
Ye Fan has an idea.

He himself owns the Tao Jing, and these people are also competing for the Tao Jing.

If I obtain this world's Tao Jing again, will anything interesting happen? .

The Tao Jing is famous all over the world and is a legendary fairy scripture. For tens of thousands of years, in the vast expanse of the Eastern Wasteland, there have been only a few ancient scriptures that can stand alongside it, but none of them have ever been able to completely surpass it.

It records the mysterious and mysterious cultivation methods, from cultivating the Wheel of Life and opening the Sea of ​​Suffering, to the divine bridge that connects heaven and earth, reaching the other shore, and entering the next secret realm of cultivation in the body, all of which are explained in detail.

It is the supreme secret treasure of Daode Tianzun, one of the nine gods in the mythical age!

If you have both at the same time, will evolution occur?

Let the original Taoist scriptures be sublimated.

Needless to say, Ye Fan's brain circuit is very strange.

Dong, Dong, Dong...

At this moment, dull sounds continued to sound, like a heart beating violently, and the five-color brilliance of the crater shot into the sky, defeating all the monstrous evil spirits and vast fluctuations of divine power in the sky.

Magma as red as blood was boiling, continuously surging outward along the crater, burning half of the sky red. That magnificent ancient palace was ups and downs, vibrating in the magma. It was brilliant, crystal clear, and flowing with the breath of time.


With the last violent earthquake, the ancient palace slowly rose from the magma, with complicated and mysterious demonic patterns looming, but it could no longer imprison the ancient palace and let it float.


The volcano shook, and the majestic ancient palace rushed out of the crater. The dazzling light illuminated the ancient land, just like daytime. All the stars in the sky dimmed, and the five-color divine light shone.

Several big demons and the powerful men from Lingxu Cave Heaven immediately stopped fighting and all rushed towards the magnificent ancient palace. They all wanted to be the first to open the palace door, enter inside and obtain the inheritance and divine treasure of the demon clan emperor.

Among these strong men, if we just talk about speed, it is undoubtedly the demon girl with blond hair. Her wings flapped, and there seemed to be two golden lightning flashes in the sky. She was the first to rush to the ancient palace, reaching out towards The tightly closed five-color jade door was pushed open.

Of course, in Ye Fan's eyes, this girl was as fast as a turtle.

After all, the realm and essence are different.


However, what was unexpected was that a five-color divine light rushed out and knocked her away on the spot. Even a powerful demon like her did somersaults five or six times in a row. The others took a breath of cold air and did not dare to be careless. They all used their weapons and rushed forward to open the Demon Emperor's tomb.


For some reason, seeing the blond demon girl doing somersaults, Ye Fan felt inexplicably cute.

Laughed out loud. .


The entire ancient palace is made of five-color sacred jade, as if it came from ancient times and cut through time and space. It makes people feel a kind of precipitation of time and the atmosphere of history.

The sparkling ancient palace has many ancient characters carved at its foundation. The dragon-shaped characters are vigorous, the phoenix-shaped characters are flying, the black turtle-shaped characters are condensed, and the unicorn-shaped characters are majestic, like dragons and phoenixes, turtles and lins, and iron. The silver hook is majestic and powerful, and it is the imperial text of the demon clan from ancient times.

These words have mysterious power. When people hit them several times, the five-color divine light flowing from them flew away, making it difficult to approach and unable to push open the jade door of the ancient temple.


Several big demons and the powerful men from Lingxu Cave Heaven joined forces to attack. The purple copper furnace, golden sword, Bagua Mirror, dragon scale blade, etc. hit the door of the ancient palace at the same time, finally shaking it and opening a gap with a rumbling sound.

Suddenly, an ancient aura rushed towards him, and a powerful wave of life surged like the vast sea, knocking everyone outside away on the spot.


The dull and powerful sound became even more terrifying. The expressions of everyone present changed, and they felt the pain coming from their hearts. But no one stopped. After stabilizing their figure, they immediately rushed towards the magnificent ancient palace.

The demon emperor's heart, even after being sealed and tens of thousands of years have passed, is still full of endless power~

In this way, I am even more looking forward to Qingdi joining the heaven I will create in the future...


The terrifying life fluctuations like the vast sea have no effect on Ye Fan.

Ye Fan even enjoyed it very much.

The powerful breath of life evolved into wisps of divine power and was digested by Ye Fan.

At this time, Ye Fan's whole body was filled with glow, and the aura of chaos lingered.

Ye Fan's immortal platform was nourished, as were all the secret realms in his body.

Absorb this time.

The vast divine power in Ye Fan's body was once again sublimated.

after all.

Qingdi's body is the elixir of immortality, which is the elixir that the system rewards him with.

Moreover, what he absorbed was emperor-level life fluctuations.

Needless to say the effect.

If it weren't for fear of affecting Qing Emperor.

Ye Fan even wanted to hold the Demon Emperor's heart and chew it directly. . .

the other side. .


The brilliance flashed, various weapons swallowed the divine light, and they continued to fight, making sonorous sounds. The strong demon clan and the human monks crowded in front of the five-color ancient palace. The battle broke out again. No one wanted to let the other party get there first. They all wanted to be first. Rush in.

In front of the magnificent ancient palace, the brilliance was dazzling and the demonic aura soared into the sky. The two sides fought with real fire. This time it was a battle of life and death. No one left any room behind. The Demon Emperor's tomb was too important to them.

Blazing light is flashing, the sky is trembling, various weapons are swallowing divine light, impacting vertically and horizontally, murderous intent is rushing into the sky, divine power is surging, and the front of the ancient temple is almost boiling.

The battle was very fierce, but within a quarter of an hour, a supreme elder retreated steadily and gradually became exhausted. Then he was pierced through the chest by a big demon, and half of his broken heart was taken out alive, and blood spattered. The contamination on the body of the big demon made him look extremely ferocious.

The leader of Lingxu Cave had a cold look on his face. He made a secret with his hands and drew a strange trajectory in the sky, causing the purple copper furnace to vibrate. Endless purple mist filled the air and sucked the two big demons into the copper furnace in an instant.


Purple divine fire surged into the sky, and heart-rending screams emanated from the copper furnace. The two great demons were smelted alive in an instant, and only two wisps of smoke floated out in the end.

Ye Fan didn't think anything was wrong when he saw this scene.

The world of cultivation is not a world ruled by law. The so-called rules are all made by the strong. .

it's here. .

Strength is everything.


the other side. .

A battle broke out between a dozen ferocious birds and beasts on the volcano and the elders of Lingxu Cave, which was equally fierce.

A ferocious humanoid beast with a wide mouth and fangs, and fur that was more than half a foot long. It looked very ferocious. It tore an elder in half on the spot. Blood spattered and the broken corpse fell. It was too horrible to watch.

Next to him, an elder from the Lingxu Cave Heaven used his demon-slaying blade and split a fierce bird in half. There was a cold light within dozens of meters. The demon-slaying blade was radiant with brilliance and blood, and lay horizontally in the air. It was very bloody.

Among the dozen super ferocious birds and beasts, the lightning bird is the most terrifying. It has extremely high speed, soars into the sky, stretches out its golden claws, and scratches open the sacred drum offered by an elder on the spot. It brought hundreds of thunder and lightning, densely packed, bursts of thunder, flashing lightning, like shining blades tens of meters long falling down.


The elder from Lingxu Cave flew up with the divine rainbow, but he still couldn't avoid it. He couldn't move faster than hundreds of lightning bolts. His whole body was scorched black by the electricity. He trembled a few times and fell into the crater of the volcano, where he was swallowed up by the surging magma.

This battle was full of blood and killing. Humans and monsters suffered casualties on each other. They were all fighting for their lives, trying to be the first to rush into the tomb of the Demon Emperor.

“After watching the show for so long, it’s time for me to take action~~”

Ye Fan stood up and stretched.

Observing these battles also made Ye Fan more familiar with the laws and systems of the world of Suitian.


At this time the battle also entered its end.

The ancient palace opens.

Lightning birds and other super ferocious birds and beasts, as well as ordinary elders from Lingxu Cave, all jumped into the air and rushed towards the ancient palace.


At this moment, the dull sound in the palace came out again, far more violent and powerful than before.


The two elders of Lingxu Cave Heaven coughed up blood on the spot and staggered back. And a silver centipede as thick as an arm was cracked all over, like an insect body made of silver, broken every inch, and fell from the entrance of the ancient palace.

There was also a ferocious beast with a body like a bull, a lion's head, and dense green scales all over its body. It was more than ten meters tall and rushed into the air like a hill. But as soon as it approached the ancient palace, it was shaken by a dull sound and spurted blood. The broken heart was coughed out on the spot.

Dong, Dong, Dong...

The dull sound continued, and the super ferocious beasts and the elders of Lingxu Cave who rushed in at the beginning all shook their bodies and fell back, all bleeding from their orifices and seriously injured. The weaker ones and some ferocious beasts died directly inside, with their chests cracked and blood splattering, unable to exit the ancient palace.

The mantis is like a chariot, you are overestimating your own capabilities~ You are too weak, it's just a Taoist palace, how dare you force your way into the emperor's palace?\

,"At this moment, a voice echoed in the void.

This voice sounded inexplicably majestic, echoing in the minds of all living beings.

It makes people tremble uncontrollably.


This...this aura!! Not even the Holy Lord of the Holy Land has scary!!

No...I don't know, Senior Hefang...what's the important thing for you?

Is it...could it be the legendary supreme power of the Immortal Stage?, even the Immortal Stage cannot have such pressure!

Senior, have I ever offended you in any way... please... please forgive me.

In the chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: The leaves are packed.

Chapter 200 Shaking Light Holy Land

Ye Fan turned into a rainbow light.

Flying to the front of the ancient palace.

Only then did everyone see the face of this senior clearly.

I saw that this senior was filled with an extremely mysterious aura of chaos, and the powerful power of Qi and blood was like a blazing sun, as if it could burn the world.

No one can even get too close.

Especially the demon creatures.

There is even an instinctive fear.

The fair-haired demon girl couldn't help but look up curiously at this terrifying senior.


She sank.

She saw that this senior was not an extremely majestic old man as she imagined.

But very young.

His figure is slender, like a divine sword, standing between heaven and earth.

She has black hair like a waterfall, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and a peerless face. She wears a black armor with a cold metallic luster.

This style of painting seems to be from a different world than them.

It's like banishing an immortal to the dust!

So... so handsome!

The blond demon girl's beautiful eyes flashed and her face turned red.

She was stunned. She didn't expect such a handsome man to exist in the world.

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