
The dull sound actually came from inside the volcano, or to be precise, from the ancient temple floating in the magma. It was bright and crystal clear, with the breath of time flowing, and at the same time, there were rays of divine cloud flowing.

Among the ancient buildings under the volcano, there is a five-meter-long sacred bird, with golden light shining all over its body, and arcs of electricity wrapping around its body. It is the Lightning Bird that fought with the Scaled Ape King two days ago. It appears here intact. The fate of the Scaled Ape King can be imagined.

The Lightning Bird is a truly super ferocious bird. It dominates the construction area and no creature dares to approach it.

Of course, it is not the only one. There are nearly twenty ferocious birds and wild beasts scattered among other buildings. They are all of different species, most of which are unheard of and unseen, and each of them is extremely strange.

A centipede with silver wings was as thick as an arm and two meters long. Its whole body was shiny, as if it were cast from silver. It lay quietly among the ruins. Other creatures did not dare to cross even half a step.

There is also a ferocious beast that looks like a bull, has a lion's head, and is covered with blue scales. It is more than ten meters tall, standing like a hill in the ruins, and it also occupies an exclusive area.

There are nearly twenty such terrifying creatures, which is enough to illustrate the terror deep in the ruins. At this moment, they surround the volcano and are nervously watching the ancient temple that is constantly sinking in the magma.

Is it the former imperial palace? Several Taoist palace-level demon beasts are competing for the Qing Emperor's demon emperor's heart? Interesting...

But that Lightning Bird should taste good, I'll have a barbecue later depending on the situation...

Ye Fan did not take action immediately, but watched and commented at the same time.



Ye Fan raised his eyebrows.

I saw nearly twenty old men dressed in Hanfu appearing here.

There is considerable divine power flowing within the body.

Ye Fan estimated that these old men should be practitioners from Lingxu Cave. .

Speaking of Lingxu Cave, the destiny line of the predecessor was started here, but except for an old man named Wu Qingfeng and the girl Weiwei, this Lingxu Cave was not a good thing. .

But this has nothing to do with Mark. . .

Eh? Is it a demon clan? I don't know if the blood is pure.

At dusk. .

Ye Fan felt a good wave of demonic power.

, there are also creatures on the volcano, a two-meter-tall man with scales covering his arms, shining brightly under the reflection of the magma. There was a girl next to him. She had no arms and only had a pair of golden wings. In addition, her long hair was as shiny as gold.

On equal footing with them was a giant snake with horns on its head and sharp claws on its belly. It was completely beyond the scope of a snake and could be considered a legendary dragon.

Chapter 198 A lotus in the eternal blue sky

The demon clan in this era is a bit weak~ But compared to the human race, they are almost the same...

This is the fate of the times~

Ye Fan was a little emotional.

Today's Suitian era can be regarded as that kind of apocalyptic era.

Even Sendai No. 1 and No. 2 can be regarded as supremely powerful, with ancestral heritage, and even the Holy Land Family of Imperial Soldiers is enough to dominate a large area!

Now I should be able to fight against the emperor's soldiers with my bare hands. If I have a chance, I'll give it a try~

You shouldn't die if you try...

As if thinking of something, Ye Fan murmured to himself.

Sounds very cuppy.

But it's true.

A simple ancient holy body may not work.

But Ye Fan still has a flawless chaotic body! !

And it has become a small success.

This is not even counting the endless foundation that Ye Fan possesses.

Of course, the unarmed anti-imperial soldiers mentioned here are not used by Emperor Kang personally.

Instead, the imperial soldiers activate independently or the holy land sect activates.

Otherwise, Ye Fan would not be able to go to heaven. .


Take back your thoughts.

Ye Fan thinks the demon girl on the volcano is quite cute. .



Hey, there is still...

Ye Fan turned around and saw three monsters around the peak of the Tao Palace on the other side of the volcano.

One of the giant men was extremely tall, three meters tall. Although he had a complete human body, he had two horns on his head.

At the same time, Ye Fan also discovered several humans with similar strength to the demon clan.

They are all old men with white beards and hair.

The wheel of life in the chakra in the body has lost its vitality, but the divine power it possesses is still impressive. .

According to Zhuantian's fate and Ye Fan's calculations, these people should all come from Lingxu Cave.

And his status is quite high.

They are also not far from the crater.

The location was chosen entirely based on the level of strength. Under the volcano are dozens of ferocious birds and beasts, as well as a group of elders from Lingxu Cave, while above the volcano are higher-level beings. Their purposes are exactly the same, all for Come from the ancient temple in the magma.

All the powerful men stared nervously at the crater, where the magma was boiling and the ancient palace with its divine brilliance was rising and falling, as if the power of time was flowing, making people feel an ancient atmosphere.

To be honest, Mark is really not interested in them.

The most powerful one is only at the peak of the Dao Palace, and has not even touched the threshold of the four poles.

What Ye Fan is interested in is Qingdi.

And its Demon Emperor’s tomb.

It seems that there is another demon princess, Yan Ruyu, a descendant of the Qing Emperor, who also has a great cause and effect with himself. .

Although it is said that Ye Fan inherited the will of the original Emperor of Shengxu era.

But Ye Fan's memory is very vague about many things. .

It takes experience to recover memories.

However, Ye Fan still has memories of the beautiful world supporting Emperor Huangtian to beat Immortal King Anlan. .

Rather profound.

Speaking of this, Ye Fan feels that there is an opportunity to find materials to refine his own Heavenly Emperor weapon - the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron...



A dull sound came from the crater again.

This sound exuded a faint pressure, and the closer the distance, the greater the pressure felt.

But for Ye Fan, it was meaningless.

However, those super ferocious birds and beasts all trembled involuntarily, and the dozens of elders in Lingxu Cave also stiffened and were all affected.

Dong, Dong, Dong

There were three muffled sounds in succession, with very short intervals. Magma surged in the crater, and blazing rays of light rushed into the sky. The night seemed to turn into day.

At this moment, lava gurgled out from the crater, and the gleaming ancient palace floated directly up, exuding a powerful breath of life.

On the volcano, the heads of Lingxu Cave and the four Supreme Elders all glowed with brilliance and slowly moved forward. On the other side, several big demons in human form also stepped forward at the same time, fearless of the rushing lava. Their eyes stared at the ancient temple for a moment, until they reached the crater, then they glanced at the few human monks.

Among them, the big man with arms covered with scales shouted at the head of Lingxu Cave: Humans, you have gone too far. The original ruins were split into two. You already own Lingxu Cave, and now you come to our territory to fight for Immortals. , do you want to provoke a dispute?

Not far away, the giant man who was three meters tall and had a pair of horns on his head also made a strong voice and shouted: If you want to start a war, just try to get involved in this ancient palace!

The head of Lingxu Cave Heaven and the four Supreme Elders were not afraid. One of them stepped forward and said: This ruins was originally left by my human race. Now that the treasure has appeared, it is reasonable for us to come here to look for opportunities. What's the matter? What’s not right?”

This primitive ruins are our residence, so naturally we cannot allow you to come here to seize the treasure! The girl with no arms, a pair of wings, and long golden hair shouted with Leng: If you insist on getting involved, don't blame me. We’re welcome!”

This is the ruins left by our human race. You are just living here, how can you occupy it? The head of Lingxu Cave Heaven was not afraid. Although his words were calm, he exuded a frightening momentum. .

My ancestors of the Jiao Clan have their last words. This is not the homeland of your human race. It is the imperial capital of the Monster Clan during its heyday. Everything here has nothing to do with you. The old man with a single horn on his head and sharp claws on his belly Although the dragon has not transformed into a human form, it can speak human words. Its strength is not weaker than other people, it is just that it is not good at transforming into animal bodies.

Impossible. All the buildings here are in the style of the human race. What does it have to do with the demon race? asked an elder from Lingxu Cave. The two sides are arguing and refusing to give in, all for the sake of the ancient temple in the magma.

Ye Fan was happy to be at ease.

Eat melon and watch a show on the sidelines.

It would be even better if there is melon seeds, peanut fertilizer and happy water. .

certainly. . .

There are some for sale in the chat group. . .

And very cheap.

This kind of thing with little energy, one point can buy a meal of peanuts and melon seeds, and 10,000 bottles of Fat House Happy Water.

But Ye Fan didn't plan to buy it. .

Because he doesn't really just keep eating and watching the show.

He wants Yan Ruyu, the princess of the Kangkang Demon Clan. .

I also want to see what secrets Qingdi has. . .


There were dull sounds from time to time in the ancient palace. Even a few big demons and the headmaster of Lingxu Cave and others couldn't bear it at such a close distance, and their expressions didn't look very good.

The boiling magma, extremely red and coquettish, kept pouring out, like bright red blood, and the gleaming ancient palace slowly rose up, gradually leaving the crater.

A big demon was about to step forward, but the old dragon stopped him and said: I have been waiting for several days. Do you still care about this little time? Let it break the ancient restrictions on its own. Don't interfere, lest it happen. Accident.

The demon script is the script of our demon clan! At this moment, the giant man with two horns and a height of three meters suddenly shouted and said: Look, it is the imperial script of the demon clan, it must be Left behind by a generation of demon emperors!

The entire ancient temple is made of five-color sacred jade. It is crystal clear and gleaming. It is very magical. There are many ancient characters engraved on its foundation. Some are shaped like dragons and phoenixes, and some resemble black tortoises and unicorns. They are from ancient times. The former Demon Clan Emperor Wen.

Di Wen... Qing Emperor, the only person in the post-descending ancient era who has attained enlightenment and become an emperor, is indeed very powerful!!

A lotus in the eternal blue sky! !

Ye Fan can feel that the imperial pattern contains the Tao that belongs to Qing Emperor.

As an emperor in the post-barren ancient era, Qingdi's strength is definitely top among the great emperors of the Zhutian world. .

If it were not for the limitations of the world, future achievements would be immeasurable!

Moreover, he was ambitious and wanted to rely on his own power to evolve the fairyland, but he was not completely successful. .

Ye Fan admires such supreme powerhouses very much.

In the future he will create heaven.

I hope to take it under my wing.


This will all happen later.


Ding! Congratulations to the host for signing in to the Demon Emperor's tomb! The reward is the seventh-level immortal elixir --- Chaos Qinglian.

Chaos Green Lotus elixir (immortal level): the true form of the Qing Emperor, the supreme elixir born at the end of the Wanmei era. If the laws of the world are perfect, taking it can extend your life by millions.

At the same time, you get ----- Chaos Green Lotus Body (Immortal King Potential), which can be transformed into Green Lotus and has the power to bring back the dead. It is immune to divine soul attacks and plague virus. At the same time, it can also practice the Green Lotus incarnation, and its physical limit can reach the tenth-level immortal. king.

It has been put into the system backpack, please check it carefully, host!

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