
Chapter 217 One Shot (Third Time Off 22)

This guy, something is wrong.

Sitting at the banquet table, Kurius' face was gloomy and uncertain, and Figo's performance just played back from time to time in his mind.

Seeing the captain's favorite way of punishing prisoners, those who profess justice will hate and fear, and those who are cruel will appreciate and awe.

But no one would say the words 'I am satisfied' or even urge dinner.

That attitude is like... an adult's helplessness to a naughty child's prank?

No, how is that possible.

Although the captain looks like a crazy child who has not grown up, as one of the Pirate Yonko in the universe standing at the top of the starry sky, unless it is the powerful king of the same level, no one else dares. Face the captain with this attitude!

Unless this guy is crazy.

Is the King of the Blue Sea a lunatic? He looked at Figo, who was eating so much.

The other top officials of the Plague Pirates were also very uncomfortable. The expected response from Figo did not appear, but instead made them look like clowns, with killing intent surging in their hearts.

Not the hostility of the unfathomable mystery, after Ares and Figo had their first call, they were already making preparations to keep Figo behind.

Because of heart-to-heart, they do not believe that Figo will not take seriously after Ares threatens the safety of the entire Star Sea. This is a potential enemy of the plague Pirates, and there is still a certain strength and very dangerous enemy. Of course, we must remove it as soon as possible. Lose! Eyes communicate in the air.

Figo seemed completely unaware.

Only eat.

What is this meat? The nutrition is actually countless times richer than that of the giant Sea King. If a child can grow from a snack to an adult, I am afraid that it does not need cultivation and can easily SR.

The satiety of this kind of rice is a hundred times higher than that of ordinary rice, which is suitable for the king of the body. This colorful mushroom is also very delicious...

Figo one after another tasting table He served those dishes he had never seen before. The taste was average, but the ingredients were not good enough. He quickly killed the stall beside him and waved back.

"Give me some more."

Squatting on a chair to eat, he is happily discussing with Odak about various ways of dying from illness and what kind of painful death will be experienced before death Ares, who will show what kind of appearance later, turned his head, very happy, and waved over there.

So the two walked over with zombie steps.

They are indeed corpses, but they have been given immortality by special bacteria, possessing wisdom and being the best labor force.

At first, Figo saw that Ares and Odak were a perfect match, almost like grandfather and grandson.

As a result, the dining table environment became more and more bizarre, and the top executives of Pirates, who were the masters, only felt that the food was hard to swallow for a while.

Odak praised in his heart: 'That's it, the more synchronized the performance is with Ares, the higher the possibility of getting out of the body, and then... take good care of me Old Gu ladies, Woohoo...'

"Odak grandfather, you don't seem very happy, are you dissatisfied with the way of death?"

Ares asked him thoughtfully.

Odak was silent for a while and sighed: "Aris, after all these years, do you really still complain that I rescued you back then? You really still think it's better to be a Demon Race than a human being. ?"

"Odak grandfather, I should be the one to ask you." Ares opened his mouth wide: "Why are you still stupid enough to think I want a normal life until now? ?It doesn't matter whether you are a Demon Race or a human being!

As long as you are not a so-called normal person.

Even if you can change my mind, you can give me one Normal past? Can you make me forget the blood on my hands?!"

Odak looked at Ares' crazy and rational smile, and Ding Dong put down his chopsticks.

He finally knew where the differences were.

"You should have said this when he killed those two children." Figo suddenly interjected at this time: "Say 'Ares, you did good, you completed my final test, and later You're my most important tool', or if you just kill him, he won't be sad."

"Oh, so, then I'll be very happy." Ares agrees road.

Odak pulled a wry smile from the corner of his mouth.

Pirate cadres looked at each other in confusion, what the hell is going on with this guy?

Fortunately, the next moment, the development of things finally returned to the right track, Ares said: "But the matter between me and Odak grandfather, it is not your turn to judge, be quiet, Blue Sea King!"

Kris immediately seized the opportunity: "One more thing, the king of the Blue Sea. The captain told you not to embarrass the mice we sent, why, they all lost contact ?"

"en?" Ares wrinkled his nose.

Odak face changed.

Figo chews the meat slowly.

The atmosphere finally becomes, with swords drawn and bows bent! ......

At the same time, eight hundred miles apart, a gun silently aimed at the castle.

The god general swayed his cloak, and the eighth god general squinted and fine-tuned the muzzle.

After reaching a certain strength, firearms become difficult to take out, but in fact, it is only used by fewer people, rather than firearms having no prospects.

Firearms can also ignite lights! And in the entire starry sky, the most famous gun god is the eighth god general Divicevan.

Although it is not the brightest light, his firearm light is also close to Fourth Stage, supplemented by the same Busoshoku Haki, Heavenly Dragon star's strongest firearm technology, and then blessed with special fruit ability, The formidable power is extremely impressive, with countless records of killing three Kings of Lights with one shot.

Before he intervened in the battle between Fravo and Beelzebub 14 years ago, he fired three shots from a distance, wounding Beelzebub! He's ready to shoot again.

The bullet will go through Figo's body, killing Mad Scientist Aldak while completing the objectives of warning Figo and killing the fugitive! Of course, the King of the Blue Sea is different from the usual three Kings of Lights, and has the opportunity to hide from the past.

That's better, maybe that madman Ares will take anger on Figo because of Odak's death, and he will be treated differently by the demon prophet of Beelzebub, who has lived in the East Cosmos Sea for countless years and will die as soon as he walks out. Figo, who first came into contact with Ares, in his mind, the real number is an unsettling factor.

The Sixth God General is too arrogant, if not for his indulgence, the scourge of Beelzebub might have been eradicated by them earlier.

Get it when it's time to get it!


No gunpowder crackling, just the tiny buzzing of a mosquito's wings.

A Crimson's bullet distorted the air, flew to the flying boat castle in a flash, passed through the open window, turned a corner, deftly avoided all non-target objects, and hit the banquet hall!


In the banquet hall, Figo just swallowed the meat into his stomach, opened his mouth, and frowned suddenly.

Aris, who was squatting on the chair, also froze slightly, and threw himself at Odak in a rage.

Bullet time.

Aris' swooping, which is beyond the sight of ordinary people, is very slow, and the surprised expressions of the Pirate cadres have just climbed, and Odak thought that Ares changed his mind and wanted him now. My face turned green and terrifying...

And then, boom!

The sound of the explosion sounded at Figo, the flying boat castle rumbled and vibrated, and the Pirate cadres in the right position only saw a red bullet embedded in the palm of Figo lifting's right hand, and the violent force was coming. During the expansion out!

But the next moment, with Figo's fist clenched, the explosion flame that just rose was completely extinguished to nothing, so that Ares' flying boat was not turned into fireworks.

Which bastard fired the gun? ! Boss hasn't given an order yet, crazy? ! With a thud, Ares threw Odak to the ground, and when he saw this scene, he was also relaxed, angrily roared: "Divitzevan!!"

Almost, almost , I can't kill Odak grandfather with my own hands! His figure vanished with a swish.

The standing Pirate cadres looked at each other in amazement, Divitevan? Celestial Dragon The eighth general? !

How dare that guy...wait? Who fired the gun?

His eyes suddenly returned to Figo.

Figo threw the crushed bullets on the table and muttered, "The eighth general? What's the thinking? What's wrong?"

He shook his head, yes The Pirates, who looked straight at the bullet, said, "Let's eat it? Come on, change the table, and explain to you while you eat, why the mice you sent to the Blue Sea Marine...were all caught by me. now!”

(end of this chapter)

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