
How high is the sky, how far is the earth.

Li Changsheng recalled what Shaohao often asked himself when he was young~

Master...how vast is this world~?

When he was young, Shaohao often imagined that one day he could travel across mountains and rivers.

Until this time, Li Changsheng remained silent.

Hao'er... now you know why I didn't answer you...

Now Shaohao should be able to travel across mountains and rivers, but the vastness of this world and the vastness of the sky are beyond his imagination, and Shaohao still has to look up to this universe.


This is also the reason why Li Changsheng did not answer Shaohao.


After returning to the Ancient Palace of Origin, Li Changsheng began to concentrate on deducing the spirit sacrificial method he created.

Based on the system of martial arts in the worlds where Ma Daxian and Nangong Xuan'er live and the perceptions of Tao in different worlds, the spirit sacrificial method deduced by Li Changsheng has reached a new level. .

One month passed in the blink of an eye.

I don't know what happened in the chat group recently... Grandma Dryad should have been unblocked...

Before he finished speaking, a voice interrupted

call out!

On the twenty-eighth floor of the Ancient Origin Palace, a spiritual light shot into the sky from the Chixiao Yuxia Palace, bringing with it a mist. It spread quickly, and then there was a soft moan, like a phoenix singing for nine days.

Huh? Has Huang'er achieved nirvana? Li Changsheng raised his brows slightly in surprise.

It's been thousands of years, it's time to come out of seclusion... Suddenly, Li Changsheng suddenly realized that he had been sleeping for millions of years.


The Huang'er that Li Changsheng mentioned was a true phoenix, the most orthodox supreme divine beast.

As long as nothing happens, he can definitely become the Immortal King. . .

Chapter 37 The world of the protagonist of this book will still be a perfect world and a trilogy world

Everyone can rest assured, but the world view will be expanded, so take your time. After all, there are still group members and so on. We will see if we can bring Dong Ge’s Deep Space Beyond into the game later. .

Chapter 38 Luo Huanger

A long time ago.

Li Changsheng conquered the dark ancient world and found a pitiful, weak and helpless little true phoenix left there. .

So he took it back to his Qiyuan Ancient Palace.

Li Changsheng named him Luo Huanger.

For Huang'er, Li Changsheng exchanged supreme magic and secret treasures for the Tianhuang True Ancestor, who was also a giant of the Immortal King, in exchange for the Heavenly Phoenix Treasure Technique, the Three Life Secrets of Creation, and the Nirvana Scripture. .

Before Li Changsheng fell into deep sleep, Luo Huanger had already undergone nirvana five times.

This time should be the sixth time. .

Based on this calculation, it is time for Luo Huanger to survive the Tribulation of the Divine Lord and enter the realm of the Immortal King~

Li Changsheng treats Huang'er, a little phoenix, as his own daughter. .

Now she is resurrected from Nirvana~

Li Changsheng was naturally very happy.

A ray of rainbow light spread out, and a woman's dress spread out and moved with the wind. She crossed countless universes across the rainbow bridge and came to Li Changsheng.

The moment she saw Li Changsheng, she was confused.

What's wrong, Huang'er, you don't recognize me anymore. The little girl has really grown up~~ It seems that I slept for too long this time. Li Changsheng said with a smile.

You...you're awake, father~ Luo Huang'er whispered, two lines of tears falling down her face.

She is beautiful and looks to be in her twenties. Her hair was high, dignified and beautiful. She had just succeeded in nirvana. When she discovered that Li Changsheng had actually woken up, she cried with joy.

Hear Luo Huanger calling her father.

The corners of Li Changsheng's mouth twitched slightly.

Luo Huang'er has been calling herself this since he rescued her from the ancient dark world.

Li Changsheng was a little helpless about this title, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Father, I have been waiting for you for many, many years. I believe you will wake up one day. Luo Huang'er cried, tears rolling down her eyes, blurring her eyes. Crying, tears rolled down, eyes blurred.

Looking at Luo Huang'er who was crying with pear blossoms and rain. .

Li Changsheng felt a little guilty.

Hold it in your arms.

My child, it's my fault, it won't happen again...

But there is nothing I can do. The damage caused by the sword of God's will in the dark ancient world was too serious. If the damage is not restored through sleep, the consequences will be serious...

Moreover, the Taichu era is coming to an end, and I want to pursue the legendary emperor. One day, the starry sky explodes, the world overturns, and you are the only one left. Although you are invincible in the world, in the end you can only recall, look at the red face and white hair. Snow, my soul has returned to the loess, and I see my friend falling in the years and sleeping in the cemetery. How can I protect you at that time?


Huang'er knows that Huang'er just misses his father too much~~

Luo Huang'er snuggled into Li Changsheng's arms, stopped crying, and responded to Li Changsheng tenderly.

Good boy...


Afterwards, Li Changsheng comforted Luo Huanger again.

Luo Huang'er then returned to her own palace, Chixiao Yuxia Palace, to consolidate the success of Nirvana. .

After comforting Luo Huang'er, Li Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief. .

Return to the palace.

He looked at the super-dimensional chat group. .

I haven’t read any group messages in over a month.

The chat group already has 999+ members. .


Look through the chat history.

Many important events occurred during this period, but Li Changsheng missed them.

The group members are all chatting or discussing interesting things happening in their respective worlds, exchanging ideas and helping each other.

During this period, Saitama also competed with Pluto through the dimensional martial arts arena.

The results are clear. .

Saitama failed miserably~

But after this battle, Saitama became stronger. .

Pluto has also improved.

Li Changsheng watched the battle through the battle video recorded in the Dimensional Martial Arena.

Still quite exciting. .

Uchiha Madara successfully killed Danzo, returned to his heyday, and obtained the Six Paths Rinnegan Eye. .

But it seems that a new mission has been set out. Now Uchiha Madara has traveled to the chaotic Warring States era. The mission requirement is to change Senju Hashirama's ideas.

Judging from the chat history of the chat group, Uchiha Madara did not go smoothly, and even kept swearing in the middle. .

It was obvious that Senju Hashirama was like a fool, making Madara very angry.

Yang Jian successfully became a disciple of Master Yuding, and is now learning the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques, the Seventy-two Transformations, the Nine-Transformation Yuan Gong and other supreme immortal secrets~

Xiang Yu received a new mission, which was to slap Liu Bang to death, and was on his way to find Liu Bang.


Xiao Huangrong encountered the invasion of the Lord God Space Reincarnation. Some of them ate devil fruits, some used modern high-tech weapons, and some were genetically mutated mutants. .

Island Master Huang, the mute servant, and the old naughty boy were no match at all. After joining the group, Xiao Huang Rong signed in and scored points every day. Although her strength was very strong, she was still no match.

At the critical moment, Pluto sent a red envelope to Xiao Huangrong, which contained the Xuanming Black Hole. .

All those reincarnators have stopped eating. .

Ace's words... Because of the elixir given by Li Changsheng, the Burning Fruit has awakened into the Sun Fruit for the second time, and its power is extremely terrifying.

He has already slapped two generals, Akainu and Aosaki, and there is still one Kizaru left to go.

Kizaru is running too fast~~

Ace can never catch up. .

As for other group members, nothing special happened in more than a month.

Take back your thoughts.

Li Changsheng looked at the latest information in the chat group.

In the chat group.

Big-eared Tutu: Brother Xi Ling hasn't appeared for more than a month. Tutu really wants to sacrifice brother Ling!

Myth - Xiang Yu: A year has passed for Xiang here. If Xiang hadn't met Xiaoyue ╭(╯3╰)╮ several times and obtained the elixir of longevity... I'm afraid... I won't even see him again in the future. There is no chance to worship the spirit of the Lord~

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: Xiang Yu's world is really good. This longevity medicine has also been added to the group mall. Although it is improved by the chat group and integrated with the world's law system, it can be used in all realms, and it can only extend life by 500 years. But it’s cheap~~”

Fire Fist Ace: Oh~ I really want to thank Lord Sacrifice Spirit in person. Because of Lord Sacrifice Spirit's elixir, my burning fruit has awakened into a sun fruit!! Now, except for the captain of the second team, I have Dad made a special case to promote me to the position of vice-captain~~~This is all because of Lord Ji Ling.

Nangong Xuan'er, the number one witch of the Demon God Sect, said: Uuu~ I also want to sacrifice my brother Ling, especially my inner seed.

Peach Blossom Island Lolita - Huang Rong: 'Sister Xuan'er is so cute, I think...'

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: Calm down! You are a girl, Ronger.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jiejie, the stinky Taoist priests have joined the super-dimensional chat group and are still so rigid. They are really something that cannot be supported by mud!

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: You monster, don't say anything more.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie, you have the ability to challenge grandma in a duel in the dimensional martial arts arena!!

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: Haha, the world I live in is the end of Dharma. The spiritual energy is thin. My realm is just refining the energy. You monster, you are bullying others.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Grandma's world is still the end of the Dharma. The six paths of reincarnation are in chaos. What did grandma say? If you don't dare, you just don't dare, you bastard! With a contemptuous face.jpg

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: You!! You are using strong words to make excuses.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Luan Luan Luo, you just don't dare to compare with grandma...

The bald cloaked man: You're so noisy, old lady, I'll compete with you on behalf of the Taoist priest, come on~

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Haha, you brainless braised egg, I don't even bother to take a written test with someone like you.

Chapter 39 The Definition of Ninja

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: ..., Grandma Dryad is still as energetic as ever~

Little Lolita from Peach Blossom Island - Huang Rong: Master Sacrifice the Spirit! Catch a Master Sacrifice the Spirit! O(∩_∩)O~~!

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: Lord Sacrificial Spirit, you finally showed up. It's been more than a month and everyone has been missing you...

The number one witch of the Demon God Sect - Nangong Xuan'er: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ten thousand words are omitted)

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: Xuan'er is still so...cute...

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