The Chaotic Heart Forest has fourteen floors in total. The entire vast Chaotic Heart Forest does not look much different from an ordinary forest. However, this Chaotic Heart Forest was personally built by the Nine Saints, the founder of the Nine Saint Demon Sect.

Once you step into the Forest of Chaotic Hearts, illusions will occur, and they are just like reality. Even the wise eye cannot break through the illusions in front of you. Unless you are stronger than the Nine Saints of the past, otherwise, the illusions generated here are the same!

For example, if you step into the Chaotic Heart Forest, you may have the illusion of being in a sea of ​​fire. Moreover, you will really feel like you are in a sea of ​​fire, with your whole body being burned. You can clearly feel the pain. Going deeper, this kind of The pain becomes more intense.

Of course, during this process, you can also use martial arts to resist this kind of pain, or you can use peerless martial arts to resist this powerful burning, but these will not allow you to absolutely pass through the entire Chaotic Heart Forest, unless You are more powerful than the Nine Saints, so you can use your skills to absolutely block this illusion and pass through it directly.

Ignorant child, you go first! Outside the Chaotic Heart Forest, Xu Hui sneered and said disdainfully to Li Qiye. For such a literary test, he absolutely has unparalleled confidence. He confidently believes that he will have no problem entering the eighth level of Chaotic Heart Forest!

Looking at Luan Xin Lin, Li Qiye couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth. Luan Xin Lin was built by Lao Ji Tou himself back then. This is definitely a place where humanity's heart is tested.

Me? Li Qiye said slowly: Things like Luanxinlin are too unchallenging for me. If I advance, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to appear. You go first, so as not to worry about it again. Say I won’t give you a chance.”

Li Qiye spoke arrogantly again, which made Protector Mo and Nan Huairen want to silence him. If you stop bragging, will you die? Bragging all day long!

Ignorant thing! Protector Xu snorted coldly and said coldly: A trash who doesn't even know what Taoist Heart is, dares to talk so shamelessly!

Xu Hui was trembling with anger. A mortal waste dared to despise him so much! He laughed angrily and said: Okay, okay, what a loud tone, I want to see how many floors you can get to!

How many floors? This is too unchallenging. Passing through the fourteenth floor is not a problem. Li Qiye said slowly: That's why I let you go in first, so as not to shock you too much!

“Bah—” Li Qiye’s arrogant words made countless disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect unbearable. One disciple said coldly: “Are all the people of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect so shameless? You don’t draft a draft when you brag!

Protector Mo and Nan Huairen had no place to put their old faces. They really wanted to leave Li Qiye here and forget about it. This was simply getting more outrageous the more they bragged. The Nine Saint Demon Sect's Chaoxin Lin and the others know very well that being able to enter the seventh level is already a great thing. For the younger generation of disciples, being able to enter the seventh level requires either a very strong Taoist heart or a The Tao is very high!

As the chief protector, Yu He couldn't help but shook his head. How could the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect accept such a top disciple as its chief disciple and pass through the fourteenth floor of the Chaotic Heart Forest? This is simply bragging. He doesn't even have the strength to pass through the fourteenth level of Chaotic Heart Forest.

Fourteenth floor? Xu Hui couldn't help but laugh wildly, looked at Li Qiye, and said mockingly: If you can pass through the fourteenth floor, I'll call you daddy!

I don't have an unfilial son like you! Old God Li Qiye glanced at Xu Hui, leisurely and contentedly.

Xu Hui lost his composure and was taken advantage of by Li Qiye. He was immediately furious. He stared at Li Qiye with cold eyes and said: Okay, since you are making such arrogant words, do you dare to make a bet with me?

Betting? What are you betting on? Li Qiye smiled and said.

Xu Hui sneered and said gloomily: If you can pass through the fourteenth floor, I will admit defeat! If you can't, just kneel and crawl under my crotch!

Xu Hui's bet made Protector Mo and Nan Huairen change their expressions. This was not just an assessment, but also a disguised attempt to humiliate Li Qiye and the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. However, they shook their heads helplessly. Li Qiye is looking for humiliation!

What if I pass through the fourteenth floor? Are you going to crawl under my crotch too? Li Qiye glanced at him and said with a faint smile.

You—— Xu Hui's face turned red because he was so provoked by Li Qiye.

If you pass through the fourteenth floor! He will crawl under your crotch on his knees. If you can't do it, crawl under his crotch! At this time, Protector Xu said coldly. Li Qiye killed Du Yuanguang. He wanted to kill Li Qiye himself. Now that he couldn't kill Li Qiye, he could just humiliate him!

Li Qiye glanced at Protector Xu, then nodded seriously and said, Okay, since you want to bet so much, then I agree!

Senior Brother Xu, just make him look good and take a gamble with him! the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect present shouted.

Xu Hui glanced at Li Qiye coldly, and said solemnly: I'm waiting for you to crawl under my crotch on your knees! After saying that, he turned around and walked away, stepping into the Forest of Chaotic Hearts.

Hey, this time the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is in disgrace. Their chief disciple crawled under Senior Brother Xu's crotch! the disciple of the Nine Saint Demon Sect said with a strange smile.

Protector Mo and Nan Huairen both turned away, unwilling to look further. If Li Qiye could defeat Xu Hui, it would be a miracle. How could he pass through the fourteenth-floor Chaotic Heart Forest? This is simply a fantasy! They wished they could leave now. Li Qiye literally crawled under Xu Hui's crotch on his knees. This time, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect's face was really lost.

At this time, Protector Mo couldn't help but hate Li Qiye and wanted to teach him a lesson!

As soon as Xu Hui stepped into Luan Xin Lin, his vision suddenly went dark. He actually stepped into a ghost land. The vast land was filled with ghost energy, bones creaked, and corpses crawled up from the soil. .

Xu Hui took a deep breath, activated his skills, adhered to his Taoist heart, ignored this ghost land, and slowly walked inside.

First floor - Everyone outside was staring at Xu Hui in the forest of chaotic hearts. Without any suspense, Xu Hui quickly passed through the first floor of the forest of chaotic hearts.

Second floor - third floor - Xu Hui was indeed good, both in terms of Dao Xing and Dao Xin. He passed through the third floor at a very fast speed.

When he reached the fourth floor, his speed began to slow down, because the white-bone ghosts in the ghost realm began to attack him. At first, he could ignore it, but his arms were torn off several times, causing him to scream in pain. He instinctively Resist!

Open-- When he reached the fifth floor, Xu Hui was completely trapped in the ghost realm. He roared wildly and sacrificed the treasure. The divine sword soared into the sky. He opened his mouth and sprayed out the real weapon. The real weapon dropped down with a series of laws. Sweeping around.

A life wheel appeared behind Xu Hui's head, and his blood was overwhelming. He used the unparalleled law and killed it in one breath.

Senior Brother Xu actually practiced the great sage life skill of the 'Fierce Sword Art'! Seeing Xu Hui kill the fifth level of the Chaos Heart Forest with his extremely powerful skills, some disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were both envious and amazed. .

Kung Fu has the theory of longevity and life skills, and it also has physical skills! The master killing technique of fate, especially the great sage level technique left by the Nine Saints and Great Sages, is even more powerful!

Seeing Xu Hui kill the fifth floor, Li Qiye shook his head gently. Both Luan Xin Lin and Luan Xin Lin were said to be Luan Xin. Killing them with Kung Fu would be astray! Back then, the Nine Saints set up the Chaotic Heart Forest to sharpen the Taoist minds of their disciples!

Seventh floor—— Finally, Xu Hui reached the seventh floor, and his performance amazed countless disciples.

Even Protector Xu was very satisfied. As his disciple, Xu Hui was indeed his pride. Although Xu Hui's talent is far inferior to that of Princess Li Shuangyan, and his Taoism is far inferior to that of his eldest disciple Leng Chengfeng, as a master, he is very satisfied with what he has achieved today.

There was a sound of Bang——, not long after Xu Hui reached the seventh floor, he could no longer hold on, unable to withstand the power of Luan Xinlin, and was suddenly ejected by Luan Xinlin.

Almost! Xu Hui, who was confused by Luan Xinlin, came to his senses after a while and couldn't help but howl. He thought he could step into the eighth floor, but he didn't expect to only step into the seventh floor. He still underestimated the power of Luan Xinlin.

You have already done a good job, there is no need to force it. Protector Xu said to comfort his apprentice.

Yu He also nodded and said: At such an age, you can enter the seventh level. Among the younger generation of disciples in the sect, you are already top-notch!

Xu Hui recovered from the disappointment, took a deep breath, stared at Li Qiye coldly and said, It's your turn!

Hey, it's not too late to admit defeat now. At this time, the disciple of the Nine Saint Demon Sect screamed: It's a miracle that a waste like you, who has never even practiced Taoism, can pass through the first layer.

Xu Hui spread his legs, stared at Li Qiye, and said with a sinister smile: If you crawl over on your knees now, I won't make it difficult for you. If you crawl over later, it will be difficult to say!

Nan Huairen and Protector Mo turned around, neither willing to watch this scene anymore. There was no doubt that Li Qiye was already doomed. Even if a miracle was achieved, even if there was a one-in-a-billion chance, Li Qiye would still be defeated. Li Qiye passed through the seventh-level Chaotic Heart Forest and passed the literary test, but he still had to crawl under Xu Hui's crotch.

But Li Qiye didn't care at all and said slowly: No, I'm waiting for you to crawl under my crotch. After saying that, he stepped into the Forest of Chaotic Hearts.

As soon as he stepped into Chaotic Heart Forest, a sea of ​​fire appeared in front of Li Qiye. Suddenly he fell into a world of fire with spewing magma. The sound of Zhi, Zhi, Zhi sounded. In the illusion, the soles of his feet had been burned blue. The smoke was rising, and the pain was extremely unbearable. However, Li Qiye didn't even hum and continued to move forward.

Li Qiye didn't care about Luan Xin Lin at all. He had experienced millions of years of suffering and no matter how painful things happened. In the wilderness era, he transformed into a dark crow. At that time, he could not plan the world. He had experienced countless sufferings. He had fallen into the hands of the demon, and he had fallen into the clutches of Gu Ming... He was imprisoned for thousands of years and never saw the light of day. He suffered countless tortures. Although the Crow's body is immortal, the pain will not diminish at all!

For thousands of years, he has been to burial grounds, entered immortal lands, and entered and exited the devil's land and ghost realm. It was the most dangerous place in the world. Compared with these places, Luan Xin Lin, a place like Luan Xin Lin, who sharpened his Taoist heart, What does the place mean? It is insignificant!

The mere Luan Xin Lin was unable to shake Li Qiye's Taoist heart at all!

Hey, a mortal waste who has never even practiced Taoism can pass the first level- A disciple looked at Luan Xin Lin and said with a sneer. However, before he finished speaking, he could no longer speak.

In the blink of an eye, Li Qiye had already passed through the first floor. In the illusion, the sea of ​​fire failed, and Li Qiye suddenly fell into the coldest frozen world...

Outside the Chaotic Heart Forest, countless disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect wanted to see Li Qiye appear, but the next scene made everyone open their mouths.

Protector Mo and Nan Huairen turned around, not wanting to see Li Qiye make a fool of himself. However, there was silence after that, and they could even hear the sound of a silver needle falling to the ground. This made them strange and didn't know what happened. They couldn't help but turn around to take a look. When they turned around, they saw an incredible scene.

The, the, eighth floor... At this time, a disciple shivered and spoke fawningly.

First floor, second floor, third floor... Some disciples were in a daze, following Li Qiye's steps with their eyes, murmuring to themselves.

The ninth floor, the tenth floor, the eleventh floor... An incredible thing happened. Li Qiye walked in the Chaotic Heart Forest, as if he was strolling in a leisurely garden, or walking like a car. His speed and figure were not slow at all. It seemed that he was not slow at all. It's like walking on the path in your own back garden instead of walking in the forest of chaos.

The, the, the, the, the fourteenth floor - In the end, Li Qiye walked through the heart-challenging forest calmly and walked out from the other side, walking out of the last floor of the heart-challenging forest in a relaxed and comfortable manner.

At this time, everyone present was petrified and passed through the 14th-level Chaotic Heart Forest! This, this is absolutely impossible! For all the ages, among the Nine Saint Demon Sect’s young disciples, no one has ever heard of anyone being able to pass through the fourteenth level of the Chaotic Heart Forest. That is Li Shuangyan, who is said to be the most talented and the strongest Daoist in the Nine Saint Demon Sect’s history. They can't even pass through the fourteenth floor of the Chaotic Heart Forest!

Impossible, impossible, this is absolutely impossible - Xu Hui was completely in confusion. This was simply impossible, but it was extremely real before his eyes!

Xu Huan's master, Xu Hufa, had his mouth wide open and could not close it. He walked through the fourteenth floor of the Chaotic Heart Forest. Even their leader, Lunri Demon Emperor, could not do it. Such a Taoist heart was so firm. What a terrible situation!

The appetizers are of average taste. Li Qiye came back, calm and at ease. It seemed that what he just passed through was not the Forest of Hearts, but a garden path.

How about it? Kneel down and crawl over here. Li Qiye glanced at Xu Hui and said calmly.

No, no, this is absolutely impossible! Xu Hui shouted. At this time, not to mention Xu Hui, but everyone present couldn't believe it! This is absolutely impossible.

This is impossible - Even Protector Xu couldn't believe it and said, Is there something wrong with Luan Xin Lin?

It must be, it must be like this, the ban on Luan Xin Lin has failed! Xu Hui said anxiously, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw: This round does not count, Luan Xin Lin must have failed!

This is impossible. Even Chief Protector Yu He took a long time to come to his senses, shook his head and said: Luan Xin Lin has never had any problems since its establishment. Let me try. With that, he walked in personally. Chaosxinlin.

Yu He was indeed very powerful and worthy of being the chief protector. He passed through the first nine floors with ease. His Taoist heart was extremely strong. His speed slowed down only when he reached the tenth floor.

With a bang sound, Yu He still couldn't pass through the entire Luanxin Forest. Before he finished walking through the eleventh level, he was suddenly ejected. His Taoist heart couldn't bear the interference of Luanxin Lin!

Chaotic Heart Forest has not failed. Finally, Yu He shook his head and said with great certainty. At this time, Yu He looked at Li Qiye very strangely. He could not believe this fact at all.

Li Qiye is just a thirteen-year-old boy. If he can pass through the fourteenth level of the Forest of Chaotic Hearts, there must either be a ghost or his Taoist heart is so firm that nothing can shake him! However, as a thirteen-year-old boy, this is simply impossible. To have such a Taoist heart, you have to go through a lot of hardships. With such a Taoist heart, no matter how poor your qualifications are, you will probably become a great sage in the future. It’s just a matter of time and opportunity! The problem is that it is impossible for a thirteen-year-old boy to have such a Taoist heart!

At this time, everyone present was dumbfounded and a little at a loss!

Are you carrying a valuable treasure? At this time, Protector Xu stared at Li Qiye with hatred. He simply did not believe that a thirteen-year-old boy could pass through the Chaotic Heart Forest. This was simply impossible.

That must be the case! Xu Hui said loudly: The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect belongs to the Immortal Sect's imperial lineage. Maybe he has the Immortal Emperor's treasure hidden in his body!

At this time, countless people looked at Li Qiye, and many disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect thought it was possible. After all, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect was once founded by Immortal Emperor Mingren. Maybe today’s Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect still possesses one or two pieces. Immortal Emperor’s Treasure! If you really have the Immortal Emperor's treasure weapon, it is really possible to use it to cheat and pass through the Chaotic Heart Forest.

Cheating with treasures will not count in this round! Protector Xu said coldly. At this time, he insisted that Li Qiye cheated!

Protector Xu, this is an exaggeration! Protector Mo came back to his senses. At this time, he had no time to investigate how Li Qiye passed through Luan Xin Lin. He said in a deep voice: The literary test is set by you, Luan Xin Lin You are also from the Nine Saint Demon Sect, and now you have lost, but you regret it and refuse to admit it!

Of course cheating with treasures doesn't count! Protector Xu said coldly!

Of course, Protector Mo had to protect Li Qiye at this time. He said in a deep voice: It doesn't matter whether you use treasures to pass through the Heart-Chaos Forest. Your Nine Saint Demon Sect has no rules that say you cannot borrow treasures to pass through the Heart-Chaos Forest. Our disciples have won this game by passing the Chaotic Heart Forest!

Shameless, cheating! The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is a group of shameless people! At this time, the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect simply did not believe that Li Qiye could pass through the Chaotic Heart Forest, so many disciples started making noises.

Protector Mo didn't want to get entangled with them, so he turned to Yu He and said, Protector Yu, have we disciples of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect won this round?

This - Yu He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He didn't really believe that Li Qiye could really pass through the Lin of the Heart. However, the Nine Saint Demon Sect did not stipulate that treasures could not be used to pass through the Lin of the Heart.

I walk upright, sit upright, and have no regrets about heaven and earth. At this time, Li Qiye said leisurely: No better than the people of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, who can afford to gamble but cannot afford to lose, and will not admit it if they lose. Since you think I have hidden a treasure, so go look for it. If you find such a treasure, it will be yours!

Yu He pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said to Li Qiye in a deep voice: If you really want to clear your name, our Nine Saint Demon Sect has a way. Our ancestor once left a treasure called the Immortal Bone Mirror. Reflect on the origin of everything! If you are willing, you can let the Immortal Bone Mirror look at it. If you really have the Immortal Emperor's treasure on your body, this mirror will definitely be able to reveal it!

I agree, use the Immortal Bone Mirror to look at it! Protector Xu was the first to agree, saying, If the Immortal Bone Mirror doesn't illuminate it, it means you didn't bring any treasure!

That's right, if you don't dare to do it, you are cheating! The other disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect said in agreement.

You are so pitiful. Li Qiye glanced at everyone, smiled, and said, Okay, if you take a photo, I will let you take a photo! Bring it.

Seeing that Li Qiye agreed, Yu He immediately sent someone to ask for the Immortal Bone Mirror! The Immortal Bone Mirror of the Nine Saint Demon Sect has a great origin. It is said that it was inherited from the Wilderness Era and was even polished by the Immortal Emperor. This Immortal Bone Mirror can illuminate the original source and is thousands of times better than the Original Mirror!

The Immortal Bone Mirror was invited out. Immortal patterns flowed on the smooth mirror surface, and the entire Immortal Bone Mirror exhaled a terrifying aura! Even a big shot like Yu He couldn't help but be in awe under the aura of the Immortal Bone Mirror!

The Immortal Bone Mirror shone on Li Qiye's body, Li Qiye was reflected, and the longevity wheel and life palace appeared one by one! The life wheel rotates slowly, the blood is normal, the life palace is not opened, the sign of mortal life!

Mortal body, mortal wheel, mortal life, the life palace has not been opened, and I have not yet cultivated the Tao! I don't carry any Immortal Emperor treasures with me! Finally, Yu He came to the conclusion!

Knocking on the palace is the lowest level of a monk. As long as a practicing monk, even if his qualifications are very poor, he can knock on the palace of life in as little as one day, as many as ten or eight days. However, Li Qiye's palace of life has not been opened. This is not possible. Signs of practice.

Under the Immortal Bone Mirror, Li Qiye was unable to hide, and everything was visible to everyone.

Protector Xu, Protector Yu, are you satisfied now? Protector Mo said coldly. Being forced to look in the Immortal Bone Mirror can be said to be a shame for their Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

I'm sorry. Yu He was a decent person. He nodded and said, Li Qiye didn't cheat!

After being recognized by Yu He, everyone was speechless at this time! However, it is still hard to believe that a thirteen-year-old boy can pass through the forest of chaotic hearts. A person who has not even begun to practice Taoism in terms of mortal body, mortal wheel, and mortal life. Such a person is a waste in the eyes of all monks! However, such a waste has passed through the Chaotic Heart Forest.

But, this, this, this is impossible! Xu Hui could not admit this fact.

Li Qiye glanced at him and said slowly: It seems that you are not convinced, but I will let you crawl over slowly on your knees. Luan Xinlin, what's so great, only a fool like you can do that Go to the seventh floor. Open your dog eyes a little wider, and I will show you one more time. With that, he turned around and walked into Chaosxin Forest.

At this time, countless pairs of eyes were staring at Luan Xinlin, everyone was afraid of missing the smallest detail.

First floor, second floor, third floor... At this time, Nan Huairen's eyes followed Li Qiye's steps, counting one floor after another.

Fourteenth floor! Finally, Nan Huairen shouted. Although he saw a miracle with his own eyes again, he was still shocked. This is simply a freak!

Everyone present was speechless about this matter. People like Yu He were silent for a long time. After looking at the Immortal Bone Mirror, Yu He knew clearly that Li Qiye's innate physique was not enough, but now he has An unparalleled Taoist heart, an unshakable Taoist heart.

A thirteen-year-old boy has an unshakable Taoist heart. What kind of training has he experienced? Yu He couldn't believe that he had been practicing Taoism for thousands of years, but he couldn't have such a Taoist heart!

Climb over here. Li Qiye walked back, spread his horse-shaped legs, glanced at Xu Hui, and said calmly.

You—— Xu Hui's whole body was trembling for a moment, and his face was extremely pale. In front of countless people, he wanted to crawl under Li Qiye's crotch on his knees. Where would he put his face from now on?

Our Nine Saint Demon Sect can lose! Since we have made a bet, we are willing to admit defeat! Yu He nodded and said: Xu Hui, you proposed the bet, so go ahead and fulfill your promise.

Xu Hui almost fainted. Now even Protector Yu has spoken, and his master can't save him. His face turned red and blue for a while. Finally, he gritted his teeth and knelt down in front of Li Qiye. His body was stiff for a long time. This was the most humiliating time in his life.

In the end, Xu Hui had to crawl under Li Qiye's crotch! When Xu Hui crawled over, Li Qiye stepped on him, looked down at him, and said: People respect me an inch, and I respect others an inch. If others offend me an inch, then I will offend them an inch. Chi! Genius disciple, in my eyes, is nothing, and the Nine Saint Demon Sect, in my eyes, is nothing! After saying that, he turned around and walked away!

Pfft-- Xu Hui trembled all over, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground. He was stunned.

Hui'er—— Protector Xu hurriedly picked up Xu Hui and massaged him across the palace!

In the chat group.

Squirrel Hang: I'm laughing so hard, Senior Li Qiye is so sure of this!

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: If you ask me, this is what I deserve.

Northern Xuan Immortal Lord Chen Fan said: Indeed, even I would not dare to do this to senior Li Qiye, let alone is really the right thing!!

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, I have learned another skill. Grandma will have to pretend to be infinite when the time comes!!

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: Senior Li Qiye has absolute strength. Old lady, you should be careful. Although you are now the apparent boss of your world, but...

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