The endless desert is filled with grass and monster remains, and it looks particularly desolate.

At this time, the entire forest thieves group was in a good mood, because according to Lin Shu's description, they would soon make a fortune.

As the Sand Pirates who had not finished their meal, they were naturally excited to have such a stable job for the first time.

All of this was inseparable from the leadership of leader Lin Shu, so slowly, all the bandits began to recognize his status, and developed a strong sense of belonging to the name of the Forest Bandits.

The hell wolves walked very quickly in the desert, and soon they returned to the forest bandit group's station.

Their main business now is still to make a living by intercepting the goods of passing merchants, or to pick up the wandering bandit teams and rob everything of value.

Those who resist will be killed, while those who comply will be incorporated into the forest bandit group and become new bandit members if they wish.

Unknowingly, the name"Forest Bandits" gradually spread around. the next day.

Lin Shu had long ago ordered Ka Scar to lead several powerful bandit brothers to capture some monsters in the surrounding desert, regardless of their quality.

If the hard work of synthesizing monsters a few days ago was to make money, then now he has to consider the strength of his men.

Although they have the powerful Desert Wolf Cavalry, the other professionals in the forest thieves group are still weak as a whole and their strength is still lacking.

Lin Shu must work hard on this if he wants to enhance the overall combat effectiveness of his band of thieves and dominate this desert.

After living here for a few days, he had a certain understanding of the pattern in the Death Desert.

In this lawless land, there are many large and small thieves groups and sand bandit dens. They are competitors with each other, and they are also enemies that spy on each other!

For example, near the Forest Bandits Group, there are three other groups of bandits living in their three directions, occupying several kilometers of desert hunting territory.

During Kascar's explanation, he also learned that these bandit forces are also divided into levels according to their strength: D、C、B、A、S

Among them, the D-level thieves group is the weakest. The desert is full of such ant gangs, while the S-level thieves group is the strongest. It can be said that they are very few in number and seem to only have one.

The Forest Bandits, before Lin Shu arrived, was just a C+ level bandit group, occupying a small desert area several kilometers around.

But after Lin Shu reorganized the knight profession, they have officially entered the B-level ranks, and even destroyed their latest mortal enemy.——C+A group of thunder thieves. Captured more desert territory.

Because of this, there are only the last four desert bandit forces left in the desert within a radius of a hundred miles.

The Forest Bandits Group is naturally one of them.

There is an unwritten rule circulating in the Burning Sand: the leader of a qualified B-level bandit group must be a silver-level strongman, and the strength of the bandits under his command cannot be too weak, otherwise it will stretch the overall strength of the entire group.

It just so happened that the forest thieves group had stabilized in the B-level ranks.

In terms of strength, if you want to reach A level, the leader must reach gold level strength, and all members of the thieves group must break through to bronze level professionals.

In this way, we can call it an A-level thieves group!

Unfortunately, even though Lin Shu has the strength of the ninth level of gold, the strength of the sand bandits under him is not that good. Most of them are black iron level professionals...

On this scale, they are probably still very powerful. It is difficult to compete with other forces.

In his plan, the best solution is to use powerful, high-quality monsters to make up for the weakness of lack of combat effectiveness.

"Ahem, remember, no matter how bad the quality of the monster is, just catch it for me... Then, send a few brothers to some nearby thieves' teams to advertise the monsters and attract more customers."Lin Shu patted Kaba's shoulder and instructed.

If you want to get rich, you can't just rely on cooperation with the Boulder Caravan, you can also do some small business in the desert!

After all, the goal is to monopolize desert monsters, so Lin Shu naturally has to make full preparations in this regard.

For a successful businessman, after having high-quality goods, the next most important thing is naturally the issue of reputation!

As long as the reputation of their forest thieves group spreads, they naturally don't have to worry about future sales channels.

"Yes!"Ka Scar's eyes were solemn. He knew that what Lin Shu gave him was related to the lifeblood of the thieves group's development, so he did not dare to neglect it.

Afterwards, Ka Scar led the monster catching team and advertising team, and the troops were immediately divided. The two groups left the mountain and entered the endless hot Gobi.

After arranging these arrangements, Lin Shu sat on his own stone bed and couldn't help but think about what kind of monsters could enhance the combat effectiveness of the magician and priest professions. ?

Of these two professions, one is a magical skill for rapid attacks, while the other is the key to healing injuries.

Both are extremely important and can play a huge role in the cruel desert..

The little black dragon was keen on attacking other thieves, so Lin Shu made this guy serve as the intelligence department, and went to all the surrounding forces to gather information.

Anyway, as a sixth-level monster, this guy is a member of the dragon clan. It was difficult for anyone to threaten it here, and Lin Shu was relatively relieved.

The next day, Kascar returned with dozens of monsters, of which there were many types, almost all of which were low-level monsters common in the Gobi and deserts.

But Lin Shu. Not that he disliked it. It was these low-quality monsters that he was looking for!

It would be some time before the giant stone caravan returned from selling monsters when the goods arrived. Lin Shu was not in a hurry and invested in the new monsters. Synthesizing


【ancient crock】+【magic wand】+【consciousness crystal】=【?】

"synthesis!"Lin Shu didn't know how many times he clicked this button. Suddenly a white light came out, and he showed a look of anticipation.

【Ding! The monster synthesis is completed, congratulations on obtaining: B-level quality - four-legged clay jar monster! 】

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