On the contrary, it has great benefits for users.

The life essence of the user will continue to sublimate.

Li Changsheng gave Tutu two things. First, the Fusheng Good Fortune Pill could perfectly help Tutu control the various mysteries brought about by the chaotic soil changing his life constitution.

Otherwise, who would it be if Tutu slapped his parents to death? ? ?

Of course, the magical effects of the Fusheng Good Fortune Pill are more than that, but Li Changsheng temporarily sealed other magical effects. .

After all, Tutu is still young, and the world Tutu lives in is just an ordinary world. It is not good to be too extraordinary~~

As for the Jiuyao Tianmao Immortal Technique given to Xiaoguai, it was because Li Changsheng once used the Sansan Creation Technique to deduce it. .

The little monster has the extremely weak Jiuyao Divine Cat bloodline, so Li Changsheng gave it to the little monster.

The so-called Jiuyao Divine Cat is the legendary imperial cat from the era of origin~

Possessing supreme power, he can project the creation of all heavens.

Li Changsheng estimated that the little monster might have been slightly reflected by it. .

Although it is very likely that the world where the monsters are located does not include the heavens and realms that exist in Li Changsheng's world.

But after all, it is the imperial cat from the legendary origin era.

Who can say for sure.

After all, Li Changsheng had already deduced that the little monster did contain this bloodline.

In fact, he didn't want such unreasonable time to exist in the world where Tutu lived.

Because once it exists.

It is very likely that spiritual energy will be revived.

But the matter has come to this, and there is nothing we can do~

That's all.

In the chat group.

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: I envy Tutu so much!! Although I don't know the usefulness of the things given to Tutu by Master Sacrificial Spirit, it is definitely a supreme fairy treasure for us.

The number one witch of the Demon God Sect - Nangong Xuan'er: +1, but I guess Lord Sacrifice Spirit is also helpless. He is afraid that something will happen to Tutu, so he gave these treasures~

Uchiha Madara: That's right, according to the prop introduction in the chat group, Chaos Earth is the supreme material for refining weapons. Tutu, the kid, and his little kitten and monsters eat it blindly. If the Spirit Sacrifice Master doesn't give Tutu a gift, Immortal treasure, something might happen to Tutu.

Shinhwa-Xiang Yu: This is the only treatment Tutu can get, so we'd better... forget it...

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: Um...I always feel like I'm being ignored...

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: No~~ The system of the world where Master Lin lives is also very interesting, but it seems that it is the end of the law, and even fighting a zombie is so exhausting.

Little Lolita from Peach Blossom Island - Huang Rong: Why are you ignoring me~~Grandpa Taoist priest, Rong'er is even weaker than you and has not been ignored. You are overthinking...

Fire Fist Ace: Yes, Taoist Lin, you are worrying too much. As long as you are not as disgusting as Dryad Grandma, everyone is still very friendly.

Maoshan-Lin Fengjiao: It seems that I am worrying too much...


Eternal continent.

Origin of the ancient palace.

Li Changsheng finished eating the delicacies and returned to his palace.

Look at the harmonious and friendly atmosphere of the chat group.

Jaw slightly.

Although it's very harmonious, without Grandma Dryad, I always feel like something is missing, which is Grandma Dryad's unique laughter.

Ha~ It's really interesting.

Li Changsheng sighed. .

Eight desolate states, thirty-six heavens, forbidden holy areas, all heavens and all realms, the immeasurable sea of ​​chaos...the ancient sea of ​​origin...the land of the beginning...I haven't traveled there for thousands of years, I don't know. ....Where have all the old friends gone~~ Are they following the footprints of the emperor or looking for that legendary place...

Dark ancient world, alien immortality, source of strangeness, I wonder how many geniuses have risen and fallen in this era~~...

Is there really going to be a day when the universe explodes, the world is overturned, and no familiar face can be found in the world, and all that can accompany you is just a cup of loess?

A person who becomes an emperor...

Think of this.

Li Changsheng looked at his task list in the super-dimensional chat group.


System mission: Within a hundred years, find the footprints left by the Nameless Emperor in the depths of the Sea of ​​Chaos. Reward: The True Explanation of Taichu (Ultimate Chapter) - the supreme road leading directly to the quasi-immortal emperor realm.

Seeing this mission, Li Changsheng's expression changed a little.

The Sea of ​​Chaos...that sacred place where the Emperor is rumored to have existed!

The years are changing and time is rushing. Even the Immortal King will fall one day. Only the Quasi-Immortal Emperor cannot be overthrown by heaven and buried by the earth. He can sit cross-legged on the road and look down at the past and present indifferently.

The True Interpretation of Taichu (Ultimate Chapter) contains the supreme way to become a quasi-immortal emperor. .

Wait a little longer, Hao'er is still growing, and there is no news about the old friend yet. The primordial era is the beginning of everything, and it has not reached the end of the Dharma. It is not good to disturb the cause and effect prematurely.

Li Changsheng manifested his true form into the willow tree.

The looming human figure in the willow tree looks so otherworldly, with a flawless body, not just the tree body.

Moreover, the most shocking thing is that there are streaks of divine flames beating around it, and in each cluster of flames there is a god-like shadow, actually worshiping it.

What kind of power is this? It really shocked the past and present, and was magnificent!

All I saw was Li Changsheng's figure glowing, very slender, and it was impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman. If he was a man, he would be as rich as jade.

The Dharma of the Supreme Being cannot be desecrated.

Even the supreme beings at the Immortal King level could not see Li Changsheng's true face clearly.

Chapter 34 The cause of all effects, the beginning of Taiyuan

Because he is the ancestor worship spirit in the Taichu era, he created a system and has great merits in this world, even the legendary emperor.

If you want to see Li Changsheng's true face, you also need Li Changsheng's permission.

Because Li Changsheng also has the supreme quality of the cause of all effects.

This quality has been present since his birth.

At the same time, it is also an important guarantee for Li Changsheng to grow to his current level.

This trait is not helpful for realm strength.

But it is of great help to the essence of life.

This characteristic even transcends this world.

It can also be regarded as Li Changsheng's golden finger. .

Although until now. .

Li Changsheng didn't know where his characteristics came from.

But he knew secretly that he possessed the supreme quality of the cause of all effects.

Time cannot invade his appearance, cause and effect cannot change his fate, the great road cannot reveal his true nature, and reincarnation cannot disturb his heart.

The cause of all effects is the beginning of Taiyuan.

That's it~

Origin of the ancient palace.

Solemn and sacred.

The palaces are vast, and there are spiritual birds flying in the air, accompanied by falling flowers. Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see far into the distance. The mist flows and the red sun sinks, making you feel like you are standing in the divine realm.

This is the palace built by Li Changsheng with supreme magic power when he attained enlightenment.

There are countless mythical beasts and elves being kept in captivity by Li Changsheng.

There are also many great emperors, true immortals, heavenly immortals, and even immortal kings who live in the Ancient Palace of Origin to serve Li Changsheng.

The supreme vision performed by Li Changsheng attracted creatures from the Ancient Palace of Origin and even the entire Eternal Continent.


The golden light suddenly appeared in the sky.

The lineage of the Golden Crow living in the Eternal Fierce Sun has arrived.

They were attracted by the endless visions released by Li Changsheng.

A group came, led by a middle-aged man with blond hair. His pupils were like little suns, and golden beams of light shot out when they opened and closed.

He exudes a powerful aura, and moves his hands and feet like an ancient god, with surging golden light and rising auspicious clouds surrounding his body.

Lord Sacrifice Spirit...are you awake?

The middle-aged man led a group of people to kneel down.

Incomparable respect.

Is this...Is this Lord Sacrifice to the Spirit...?

A young woman next to the middle-aged man raised her head secretly and looked at Li Changsheng.

The moment she saw it, she was crazy~

Is this unrivaled master the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit Master? . . So handsome. . . . .

Is it this supreme being who protected our Golden Crow clan from being shot by God Tianyi~~

The girl felt that she was about to fall. .

Yiyi, what are you doing!!!

The middle-aged man discovered the same thing!

Quickly push the girl's head down.

Then he kept apologizing to Li Changsheng.

It's okay~ get up...

Li Changsheng's soft words gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

Thank you, Lord Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit!

Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit is so graceful!

This group of people are all strong men of the Golden Crow tribe, but they are half of the bloodline and the Golden Crow is not the majority. .

There were only a few pure-blooded Golden Crows on the front of the machine, and their bodies were covered in golden light that was burning like flames.

It's been more than ten million years, Yan'er, you have grown up, but how can you reach the realm of immortals??...You have slacked off...

Li Changsheng slowly reached the top of the willow tree, his voice ethereal.

It's like being struck by lightning in the middle-aged man's mind.

Sacrifice...Lord Sacrifice Ling, it is Yan'er incompetent, Ranran Immortal Lord of Xumingtang Yaotian three million years ago...is Xiaoran...encountered the invasion of Taixu Demon Realm, I went to support...Although I defeated the extraterrestrial evil spirits,...it did damage the foundation, and the realm has been stagnant.


Xiao Ran~~ This child should have grown up... You are serious, I won't blame you...

Say it.

Li Changsheng waved his hand gently, and a colorful lotus flower appeared in front of the middle-aged man, exuding endless fairy light and revealing endless vitality.


This...this is the Bixia Heavenly Holy Lotus!!!! God-level holy medicine!! Lord Sacrifice the Spirit...this!!

Take it... It's not easy to protect me in the Eternal Blazing Sun all these years. You deserve this. After taking it, you should be able to recover your Dao injuries~

Li Changsheng smiled, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

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