When Li Qiye took out the second secret book to register, the kind-hearted disciple nodded and said: That's just right. You chose this skill well. 'Kunpeng Xiaoyi Six Styles' is our cleansing method. Even the ultimate skills in Yangu sect’s imperial arts are still mysterious and powerful.”

Zhen Guardian, who was sitting on the side, also nodded and said: You have to practice this skill well and don't let down the prestige of this skill. The 'Kunpeng Xiaoyi Six Styles' is the core imperial skill, 'Kunpeng Six Changes'. 'The ultimate skill, if you have mastered this technique, it will lay a good foundation for you. If you have the opportunity to practice the 'Kunpeng Six Changes' in the future, then you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Hearing such words, the other disciples present couldn't help but feel envious and jealous. This is an imperial technique. Even if it is the ultimate technique, its power is much more powerful than ordinary techniques. Emperor's art, even the great sage's art cannot compare with it!

Huh, just a idiot. The Imperial Art is so profound. Even if there are only six moves in the 'Kunpeng Xiaoyi Six Moves', he will never succeed in practicing it in his lifetime. A disciple said sourly and disdainfully.

Some disciples were unconvinced and couldn't help but say: How come he can practice the Imperial Art! Of course, the unconvinced disciples had no choice but to keep their mouths shut under the protector's sharp gaze.

Li Qiye holds a warrant recognized by the six elders. Unless they want to question the decision of the six elders, otherwise, they can only watch Li Qiye practicing this imperial art with envy and jealousy.

Finally, Li Qiye took out the last secret book. This secret book was extremely old. I don’t know how many years the secret book has gone through. I don’t know what the pages of this secret book are made of. It has been turned over countless times, but , but there is no trace of damage at all.

Moon Vortex Yang Chakra Kung Fu. When the disciple saw this technique, he couldn't help but look at Li Qiye strangely, and then looked at the protector.

The guardian sitting here couldn't help but frown.

Moon Vortex Yang Chakra Gong. When the disciples heard the name, they glanced at Li Qiye with disdain and said coldly: Another idiot who wants quick results. Humph, there is no quick success in Taoist practice. Things!

Hey, people want to become geniuses overnight. Some disciples said sourly: Hey, even if you practice the Moon Vortex Yang Chakra Gong, you can't be invincible overnight. Geniuses are destined to be useless, and so are wastes. , even if a waste can practice any quick-turning techniques, he will not become a genius!

If you don't practice this technique, it will harm you in the end. The protector shook his head and said: Although this technique can speed up the practice in the early stage, for a mortal life wheel like yours, it can only It stops at the realm of longevity. After reaching the realm of longevity, you can no longer practice this technique. At that time, a genius of the holy life wheel in the sect also stopped at the realm of Tianyuan. In the end, he harmed himself and missed the opportunity. The best age to practice.”

The Moon Vortex Yang Chakra Gong can be said to be a famous skill in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect because it can be achieved quickly. In the early stages of practice, it drives vitality with blood and energy, allowing the Tao to advance by leaps and bounds. However, after reaching a certain level, After that, as the Tao Xing strengthened, the blood energy could no longer drive the skills, and then it stagnated and it was no longer difficult to practice.

Therefore, the Moon Vortex Yang Chakra Gong is known as a quick success method among the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, but it is also known as a useless skill. Many geniuses in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect want to try this skill, but they all fail in the end. .

Thanks for the Protector's advice. I know my own rules. Li Qiye just smiled and didn't care about the Protector's persuasion.

Seeing Li Qiye's stubbornness, the protector snorted coldly, closed his eyes, and was too lazy to speak any more. In the eyes of the protector, Li Qiye is just a waste of mortal body and mortal life. He is too lazy to waste any more words. If Li Qiye has good qualifications, he will definitely not allow Li Qiye to practice this technique.

In the end, Li Qiye moved a large number of secret manuals amidst the ridicule of many disciples. Nan Huairen helped Li Qiye move more than a hundred martial arts secret manuals back to Gufeng.

When they returned to Lone Peak, it was already getting late, and Li Qiye said, Let's go pick out the treasure tomorrow.

Nan Huairen also agreed. In fact, he didn't understand why Li Qiye chose so many martial arts secrets. It would take at least three to five years to complete these more than one hundred martial arts secrets. This is simply waste time. However, seeing that Li Qiye was confident, Nan Huairen didn't bother much and said, There are so many secrets. Tomorrow I will ask the Foreign Affairs Hall for a Qiankun bag for senior brother. This will also make it easier for senior brother to go out.

Li Qiye just nodded without saying anything more. When Nan Huairen was leaving, Li Qiye asked: What is the name of the great disciple of the Scripture Deposit Pavilion?

Nan Huairen said immediately, Qu Daoli, he is our third generation disciple. However, he is very talented and willing to stay in the Sutra Pavilion, so he was promoted to the second generation disciple.

Li Qiye smiled and said nothing, then Nan Huairen said goodbye and left.

After Nan Huairen left, Li Qiye closed the courtyard, prepared pen and ink, spread out the one hundred and twenty volumes of martial arts secrets one by one, and arranged them in an order that others could not understand.

Li Qiye looked serious. After arranging all the secret books, he opened the first page of each secret book, then copied a word from each secret book; then he opened the second page of each book. …

Li Qiye was very serious and cautious in every step he took, because he was the only one in the world who knew that there was a shocking secret hidden in these three sets of useless and inferior martial arts secrets: General Guidelines on Martial Arts, Miscellaneous Martial Arts, and Iron Copper Bars. , Moreover, this shocking secret was hidden by him himself.

Which technique is the most powerful in the world? Everyone in the world will answer without hesitation, the secret of destiny! When each generation of Immortal Emperors carries the destiny, they will create the secret technique of destiny. This is the secret technique that communicates the destiny and reaches the sky. It is incomparably powerful.

If there is something more powerful than the Secret Art of Destiny in the world, I'm afraid no one in the world can think of it, or only extremely ancient figures know about it.

If there is any technique in the world that is more powerful than the Secret Art of Destiny, then it must be the Heavenly Book - the Nine Heavenly Books.

In the wilderness era, there was such a legend. Before the world was opened, the universe was like a chicken egg. Chaos was born from the beginning, and the beginning was derived from nine characters. The nine characters produced nine treasures, and the nine treasures were inscribed with nine books!

These nine books are the legendary Nine Heavenly Books! However, in fact, throughout the ages, basically no one has heard of anyone seeing the Nine Heavenly Books, and basically no one has heard of anyone seeing the Nine Heavenly Treasures!

However, Li Qiye is the person who has seen one of the Nine Heavenly Books in the world! In the wild era, fate allowed Li Qiye, who had transformed into a dark crow, to see one of the Nine Heavenly Books: The Physical Script! Later, Li Qiye used countless strategies, spent countless efforts, planned for a hundred thousand years, and suffered many hardships. Finally, he got the Ti Shu, one of the nine heavenly books.

However, just because of Ti Shu, he experienced more hardships. In the wilderness era, I don't know how many people were chasing him, including people at the level of the Immortal Emperor. Even for the Immortal Emperor, Ti Shu They are all equally full of desire!

After obtaining the Ti Shu, Li Qiye understood the mysteries of heaven and earth. It was precisely because of this that later, even if he could not practice, Li Qiye was still unparalleled.

Because this Ti Shu later even had a great relationship with such invincible figures as the Immortal Emperor Swallowing the Sun and the Immortal Emperor Domination. Needless to say, the Immortal Emperor Akihito was cultivated by him personally.

In the case of Immortal Emperor Mingren, many people in later generations believed that Emperor Mingren was a natural diurnal body. Even the disciples of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect believed so.

Diurnal body, what kind of physique is this, one of the twelve immortal bodies, it is impossible for anyone in the world to be born with an immortal body.

Immortal Emperor Mingren's diurnal body was formed through practice, and the physical skills he used to practice the diurnal body came from Li Qiye's Ti Shu!

Li Qiye understood that the Ti Shu has been remembered by people for eternity, so he hid the Ti Shu. At the same time, Li Qiye was afraid that one day he would lose the Ti Shu and the secrets of the exercises would be erased from him. memory.

Therefore, in order to prevent such a thing from happening, Li Qiye used a method to pass down the secrets of Ti Shu.

Li Qiye spent a lot of effort to hide the secret of Ti Shu in martial arts that all monks disdained. At that time, Li Qiye split the secret into three parts and hid these three parts in three Among the martial arts that are unrelated to each other, these three martial arts have a total of 120 volumes, including tens of thousands of martial arts techniques!

The secrets of the Ti Shu are hidden inside, arranged in an order that only Li Qiye knew. Without Li Qiye's order, even if he knew that the Ti Shu was hidden inside, he still wouldn't be able to extract the complete mystery of the Ti Shu!

At that time, Li Qiye's three martial arts that contained the secrets of Ti Shu were printed in three eras. Therefore, these three martial arts spanned three eras and were unrelated to each other!

In three eras, Li Qiye printed more than 100,000 copies of the three martial arts books, which were widely circulated. After these three eras, they were spread not only in the Human Emperor Realm, but also in the other eight realms.

Although all the skills in Li Qiye's memory have been erased, the order of arrangement has not been erased! Therefore, if one day he loses the original copy of Ti Shu, he can still retrieve the secrets of Ti Shu from General Guidelines of Martial Arts, Martial Arts and Miscellaneous Techniques, and Iron Sheet and Copper Bars!

Throughout the ages, no monk has carefully read these three volumes of one hundred and twenty martial arts secrets. Even if someone practices martial arts, it is impossible to possess these three martial arts at the same time!

The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect possesses these three martial arts, which were specially left by Li Qiye back then. He also gave the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect a chance. If someone is really interested in understanding his secrets, then maybe the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect can make another appearance. A figure like Immortal Emperor Akihito, even if he cannot become an Immortal Emperor, can still achieve an immortal body.

It is a pity that few descendants of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect have seen these three martial arts, let alone comprehend their secrets! It is precisely because of this that the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has never heard of a second immortal body since Immortal Emperor Mingren!

Li Qiye spent a whole night to completely extract the secrets of Tishu from these one hundred and twenty volumes of martial arts secrets.

Looking at the secrets written down, Li Qiye couldn't help but show a satisfied smile. He slowly read the compiled secrets. As Li Qiye imprinted the secrets of the physical script into his mind, the erased memories slowly emerged in his mind. In the end, the complete Ti Shu appeared in Li Qiye's memory again!

After the complete mystery of the script was imprinted in his mind, Li Qiye burned the copied formula and secret. After experiencing countless hardships, Li Qiye knew how valuable Ti Shu was and what kind of disaster would happen if someone knew that Ti Shu was in his hands! Therefore, he kept the mystery of Ti Shu only in his mind.

In fact, the original version of Ti Shu was hidden by Li Qiye. Apart from him, no one in the world could take out the original version of Ti Shu.

However, Li Qiye is not in a hurry to take out the original version of Ti Shu because the original version of Ti Shu is not only related to the secrets of the techniques!

After retrieving the mystery of Ti Shu, Li Qiye rested for a while. It was already dawn, and Nan Huairen came to Gufeng early to meet Li Qiye.

Senior brother, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you to the Hidden Soldier Pavilion today. The elder sent me out. I want to report the marriage to the leader. Nan Huairen said after meeting Li Qiye.

Nan Huairen was the envoy and was highly regarded by the elders, so he often shouldered the responsibility of delivering important news.

Go ahead, I'm not in a hurry to pick up a treasure. Li Qiye nodded gently, and he took this opportunity to sort out the secrets of the techniques.

After Nan Huairen left, Li Qiye didn't sleep much. He took out the Six Postures of Kunpeng Xiaoyi secret book. Six Postures of Kunpeng Xiaoyi has a high reputation in the minds of the third generation disciples of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Status, this is the final skill of the Imperial Art. Although it is the final skill of the Imperial Art, it is extremely powerful.

The Immortal Emperors of the past dynasties have all created astonishing imperial skills, including longevity skills to extend life and nourish blood, life skills to repair life and defeat enemies, and physical skills to cast the body and cleanse the marrow! And the secret technique of destiny that can only be created by the Immortal Emperor who carries the destiny.

Immortal Emperor Mingren created countless techniques in his life. Li Qiye couldn't be more familiar with Immortal Emperor Mingren's techniques, whether they were longevity techniques, life techniques or physical techniques.

Immortal Emperor Mingren was the Immortal Emperor he trained with his own hands. Li Qiye participated in most of the techniques that Immortal Emperor Mingren created during his life. He even participated in the Secret Technique of Destiny created by Immortal Emperor Mingren. .

Although Li Qiye asked the Black Dragon King to erase all the memories of his skills when he fell asleep for the last time, he was still able to get them back.

Kunpeng Xiaoyi Six Forms corresponds to the core imperial art Kunpeng Six Changes, which is one of the strongest life skills among the life skills created by Immortal Emperor Akihito in his life.

Li Qiye didn't know if the Six Transformations of Kunpeng of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect was still there. He couldn't access the core imperial arts of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect yet, but he could retrieve the Six Transformations of Kunpeng Xiaoyi through the Six Transformations of Kunpeng Xiaoyi. The memory of Kunpeng's Six Changes!

Li Qiye slowly read and understood the Six Moves of Kunpeng Xiaoyi. In fact, the Six Moves of Kunpeng Xiaoyi only have six movements, which are not even able to protect one's life and defeat the enemy. However, Li Qiye is better than Everyone knows that Immortal Emperor Akihito's Six Transformations of Kunpeng were created based on these six movements.

Back then, when Immortal Emperor Akihito was still young, Li Qiye, who had transformed into a crow, took Immortal Emperor Akihito to watch Kunpeng from a distance. In the end, Immortal Emperor Akihito summed up the six movements of Kunpeng and created the Six Transformations of Kunpeng. , this Kunpeng Six Changes became the famous Immortal Emperor's Life Skill!

With Li Qiye's understanding, the six movements of Kunpeng Xiaoyi's Six Movements slowly evolved in Li Qiye's mind. Sometimes, the big roc shook the sky, and its wings struck three thousand miles. Sometimes, the big roc rushed to the nine sky. The secluded place pecks through the ground and bends down. From time to time, a big roc enters the abyss and turns into a giant kun, swaying its tail and making waves...

Sometimes it is a Peng, sometimes it is a Kun. The evolution is getting faster and faster. As it continues to evolve, it is slowly impossible to tell whether it is a Peng or a Kun. In the end, a fish becomes a bird, leaping in the sky and stepping on the road. , the transformation of Kun and Peng is like the transformation of the sun and the sun, it is naturally integrated and harmonizes with the rhythm of heaven and earth.

There was a loud sound of Dong-, Kunpeng hit the waves. In this moment, Li Qiye's whole body shook violently. The Kunpeng that made the huge waves dissipated, and the huge waves also dissipated. Slowly, everything They all turned into Dao Yun, Dao Yun evolved mysteriously, and circulated the avenue. In the end, the memory runes that had been erased once again appeared in Li Qiye's mind.

This memory rune sometimes turned into a Peng, sometimes a Kun, and slowly evolved into a mysterious and endless process. In the end, there was no distinction between Kun and Peng, and it turned into a complete Kunpeng, a complete Six Transformations of Kunpeng Finally, it was imprinted in Li Qiye's mind.

Li Qiye couldn't help but feel happy. His hard work paid off and he finally recovered the memory of Kunpeng's Six Transformations.

I don't know how long it took for Li Qiye to come back to his senses from the mysterious mystery of Kunpeng's Six Transformations. Without realizing it, he was immersed in this supreme destiny skill for a whole day.

After comprehending the mystery of Kunpeng's Six Changes, Li Qiye did not take any time off or feel complacent. He knew his own situation better than anyone else. No matter in terms of physique, life wheel or life palace, he cannot compare with those geniuses. Therefore, he has to work a hundred times as diligently in practice. On the road of practice, he must be committed and never give up. , only in this way can he carry the destiny and sweep across the nine heavens and ten earths.

As a mentor who has personally trained Immortal Emperors and mentored countless great men, he understands the principles of spiritual practice better than anyone else! Although his physique, longevity wheel, and life palace are not good, he has a complete set of cultivation concepts, which is his advantage.

Li Qiye opened the Moon Vortex Yang Wheel Gong and began to study it. The Moon Vortex Yang Wheel Gong is a longevity method, focusing on the life wheel to prolong life and nourish blood.

Every monk, even a mortal, has a life wheel! As long as they are intelligent creatures, they have three things: first, constitution; second, life wheel; third, life palace.

Physique, needless to say, is the carrier of life. If there is no physique, there is no life. No matter how ordinary mortals are, they still have a mortal body! Flesh and blood is the best carrier of life!

Life rings, there is a saying that goes like this, trees have annual rings and people have life rings. The life wheel is contained in the body, but it is not the essence. It is a wheel of light. Only monks can see their own life wheel. After practicing the longevity method, the life wheel will appear in the back of the mind, and a wheel of light will appear. The halo of light means the strength of your vitality and longevity.

As a mortal, if there is no harm in his life, how many years he will live is determined by the life wheel. For example, if a mortal life wheel like Li Qiye does not practice Taoism and lives like a mortal without dying from accidental disasters, he can live to be sixty years old.

The life wheel, constitution, and life palace all have levels, from low to high: ordinary level, acquired level, innate level, emperor level, holy level, and immortal level!

Although the levels of the life wheel, constitution, and life palace are the same, there is one difference. In principle, the levels of the life wheel and life palace cannot be changed. This is innate. Only the constitution can be changed through practice. ! For example, if you have an innate physique, you can upgrade your physique to an imperial physique by practicing imperial physical skills!

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