However, with his eyesight, no matter how you look at it, there is clearly a shrine in front of him, and it doesn’t look like a formation.

“It’s indeed a god array.”

“Solidified God Array, this solidified God Array should be used by the Great Fortune to store some divine objects.”

As soon as Yun Yin explained, Yang Hao understood it instantly.

There are too many strange gods in this world, and some gods are very fragile, and will be wiped out when touched.

It must be stored in the same divine object container, or sealed and stored in such a solidified divine formation.

He looked at the shrine in front of him, indeed it seemed to be used for storing divine objects.


“This sacred formation has two eyes.”

“One main formation eye and one secondary formation eye should be used to store the gods.”

“But now both of the two arrays are vacant, and they are obviously taken away by someone first.”

At this time, Yunyin’s regretful voice came.

Yang Hao frowned when he heard the words, remembering that Yunyin had just said that someone had come, and that person should have taken it if he wanted to.

“That’s it.

“You can’t go back empty when you enter Baoshan.”

“Yunyin, can you crack and remove this solidified sacred formation?”

He looked at the shrine before him.

Since the divine object was taken away in advance, it would not be a loss to take away the solidified divine formation.

It’s just that, based on his observations, this solidified sacred formation has been fixed to death in this void. If you want to take it away, you need to crack it.

“Some trouble, but it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Yun Yin was also taken aback when he heard the words, and said immediately.

Yang Hao’s jaw began to crack with Yunyin’s instructions.

Under the guidance of Yunyin, the Supreme Array Mage, Yang Hao spent several hours to completely crack this solidified divine formation.

Afterwards, he stretched out his hand and waved it.

Suddenly, all the shrines that turned this solidified divine formation into a sea of ​​auras.

“what is this?”

When the solidified spirit formation was taken by Yang Hao, Yang Hao blinked.

He discovered that after the solidified sacred formation disappeared, another golden avenue appeared unexpectedly.

“Great Fortune, you know how to play.”

Yang Hao’s eyes lit up, knowing that this must be another careful thought left by the Great Fortune.

Normally, if someone comes here, they must have taken the fetish from the solidified god array and left.

But who would take down the solidified sacred formation as well?

This is a god array!

Without the knowledge of the Supreme Array Mage, don’t want to take it away at all!

However, after dismantling, there is no heaven inside!

Not only Yang Hao, but Yunyin was stunned by Yang Hao’s luck.

“Master, there must be some gods in it.

Listening to Yunyin’s affirmative voice, Yang Hao laughed (bcdb) laughed.


He strode into this avenue in a stride, and walked straight down.

This avenue, which was hidden by the god array, was not like another trail, and there were no huge god monuments standing around it.

It seemed to be an unremarkable road, but it gave Yang Hao a surprise at the end!

A magnificent and huge palace appeared quietly at the end of the road.

This is a temple!

The whole body shines, and the holy light shines!

He walked in without hesitation, and was shocked by the sight before him.

“this is ”

After stepping into this temple, Yang Hao made many guesses.

Like the five emperors, many divine objects are suspended in it.

Or, like the previous sacred monument, there are more real solutions left by the Great Emperor.

But what Yang Hao didn’t expect was that after he stepped into this sanctuary, he seemed to step into the ancient starry sky!

The sky is full of stars all around, and the dark and endless space seems to have no end in sight!

Yang Hao didn’t look closely at these stars originally, but when he found that he was almost lost in this dark and endless space, he began to look for these stars as reference objects.

After placing his mind on the stars, Yang Hao was completely shocked.

“The god stele in the forest of Wanfa steles?”

His eyes entered silently, and the star he was immersed in just now contained familiar patterns and patterns.

With Yang Hao’s unforgettable memory, he naturally recalled one of the divine monuments he had observed in the forest of Wanfa monuments in an instant!

“It’s indeed the god monument.” Yunyin’s voice came again.

Yang Hao’s eyes narrowed.

Look at the other stars again.

Some stars are not familiar with them, and there are profound formations in them.

Some stars are very familiar with them, and they are clearly the monuments of the gods that have been observed before.

Yang Hao paid attention and found that these stars were almost endless, scattered in this pitch-black temple space.

“With the universe as the array and the week and the sky as the trail, the emperor’s whimsical ideas are truly unmatched.”

“Emperor Good Fortune deserves to be the strongest Array Master of the Crape Myrtle Star.

At this time, she heard Yunyin’s shocking sound, and she understood.

She began to explain in detail to Yang Hao, the more Yang Hao listened, the more shocked she felt.

Here is also the Forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles!

But it is the core of the Forest of Wanfa Steles.

According to Yunyin’s guess, the forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles is a large array, and countless array eyes are divided into the array.

Every array of eyes is a divine monument.

The divine stele is transformed into stars in the sanctuary, using the trajectory of the week and the sky as the law, simulating the continuous movement and derivation of the universe.

In the end, it continues to interweave and evolve on its own.

Just like the stars in the universe, it constantly breeds new life.

Formed one after another incomparable formations.

There will be more and more divine steles in the Wanfa Stele Forest, endless.


Yang Hao let out a foul breath, shocked by the emperor’s whimsy.

The Wanfa Stele Forest is more magnificent and profound than everyone imagined.

As he planned to take a closer look at the stars and stars, the entire universe trembled.


Yang Hao raised his brows and found the light shining in.

In front of him, it was restored to the interior view of a palace.

What catches the eye is a picture of the heavens and stars directly in front, hanging on it.

Below, there are big characters with golden streamers, shining brightly.

Yang Hao looked down slowly from top to bottom.

White jade.

Lin Feng.

Guo Huai.

These golden characters are radiant and dazzling.

Yang Hao just glanced at it, and it became clear.

“Is this the sequence in the Forest of Wanfa Steles?”

He moved his eyes and fixed his eyes on these golden characters.

Whenever he looked at a name, the corresponding message appeared.

White Jade, Great Good Fortune, the creator of the Forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles, the first sequence

Lin Feng, elders such as Holy Land of Good Fortune C, second sequence

Guo Huai, Supreme Elder, Holy Land of Good Fortune, Third Order

“Sacred Land of Good Fortune C and other elders, Lin Feng?”

Yang Hao blinked, seeing this name for the first time. ,

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