This is the blessing of the will of the heaven and earth!

At this time, Ye Fan felt that as long as he wanted to, he could mobilize the power of the entire world.

He seems to be the only true god in this world.

Ding! Congratulations to the host, the world will of the great world that covers the sky has recognized the host's wishes.

You have received the blessing of the will of this world. When necessary, the host can gather all the energy of the past, present and future of the great world that covers the sky, so that you can sublime yourself to the quasi-immortal emperor realm!

Of course, the host will not be limited to the Great World of Zhetian. The great will of the host is a possibility of sublimation for the Great World of Zhetian, and because of the detachment and particularity of the host itself, the will of the Great World of Zhetian Made an investment in you.”

Feeling the power of being able to mobilize all the energy in the world and the systematic explanation.

Ye Fan understood clearly in his heart.

This authority is not given for free. .

He still won't use this authority when he doesn't want to. .


Host: Ye Fan (Future Emperor of Heaven)

Realm: Peak of the fifth level (the fifth stage of Xiantai - saint, the twelfth level of essence - the road-level immortal emperor) - wave the hand to break the stars, travel across the universe

Physique: Ancient Holy Body (Immortal King in Nine Heavens, Yin and Yang Life and Death Diagram, Green Lotus Seed of Chaos, Stars Shining in the Sky, Splendid Mountains and Rivers, Immortal Golden Body)

The flawless chaotic body (the great road is curtained, there are no bottlenecks in practice, the will of the Emperor of Heaven is inspired by himself)

Characteristics: Physically invincible, invincible at the same level, invincible to all evil

Inner world: Small world.

Lifespan: 25/eternal (the ancient holy body has been activated, the flawless chaotic body has been activated, and the will of the emperor of heaven is clearly understood, transcending the long river of time)

Emperor's Sutra: Emperor's Sutra Dao Gong Scroll, Dao Jing Lun Hai Scroll

The supreme scripture at the quasi-immortal emperor level: the divine introduction chapter of the Tao De Zhen Jing

Supreme magical powers: Kunpeng Bao Shu, Divine Elephant Prison Suppressing Power - Youth Edition, Feixian Jue, Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist.

Multiverse-level law techniques: Pregnancy Gaze, Fetus Gaze.

Quasi-immortal emperor's weapon: Bronze Ring (Shengxu Era)---more extraordinary than an immortal weapon. It can be transformed into a sword, a ring, or a great vase. It is condensed from the most ordinary bronze as a mother weapon and becomes an immortal weapon. Add fairy gold essence to achieve the supreme treasure

Transcendent treasure: Eyes of Confucianism and Taoism Sage (Thirteenth level)

Props: Dacheng Holy Body Experience Card (23 hours, 58 minutes and 25 seconds), Ancient Bronze Lamp (Buddhist vessel), Demon Saint Level Blood Essence x 20 drops, Bodhi Seed (Elixir of Immortality Seed)

Supreme Luck: Blessing by the will of the sky-covering universe (quasi-immortal emperor level)


Look at your profile.

Ye Fan nodded.

Although he is still in the realm of a saint now, his background is even more terrifying than that of the Great Emperor.



There seemed to be a flood rushing through the sky. The two great transcendent powers, the Shaking Light Holy Land and the Ji Family, rushed past and arrived in front of the magnificent ancient palace in an instant.

They interrupted Ye Fan's thoughts.

After coming back to his senses, Ye Fan continued to start the melon-eating mode.

Now he doesn't want to fill the cup because there's no point.

But the Holy Land of Shaking Light and the Ji family’s mounts are pretty good.

You can take a wave depending on the situation. .

All around, those ferocious birds and beasts dispersed in a flurry. Although they could not turn into human forms, they had already opened their minds and sensed danger, so they all retreated decisively.

Ye Fan's realm was too high, and the entire space had been blocked when he appeared, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

As a result, they lost their good brother Zapdos. .

This time, they retreated decisively.

They are not blessed to enjoy the treasures of the Demon Emperor's tomb.


On the other side, the elders of Lingxu Cave Heaven all changed their expressions. Although they were attached to the Shaking Light Holy Land, the Demon Emperor's tomb suddenly appeared this time without reporting it to the superiors. At this moment, they came by themselves, which naturally made them a little uncomfortable.

I originally wanted to fight quickly, but I didn't expect that demons and ferocious beasts would intervene. What's even more frightening is that there is also a supreme senior who is suspected of being the third immortal slasher.

Fortunately, this senior had no murderous intent, otherwise their lives would have been lost long ago. .

I just sent this Yama away.

Two more supreme forces arrived.

In addition to the Holy Land of Shaking Light, the Ji family, the ancient family closest to Yan Di, also got the news and rushed here. Two super behemoths appeared here, making the people in Lingxu Cave Heaven feel bitter. They I know, I'm afraid it's hard to gain anything.

At this time, the majestic ancient palace continued to tremble. Several great demons, the heads of the Lingxu Cave Heaven, and the Supreme Elder were having fierce exchanges. The dull sounds inside were getting stronger and stronger.

It makes people's hearts throb from a long distance away.

The people from the Yaoguang Holy Land quickly surrounded the ancient palace. Dozens of savage beasts shook their heads, swayed their tails, puffed out clouds and mist, and stamped in the sky, causing the place to tremble and become noisy.

The people of the Ji family did not show any weakness. Eighteen ancient chariots formed a battle formation to block the sky and confront the Yaoguang Holy Land. At the same time, they also wanted to prevent the Demon Emperor's tomb from suddenly rising into the sky.

At this moment, eight or nine old men walked out of the crowds of the Yaoguang Holy Land and the Ji family at the same time, stepped in the void, and with a flash of light, they all disappeared at the entrance of the ancient palace and rushed in.


The demon emperor's tomb shook even more violently, and the battle inside had reached a fever pitch, with weapons constantly spitting out divine light and sweeping out from the palace door.

The addition of the Ancient Family and the Holy Land quickly broke the deadlock and seemed to break many of the restrictions inside. Not long after, streaks of rays of light rushed out.

The people who were guarding outside all took action, harnessing the divine rainbow, and competing for the brilliance that rushed out. If you look closely, they are weapons with brilliance flowing. You can tell at a glance that they are not ordinary objects.


Suddenly, there was a loud earthquake, and everyone around the ancient palace turned pale and retreated violently. A vast and unpredictable force rushed out of the ancient palace, like an angry sea roaring.

All the eighteen ancient chariots of the Ji family were thrown away, and the beasts and monks in the Holy Land of Light also fell on their backs and retreated quickly.

Blazing light rushed out from the demon emperor's mausoleum, making people unable to open their eyes. The vast and unpredictable power surged like an overwhelming mountain. A small crystal coffin no more than a foot long rushed out. The powerful power and dazzling light were exactly what it emits.

Dong, Dong, Dong...

It is trembling gently, like a heartbeat, rhythmic, full of majestic life, and vast power sweeping in all directions.

Has it finally come out...the demon emperor's heart!!

Ye Fan's eyes burst with light.

I was thinking in my heart whether I should take away the demon emperor's heart.


Think for a moment.

Ye Fan decided to wait and talk.


Stop it!

Anxious shouts came from the Demon Emperor's tomb, and then more than a dozen figures rushed out.

The masters of the Shaking Light Holy Land and the Ji Family had not looked very good since they rushed out of the ancient palace, and they loudly ordered the people around them to intercept the crystal coffin.

At this time, the leader of Lingxu Cave Heaven and the Supreme Elder also rushed out with ugly expressions. They did not want to give up. Although so many people came, they still wanted to compete, otherwise all their efforts would be in vain.

As for the several big demons, they were the most angry, with unwillingness written on their faces. However, facing so many powerful human beings, they were helpless and rushed out of the encirclement, ready to act according to the opportunity.

Eighteen ancient chariots of the Ji family formed a battle formation, blocking the sky, blocking the place and intercepting the crystal coffin. The monks in the Shaking Light Holy Land also took action, either riding wild beasts or riding the divine rainbow, and rushed forward.

The crystal coffin, which was less than a foot long, was immediately trapped. At this time, all the strong men who rushed out from the Demon Emperor's tomb arrived, reaching out and grabbing it almost at the same time.


Dozens of pairs of big hands reached out and grabbed the crystal coffin. Of course, those big hands were made of divine power and were not the real palms of everyone. While they were fighting for the crystal coffin, they were also fighting with each other.

All the eighteen ancient chariots of the Ji family surrounded them, and the people from the Yaoguang Holy Land were galloping around. At this moment, the head of the Lingxu Cave Sky and the two surviving Supreme Elders looked ugly. Their absolute He is very powerful, but he seems alone in front of so many people.

Crack, click, click

At this moment, the crystal coffin could not withstand the impact of so many strong men, slowly cracked, and then shattered with a bang.


At this moment, a terrifying demon power burst out in an instant, knocking everyone away. No one could withstand this violent force.

As for the ancient chariots of the Ji family, the four in the front were directly smashed into pieces. The twelve monks on them were like piles of yellow sand and turned into powder in an instant.

The Shaking Light Holy Land also suffered heavy losses. Dozens of people were crushed to pieces by this monstrous demonic power, and even people and beasts were turned into blood mist and died.

The head of the Lingxu Cave Heaven and the two supreme elders had pale faces and flew hundreds of meters away before they stabilized their bodies. Even though they were so powerful, they were almost injured.

At this moment, the breath of life erupting from the broken crystal coffin was comparable to that of Wang Yang. The combined life force of everyone present was not as powerful as it.

At the source of endless demonic power, there is a bright red heart, only as big as a fist, as bright as red agate, surrounded by fierce bloody divine flowers. The endless demonic power and powerful life breath are exactly what it emits. .

Dong, Dong, Dong...

At this moment, no one can get close. Every time this crystal clear and bright red heart beats, the people around it feel like their blood is gushing and their blood vessels are about to burst. Everyone's heart is in severe pain, and many people are bleeding from the corners of their mouths. Support and fly away quickly.

A terrible heart, just beating like this normally is unbearable!

The Heart of the Great Emperor... is the sacred heart of the great emperor of my demon race! In the sky, several great demons were all shocked and could not help but exclaim.


Your level is not enough, so I'll hold it for you first.

Right now.

Beside the Demon Emperor's Heart.

An extremely bright colorful glow appeared.

In the astonished eyes of everyone. .

The colorful rays of light revealed a majestic figure.

It was Ye Fan.

Ye Fan looked at the crystal demon emperor's heart beating powerfully in front of him. .

The powerful demon power and life breath contained in it are comparable to the elixir of immortality.

He seemed to miss an old friend.

He said in a gentle tone: I will not hurt you. You should be able to feel my essence. I want to reshape the supreme heaven. Come with me, and your true self will follow me.

Chapter 202 Ancient Sages

The demon emperor's heart seemed to understand Ye Fan's words.

It emits a soft rhyme.

The major forces present were originally suppressed and unable to move, but at this moment they also resumed action.


Senior...Senior, this is the heart of the Demon Emperor. You cannot give it to other great demons, otherwise a supreme emperor of the demon clan may appear again!

Yes, senior!!

The strong men from the Yaoguang Holy Land and the Ji family were extremely shocked when they saw Ye Fan suddenly appearing.

Although the endless visions and terrifying coercion contained in him have been restrained, they are still felt! !

They can be regarded as coming from a large sect's holy land, and even the sect leader is not as scary as the strong man in front of him.

As soon as he appeared, he stabilized the heart of the demon emperor. His origin is immeasurable, and he is probably a peerless powerful man who is hiding in the world!

Looking at the Yaoguang Holy Land and the strong men of the Ji family, they all had serious expressions on their faces.

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