When he reappeared, it was still an island deep in the boundary sea. The place was flowing with luster and had some kind of sacred and strange aura, which was very strange.

The island is large and open.

Outside the island, the waves were rough and it was gray. There was no end in sight, and it was impossible to see far.

On that island, there is a willow tree, huge and boundless, towering into the clouds, with billions of branches hanging down, carrying the power of order.


Li Changsheng shouted, he rushed forward, but stopped when he got nearby.

Because the entire willow tree is as black as ink, emitting a black light, and the leaves, branches, etc., are as if carved out of ink jade, the black light flows, and the breath is terrifying.

Chapter 66 As expected of me, Dark Willow God

Seeing this scene, Li Changsheng frowned.

This is a dark willow tree!

This willow tree is very quiet, as if it has been sealed, and it seems to be in a deep sleep, but it does not wake up.

It seems that the self in this world has gone to the ultimate place!

Li Changsheng's heart was heavy, and he had thousands of words to say, but he couldn't say them out for a while. He came closer silently.

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart. He looked at a tablet next to him. The clear bone inscriptions on it described something. It turned out to be left by Liu Shen!

Abandon the body, step into the darkness, and traverse the gap between life and death... If I see this world, I will have no thoughts and break the king... Become an emperor, not in this era~

See this scene. .

Li Changsheng sighed.

The self in this world also perceives itself...

This is not a similar flower. .

It is the inspiration of my true soul.

In this era, the Willow God in this world gave up his body and wanted to enter the darkness with his soul and reach the land at the end of the sea. He just killed it.

At the same time, through the inspiration of my true soul.

Li Changsheng knew that the original Willow God in this world had passed into nirvana more than once. He had left some remains and dharma bodies in various places, just like the black tree in front of him.

Before setting out on the road, Liu Shen activated all the power of nirvana accumulated over several lifetimes and gathered it into one body, reaching a terrifying level of strength.

He remembered the past and realized what happened before each nirvana.

Finally, he deduced carefully and found that it would take too long to cross the sea and reach the end.

In the end, He chose a path that no outsider would dare to imagine. He took the initiative to be eroded by darkness, abandoned his body, and allowed it to give birth to a new soul.

And his own true soul entered the dark prison, chose to break through from there, and fight towards the ultimate place!

Eternal splendor and eternity!

Li Changsheng couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Li Changsheng stood in front of this big black willow tree. His emotions could not be calmed down. The self of this world actually entered the ultimate place in this way.

What is the real Willow God doing now, fighting bloody battles or trapped in a dark place? Li Changsheng's heart was filled with ups and downs, and he wanted to kill him right away.

My true self, Liu Shen, is unparalleled in elegance and courage!

Li Changsheng had to sigh, no matter in the past or now, I am so different!

Abandoning the body, the soul rushed into the darkness and killed it. The original Liu Shen was still so outstanding in style. This kind of courage was exactly the same as when he was arbitrary in time and space.

As expected of me!

Li Changsheng nodded slightly.

However, the self-knowledge of this world still has limitations. To defeat the king and become the emperor, it is in this era!

Changing the topic, Li Changsheng said, revealing a transcendent confidence in his words.


In the boundary sea, the waves rose and fell, a tsunami occurred, and another dark storm struck. This time, it was particularly terrifying, sweeping over the island.

That is the rule, that is the order, the avenue runes surge in the black ocean, sweeping across the island.

Li Changsheng stood here, silent and motionless. He was now strong enough to withstand the dark storm, letting the waves hit him and letting the dark hurricane hit his body.

He didn't move at all. If it were an ordinary Immortal King, it might be torn apart.

The dark storm was wrapped with dense avenue symbols and swept towards the willow trees. The heavy rain, lightning and thunder were as if they were destroying the world.

Li Changsheng stood quietly. He did not move and looked in front of him with an indifferent expression.


Suddenly, the willow tree came to life. After being attacked, it glowed with black light, surrounded by nebulae, and surrounded by endless divine chains of order.

The sky-high tree body swayed, and thousands of black branches stretched straight, piercing the storm, like many regular divine spears.

It revived, and it was indeed alive. A new soul was born, and it was very powerful. It broke through the dark storm without being severely impacted.

This method is far better than the average Immortal King!

Li Changsheng was not surprised. Liu Shen, the self of this world, was originally the Immortal King. At this level, once he fell into darkness and the real soul left the body, how could the reborn new soul be weak?

You must know that this is a super evolver nourished by the body of the Immortal King. Over the past million years, his conduct must have advanced by leaps and bounds and his achievements have been astonishing.

In fact, the creatures that fell into darkness in the sea of ​​​​realm, as long as they are immortal kings, will eventually be no worse than their previous cultivation after resurrecting from death.

Then, with a bang, thousands of black branches stabbed towards Li Changsheng, the black light was strong, the laws were majestic, and the aura was extremely powerful!

Li Changsheng brushed his right hand forward, and the moment he spread his hand, the golden order chain was densely packed, like a golden willow branch, piercing the void and coming forward.

This is the authentic Liu Shen method, which can also be said to be the ancestor worship method. It is so similar to the treasure technique performed by the other party!


The two collided violently, Li Changsheng remained motionless, and the Dark Willow God was shocked. It was obviously surprised, and the other party was using a method similar to its own to disrupt its offensive.

Who are you?? Why do I have a kind feeling in my heart! The Dark Willow God sent out a wave of spiritual thoughts, and the sky was filled with black divine chains of order. All the willow branches were dancing, and the aura was majestic and terrifying.

This is a peerless master, comparable to giants. It has enough tyrannical strength and is worthy of being the dark body of Liu Shen.

Your true self in the previous life was the Willow God of Time and Space, the ancestor sacrifice spirit. Li Changsheng said. In his heart, the Willow God was his true self.

My true self? Dark Willow God asked this question with a suspicious tone.

The light in Li Changsheng's eyes skyrocketed. Similar to flowers, this dark willow god knew this. Did it remember its past and present lives?

Yes, I am Li Changsheng. I am your previous self, and I am also your previous life. Li Changsheng recalled that everything about his self, God Liu, in this world is shared with him. He is the God Liu from eternity ago, so Everything Liu Shen in the perfect world has experienced, he has also experienced. This is called true inspiration.

A long time ago, his whole body was charred black, except for a tender, green willow branch. It revived from death and everything started from scratch.

Is this self really spiritual? It feels so familiar! Willow God's black order branches dancing all over the sky were gently lowered, and they naturally drooped. It was silent for a long time, and then said: It turns out there is something here. A tablet, with the seal of the soul, simply records some old events in the past.

Li Changsheng understood that this dark willow tree knew something about its past life!

Because the self of Liu Shen in this world fell into the darkness on his own initiative and was not accidentally robbed, he was well prepared and left some information for the newly born soul in advance.

Finally, Dark Willow God and Li Changsheng left!

Although this is not his original self, Liu Shen, and his soul is different, for Li Changsheng, this is his true self, and it still involves a weird and ominous self.

Chapter 67 Immortal King An Lan

This strange and ominous origin involves the ultimate ancient land and the first Immortal Emperor in the creation of the perfect world: the Corpse Immortal Emperor. It is also related to the Holy Ruins Era.

That is to say, Li Changsheng possesses the supreme Tao Fruit, which is the cause of all fruits, otherwise he would have been killed by the Immortal Emperor above Heaven. .

Then here comes the problem.

Li Changsheng will definitely not stay in this place for a long time.

So why did he let the Dark Willow God follow him?

The answer is extremely simple.

Through the characteristics of the supreme Tao and Fruit that he has mastered, he is at the beginning of Taiyuan.

Li Changsheng's essence can be an innate god and demon.

It will not be contaminated by the weird and ominous.

It can be said that it has jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements.

After eliminating this most terrible shortcoming.

The dark, strange, and ominous power is terrifying.

Otherwise, the entire world of the trilogy would not be involved.

For the sake of speaking, everyone who knows should understand. If you don’t understand, you can only say that everyone who knows understands.

At the critical moment, the Dark Willow God's life as the Willow God in this world is also Li Changsheng's life.

When darkness, weirdness, and ominousness are added, it’s not as simple as 1+1=2. .

It cannot be said that he is comparable to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. .

But he definitely has the fighting power to compete with the Quasi-Immortal Emperor for thousands of years.

In order to facilitate Li Changsheng's next journey across the long river of time.

The Dark Willow God transformed into a willow leaf and followed Li Changsheng's willow tree dharma.


After learning that Liu Shen, the original self of this time and space, had gone to the ultimate ancient land.

Li Changsheng knew that there was no point in staying in this space and time any longer.


Li Changsheng used the Emperor's Falling Technique to cross the long river of time and travel to an earlier time and space.

The years are like a knife cutting down the genius, and the path to eternal life is full of enchantment.

In the great world of Zhetian, immortality is a problem.

But for a supreme Immortal King like Li Changsheng, the passage of time is just a toy.

Of course, the premise is that you don't seek death.

Don't interfere with the past and the future.

Otherwise there will be big consequences. .

Don't you see that the Red King is one of the rare giants in the immortal peak combat power of the foreign land, and he majors in the art of time and space. It can be said that he has played 66 for a long time.

I just wanted to fill the cup and kill Shi Hao, but what was the result? ?

A dead and frustrated one.

Killed by Shi Hao.


Take back your thoughts.

The golden wicker exudes an incomparably bright light, crossing the lower reaches of the long river of time and going back to the past.

Under the endless dark sky, the energy of iron and blood intermingled, and a huge city spread from north to south like an endless mountain line, dividing the entire world into two completely different halves.

Endless chaos permeated this giant city, and its walls were almost as high as the sky.

The huge stones used to build the city wall are big stars in one square. They were built together and turned into bricks. They are much heavier than a small world.

In the world behind the giant city, there are thousands of spiritual mountains and blessed lands, green trees, spiritual beasts circling and flying, and endless human races multiplying and reproducing. It is the land of the human race.

In front of the giant city, boundless darkness surges, and countless strong men press the barrier, raising their iron-blooded killing intent, coming for destruction.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ! !

The sound of war drums shook the sky. On top of the giant city, beside the blood-stained war drums, an old man with shaggy hair and beard was naked and beating the war drums heavily.

On the city wall, countless strong men stood densely packed.

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