Upon hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and they looked at the skeleton wearing the crown, and were shocked.

It has almost become a common knowledge that undead monsters are very rare on the entire continent.

Even an ordinary undead type is like this, let alone those extremely high-quality monsters. Whenever one appears, others will spend a lot of money to buy it.

The skeleton wearing the crown is not only a seventh-level monster, but also not a monster of ordinary quality. It may be a lord-level existence among undead monsters!

Of course, this is all speculation. Even the silver-level master of the Beast Taming Guild has never seen a monster of this quality, so he is naturally strange and wary.

Just when no one could react, bursts of black mist suddenly emerged from everywhere, and the temperature became colder.

At this moment, a bone hand suddenly emerged from under the originally flat soil, and then a complete skeleton monster broke out of the ground, with green flames burning in its empty eyes.

"Is that... a D-level monster, a skeleton warrior?"Someone recognized the identity of the monster.

If we talk about the lowest-level monster race of the undead, it is probably these skeleton monsters. Not only is their defense weak, but their attacks are also pitifully few.

However, this is not the end. The soil around them cracked, and skeleton warriors appeared one after another. There were also skeletons holding shields and rusty swords in their hands. Each one was full of energy, as if they were soldiers going to the battlefield!

Through the black mist emanating from the surroundings, many people also guessed that these low-level skeleton monsters were summoned by the huge skeleton wearing a crown. In just a few seconds, nearly a hundred skeleton warriors, skeleton dogs, skeleton shield soldiers and other four or five kinds of monsters appeared, looking in the direction of the major forces with unfriendly faces.

"Humph, what kind of disturbance can a group of D-level low-level monsters create?"At this time, Xuefei's eyes turned cold, and her heart was filled with murderous intent. As a gold-level hunter, she did not need to be afraid of these monsters with only one or two levels of strength.

Others also showed contempt, deep in their hearts. The original worries had all disappeared, and it turned out to be just a false alarm.

However, at this moment, a loud noise was heard, and not far away, the soil was broken and scattered in all directions, and a huge bone giant appeared in his hand. Carrying the thigh bone of an unknown animal

"That is... a B-level quality monster... a skeleton giant!"At this time, many members of the Beast Taming Guild also exclaimed, changing their calm expressions before.

Skeleton giants are monsters left in the world by some of the dead troll races, and their bodies have been eroded by dark magic. Buried in the soil, after a long period of time, it finally turned into an undead monster!

This monster inherited the savagery and great strength of its life. It is not afraid of pain and some low-level light magic. It is extremely brave and is an expert at charging into battles and conquering cities!

"A B-level quality monster shouldn't be able to be summoned just because it wants to be summoned. There is probably only one, so the situation is pretty stable.……"Although the silver-level expert from the Beast Taming Guild was surprised, he still breathed a sigh of relief. If there was only one skeleton giant, it would not pose much of a threat.

If the number increases, it will probably be a big trouble!

As soon as he finished speaking, the black mist continued to spread, and the soil broke apart, and dozens of figures emerged. They were the skeletal giants from before...

However, this phenomenon did not end with this, but instead gradually increased in number. Like it will never stop

"Stop that monster from continuing to summon!!"Finally, someone discovered the seriousness of the matter and shouted hurriedly.

In an instant, all the gold-level powerhouses realized the seriousness of the matter, disappeared in place, and rushed towards the undead emperor not far away!

They want to prevent this monster from continuing to summon monsters.

Although these low-level monsters have no impact on them, they are dangerous enemies of the following group of young geniuses. If this continues, the genius elites of the major forces will probably die in large numbers!

"Die, boy!"Bibos's eyes flashed brightly, and he rushed towards the trees at a speed like a ghost.

As an imperial prince born in a dense forest, he chose the thief profession since he was a child, and at the age of thirty-eight , has been promoted to a gold-level thief, and is good at various assassination methods!

He also knows that as long as he kills Lin Shu, those terrifying seventh-level monsters will be defeated without a fight.

However, Bibos also ignored an important issue. , that is, he has forgotten that Lin Shu is also a gold-level powerhouse, and he is still at the ninth level of gold!

"Well come."Lin Shu smiled faintly, with an extremely relaxed look on his face, and then took a step back. Instead of defending forward, he fired the archer fiercely towards his right side.

"not good……"

At that moment, the ghost-like Bibos appeared there, ready to give Lin Shu a fatal blow from the side.

He didn't expect that this young boy could predict his attack position!

‘With a scream of"Ah", Bibos flew out like a kite with its string broken. The chest that was hit seemed to burst open, and blood flowed out!

In an instant, he, a gold-level thief, was completely defeated by an animal tamer in terms of speed, which he was best at!

Other gold-level powerhouses originally wanted to attack the forest trees directly, but they had already been stopped by the Glacier Titan and the Dryad Emperor. Ice and tree vines were flying all over the sky, and they were fighting fiercely!

The dryad emperor's red eyes glowed, and thick vines suddenly grew within a radius of several hundred meters, sweeping towards the center like a forest appearing out of thin air!

"not good!!"

Looking at the overwhelming huge branches and vines, everyone's expressions changed. It is estimated that even a silver-level wood attribute magician would not be able to control the forest on such a scale!

Not only that, but the summoned undead souls All the monsters, under the orders of the Undead Emperor, were rushing towards the people of the major forces, and the most hateful thing was that the huge ice crystal giant, with the huge anchor hook in his hand, was already flying towards them. Come, with the terrifying freezing cold air, overwhelming and unstoppable!

(PS: Continue to update... I will try to update you as much as possible today. The author has been adjusting his status in the past two days and will give you more updates when he gets erect!)

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