
Senior...Senior, this...this...

The blond girl from the demon tribe was a little at a loss.

I didn’t expect this senior to be so kind to me. .

She raised her head and glanced at Mark. .

Then his face turned red again.

Put your head down.


What's wrong kid? There's not enough food, then two more wings!!!

With that said, Ye Fan tore off the two wings of the Lightning Bird. .

He used his divine power to construct a large bowl and put it in it.


No, no, it's not like that...Senior...Senior, I...

Since senior let you eat, then quickly thank senior for eating~

The big demon next to the blond demon girl quickly smoothed things over, for fear of offending Ye Fan.

Although he didn't know why Mark was so friendly.

But today’s blond girl must eat~


Since the elders let themselves eat it.

The blond girl from the demon clan did not hesitate.

Thank you, senior!

The blonde girl had a serious face and solemnly thanked Mark.

It's okay, kid, just eat~~

Ye Fan looked at the blond demon girl with a smile.


All the people, demons, and ferocious beasts present did not dare to speak. .

I don’t know what this senior is going to do.

All they can do is not to offend this senior. .

Because this senior is definitely not someone they can afford.

The head of Lingxu Cave Heaven speculated that this senior had even reached the legendary supreme realm of the Three Immortals. .

Don't dare to move. .


Feeling Ye Fan's loving smile and eyes like a father.

The girl's face turned slightly red.

Start eating.

The moment of entrance. .

The blond demon girl cried~


Ye Fan was confused. .

What's wrong kid? Too much chili powder??

Woooooo, no...Senior...Senior, it's so delicious!! I...I've never eaten such delicious food in my life~

Hear the explanation from the blonde girl.

The corners of Ye Fan's mouth twitched slightly.

That's good, kid, hurry up and eat. Slow down and your divinity will be lost~~

Yeah!!! Thank you, senior!

The blond girl from the demon clan nodded heavily. .

It's like I haven't eaten in eight million years.


Within a few minutes, one of the bird's legs and two wings were gone. .

These are several meters long legs and wings~


Ye Fan's cooking is indeed delicious.


The blond girl from the demon clan burped with satisfaction.

All the creatures present looked at the blonde girl with strange eyes.

As if to say.

Is it really that delicious? .

This is indeed the case.

They were watching the girl eat.

Also swallowing like crazy. .

Except for the unparalleled fragrance.

And that pure divine power.

This is Lightning Bird! !

All the creatures present, if singled out.

Chance is that no one can match it.

So the way they looked at the blonde girl wasn't so much weird.

Rather, it is envy, jealousy, and desire.

At the same time, they felt a little unhappy in their hearts. Why could this young girl be favored by this senior, but they couldn't! !


The reason is naturally very simple.

They are either ferocious beasts or bad old men. .

Why does Ye Fan love them?


This fair-haired girl from the demon clan has allowed herself to obtain a godless scripture at the level of a quasi-immortal emperor!


The blonde girl was also a little embarrassed.

The hiccups just now were indeed a bit out of control!

Her pretty face flushed.

The voice was soft and soft: Yes...I'm sorry, senior, I...I lost my composure~~

Ye Fan smiled softly and said: It's okay, kid, just call me Ye Fan, no need to be so polite~

Say it.

I saw a bottle of iced Coke in Ye Fan's hand with a flash of light!

This is what Ye Fan just redeemed from Qun Mall. .

You're thirsty, kid. Let's have a bottle of iced Coke to relieve your tiredness.

at the same time.

Ye Fan injected a divine power into the ice-cold Coke.

The blonde girl should be able to open the remaining two divine treasures in the Dao Palace in a short time.

Because he discovered that this girl was in the Tao Palace realm and had already opened three divine treasures.


He does. .

It can be considered a reward. . .

Coca-Cola has been blessed by her own divine power, and the blond girl absolutely loves it.


Thank you...Thank you, Senior Ye!!

The blonde girl took the iced Coke. .

He drank it gurglingly.

Drink it in one gulp.


There was light in her beautiful eyes.

It's so... so delicious, Senior Ye, you are so kind...

Ye Fan rubbed the blond girl's head lovingly.

and didn't speak.

The demon blond girl had a look of enjoyment.

But she always felt that Ye Fan's eyes were a little weird...


I'm fine, you can continue...

In the confused expressions of everyone.

Ye Fan turned into little particles of light.


On a mountain peak thousands of meters away. .

Ye Fan's figure appeared.

He didn't leave.

Instead, he chose a place more suitable for viewing.

Just now, he actually planned to directly explore the mystery of the Qing Emperor's tomb. .

But the sudden reward from the system made him less tempted to expose himself directly.

So, he decided to move to a farther place and continue watching. .

How far things will go.

A deep will told him that doing this was the best choice.


the other side. .

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