Through the causes of the supreme path and fruits, supernatural powers arise, making the false come true.

Li Changsheng can perfectly reproduce the Four Swords of Killing Immortals.


Li Changsheng needs to wait.

Wait until the Four Swords of Killing Immortals are re-engraved.

Li Changsheng will turn his attention to his true self in the perfect world.


No matter how terrifying the Taoist body is.

All are false.

Only the true me is the truth. .

It's neither copper, nor iron, nor steel. It was once hidden at the foot of Mount Xubi. Without the inversion of yin and yang for refining, how can it not be tempered by water and fire? The Four Swords of Killing Immortals are truly extraordinary.

Gu Shaoshang raised his fingers together and lightly grazed the sword's edge.

Turning over his palm, he saw a white mark on his finger, faintly stained with golden blood.

Although Gu Shaoshang's physical body was not fully developed, it was not inferior to ordinary gods and demons. His defense was broken by just a single pass. If he was struck with a sword, his physical body could not defend himself.

However, if there is a manpower attack, he will not fail to use Qi and Blood Fist Intent.

You don't have to get the Zhuxian Sword Formation Diagram! Without the Zhuxian Sword Formation Diagram, the power of the Four Zhuxian Swords cannot be deduced to its peak.

A glimmer of light flashed in Gu Shaoshang's eyes, wanting to penetrate the essence of the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand.


His eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw endless white light, which was so sharp that it almost severed his will.

His will once again probed deeper.

At the same time, Li Changsheng used his supreme magical power to turn lies into reality.

It stands to reason that using such supreme magical powers would result in extremely terrifying visions.

But the fact is that it doesn't. .

Because Li Changsheng didn't want it to happen.

So no.

This is not because Li Changsheng is great.

But this supreme supernatural power is powerful.

After all, it is the accompanying magical power that is the cause of all effects.

As the saying goes: Everything is empty and has no origin. It is all innate energy. If there is consciousness, it is not consciousness. There is no retention and no stagnation.



It was as if the sky and the earth were bright, and there was no longer any appearance of the Zhuxian Sword in Gu Shaoshang's eyes. Instead, countless extremely tiny particles appeared in Gu Shaoshang's eyes, constantly changing in an extremely peculiar way, and rotating rapidly all the time.

This Immortal Killing Sword actually seems to be alive!

It turns out that the Four Immortal Swordsmen themselves are part of the formation diagram, and the formation diagram is just the center connecting the four immortal swords.

Gu Shaoshang's will withdrew from the Zhuxian Sword, and a trace of thoughtfulness flashed in his eyes.


He stretched out his right hand, with four fingers folded together except for the middle finger raised high.

My body and soul are one, and the 1.2 billion particles are all my own will! The transformation of particles around me can form my own magical power, and it is possible that I can simulate this Immortal Killing Sword!

This thought flashed through his mind, and endless magical powers and skills flowed through his mind, and the incomplete Immortal Killing Sword Formation obtained in the White Snake World flashed across his mind.

I rehearsed it in my mind thousands of times in an instant.

His thoughts moved slightly, and his raised middle finger trembled slightly. Millions of particles inside suddenly trembled, forming a strange trajectory and spinning rapidly.


But in an instant, a sword cry sounded in the room!

An extremely sharp sword energy instantly dissipated, cutting through everything in the room, and soared into the sky with unabated force, pierced through the roof, and soared thirty thousand miles into the sky!


There was no joy on Gu Shaoshang's face, but he frowned slightly.

Chi chi chi~~~

The next moment, Gu Shaoshang's raised middle finger split into tiny invisible particles.


Gu Shao had a sad thought, and the scattered particles flashed with a flash of light and reorganized his fingers.

The method is feasible, but the strength of my physical body is inferior to that of the Zhuxian Sword... I'm afraid my physical body needs to improve a bit before I can turn it into the Zhuxian Sword at will when I am truly accomplished.

Gu Shaoshang frowned and thought deeply.

The particles around him moved according to his heart, and after the combination and operation, they turned into the Immortal Killing Sword, which also possessed the power of the Immortal Killing Sword.

But the direction of my cultivation is correct!

Gu Shaoshang relaxed his brows, showed a smile, and said: When my body is fully mature, any part of my body can be transformed into the Zhuxian Sword, and I can cast the Zhuxian Sword Formation alone...

His thoughts turned hundreds of millions of times together.

A sword of killing immortals is nothing. He has ten fingers on his hands, ten fingers on his feet, and even his long hair!

Not only the Immortal Killing Sword, but also magic weapons such as Golden Dragon Scissors, Fantian Seal, Tai Chi Diagram, Chaos Banner, etc. can also be used!

And as he cultivated, his physical body grew stronger, and the magic weapon he composed was even enough to surpass the original version!

The King of Magic Weapons? The King of Magic Weapons!

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly.

Although it may not be as simple as he imagined, there may be difficulties.


Gu Shaoshang smiled, and Li Changsheng also smiled.

Because the fake came true and perfectly reproduced the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and at the same time, Li Changsheng mastered the use of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

Compared to Gu Shaoshang at this moment, Li Changsheng is now more proficient in mastering the four swords of Zhu Xian.

At the same time, Li Changsheng was certain.

When these Four Immortal Swords are returned to the true self, they will immediately turn into quasi-immortal emperor weapons.

Moreover, the Four Swords of Killing Immortals will become stronger as they become stronger.

Even if the Four Swords of Zhu Xian were destroyed, it would not be a problem.


At this time, Li Changsheng could master the Four Swords of Killing Immortals.

Got such a blessing.

Li Changsheng was particularly happy.

At the same time, he knew that he owed Gu Shaoshang the cause and effect.

Although Li Changsheng possesses the supreme Tao Fruit which is the cause of all effects.

But the cause of all effects does not mean giving money for nothing. . .

Let's find a chance to pay it back in the future. Now... return your mind to yourself? Forget it... let's take another look...

Li Changsheng originally planned to transfer his mind to his true self in the perfect world.

But suddenly He didn't want to. .

Because besides the Four Swords of Killing Immortals, there seems to be something else.


Gu Shaoshang was about to take out the Golden Dragon Scissors and Fan Tianyin to study them when his heart suddenly moved and he stopped.

Brother Gu!

Gao Jinyang's voice came.

The great competition of all races has begun.

Gu Shaoshang understood, stood up and opened the door.

Ha ha!

Gao Jinyang laughed and walked into the courtyard.

Now Gao Jinyang has taken off his cloak and put on a light blue tight-fitting robe. The heat is no longer rolling around his body, but he has used the sun in his mind for his own use, completely stabilizing the first level of gods and demons. realm.

But the only fly in the ointment is that the scars all over his body are difficult to heal, and his face looks like dozens of centipedes crawling in all directions, which is scary to see.

However, whether the skin looks good or not is of little significance to a powerful man of the god-demon level.

After all, they are better looking than the demon clan.

Congratulations, Brother Gao, for your great achievement!

Gu Shaoshang cupped his fists and expressed congratulations: The day when the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra will be completed is not far away.

Planting golden yang in your mind is the most dangerous part of the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra. After taking this step, you only need to plant 129,600 golden yangs all over your body step by step, and you can be promoted to the ninth level of gods and demons.

The Nine Heavens of Gods and Demons should be equivalent to the Supreme Immortal King. This Great Sun Tathagata Sutra is pretty good, you can collect it...

Chapter 71: Competition among all races, eating melon and watching a show

From the moment I saw Gao Jinyang.

Li Changsheng became interested in the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra.

Although he certainly will not practice this method himself.

But it’s not impossible to master this method.

When all 129,600 golden yangs are integrated into the mind, one can achieve the realm of innate gods and demons in one fell swoop.

The realm of innate gods and demons projected by the heavens is equivalent to the Immortal Emperor in the perfect world.

Of course, the Tao is different, the Dharma is not exhaustive, and there is still a big gap in the subtleties.

But anyway.

This Great Sun Tathagata Sutra is indeed good.

After Li Changsheng collected it, he could use it for his own incarnation.

You can also exchange points in the chat group.

All are possible. .

Make a false statement come true and use it again.

Li Changsheng successfully obtained the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra, which was rated as thirteen stars in the chat group.

In other words, this Que family is an Immortal Emperor level method.

Next, watch the great competition of all races and then transfer your mind to your true self in the perfect world...

Li Changsheng already made a decision in his heart.

Take a look at the law of the vast continent.

Then the mind returns to the true self in the perfect world.

He became a quasi-immortal emperor in one fell swoop, turning the arbitrary time and space into reality.

By the way, take a look at the changes in the chat group.

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