Ye Fan nodded slightly.

Yan Ruyu is the perfect woman that Ye Fan saw not long ago. It was this woman's arm that kept flying out of the demon emperor's tomb.

Ye Fan noticed it from the beginning. .

The moment he left, Yan Ruyu followed.

After all, this is related to the treasure of their demon clan emperor!

Even if Yan Ruyu doesn't come, he will help. After all, he has taken the Heart of the Demon Emperor and accepted the Qing Emperor's favor.

The reason why the stone wall can absorb psychic weapons and fly them is because Yan Ruyu uses the legendary cornucopia. .

Ye Fan doesn't care about these psychic weapons, they can be said to be dispensable.

But these weapons play a very important role in the development of one's own inner world.

It is likely to promote the birth of divine beings.

The cornucopia looks like it is carved from green chalcedony, green to the core of the human body, radiant, and the holy green clouds fill the sky. It is extremely soft and makes people feel comfortable all over.

At this moment, there is an extremely dazzling brilliance shining in the cornucopia. It is the treasure of the demon clan. The brilliance is so vast and dazzling that you can’t even see what it looks like. It is constantly rotating in the treasure basin, like the universe. The starry sky is rotating, not only are vast and unpredictable demonic powers surging out, but also blazing divine flowers are constantly shooting out.

This makes Ye Fan very interested. This cornucopia is not a Taoist weapon of any level, but its level of mystery is even comparable to that of a legendary holy weapon~


Of course, Mark will not take it by force, he disdains it! !

The person standing in front of the cornucopia was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was the perfect woman Yan Ruyu whom Ye Fan had seen before. .

At this moment, she was ethereal and holy, still flawless and unsullied, and she quickly put away the cornucopia.

It turned into a stream of light and went away, leaving only a string of laughter like the sound of nature: Thank you seniors for helping me, otherwise even if the descendants of the Demon Emperor come in person, it will be difficult to truly collect the emperor's treasure...

The three big figures who chased them had indifferent expressions. They carved many Tao patterns outside the Demon Emperor's tomb and gathered extremely powerful Heavenly Power. Although they did not stop the Demon Emperor's treasure, it also played a big role. , slowing down its indestructible impact. As a result, the people in the dark reaped the benefits, otherwise even if they controlled the legendary cornucopia, they would not be able to take away the treasure of the demon emperor.

The three big men shot at the same time, blasting towards the stream of light that was about to disappear into the sky. This kind of attack was unstoppable, and even they themselves could not bear it. The terrifying energy fluctuations like a tsunami swept over instantly, and the entire sky seemed to be on fire, making it dazzling. The monks around him were all frightened and quickly evaded.

However, this powerful blow seemed to hit the void and touched nothing. The sky filled with rays of light rose there, and the woman disappeared in a flash, rushing into the soft light and disappearing in an instant.

This little demon girl has been prepared for a long time. She carved the 'Tao mark' there, condensed the 'power of heaven', and flew across the void. She is probably thousands of miles away at this moment.

The voices of the three big men were cold. Someone actually tampered with them under their noses, snatching food from the tiger's mouth and amputating the demon emperor's treasure, which made them a little unbearable.

It's easy to open the demon emperor's tomb, but it's very difficult to stop the treasure. I didn't expect that we actually made it possible for her...

In a flash of light, the three big men disappeared and quickly rushed towards the center area where the Demon Emperor's tomb collapsed, because the legendary human treasure of the Eastern Wilderness had not yet been discovered, and this was what they wanted most.

Watching these three so-called big shots disappear~

Ye Fan shook his head and laughed.

he knows. .

The materials for refining your Heavenly Emperor Cauldron are about to appear~~


Ye Fan did not chase Yan Ruyu for the time being. .

Then it makes a rainbow light and flies to the sky.

The whole body exudes the supreme pressure of a saint.

All the monks who were fighting were trembling and did not dare to look up at Mark.

Ye Fan circulates his divine power.

A lot of light and rain were turned into glowing lights all over the sky by divine power.


At this moment, another piece of green copper fell from the sky.


Ye Fan looked surprised and grabbed the green copper as if he had found a treasure!

This piece of green copper is a relic of the ancient heaven. It involves the opportunity to become an immortal. Its body is a green tripod.

Can reach the fairy level.

For Ye Fan, this green copper plays a very important role in casting the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron~

All the monks looked confused~

They couldn't understand why the most powerful man chose this humble green bronze~


Ye Fan ignored everyone's doubts.

left here.

Put the green copper into your own secret realm of suffering.

at the same time.

Golden threads overflowed from Ye Fan's golden sea of ​​suffering and flowed to all parts of his body, nourishing his flesh, blood, organs and bones. His secret realm of the sea of ​​suffering was once again sublimated~


At this moment, Ye Fan discovered that the scrap copper had undergone strange changes, falling off a lot of rust, and turned into something simple and grand.

However, there is an indescribable charm flowing through it, giving people an atmospheric feeling of endless simplicity and vicissitudes of life.

Ye Fan will operate the mysterious method of Tao De Zhen, and the golden ocean of the secret realm of the wheel in his body is bathed in green copper!

Green copper actually appeared in his sea of ​​suffering, and sank there quietly, motionless, like an eternal rock, calm and majestic.

The vast golden sea of ​​suffering is like a bright moon hanging in the darkness, with simple green bronze in the center.

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fragment of the green cauldron, an immortal artifact left behind by the ancient heaven in the mythical era. The host will be rewarded with the Sendai Scroll of the Emperor Sutra~~

Buzz------The inexplicable Taoist rhyme circulated, and Ye Fan instantly understood the Xiantai volume of the Emperor Sutra.

This will be of great help in rebuilding the secret realm in the future.

Ye Fan even thought about the effect of combining the secret realm volumes of each Emperor's Scripture~


As for the treasure that everyone is pursuing from the Donghuang human race, it is the Desolate Tower!

It’s also an immortal weapon.

Even though you are extremely powerful and look down upon Donghuang, you still cannot stop Huangta's suppression.

Ye Fan has some doubts about whether this desolate tower is the reincarnation of the God-killing Stone, one of the ten ancient evils in the beautiful era~

He will not intervene because he believes that others are not qualified to take the wild tower~


Afterwards, Ye Fan went to the Yaozu to explain to Yan Ruyu, Pang Bo and others.

He asked Pang Bo to take him right where he was~

After all, being possessed by a big demon, being in the demon clan is definitely more comfortable than following him~~~~~

Moreover, there are many beauties from the demon race.

Pang Bo couldn’t bear to leave either~~

They are really good brothers. .


that's all.

Ye Fan took one step forward, and thousands of miles passed in an instant~

Came to a town.

It was already late at night, and the clouds covered the stars and the moon, making it extremely dark. There were lights ahead, and a small town was in sight.

When I got closer, I found that this place could only be regarded as a small town. At this moment, most people had fallen asleep and only a few lights were still shining.

Ye Fan walked into the town, walked around a lot, and finally found a small shop in a remote corner that was not closed yet.

This is really a very small restaurant, with only seven or eight tables in it. The tables and chairs are old at first glance, and they are all shiny, looking antique and very clean.

If you have anything to eat, old man, hurry up and get some.

The shopkeeper is an old man with gray hair. Time has long left traces on his face, which is full of wrinkles and looks weathered. His clothes have been patched a lot, and his life does not seem to be very good.

The old man was somewhat surprised to see an eleven or twelve-year-old boy walking around alone so late at night, but he still responded with a kind smile: Only half a roast chicken, half a plate of beef, and some steamed buns.

Okay, bring them all up.

Then wait a moment, and I'll heat it up for you. The restaurant is too small, and the old man's living conditions are not very good. He is not only the shopkeeper, but also a waiter and a chef.

Not long after, the fragrant roast chicken and more than half a plate of beef with soy sauce were served.

Ye Fan looked happy.

Although he can buy a lot of ready-to-eat products by having a chat group, there is no cooked food~~

At his level, he can live without grain, but it's not necessary.

He quickly took the bowl and chopsticks, bit into the snow-white steamed bun, tore off a chicken leg, and started to devour it. At this moment, he felt that the most delicious food in the world was nothing more than this. All the delicacies from mountains and seas were on the sidelines, and they were far less comfortable than the few things in front of him.

Don't be anxious, eat slowly, drink the soup to moisten your stomach, and don't choke. The old man brought a bowl of hot soup and reminded him kindly.

Thank you, old man. Your cooking skills make my stomach growl with admiration. Ye Fan said with a smile.

Seeing that Ye Fan was not dressed like a child from a poor family, but he was eating so voraciously at this moment, the old man was somewhat surprised. He rolled up his patched sleeves, picked up a touch cloth, and wiped the already clean table next to him. He shook his head with a smile and said, You are too hungry. No matter what you eat now, it will taste delicious.

Grandpa, why haven't you closed the door yet...

At this moment, a five or six-year-old girl came out of the back room. Her clothes were also patched. She was dressed very plainly and simply. She had two braids. She was very cute and had a red face. red apple.

You go to bed first, we'll be closing soon.

The little girl looked at the food on the table, her big eyes unable to look away. She swallowed quietly, nodded subconsciously, and agreed, Oh.

Chapter 205 The Immortal Cultivation Family Come and Ask Me for Punishment

Ye Fan naturally noticed this. .

And he also noticed that the little girl had an extraordinary physique.

It was actually the legendary Taiyin Holy Body!

Ye Fan greeted the little girl with a smile.

He smiled and said: Little sister, come to my brother's place and eat with him~~


The little girl's eyes lit up when she heard Ye Fan's words~ Just when she was about to nod, she suddenly thought of something and looked at the old man longingly.

The old man is very confused~

But Ye Fan waved his hand and said: The little girl is so cute, it's nothing to eat~~

The old man looked at the little girl longingly.

Let out a long sigh. .

Eat, kid, thank you brother!!


Thank you, brother! Thank you, brother!

The five or six-year-old girl looked happy and her long eyelashes were blinking. She was very cute.

Ye Fan broke off a chicken leg and gave it to the little girl, and the little girl wolfed it down~


Look at the little girl.

Ye Fan felt a little distressed. .

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