He possesses the great supernatural power of being able to sense the heavens and isolate cause and effect. .

No one can detect it.

Here, the words Tianjun, Emperor, etc. are just honorific titles, not realms.

But most of them are supreme beings at the Immortal King level.

Of course, there are also a few people who are extremely talented and have great merit in heaven and earth and have been awarded this title. .

Although it is said that due to the limitations of the world, the full power of the magic method cannot be exerted, but facing a so-called red mansion world with immortals and gods.

It's definitely enough. .


at the same time.

The thirty-third heaven.

Leave the hatred in the sky and fill the sea of ​​sorrow.

In the illusion of Taixu, there is an extremely beautiful woman with lotus leaves and fluttering feathers. She is as beautiful as a spring flower and as charming as the autumn moon.

She is the Fairy of the Alarm Fantasy, the owner of Taixu Fantasy Realm. .

The police fantasy fairy suddenly frowned.

It feels as if something important has disappeared.

He used his immortal power to calculate, but nothing could be calculated.

So, the police fantasy fairy shook her head and stopped paying attention.

Between her eyebrows, there was a blue aura of chaos lingering.


Return to the ship.

Lin Daiyu looked at Li Changsheng's slender figure approaching in front of her. Although it was hazy, she had a detached temperament and an inexplicable charm, as if she was detached from the world.

She didn't know why, but she felt inexplicably shy.

Although she couldn't see Li Changsheng's true appearance, she did feel that Li Changsheng must be extremely handsome. .

She originally wanted to say something, but she couldn't speak. She could only stare blankly at Li Changsheng in front of her, feeling speechless for a moment.

Zijuan on the side was equally shocked.

I don’t know if she was blinded or something.

In the haziness, she discovered that around Li Changsheng, there were blazing light groups one after another, forming a bright divine disk, surrounding it in the center.

There is a god in each light group, constantly chanting sutras, and then worshiping it. This picture is too shocking.

Each bright light group is like a world, dominated by a god. In this way, the three thousand realms merged together to form a divine disk.

And the more he looked at it, the more he thought about it, the more horrified he was by this sacred scene, as if the gods of the three thousand realms were worshiping Li Changsheng alone.

The young man in front of me must be the immortal god that the young lady mentioned. .

This was exactly like the kind of god she imagined in her mind.


She saw the young lady beside her who was fascinated. .

Keep calling softly: Miss...Miss??

Lin Daiyu finally reacted. .

He lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Li Changsheng, and said softly: You...are you the Spirit Sacrifice Immortal~

Li Changsheng nodded slightly.

She said softly: Who am I if not me, little girl Daiyu...

Li Changsheng's gentle voice made the little girl feel more relaxed and no longer nervous.

Lin Daiyu raised her head and mustered up the courage to raise her head and said: Thank you...Thank you Lord Ji Ling for saving my father!!


He waved his hand gently.

Li Changsheng said: I also want to see the system of your world. It doesn't have to be like this. I just did it casually to save your father.

Lin Daiyu's eyes were firm and she said: No! No matter what, I will rewrite Lord Sacrifice!!

Li Changsheng was touched by the little girl's firm eyes.

He chuckled and said: Okay~ That's it, I will accept your thanks.

Say it.

Li Changsheng gently stroked Lin Daiyu's head.

At the same time, an inexplicable Taoist charm that could not be seen by mortals poured into Lin Daiyu's body.

This is Li Changsheng transforming Lin Daiyu's body. Her body is too delicate, although he has erased her tragic fate.

But Lin Daiyu's body is still a bit delicate.

The little girl's firm eyes moved him, and he decided to do good things to the end.

Lin Daiyu, whose head was gently stroked by Li Changsheng, looked satisfied. She felt a feeling she had never felt before, that is, peace of mind.

And for some reason, she felt warm and comfortable inside her body, and she seemed to be full of power, as if she could kill a cow with one punch.

When Zijuan on the side saw this, she didn't say anything, but she felt very satisfied. She didn't expect that the young lady could be favored by the immortal, and this immortal looked very cute and kind.

Then the eldest man will be saved, and the young lady's tragic fate will definitely be changed.

at the same time.

In the chat group.

Little Lolita from Peach Blossom Island - Huang Rong: Is this Sister Daiyu? She is so beautiful and pure~~ I love her!

The number one witch of the Demon God Sect - Nangong Xuan'er Ooooooooo, sister Daiyu was touched on the head by Lord Mingji Ling, I'm envious!

Qingqing Grassland - Mr. Pleasant Goat: ...Sister Xuan'er, calm down, calm down.

Myth - Xiang Yu: Master Xi is right~~ Calm down, Miss Xuan'er.

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: When you come out of the mud but are not stained, when you are in the clear ripples but not evil, I'm talking about Miss Daiyu. I believe that with the Lord Sacrificing Spirits here, Miss Daiyu will be fine...

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world, said: Haha, maybe you don't know that Lord Ji Ling has just erased the concept of Daiyu's tragic fate. The tragic fate is no longer valid. Now we only need to save Daiyu's father. The mission It should be done~~”

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, he is just a magic stick who relies on the authority of the group leader. Why are you so arrogant? Grandma, I...

Ding! Grandma Dryad has been banned for 100 years.

Nobi Nobita: ..., so scary...

Poor girl - Yan Lingji: This... is not the case, Lord Group Leader, although the Dryad Grandma is indeed hateful, this ban time is too long...

Mythology - Xiang Yu: Hahahahahaha~ You two newcomers don't mind. Although this ban seems to be 100 years, it is actually only seven days. The group leader is very kind...

Big-eared Tutu: Yeah! The group leader is very nice and handsome. A few days ago, Tutu was invited by the group leader to be a guest. But the world of the group leader is too scary. There are things bigger than mountains. Damn... Tutu will never dare to go there again...

Uchiha Madara: Is this a terrifying world where monsters are resurrected? It's better for the group leader to pay attention to safety.

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: Yeah! We can't live without a group leader, otherwise how will we know the fate of the newcomers...

Ma Daxian, who calculates everything in the universe: Thank you for your concern. I'm fine... Newcomers, don't be afraid. This is how you should treat the tree demon grandma. You will know it soon...

Fire Fist Ace: I, Ace, strongly agree with the group leader's point of view.

Qingqing Grassland - Mr. Pleasant Goat: ..., okay, okay! Let's watch the live broadcast...


Red Mansion World.

Looking at the gentle and elegant Li Changsheng in front of him.

Lin Daiyu felt extremely warm in her heart.

But suddenly, she remembered her past experience. She was born with a bad destiny. Her mother died early and her father was seriously ill.

Fortunately, God let her join the chat group. .

Meeting such a gentle and lovely immortal like Li Changsheng made her feel the tenderness she had never felt except for her father and Zijuan.

Thinking of this, her eyes began to become moist again, and Douda couldn't help but shed tears.

Chapter 50 The Thirty-Third Heaven of the Red Mansion

Looks very pitiful.

It hurts.

Little girl, why are you crying again?

Li Changsheng was speechless.

He has erased Lin Daiyu's original fate. Logically speaking, Lin Daiyu will not be sad, but sister Daiyu cried again for some reason. .

This reminded him that the idiom pear blossoms bring rain seemed to come from Lin Daiyu. .

Zijuan was familiar with the road, and while comforting the little girl, she said respectfully to Li Changsheng: You don't have to worry about the immortal. My young lady is naturally sentimental. She must have been touched by the gentleness of the immortal~~

Li Changsheng waved his hand to express that it was okay.

Then he lightly snapped his fingers.

Two oversized lollipops appeared in the void. .

Passed it to Lin Daiyu and Zijuan.

This is the happy lollipop from the chat group mall. You can become happy after eating it.

Although Li Changsheng didn't know whether it was true or not.

Anyway, as an administrator, he gets it every day, and there are a lot of system backpacks.

The two took the lollipop and looked at Li Changsheng doubtfully. .

Li Changsheng smiled and said: Life is hard, and all the unhappiness will disappear after eating it.


After thanking Li Changsheng,

The two of them took the lollipop, which was bigger than their faces, and started eating.

They can only lick it because it's so big. .

The moment of entrance. .

Lin Daiyu stopped sobbing.

The pretty face looked satisfied.

The same goes for Zijuan on the side. .

They have never tasted such delicious desserts. .

Is this food that only immortals can enjoy? . . . .

Li Changsheng looked at everything in front of him with a smile.

I breathed a sigh of relief. .

But I stopped crying. .

Sister Daiyu's crying made him feel helpless. .


While the two were eating lollipops, Li Changsheng's spiritual power had already explored the entire world of Red Mansions.

The world of heaven and earth and the universe here are exactly the same as the earth and stars in his previous life.

Mainly due to the immortals and realms of the thirty-third heaven and the practice system derived from mythology, the combat power of the strongest in the Red Mansion World has reached at most the same level as Pluto.

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