The Great Master - Muchen: I'm not envious, but Lu Bu's opportunity is indeed good.

Swallowing the Starry Sky-Luo Feng: That's right...

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: ..., you two don't need to talk about this. The opportunities you two have in the future are truly incredible.

Uchiha Madara: Let's talk about it, Lu Bu's talent and skills are indeed quite good, although there is an upper limit.

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: I'm not envious. Senior Pluto said it well. Real strength comes from supreme belief. I don't need these things!


Three Kingdoms World.

Lu Bu looked at his own data and sensed his own terrifying power.

His grin almost reached the back of his head. .


Ascending to Heaven Chapter!!! My skills are indeed mysterious!!

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: My friends, watch out, Bu will be massacred next!!

Happy girl - Yan Lingji: Come on! Uncle Lu Bu, these princes are not cute at all, stab them to death!

Xiao Longnu: Senior Lu Bu's broadmindedness makes me admire him. He has been holding back until now. It's time to explode!

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Hang: I... Actually, I don't think senior Lu Bu has tolerated it anymore... He seems to be quite happy to be filial...

The True Gentleman of Huashan - Yue Buqun: There is something about Yue that is unclear about filial piety and smile. With Miss Zhao's talent, she should not be able to admit it.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, this is a synonym for Tongsheng...

You just came here, so you may not understand this kind of thing. Grandma, I am kind enough to teach you. You have to repay the favor, you know...

The True Gentleman of Huashan - Yue Buqun: I see, I seem to understand a little bit. Thank you, grandma, for clearing up the confusion.

Please spare my life - Lu Shu: Come on, Lu Bu, my negative emotions and resentment levels depend on you.

Ye Fan: I just drove home from the class reunion, and now I can watch senior Lu Bu's performance with peace of mind.

Swallowing the Starry Sky - Luo Feng: Although I have to go to school tomorrow, I'd better watch Senior Lu Bu sleeping...



Three Kingdoms World.

Look at your friends cheering you on.

Lu Bu smiled knowingly.

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: Friends, please be at ease, I will be happy for you when I kill the heads of these dogs!!!

Take back your thoughts.

Lu Bu's smiling face turned extremely cold.

He held Fang Tian's painted halberd and pointed it at the eighteen princes and all the soldiers of the allied army.

Fang Tian's painted halberd emits a soul-stirring cold light against the background of the sun, which is extremely terrifying.

Lu Bu shouted loudly: You rebels dare to raise an army to rebel at the feet of the Han Emperor. I, Lu Bu, have been ordered by the Prime Minister to behead you and other dogs!

The atmosphere immediately became serious.

Even the eighteen princes cannot be punished. .

Lu Bu!!!!!!?

The eighteen princes frowned when they heard this name.

Look at the unique Fang Tian painted halberd and red rabbit horse. .

He showed a surprised expression.


Unexpectedly, this general turned out to be Lu Bu!

For these red rabbits and horses and a thousand taels of gold, he killed his adoptive father Ding Yuan, a filial son.


The smiles of Yuan Shao and all the princes immediately faded.

He said with a cold tone: It turns out to be General Lu, the filial son. I heard that you killed your foster father Ding Yuan for a horse!

You just recognized us as your adoptive fathers. Could it be that you want to kill us?

Say it.

Yuan Shao turned his head and looked behind.

He shouted loudly: Who among the princes and heroes can capture and kill the traitor among us all?

I have the unparalleled general Pan Feng! He can kill Lu Bu's head!

Our strong general Liu Sandao has requested to fight. Within three swords, Lu Bu will be killed!

Everyone, wait a minute, I have a general...

Chapter 114: Writing mantras at will will bring bad luck

Arbitrary through eternity.

Eternal continent.

Qiyuan Ancient Palace.

Watching the famous scenes of the Three Kingdoms emerge.

Li Changsheng showed a reminiscing look.

Three Kingdoms World.

Lu Bu watched various princes not far away vying to take action against him.

Laughed out loud.

Hahahahaha, you guys don't have to argue. Let's go together. If I can't kill you with a halberd, I, Lu Bu, will kill myself on the spot!

Lu Bu's arrogant words ignited the anger of various princes.

Wow, oh, oh, oh, little Lu Bu, I, Pan Feng, will kill your dog head!

You arrogant person, I will take your head within three blows of my sword!


Back and forth, a total of five generals attacked Lu Bu together.

The five men rushed onto the battlefield in a menacing manner, armed with a variety of weapons and their power was extremely terrifying.

In the eyes of the princes, Lu Bu was already a dead man. .

However, in the next scene, all the princes were stunned. . .

I saw Lu Bu holding Fang Tian's halberd in the sky with one hand.

A stream of blood energy visible to the naked eye formed a strong wind and spread in the void.

In one breath.

The five so-called generals had not yet touched Lu Bu, and their bodies were all separated and fell to the ground.

Liu Sandao lived up to his name and did what he was supposed to do.

He slashed at Lu Bu with a knife, was hung up by the bloody wind, and flew into the sky with the knife. The last knife fell to the ground and chopped off his head. .

All the princes were stunned.

Lu Bu smiled even happier.

He triggered his natural skill——I, Lu Bu, specializes in stabbing my adoptive father.

All the power and abilities of these dead generals belong to themselves.

He had a gut feeling.

As long as he wants to, relying on his powerful blood, he can achieve short-term flight in the air.

In the chat group.

Peach Blossom Island Little Loli - Huang Rong: Uncle Lu Bu is so handsome, how do you feel now?

Tomb of the Gods - Nangong Xian'er: Hahahahahaha, that Liu Sandao made me laugh to death, indeed Sandao played himself to death~~

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: Senior Lu Bu is definitely not in a low-demon world.

Uchiha Madara: I agree.

Li Qiye: I took a look and found out that Lu Bu's innate ability and world may be a subsidiary world of the big world.

The Great Master - Muchen: I see~~~

The number one true gentleman in Huashan - Yue Buqun: Yue thinks it's normal. If there were no restrictions, wouldn't Brother Fengxian be invincible~~

Lu Bu, the most filial son of the Three Kingdoms: Hahaha, none of this is important. I just killed three adoptive fathers. I feel like I can use the power of my blood to fly at low altitude for a short time~~

If all these eighteen princes are stabbed to death, they should be able to understand the martial arts and the divine power - the first round of the nine rounds of Qi training (ascending to the sky), control the sky with Qi~~~ and continue flying!!

Xiao Longnu: To be honest, I'm starting to envy Senior Lu Bu for getting this talent~~

Fire Fist Ace: Emmmm, although I have a bit of it, I have to work hard and sharpen my will!

Three Kingdoms World.

Lu Bu looked at the five decapitated corpses under his horse, raised his head and laughed.

Is this what you call a general from the 18th princes? Are a bunch of chickens and dogs worthy of being my enemy?!!! Hahahahaha!

Looking at the arrogant Lu Bu, the princes were unable to refute.

Just a moment ago, they were still laughing at Lu Bu for considering them as foster fathers, but now they were silent.

This Lu Bu is a hundred times braver than Hua Xiong!

All the energy and blood have turned into Gang Qi, it’s like the Overlord of Chu is still alive!

Cao Cao quietly asked the third brother Liu Guanchang. .

What do the three righteous men think of Lu Bu's strength?

Guan Yu touched his long beard and was the first to answer: Martial arts have reached an incredible level. Even taking the head of a million soldiers is like searching for something.

Liu Bei and Zhang Fei nodded slightly, agreeing with Guan Yu's view.

Although Lu Bu's character was not good, the powerful energy of blood he just turned into Gang Qi really surprised them.

Zhang Fei shouted with a loud voice: Although Lu Bu is very strong, if we three brothers fight together, we can definitely defeat him!!

“But these Bird Alliance troops are so bad~~”

We three brothers won't go even if we can fight!!

Guan Yu touched his long beard and chin slightly.

Obviously he agrees with Zhang Fei's point of view.

Though Third Brother's words are rude, they are not rude~~

Second brother, third brother! Don't make mistakes!

Liu Bei immediately stopped Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.

Although he said he was restraining him, his actions and actions showed no sign of restraint.

Everyone in the chat group naturally saw this scene. .

Swallowing Starry Sky Luo Feng: The change in Liu Bei's expression just now could make him a movie king~~

Uchiha Madara: Is this the emperor~~~

Huang Rong, the little Lolita from Peach Blossom Island: I don't like it. It's better to chat in a group chat. There's no intrigue.

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