For Black Bart, the six dark gold lord level experts are still too powerful for him and are not at the same level at all.

Although dragons are naturally extremely proud, Black Bart is different. He is not the kind of person who would lose his life because of his pride.

If it doesn't work, remember the appearance of these people now. When you become an adult, you can come back to take revenge. At that time, you can drive out all these humans.

As he spoke, Black Bart looked around calmly, and immediately took out a conical stone, which was engraved with various profound runes and looked like some kind of magic instrument.

When it fished out this cone-shaped magic instrument, everyone was stunned, especially the six-path lord-level figure in the sky.

"No, this little black dragon is trying to escape!"At this time, a magic lord suddenly shouted loudly, with an anxious look in his eyes.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, the six-path lord-level figure suddenly disappeared from the ground and turned directly into several residual monsters. Shadow, aiming directly at the little black dragon wearing an eggshell

"Hey, I want to catch you, Grandpa Long, but you old men are still a little green!"Black Bart said, a bright light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his speed became faster.

Lin Shu was also confused at this time. Although he had never seen it before, he could clearly see that this little black dragon seemed to want to Run away!

"Brother Long, are you running away? Take me one!" Lin Shu squinted his eyes and suddenly shouted loudly.

As he said that, the little black dragon seemed a little anxious, especially when he felt the six terrifying auras rushing towards this side, he also hurriedly shouted:"Brother , help me stop those six old men, let's go together!"

The auras of the six dark gold-level lords were approaching rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they had already reached the ground.

The little black dragon knew that if he wanted to quickly complete this space teleportation formation, he must not be disturbed by these old men. Otherwise, no matter how fast it is, it will be interrupted.

After all, those six terrifying figures are all dark gold level lords, that is, the relative strength of eighth-level monsters is simply not something it can compete with at the moment.

"Brother Long, rest assured, leave this to me!" Lin Shu's eyes turned cold, and he was even more ruthless in his heart when he felt the six lords approaching.

"Block them for me!"

Under Lin Shu's wave, three huge epic-level monsters immediately surrounded the six figures.

The overwhelming black mist of the Undead Emperor, the huge waves of trees like a wave of the Dryad Emperor, and the huge waves that could make The extreme ice that froze everything struck!

The entire Sunset Forest suddenly caused ripples, sweeping across the surrounding trees and rocks in horror.

Not far away, the servants from the major forces appeared. The soldiers and powerful men from all sides also opened their eyes wide and were watching this terrifying scene.

"No, this energy fluctuation is too strong, everyone, please retreat!"At this time, a mercenary suddenly shouted. Once the strength of the six dark gold level lords and Lin Shu's top level nine gold level strength come into contact, it is estimated that half of the forest will be razed to the ground.! And under the fluctuation of this terrifying energy, all the mercenaries and adventurers around will be affected, and if they are not careful, they will probably be killed.

Retreating, it can be said that he used his whole life's strength, turning into a series of swift shadows, galloping towards the outside!

Lin Shu's whole body burst out with golden fighting spirit, violently sweeping through everything around him, and directly used" The god-level skills of"human and animal integration" have copied the powerful skills of the three monsters!

Under the pressure of the six dark gold-level powerhouses, he himself may have to take action against the three monsters who have temporarily reached the eighth level. The monster is strong enough to resist several dark gold level lords. If Lin Shu, a master of gold level 9 beast taming, uses all his strength, he should be able to hold it back for a while and a half.

"Boy, you can't stop us, get out of the way! Lord Sabi said coldly.

"This guy has repeatedly ruined our plans. Damn it! I’ll argue with you later!"Lord Rook looked angry, and the fighting energy in his body had exploded, sweeping around crazily.

The white light exploded, and suddenly turned into a tornado, destroying everything around, and the wind howled!

For a time, many people who had no time to escape were In this strong wind, he was torn into pieces.

On the other side, the collision of six dark gold-level lords made Lin Shu feel shaken and a trace of blood spilled from his mouth.

If it weren't for the three epic-level monsters who helped him. Standing in front, it is estimated that Lin Shu will suffer greater damage. Even if Lin Shu's three monsters have reached the eighth level and have tremendous power, it is still a bit far-fetched to fight against six dark gold lords at the same time.

On one side, the little black dragon was almost completing the magic circle. Lin Shu suddenly felt cruel and attacked Lord Rook suddenly.

"Old man, I will cripple you!"Lin Shu yelled, with a hint of anger in his eyes. Before leaving, he felt that he had to collect some interest.

Luke, an old man, just wanted to spy on his monster, but relied on his own strength to force him to hand over the monster. It's simply disgusting!

As a master of beast training at the ninth level of gold, Lin Shu's power is not something that ordinary dark gold levels can resist at will when he uses his full strength.

The terrifying power sweeps through the entire Dragon Cave area and directly destroys objects around him.

Lin Shu very thoughtfully blocked the position of the little black dragon to prevent it from being disturbed.

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