
Chapter 205 The water is too deep

"This planet is a little weird."

After getting rid of the Sixth God's attack and standing in front of Yana, Beelzebub looked at the direction where Roger fell and said the first sentence.

Figo didn't find him, Yana didn't find him, and even Baiji couldn't find him in advance, but he was noticed by a weak man who lit a lamp and reminded Figo!

"Indeed, there seems to be some kind of very special inheritance." The sixth general said.

Figo did not stand with him, let alone in the same direction as Beelzebuyana, but in a third position, until the gigantic figure of the savage giant Lago came flying, and said : "didn't expect little Blue Sea, today will be so lively, one by one will come in turn."

"After today, this place is no longer a small place." The sixth god general said : "Captured and killed hundreds of Beelzebub's children, including four demons. Even in the central Star Domain, it would take several decades for such a battle to break out."

"God, don't Xibu, there is trouble here, chef." La Ke rushed over and said.

"Ah." Figop nodded.

Beelzebub would come in person, which he didn't expect, let alone a superhero.

If this is going to break out in the Blue Sea, some losses are unavoidable, it's best to take them to the New World Sea Territory and let the giant Sea Kings help stop losses on the shore.

He planned for the worst, but in his heart he felt that the battle would not necessarily be fought.

The star demon who was sluggish also flew over, with the same expression as Yana. What is going on? Not only Yana is hiding in the dark, but Sir Father has also been hiding in the dark?

"Sir Father, what the hell..."

The sixth god answered him with a playful voice: "Beelzebub was worried that his favorite daughter would be in danger, so he committed The danger is coming to the East Universe Sea, no, he is blocked by me, he can't go back."

Is that so? Yana really hoped that was the reason, it would make her feel guilty, but at least the father was still the father in her mind.

Beelzebub didn't respond, he just looked towards Figo, didn't say anything about Figo's provocative phone call before, looked calm and asked: "Garthton Figo, in this battle, you were caught by you. What do you plan to do with my children living here?"

"What do you want me to do with it?" Figo asked in return: "Or, what kind of answer do you want to hear from me?"

"Do you want to send them to the Demon Suppression Prison and let them be tortured by Celestial Dragon and turn into one after another Devil Fruit?" Beelzebub asked directly.

The Sixth God will look towards Figo.

"No...you must have hoped to hear such an answer from me." Figo shook his head and said, "Perhaps you have investigated my past, or maybe you have predicted something, do you think I will You will dislike the existence of Demon Suppression Prison, will sympathize and help you Demon Race?"

Beelzebub's eyes were deep.

"Heh, probably starting from Tirlea, it's no coincidence, your spirituality foresight tells you it's beneficial, you want to arrange me, you're guiding me, making me sympathize with Demon Race, Even at the risk of letting Aato go to death, do you think I am the key person who can change the situation of Demon Race?"

The sixth general raised his eyebrows.

Hey, are you too confident? Bao Yu, who secretly observed the heartache and couldn't take this confrontation scene, complained in his heart, and suddenly found that Beelzebub's face showed a hint of surprise.

Damn, it can't be true, can it? !

Just this one person, can change the situation of Demon Race? Can this prediction be trusted? ! "You've been leading in that direction as much as you can, finding a strong ally for the ailing Demon Race, for which all your children can be sacrificed, except her."

Figo gestures to Yana, adds.

Yana looked towards Beelzebub.

That's it?

You see that this man will grow very strong, and will not take refuge with Celestial Dragon, so you arrange Ato's death and this war, looking for an opportunity for him to conflict with Celestial Dragon? That's right, considering his current strength, Biato is much more important to Demon Race if he considers it purely in terms of interest, but how can this be considered purely in terms of interest? Sir Father! "If you have a chance, do some more predictions and see if the result is still the same."

Figo said: "I hate this kind of prophetic arrangement, and I will not accept it. !"

Bullshit! Xingmo Yagu understood half of it, and was furious in his heart, Sir Father would not be such a person... You should refute it!

Beelzebub remained silent.

The sixth god will chuckle: "It sounds like you, a clever person, a prophet, may become the victim of his own ingenuity, Beelzebub, originally the king of the Blue Sea would Is it a hidden danger for our Celestial Dragon?"

Beelzebub's expression remained unchanged, and said: "It seems to be self-defeating, but do you dare to be completely at ease? Bruce Fravor."

"Don't use this kind of childish provocation, Beelzebub, you should look at the eyes of your children." The sixth god general laughed, and slightly nods to Figo.

Figo also nodded in greeting: "I have joined the Star News, Sixth God General, please forgive me for not wanting to drag the Blue Sea into the quagmire of the war with Demon Race. But Beelzebub is here. , I will naturally fight hard to help you kill Beelzebub, bro Lake, please help."

"en!" Figo platform.

The sixth god also seemed very satisfied with Figo's statement, and reached out to Figo and Lahu: "You don't need to take action, just don't resist and lend your strength to me, that's enough. ”

The voice fell, and Figo clearly felt a sharp drop in strength, almost falling straight halfway! Pulling the shell is the same feeling, but the decrease in physical defense is not so obvious.

The sixth god, Blue Fravo, is Paramecia's borrowed fruit, Ability User. This fruit was developed to the extreme by him, and the effect is extremely exaggerated! Half of Figo's power and half of Rako's defense are blessed on him, the sixth general's strength has risen to a level in an instant, Beelzebub's forbidden power expansion, in Figo and Rako willing to borrow Under such circumstances, it cannot limit the fruit effect of the sixth divine general.

"Get out of here first, Yanayaku!"

Beelzebub let out a low voice, and attacked the incoming sixth general.

The sky immediately became dark again. After several collisions, four silhouettes drilled out of the planet's protective film one after another, traversing the starry sky, and the battle was gone.

Figo, who was temporarily borrowed half of his strength, did not resist, and naturally he did not pursue it.

This is the best result for Blue Sea.

'Does Beelzebub only stand on the First Layer or on the Second Layer? If I was standing on Second Layer, his intentional arrangement was to stimulate my resistance...'

The water is too deep here.

The current Figo is still rough.

But as he said, no matter what the arrangement is, he will not accept it. He silently set a small goal in his heart. Next time we meet, he will definitely follow Beelzebub and let Beelzebub explain!

(end of this chapter)

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