They still don't want to leave.


How about you and I join forces to quickly break open the Demon Emperor's tomb and take out the valuable treasures inside? An old man from the Ji family looked at the strong men in the Yaoguang Holy Land, and then at the dozen women in the Yaochi Holy Land. Finally, he glanced at the head of Lingxu Cave Heaven.

Okay, that's how it should be. The strong man on the ancient battlefield of the Ji family nodded immediately after hearing the words.

The dozen or so women in the Yaochi Holy Land were ethereal and elegant. They were all beautiful and beautiful. They looked at the leading woman in white, as if seeking her opinion.

The woman in white who was leading the conversation just now didn't want to participate, but she thought of what Ye Fan said to her before leaving. .

With a cold expression on his face, he lightly opened his red lips and said, I'm just passing by, and I don't want to fight for the demon emperor's treasure.

In this case, we won't force it. Our two families join forces to break open the tomb of the Demon Emperor. The Yaoguang Holy Land and the Ji family are eager for the people of Yaochi to withdraw. Although there are many treasures buried in the Demon Emperor's tomb, no one has any objections. There are many spiritual treasures, and the fewer people involved, the better.

Headmaster Li, please bring someone here as well. An old man from the Yaoguang Holy Land glanced indifferently into the distance.

The leader of Lingxu Cave Heaven felt bitter in his heart and said: We will go all out.

The old man from the Shaking Light Holy Land nodded and said: Your Lingxu Cave Heaven has put in a lot of effort, and you will be satisfied when you open the Demon Emperor's tomb.

At this moment, more than twenty strong men entered the Demon Emperor's Tomb again, hoping to completely open this ancient tomb.


The ancient palace made of five-color sacred jade was constantly shaking, blooming with dazzling brilliance, making the whole world tremble with it.

There seems to be something wrong... More than a dozen women from the Yaochi Holy Land were watching from a distance, and they all looked strange at this moment.

The demonic writings in the ancient palace seem to be getting brighter and brighter.

Those ancient characters seem to have life, they are all trembling, as if they are coming out of the wall.

The demonic characters on the ancient palace are all blooming with splendor. The dragon-shaped characters are twisting like little dragons, the phoenix-shaped characters seem to be about to spread their wings and fly out, and the black turtle-shaped characters are rolling endlessly...

A mysterious aura filled the tomb of the Demon Emperor. The powerful demon power was slowly gathering, and the ancient tomb was covered with a layer of mist.

No, there's something weird about this monster emperor's tomb...

The dozen or so women from the Yaochi Holy Land all looked surprised. They felt the increasingly powerful demonic power, which slowly surged like Wang Yang.

Not everyone in the Yaoguang Holy Land and the Ji family entered the Demon Emperor's tomb. The people guarding outside also sensed this change. Their expressions suddenly changed and they shouted inside: No, there are changes in the tomb, hurry up. quit!

Without them shouting, the people inside already knew that something bad was going on. The few people walking at the front suddenly turned into blood mist. Everything happened so fast that they had no idea what was going on.

Brush brush brush

Everyone quickly retreated, transformed into a divine rainbow, and rushed towards the exit.


The demon emperor's tomb suddenly lit up with endless brilliance, and the last few people burned on the spot. They struggled fiercely, but to no avail, and turned into ashes in an instant.

Let's go!

The leader of the Lingxu Cave Heaven and the two Supreme Elders rushed out with great difficulty. Four or five people from the Yaoguang Holy Land and the Ji Family also rushed out, and the others were all sealed inside.

At this moment, the door of the ancient palace slowly closed, and part of the scene inside could be seen through the gap that would not be completely closed in the future. The light was so bright that it was difficult for the people trapped inside to move. Their whole bodies were transparent and their blood was burning. , the internal organs were quickly scorched, and then the flesh, blood and bones also turned into fly ash in an instant.

The terrifying expressions on their faces before they died made everyone feel terrified, especially those who had just withdrawn. They were all frightened. If it had been a step later, they would have suffered the same fate.

How could this happen? What happened? Why is this mausoleum suddenly so scary... The old man in the Yaoguang Holy Land looked livid and very ugly. He has already lost so many people even though he has not yet obtained the valuable treasure. It is really not a big deal. good sign.

The women in Yaochi Holy Land looked at the woman in white with grateful expressions.

If it weren't for the woman in white, they would have lost their lives long ago~~


The woman in white had a cold face, and her delicate facial features showed no emotion.

But she was extremely happy in her heart.

In fact, at the beginning, she also wanted to participate.

But because of Ye Fan’s reminder.

She decisively refused.

It turns out.

Her decision was not wrong. .

At the same time, she was very grateful to Mark.


The woman in white murmured.

Ye Fan's majestic figure emerged in his mind.

This senior has black hair like a waterfall, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and a peerless face. He wears a black armor with a cold metallic luster.

The whole body is filled with chaotic aura, exuding temperament.

It's like banishing an immortal to the dust!

After thinking about it, the woman in white became lost in thought. .

I realized something was wrong with me. .

The woman in white quickly shook her head.

Face flushed.

What are you thinking about? My senior is an ancient sage and must have lived for thousands of years!! How could I have such thoughts!

Chapter 203 One hundred thousand cubic meters of divine source stone

Ding! Congratulations to the host, you successfully captured a woman in the Yaochi Holy Land and obtained ----- one hundred thousand cubic meters of divine source stone, which has now been put into the system backpack!

The source of the gods: the local gods from the great world of Zhetian. In the era when heaven and earth combined to produce all things, the era was chaotic and misty, and the spiritual energy was dense and very dense. Many spiritual objects could absorb the original essence between heaven and earth and form amber-like crystals. It contains a huge amount of life essence.

Note: It can be used for practice and to lock the passage of life - under the Great Emperor.


What the hell?

Ye Fan, who had just left, looked confused.

What had he done? Why did another woman fall into ruin? .

Also, what the hell is this 100,000 cubic meters of divine source?

I'm afraid it can allow an ordinary person to become a saint! !


Let's give something back to the brothers in the chat group...

Think of this.

Ye Fan turned into a rainbow light and found a secret cave.

Then the imperial patterns were arranged. .

To prevent intrusion by others.

He took out 99,000 cubic meters of the 100,000 cubic meters of divine source stone and put them all into his inner world. .

The remaining 1,000 yuan was decided to be distributed to the brothers in the chat group. How much they could grab depends on their luck. .

The effect of the divine source may not be as good as the elixir of immortality, but it is not much different.

You know, the source stone produced by the system is the best! !

Covering the world.

Ye Fan seemed to feel something. .

Put away the imperial pattern.

It turned into a rainbow light and flew towards the sky.

Above ten thousand meters of void.

Ye Fan discovered that ahead, five mountains were juxtaposed, straight up and down, very steep, like five human fingers standing there.

The five mountains juxtaposed really look like the giant palm of the god standing in front, and the five mountains look like five fingers.

This is.....

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. He could feel that the mountains and rivers of this world were decorated with Taoist patterns by the most powerful people.

A special potential has been formed! !

It can also be understood as a magnetic field! ! !

However, this Dao pattern should have gone through a long period of time. Although it is very mysterious, it is full of decay.


After obtaining the Demon Emperor's Heart, he put the Demon Emperor's Heart into his inner world. .

It is not put into the system backpack.

Because he was afraid that Emperor Qing wouldn't be able to sense the special changes in his heart.


Huh? I never thought that these Dao patterns are to protect a cave world, interesting~

Ye Fan's whole body was filled with chaotic aura, as ethereal as a fairy.

I sensed that there was a pure land similar to a cave not far away!


Ye Fan took one step forward and transformed into a chaotic energy~~

a moment~

Ye Fan has entered a world of fragrant flowers and chirping birds, just like the legendary sacred pure land. The scenery is picturesque and extremely beautiful.

The fairy mist was misty, and some pavilions and palaces were looming in the depths of the fairy mountain. Ye Fan walked forward quickly. Suddenly, he spotted a beautiful figure standing on the cliff in front of him.

The surrounding mist surged, and the woman was dressed in white, as holy as snow, fluttering in the wind, like a fairy about to ride away on the wind.

This is an extremely beautiful woman, like an orchid in an empty valley, very otherworldly, with a kind of tranquil beauty, perfectly integrated with the beautiful natural scenery around her, as if she is a part of the beauty of this world.

Even Ye Fan was stunned.

If it weren't for the empress.

Ye Fan thinks this woman is the most perfect woman in the world~~

Not only is she stunning in appearance, but her temperament is also so otherworldly and unworldly, making people feel ashamed of themselves, as if all the beautiful things in the world will be eclipsed in front of her.

This extremely charming woman looks to be only eighteen or nineteen years old. Her black hair is dancing lightly, her long eyelashes are trembling, her eyes are like mist, her red lips and jade teeth are shining with crystal luster, her neck is slender, and her icy muscles are The jade bones, exquisite facial features, stunning face, and hazy curves of the jade body make people feel flawless and perfect.

At this moment, the woman on the cliff looked at her, smiled softly, and suddenly bloomed like a fairy flower, so brilliant that the sun in the sky lost its color.


Monster clan...

Ye Fan seemed to feel something and murmured. .

Senior, little lady, thank you for helping me, the children of the demon clan. However, I still hope that you can give us the Demon Emperor's heart. I will give you all my knowledge in exchange! A voice that sounded like the sound of nature came out, very beautiful.

Ye Fan was thoughtful. .

Could this woman in front of me be Yan Ruyu? ?

Never spoke.


There was a sound of breaking through the sky, and several big demons that disappeared not long ago rushed out from the depths of the fairy mountain and appeared next to this woman. The blond girl with wings, the old dragon, the strong man with scaled arms, and the giant man with horns, all looked pale and seemed to have lost their vitality. They came to this perfect woman with a low profile and stood there respectfully. , and then looked at Ye Fan, with an expression of awe and bewilderment in his eyes. .

Especially the blonde girl.

Seeing Ye Fan, he was even more surprised!

Senior Ye!!!!!!

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