Chapter 114 Sage Ambush! Sequence God Crystal!

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Heaven and earth are all vaporized!

Fiery, enveloping the world where Yang Hao is.

But no trace of flame appeared.

“I will die in one minute.

Yang Hao felt instinctive, knowing that when he stepped into this monument of the killing formation, he had encountered the horror of life and death.

“Master, leave it to me.

At this time, Yunyin’s voice came from his ears.

Under Yunyin’s guidance, Yang Hao washed out a series of ancient runes and turned them into the world in all directions.

Gradually, the blazing heat subsided, and the killing array was shattered.

“This killing formation is very dangerous, even the gods can’t hold on for a minute.”

“Even a giant will fall in ten minutes at most.”

“If you want to crack it, you need the attainments of the eighth rank array mage.”

As the killing array shattered, Yunyin’s voice came.

She explained the principle of this killing formation to Yang Hao.

Up to now, she has collected more than 10,000 formation patterns in the Ten Thousand Fa Steles Forest, and at the same time Yang Hao has reached the realm of the sixth rank formation mage.

After feeling the terrifying talent of Yang Hao, even if Yang Hao did not deliberately ask, he was Yang Hao’s loyal subordinate.

Yunyin is still earnestly explaining some formation experience to Yang Hao.

“it is good.”

Yang Hao heard Yunyin’s guidance and listened with gusto while looking at the Divine Killing Array that appeared after the killing array was destroyed.

He found that he had opened the door to a new world.

With a strong comprehension, his array of attainments has increased crazily.

Soon, Yang Hao felt that the shackles of the God Monument of Killing Array disappeared, and he continued to move forward again.


Soon after, Yang Hao encountered a terrifying killing array again.

He has discovered that as he walks further and further, the simple and easy killing array has been thoroughly observed by him.

But Yang Hao didn’t care. With Yunyin’s help, their speed was still not slow, and they encountered more and more terrifying killing arrays one after another.

“Master, you are so powerful.

“This killing array has been able to threaten the eternal giant, you even cracked him by yourself.

“Are you already 9th grade?”

Another killing array was cracked, but at this time Yunyin’s shocked voice came.

Before she could speak, Yang Hao manipulated the rune of all things on his own, destroying the killing array just now.

According to Yunyin’s estimation, this killing formation requires the attainments of the Ninth Stage Mage to be able to crack it!

“No, how could it be so fast.

“I just reached the seventh rank, but after so many killing formations just now, and hearing your explanation, just a glance at the killing formation knows how to crack it, and that requires the 9th rank attainment.”

Yang Hao was a little surprised when he heard this.

He had just sensed that killing array just now, as if Xueba encountered the real question, he was delighted by Lie, and he knew it well, so naturally he cracked it easily.


After Yunyin heard Yang Hao’s words, she was completely silent.

She already knows Yang Hao, knowing it’s just telling the truth.

Because of this, she felt frustrated.

She was able to become a saint in the past, and she is also a peerless arrogant boasted all the way.

Now she finally saw the real evildoer, leaving her completely speechless.

The sun rises and the moon sets.

The outside world, Wanfa monument.

Yang Hao’s step count has exceeded 100,000 steps.

Many enthusiastic disciples came and looked forward to seeing the fallen disciples of the Holy Son of Shaking Light. Many of them couldn’t bear to look anymore and left.

Now Yang Hao’s achievements have surpassed the records of many elders in the Holy Land of Good Fortune.

Although there is still a long distance from the top record of 7 million steps from the Wanfa Monument, it is enough.

Yang Hao had already unknowingly let these disciples understand what is called Peerless Tianjiao.

Even under the premise that no one dared to enter the Holy Son of Shaking Light in the Ten Thousand Dharma Stele Forest, Holy Son of Shaking Light can still advance violently, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo.

“130,000 steps.”

“If you exceed a million steps, you will enter the sequence.”

The Saint Lord of Good Fortune in the distance looked at the number of Yang Hao’s steps on the Wanfa Tablet still flickering, his eyes became a little gloomy.

Before, he and the Anling Saint were still saying that once the luck is no longer useful, Yang Hao will definitely fall in the forest of Wanfa steles.

As a result, Yang Hao has now walked 130,000 steps in the Wanfa Stele Forest.

This means that Yang Hao has even broken many horror killing arrays after one hundred thousand steps!

If you surpass a million steps, Yang Hao will get the sequence of the Wanfa Stele Forest!

The sequence is the information that the Holy Lord of Good Fortune did not tell Yang Hao before!

Because even if there is no change in the Wanfa Stele Forest, in his opinion, Yang Hao, who doesn’t even have a formation realm, can’t walk more than a million steps in the Wanfa Stele Forest.

Since it can’t be reached, naturally I’m too lazy to talk.

But now it seems.

Everything is hard to say.

“It’s not that easy.

“One hundred thousand steps, the Nine-Rank Array Mage can walk.”

“But if you want to walk a million steps in the Wanfa Stele Forest, you need to be at least the Supreme Grade.”

“From the 9th rank to the supreme level, that is a great moat.”

“Even if he is a true Immortal divine body, it is impossible to see all 100,000 monuments at once.”

At this moment, many elders from the Holy Land of Good Fortune appeared, looking at the Wanfa Stele and talking calmly.

These elders did not notice that the Anling Saint had disappeared unconsciously.

“Before one hundred thousand steps, Ben Sheng is not easy to get started.

“But so greedy, I have already walked 100,000 steps in the Forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles and I still don’t retreat.”

“Just stay here forever.

At this time, Saint Anling sacrificed a crystal topaz that was a whole circle smaller than the square topaz owned by Lin Feng from the sea of ​​aura.

He looked at the crystal topaz and grinned.

Then it disappeared directly and appeared in the forest of Wanfa steles.

But the magical thing is that the name of the saint Anling did not appear in the Wanfa stele, and even Jiang Wu, who had been protecting the road outside, did not feel the slightest.


Although the Saint Anling appeared in the Forest of Wanfa Steles at this moment, he was only on the periphery.

Even as a saint, Anling saint did not dare to move a bit, instead he shot this crystal topaz and flew towards the depths of the Wanfa Stele Forest.

“found it.”

Anling Saint’s eyes moved, and he locked on the 150,000th step of the Killing Formation Monument in the Forest of Wanfa Monuments.

His crystal-shaped topaz slowly fell, sinking into the monument of the killing formation god.

“It is not a loss for a sequence god crystal in the forest of ten thousand magic steles to kill a peerless Tianjiao who has the posture of a great emperor.”

After the Sequence God Crystal was shot out, the Saint Anling closed his eyes and concentrated, and did not walk out of the Wanfa Stele Forest.

At this moment, he no longer has the guardian of the sequence god crystal, whether he is walking in the forest of Wanfa steles or walking out of the forest of Wanfa steles, he may be insightful by Jiang Wu.

He used to be the protector of Dongbo Holy Son, and he knows the duties of protector very well.

Once Jiang Wu’s insight, he will surely fall.

Therefore, Anling Saint chose to wait.

Wait until the Holy Son of Shaking Light falls and Jiang Wu goes crazy before leaving.

“How many kinds are there?”

“Enjoy the master, there are about thirty thousand kinds.”

“Then go ahead.

Yang Hao didn’t know how much time he had spent in the forest of Wanfa Steles at this time. He had already walked almost 150,000 steps in the Forest of Wanfa Steles, and he had watched nearly 20,000 God steles along the way.

It is indeed a forest of steles.

There are several types of formations in each sacred stele.

But as more monuments were observed, more and more repeated patterns appeared.

Yang Hao has discovered that now it is necessary to observe a few sacred monuments before it is possible to observe an unrecorded formation.

“It seems that it takes at least a million steps, or even millions of steps, to see more than 100,000 types of formations.”

“Fortunately, there is no superior formation mage like Yunyin, but there is no big problem.

Along the way, Yang Hao also found out.

Although the killing array encountered was getting more and more terrifying, Yunyin was able to solve it with ease.

His current vision is constantly improving as he continues to observe the Forest of Wanfa Steles.

According to his estimation, with Yunyin’s skills in the formation, there is no big problem in easily walking millions of steps in the forest of Wanfa steles.

Therefore, Yang Hao is not in a hurry.

On the contrary, he enjoyed it quite a bit.

The Wanfa Stele Forest has brought 173 great benefits, and at this moment he has reached the realm of the Eighth Stage Array Mage.

“The one hundred and fifty thousandth step.

Yang Hao counted silently, stepping in.

Subsequently, the familiar scenery suddenly changed.

There seemed to be peace in front of me.


“It seems that this killing array shouldn’t be difficult.”

Yang Hao looked around and looked at the surrounding scenery, but quickly felt that something was wrong.

Because he discovered that his current eighth-rank formation mage’s formation skills are completely invisible!

“Master, be careful.”

“This formation is not simple.”

“Next, you do as I do.”

At this time, Yunyin’s very cautious voice came.

Hearing Yunyin’s cautious voice, Yang Hao’s expression also became serious.

He knew that he might have encountered an extremely terrifying killing array.

If you don’t pay attention, you might fall on the spot.

In the face of this unknown crisis, Yang Hao didn’t just use it for himself, but followed Yunyin’s prompts to continuously type out a series of ancient runes.

This time, it took longer than any previous killing array.

Only half an hour passed before Yang Hao felt the scene change.

“No problem.

“The killing array just now is extremely terrifying. If the master triggers it without authorization, even the saint will fall here.”

“It seems that our luck this time is very bad. It should be because of the translocation of the stele forest.

“According to the previous law of the appearance of the Ten Thousand Fa Stele Forest, this killing array should appear after at least five million steps.

Yunyin’s words made Yang Hao also feel a sense of aftermath.

A killing array that can punish the saints!

Such a terrifying killing array, no matter how evil he is, he can’t solve it.


“what is this?”

Suddenly, Yang Hao’s eyes condensed. He discovered that the god monument appeared slowly in front of him. There was a golden light color that had never been seen before, and it shimmered slightly, floating in front of this terrifying killing formation god monument. .

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