At this moment, a beautiful woman wearing a straw hat and an proud figure sat on the man's lap.

With a charming smile on his face, he hooked the man's neck and said, Oh? Isn't your idol killed by one of your Barretts~~ No matter how deep your internal strength is, even if you practice Qi to become a gang, you can be like a sweeping monk. Forming an air wall can't stop an RPG, so what's the use~

Technology is the king~~

The young man took a sip of coffee and said with a smile: You eat rubber fruit and talk to me about science? Also, martial arts is not that superficial. In a high-level martial arts world like Shattered Void, let alone Barrett, RPG, Even nuclear bombs may not be effective~

It's really exciting to break the void and reach the unprecedented realm of heaven and man.

The beautiful woman curled her lips and smiled bitterly and said: I don't want to eat rubber fruits either. There are too many restrictions!! Moreover, even if what you say makes sense, in this endless and terrifying reincarnation mission, technological weapons are the highest priority. choice, and we are just the lowest level reincarnation team.

Unlike you, you got Saiyan blood as soon as you joined Team Samsara~

The young man nodded slightly: In this way, it is indeed true. The mission of reincarnation is tight, and the main god space is like a reminder. Being able to survive is the key!

The beautiful woman nodded in agreement and said: Yes, those cultivation, magic, and martial arts skills are too difficult to improve. It is impossible without enough reincarnation points!

Speaking of which.

The woman seemed to have thought of something.

Asked the young man: Speaking of which, those top reincarnation teams can move mountains and fill seas, and cast golden light across the land, like gods. How do they improve themselves? The reincarnation mission is obviously so short of time!

The young man shook his head and said, I don't know. As the lowest level member of the team, my authority is too low... and I don't have any connections...

But fortunately, the potential of our team is still good. Apart from you and me, the other three are also the same. In the future, we will become the top reincarnation team and jump out of the main god space...

The beautiful woman nodded slightly and said, That's true. Speaking of which, Huang...


This is the picture.

Hades looked away.

Huang Rong looked at Pluto nervously and asked with concern: What's going on, Senior Pluto, you...can you deal with them? No...if not...


The words are not finished yet.

Pluto covered Xiao Huang Rong's mouth.

He slowly said: My child, your kindness is a sin now. Only the ruler can judge right and wrong according to his own will and carry out the so-called justice.

Xiao Huang Rong nodded heavily.

Only then did Hades put down his hand. .


He naturally knew what Xiao Huang Rong was thinking.

This kid is so kind. .

In this way, Pluto feels that he no longer needs to be steady.

It's time to take action.

The first one, Senior Pluto will take you to kill the werewolf monster that you said you were most afraid of and can transform into a five-foot-long werewolf!

According to Xiao Huang Rong's previous description, this werewolf monster looks the same as an ordinary person.

Just an ordinary man wearing Hufu.

These don't scare Xiao Huang Rong. . . . .

Xiao Huangrong described this man chasing her. .

Helpless, she could only seek help from the old naughty boy Zhou Botong.

She felt that there was nothing special about this man, but he was extremely powerful.

And Zhou Botong was a little weaker than his father. .

It should be easy to deal with this man.

It was like this at the beginning. The old naughty boy suppressed the man and beat him. Xiao Huang Rong felt that the old naughty boy would definitely win. .

But suddenly.

The man became furious, like a wild beast, and turned into a five-foot-tall werewolf. .

He tore the old naughty boy into pieces alive. .

If it weren't for her quick reaction and the old naughty boy's self-destruction of internal power before he died, he would be dead.

I'm afraid she'll tell you! !

Therefore, Pluto planned to take Xiao Huang Rong to kill the werewolf first.

This werewolf probably exchanged for some werewolf genetic blood or something. .

The reincarnation team and the main god space are all easy to do this.


The so-called firearms and special abilities are nothing more than children's tricks in the eyes of Pluto.

What Pluto really cares about is the main god space.

Take back your thoughts.

Pluto took Xiao Huang Rong's jade hand.

He said indifferently: Child, do you know that in the fifth parallel universe where I am, our family has been living in a black hole for generations. We have no right to choose between heaven and hell, only our chosen destiny. Now The same is true for you. There is nothing wrong with kindness, but kindness has no power, so that is a mistake!

Hades looked like a god.

The calm tone revealed incomparable confidence.

Xiao Huangrong's heart was very stable.

He nodded lightly and said in a choked tone: Yes, thank you, Senior Pluto!


Pluto gently touched Xiao Huang Rong's head.

The divine light flows in the eyes, and the charm of Taoism permeates the air.


Hades looked back.

Through Xuan Ming's Eye, he discovered that Huang Rong had a huge auspicious aura around her body, but this auspicious aura was slowly dissipating.

Been in the chat group for so long.

Pluto knew that this was Huang Rong's luck.

In this era, besides Guo Jing, Huang Rong is the absolute lucky girl.

Through this, Pluto also knows the thoughts of the main god space.

In his heart, he was very disgusted with this kind of main god who relied on seizing the luck of other worlds to achieve his own success.

Isn't it good to be like the ancestors who sacrificed their souls to achieve the highest level of merit~~

This is tantamount to maggot-like behavior, and Pluto is shameless. .

These main gods are as disgusting as the Snow Emperor launching a so-called righteous war for love and uniting with other parallel universes to kill himself.


Not as good as the Snow Emperor.

The Snow Emperor is at least kind at heart.

They just have different ideas.

And there are people who are causing trouble!

But these main gods are different. .

These main gods are simple maggots!


Thinking of this, Pluto suddenly stopped thinking about ink. .

Holding Xiao Huang Rong's hand. . .

Turned into a rainbow light.

Flying into the sky.

at the same time.

Pluto used the Xuanming Black Hole with a different energy level of 0.01.

A dark divine ring similar to a black hole suddenly appeared in the sky, exuding an aura of death and mystery.


A terrifying energy fluctuation instantly enveloped a million miles in radius.

Endless darkness fell. .

Space and time seemed to be frozen at this moment. . .

A tens of thousands of meters of black hole space appeared in the sky, exuding a simple, lonely and terrifying atmosphere.


What happened??!!!

what's the situation!!!!!

What is that appearing in the sky??

Gather, gather quickly!

Peach Blossom Island Center.

Five reincarnations gathered together.

They each have different abilities.

There is a Rubber Man who has redeemed Devil Fruit and Rubber Fruit. .

There is an existence that has been exchanged for RPG and Barrett, and its marksmanship is comparable to that of the top special forces king.

There are mutants who have exchanged the blood of the Western Fantasy Werewolf. .

There is a military advisor with a brain comparable to Eins T.

There is also a captain who has Saiyan blood and masters the turtle style Qigong.

But at this time, the five of them looked at the Xuanming black hole in the sky with shocked expressions.

Look... look, Huang Rong is in the sky, and next to... there is a man... a man...

The words haven't been finished yet.

The man who spoke exploded into blood.

Chapter 76 Main God Space Creator

Above the nine heavens.

Pluto's eyes exuded endless divine light.

He said calmly: You can't look directly at gods, even this trash deserves to look at me~

Xiao Huang Rong on the side saw this scene and her beautiful eyes sparkled.

Cherry's little mouth opened slightly, extremely surprised.

Because the one that just exploded into bloody water is the terrifying reincarnation that can turn into a werewolf. .

Just...just because I took one look at Pluto, he was gone! !

Although she always knew that Pluto was very terrifying, comparable to the gods.

But after all, she had never seen Pluto take action.

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