Sansan's art of creating all heavens, a great dream for eternity!

This is the supreme supernatural power.

It's like a life restart simulator.

Li Changsheng's current self is infinitely close to that of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor plus his trump card. .

It can temporarily simulate the period when the nameless Quasi-Immortal Emperor existed.

With this, the Emperor's Fire on the other side of the world sea can be obtained reasonably.

Li Changsheng finished speaking.

Looking back at the cause and effect, the long river of time becomes blurred.

The past, present, and future all seem to be shrouded in mystery.

On the eve of the fall of the emperor.

The Era of the Emperor of Heaven.

At this moment, Li Changsheng's state was like the way of heaven, overlooking the sky.

Time flies and the years change.

The Heavenly Court has become more and more prosperous, far surpassing any other ancient and immortal Taoism. From a distance, there are groups of palaces, like the thirty-three heavens pressing down, a dark mass, entrenched in the wilderness of the fairyland, sitting in one realm.

The number one force in the Immortal Realm, unprecedented in history, has truly integrated and controlled the entire Immortal Realm. Looking down from the heavens, there is no orthodoxy that can compare with it.

This premonition is getting stronger. I feel that there are wisps of black mist floating from the end of the distant sea. That is the source of all sin and chaos!

Above the embankment, a figure in white stands tall and straight, with loose black hair, handsome face, and awe-inspiring heroic brows. His eyes are extremely deep, as if they encompass the universe and stars, looking at the end of the boundless sea. Sigh softly.

His name is Xuan Che~

In the Taichu Era, he spent countless years cultivating the quasi-immortal emperor realm.

Suppressed the heavens, created the supreme heaven, and was named Emperor Xuantian. .

But all this is not over~

He knows how terrifying this world is, except for the source of darkness deep in the sea!

He still has a lot to do. Before that, he has to put an end to the dark turmoil!


Do you really want to cross the sea alone to calm down the turmoil?? Qingru's words were full of endless worry, and a woman walked over. She was covered in green clothes, with a perfect figure, and her skin was as white as mutton-fat jade.

Her appearance is exquisite, without a single flaw. She is simply the most perfect masterpiece from heaven, as if she does not belong to this world.

The woman in green clothes interrupted Xuan Che.

This woman in green is named Yao Xi, and she is his empress! She has been with him through endless years and is his first wife.

Are you worried about me because you don't believe me? Xuan Che said with a gentle smile.

He took the woman in green into his arms and said softly.

You will always create miracles. Yao Xi smiled reluctantly. If the fairy flower bloomed for the first time and amazed the world, he felt Xuan Che's warmth, lowered his head and leaned into Xuan Che's arms, willing to be intoxicated in it forever.

Xi'er, I'm going to take action. I can't find anyone who can compare with me in the past! What are you worried about?

Xuan Che's expression was no longer so serious, and he deliberately made a relaxed expression. His words were frivolous but also filled with a kind of incomparable confidence. He was like a young boy who had just been born, ambitious, childish, and had not yet achieved anything. After that, he started to talk loudly and without any focus.

But what is different from the young boy who was just born is that Xuan Che is now an unparalleled emperor, creating a world in heaven, looking down upon the heavens, and shaking the world!

He didn't want Yao Xi to worry.

Looking at Xuan Che comforting herself, Yao Xi's expression was a little dazed. For a moment, she felt like the first time she met Xuan Che, on a sunny day in a mountain range.

Thousands of flowers bloomed, orioles and birds chirped, and that naughty child met her before she was born in this world.

Looking at Yaoxi who was unhappy.

Xuan Che waved his hand gently, and endless Tao Yun divine light emerged, with the meaning of Tao symbols.

A cup of milk tea appeared in front of Yao Xi~

This kind of thing did not originally exist in this world, but one day, he felt something inexplicably.

So this concept came to mind.

This was Li Changsheng's intention.

The supreme supernatural power, the great dream is eternal, it seems like a dream but not a dream, it seems virtual but also real.

This period of time does exist, and the dream simulates that this period of time also exists, but also does not exist.

Xi'er, this is your favorite milk tea. It's very sweet. Don't be unhappy. Besides, I won't attack rashly until I finish refining the imperial weapon.

Yao Xi nodded sensibly and said: Yes! I will always wait for you...

His eyes were firm and stubborn.

Looking at Yao Xi's eyes, Xuan Che felt a little distressed and took her into his arms. At the same time, his heart became even more determined that he must live!


It's a pity that although the nameless quasi-immortal emperor is unparalleled throughout history,... the four dark emperors on the other side of the world sea are even more so, let alone the first emperor in the creation of the perfect world, the dark immortal emperor...

Li Changsheng, who was in a heavenly state, sighed with emotion.

Although this great dream seems to be a dream but not a dream, it seems imaginary but not real, but what has already happened at the level of a quasi-immortal emperor is real.

What Li Changsheng experienced actually happened.

It's like giving the unknown quasi-immortal emperor tips on how to make milk tea, this kind of small gesture.

It can be done.

Alas~ This extremely glorious heaven will eventually be ruined!

Li Changsheng was a little emotional.


The ups and downs of the world, thirty thousand years have passed, and the power of heaven has reached its peak!

Since the recorded history of the Immortal Realm, throughout the ages, there has never been such a force that made the kings willingly surrender and rule the heavens and the world!

The kings are in awe, because the power of Heaven does not interfere too much with all parties, but sits on the border of the Immortal Realm, blocking all intruders like a solid and immortal fortress. It is the strongest barrier in the Immortal Realm!

Boom! !

this day. . .

The Immortal Realm trembled, and a boundless bright light suddenly rose above the adjacent embankment, like a vast starry sky exploding, and the energy fluctuations were extremely violent, shaking the world.

Have the weapons of the Emperor of Heaven finally been completed?

The world was shocked and the whole world was aware of it.

Ten thousand years ago, Emperor Xuantian sacrificed his unparalleled imperial weapons on top of the dam. It is said that they were used to cross the sea and fight on the other side.

Chapter 87 The Emperor of Heaven steps into the boundary sea and never returns.

Emperor Xuantian spent ten thousand years refining the weapon, which also frightened the world sea for ten thousand years, making all the fallen immortal kings afraid to approach the immortal realm.

The weapons of the Emperor of Heaven are so shocking!

Oh my God, that's... an ancient tower!

Everyone in the Immortal Realm was shocked, and the whole world was excited.

People saw an ancient tower suddenly appearing above the embankment. It was divided into nine floors and exuded a terrifying atmosphere that was unprecedented in the world.

Symbols burst out like a vast sea, and the ancient tower was majestic. It stood there, as if it was opening up the avenue of heaven and earth, and was about to split the universe. The aura was extremely terrifying and filled the air. The oppressive Immortal King could not help but tremble. He almost knelt down and worshiped.


The embankment was turbulent and almost collapsed. The nine-story ancient pagoda had the potential to suppress the past and present. When the runes on the surface were flowing, a grand chanting sound was emitted, as if a peerless chapter was being opened, and the avenue rumbled. The void is dazzling and radiant.

People have no doubt that this ancient pagoda has the power to create the world.

At the bottom of the ancient pagoda, Xuan Che sat cross-legged, with his hair disheveled and his eyes closed. He was so heroic that he rose and fell, with an aura that swallowed up the past and present, and the aura of the great road was overwhelming.


Xuan Che opened his eyes, and the clanging sound was deafening. His eyes were filled with mist, and two sharp swords flew out, and the immortal energy boiled.

With a sneer, he slashed towards the distant boundary sea. Suddenly, it was like a great crack in the void, passing across the sky, splitting the world into two. The boundary sea shook, setting off turbulent waves. At the same time, miserable screams sounded, blood spurted out, and all kinds of The remaining limbs and body flew everywhere.

Those were several fallen immortal kings. They were alarmed by this fluctuation and hid in the distance to peek. However, they were discovered by Emperor Xuantian and killed them directly. They were decisive and cruel!

The source of darkness!

Under the ancient tower, Xuan Che whispered solemnly. There was a universe exploding in his eyes, and the scene of the dry sea of ​​stars was evolving. Xun Xun, dressed in white, looked extremely majestic. He was bathed in the strong light of the avenue and looked at the other side of the world sea!


Xuan Che's thoughts continued to focus on his Heavenly Emperor's weapon, the Ancient Tower of Era.

The Emperor's armies are first forged, and dark turmoil is about to arise. .

Has the quasi-immortal emperor's weapon been cast? Such...the nameless quasi-immortal emperor, no...Xuan Che...sigh.

Seeing this scene, Li Changsheng felt inexplicably sad.

The Emperor of Heaven steps into the boundary sea and never returns.


The ancient pagoda was built, and it amazed the world when it first appeared. Even the Immortal King did not dare to stare at it for too long. Everyone could feel the dormant energy. Once it exploded, it would be enough to cause the universe to explode and destroy. One realm.

Xuan Che stopped staying. He had been refining the weapons for ten thousand years on top of the embankment. At this time, after completing his work, he did not choose to return to heaven, but directly set off to cross the sea!

Wait for me to come back! By then there will no longer be blood and chaos in the world. That must be the world you want to have. Take it back, and then step directly towards the boundary sea!

This result is surprising. I didn't expect the Emperor of Heaven to be so decisive. This time he will face the source of the dark turmoil that lasts forever!

Can Emperor Xuan Tian judge the unrest? ?

After a brief period of confusion, everyone became excited. Many immortal kings rose into the sky and rushed here to bid farewell to Emperor Xuan Tian.

In the end, all I could see was the figure disappearing into the horizon and a line of faint footprints left on the embankment.

Emperor Xuantian!! You must win!! An ancient immortal king who has lived for infinite years looked at the disappearing figure and murmured in a tone of incomparable respect.


The Boundary Sea is so vast that you can't see the edge at a glance. The waves here are undulating and majestic. Every time a wave rolls, the breath of time is permeated. It's as if you can see a dead and broken universe through the waves~

Too many worlds have been buried here, and every wave is a glorious world that once existed.

The Boundary Sea is not calm. Occasionally, strong storms will blow through, and the violent laws are powerful enough to tear the Immortal King's body apart, and he can wander here for hundreds of thousands of years.

Xuan Che steps here, walking in time, with laws intertwined under his feet, and the dao lines drooping down like a small boat carrying his body, passing through eternity, stepping through one world after another.



Suddenly a storm blew in the distance, fierce and violent, the power of the law was so vast, destroying broken worlds one after another, and swept towards Xuan Che.

Although they are called storms, they are actually formed by the most powerful laws. Some of them are even blown from the other end of the boundary sea, and they will not dissipate even after traveling here for an era.

This kind of storm was enough to scare the Immortal King, so he could only hide behind the rocks and hibernate, waiting for it to leave, but Xuan Che did not leave, and kept walking with an indifferent expression.

Boom! !

Xuan Che had his hands behind his back, but a brilliant brilliance did shoot out from the center of his eyebrows. It was like an angry sea exploding, and a bright symbol bloomed here, suppressing the storm forcefully.

This kind of storm is enough to kill the giant, but unfortunately it is ineffective against the imperial body.

Xuan Che analyzed calmly.

He scanned his surroundings with deep eyes, then suddenly jumped into the air and flew by at a very fast speed. Only now did he really start to travel with all his strength!

Xuan Che walked slowly at first. On the one hand, he was really adjusting his state and condensing all aspects of his energy to the best. On the other hand, he was preparing to kill a group of fallen immortal kings in the sea of ​​​​world. He was worried that he would leave the Immortal Realm. Will be hit hard.

Although it should be okay to protect the Immortal Realm with the Nine-Nine Creation Xuanyang Formation.

But just to be on the safe side, he did it anyway.


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