Pang Bo made a move to beat Zhang Ziling. .

Zhang Ziling was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Mark.

Ye Fan smiled helplessly. .

Stop making trouble, go back and let them drink some divine spring water, otherwise they will die of old age before they leave the ancient forbidden land.

After Ye Fan came with Zhang Ziling and Pang Bo.

Wave a wave.

Only little particles of light appeared.

Two of the previous divine fruits appeared in Ye Fan's hand.

He wanted to give this magical fruit to Liu Yiyi. .

There is another one that Ye Fan plans to share with everyone. . .

Liu Yiyi is a good girl who stood up to support Ye Hei when Liu Yunzhi, Li Changqing and others framed Ye Hei in the original plot. .

Now, although because of Ye Fan's supreme power, Liu Yunzhi and Li Changqing did not dare to cause trouble. .

But Ye Fan still wanted to give Liu Yiyi a magic fruit.

This is cause and effect.

At the same time, she deserves it. .


Although it is just a magical fruit. .

But the fragrant and fragrant fruity aroma that came from the place suddenly attracted everyone's attention. Many people swallowed involuntarily, and many people already felt hungry.

Yiyi, here you go, eat it quickly. This is what Ye Zi personally told you... Pang Bo stuffed a bright red fruit into Liu Yiyi's hand, which shone brightly under the sunlight.

Oh...thank you...thank you Ye Fan...

Liu Yiyi looked at Mark with a grateful face. . .

Looks very cute and cute.


Ye Fan's smiling jaw.

Li Changqing was standing not far away, smelling the attractive fruity aroma, and couldn't help but said: Pang Bo, where did you find the fruit? Share it with everyone, we are all very hungry.

He reached out and grabbed the remaining fruit in Pang Bo's hand.

You really don't know how to behave, and I have never seen such a shameless person like you. Pang Bo opened his palm, glanced sideways at him, and put away the three elegant and fragrant fruits.

How can you talk like this? Li Changqing was a little embarrassed and said with a stern face: We are classmates and came to a strange world together. We should help each other. Everyone is hungry now. We should bring out something to eat when we find it. Let’s share with everyone, do you want to eat alone?”

Bah, what kind of words do you have the nerve to say? Pang Bo sneered: Who secretly ate chocolate in the copper coffin? Why didn't you think of the word 'everyone' at that time?

Now it's time to act upright and awe-inspiring. Don't disgust me. Seeing you makes me more disgusted than seeing a reptile like the divine crocodile. I'll just stay here, too lazy to pay attention to you!

Li Changqing suddenly choked and turned pale. It was impossible for him to admit it. He argued a few words, but he seemed weak.

Although Pang Bo spoke very irritably and fiercely, it did not mean that he was not careful enough. He naturally knew Li Changqing's intention and could get better food if he could share it. If not, he would isolate Pang Bo and Ye Fan. After all, there were many people present. If there are few people, if it is not distributed to these people, those people must have some opinions in their hearts.


Pang Bo is right. You guys share the only fruit, and Yiyi eats the divine fruit alone. This is what I said. Do you have any objections?

Ye Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and his tone was indifferent.

While speaking, he glanced at everyone, and everyone lowered their heads.


Ye Fan stared at Liu Yunzhi and Li Changqing for a long time, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Then I was immersed in the shopping mall of the super-dimensional chat group.

Silently said: Use points to buy the Pregnancy Gaze Card, and then use it quickly!

I saw an invisible Tao Yun divine light pouring into the two people's bodies.

The pregnancy stare won’t happen just yet.

It takes about an hour for the onset to occur.

This pregnancy gaze card is a prop that the chat group with him changed based on the magical powers of Squirrel Air World who joined the chat group at the same time.

Ye Fan has been saving for a long time.

Ye Fan had no mercy for these two people.

According to the information uploaded by Ma Daxian, this kid made things difficult for him in every possible way.

Now they dare not speak because they have demonstrated their supreme power, which is comparable to that of gods.

They can only hold it in.

But even so, Mark would not let them live. .

When he said goodbye to everyone and left the ancient forbidden land, it was the time for these two people to die.

The pregnancy stare is scary though.

But it won't kill anyone.

Before leaving, Ye Fan planned to give these two people a breath that attracts ferocious beasts, so that they would come and kill them without leaving any intact corpses.

It's not that Mark is heartless.

But these two people only deserve this.


In the chat group.

See this scene.

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: Hey guys, I haven't learned the pregnancy gaze yet, and Ye Zi has already used it!!

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, let's watch the live broadcast first. As long as you have enough points, you can do it too.


Covering the world. .

Yiyi is very frail. Do you have any objections to me letting her eat a magical fruit?

Ye Fan's tone was gentle, but in everyone's ears it was like the whisper of a demon.

He nodded quickly to show that he had no objection. .


Just one magical fruit, shared among a dozen classmates. . .

Even though the divine fruit is big enough, everyone can only take a small bite. . .

Looks very pathetic. .


Liu Yunzhi and Li Changqing stared at Liu Yiyi who was holding a whole divine fruit.

Liu Yiyi was a little embarrassed and said: I... I can just eat half of it, let's share it with everyone. She wanted to return the red fruit. .

Ye Fan said calmly: It's okay, Yiyi, you deserve this. If you two watch it again, I will let you go to Huangquan Road to watch~

When Liu Yunzhi and Li Changqing heard Ye Fan's words, they were covered in cold sweat, trembling constantly, and collapsed on the ground in fear.

He kept shaking his head and said he didn't dare.

Pang Bo also stared, urging her to eat quickly and not letting her give in.

Ye Zi said that if you eat this magical fruit, you will be reborn and can embark on the path of spiritual practice.

A good girl like Yiyi deserves it!

But... Liu Yiyi was a little embarrassed and looked at the people around her.

Yiyi, you are too kind, this is not okay. Pang Bo whispered: Many of them have chocolate in their arms, but no one takes it out to share with everyone.

When Liu Yiyi heard this, she felt relieved to eat the magical fruit. .

This is also the reason why Ye Fan only shared one divine fruit with everyone.

The hearts of these people are not pure enough.

Even if it's just one, Mark doesn't want to give it.

I still have some chocolate here, let's share it with everyone. At this time, Liu Yunzhi suddenly came forward and handed out several packages of chocolate for everyone to share.

What the fuck! Pang Bo was furious at that time. This was a slap in the face. His teeth were itching with hatred, but he could only bear this invisible slap. There was nothing to say even if he jumped out.

Yun Zhi is still righteous! Li Changqing peeled off a piece of chocolate, stuffed it into his mouth and said as he ate it, while not forgetting to glance at Pang Bo and Ye Fan.

Sharing adversities together can reveal people's hearts... The female classmate who had been following Liu Yunzhi also said this pointedly.

This made Pang Bo's face become more and more embarrassed, and he cursed in a low voice: Why didn't he take out the things inside and outside his circle earlier? Now with the plants all over the mountain, you can definitely find wild fruits. Chocolate has no much effect anymore. At this time He just took it out to make a gesture, and I called him an immortal.

Lu Yao knows that Ma Li has seen people's hearts for a long time. When I go to the outside world, Yun Zhi, I will follow you. Li Changqing deliberately made such an attitude, and then sighed and said: Alas! I haven't forgotten it yet. Take a few glances at Pang Bo.

He didn't dare to offend Ye Fan, but he did dare to Pang Bo. .


Three people, are there any more??

Ye Fan's tone was calm, but everyone could hear it.

He originally planned to leave the ancient forbidden land later, but his pregnant gaze made the two of them miserable.

Unexpectedly, these two murderous monsters also had a female classmate who knew that Pang Bo was his brother and was still slandering Pang Bo in front of him.

Ye...Ye Fan...what are you talking about?

Yes...yeah, we just think Pang Bo is a little too much, nothing else.

Big.........everyone is a classmate...

Except for Liu Yunzhi, Li Changqing and the female classmate who stood on Liu Yunzhi's side, no one else spoke.

They felt the indifference in Mark's tone.

I was very panicked. .

You are too noisy and I feel uncomfortable, so you can die!


Ye Fan gently stretched out his fingers.

Divine power flows.

Liu Yunzhi, Li Changqing, and the female classmate turned into three pools of blood.


This this........


Everyone was dumbfounded. .

Some were confused, some were frightened, and some even fainted from fear. .

At this moment, they truly understood. . .

Although Ye Fan is their classmate.

But he is also the reincarnation of the supreme emperor of heaven, possessing the same power as a god. The so-called legal rules of a harmonious society cannot restrain this existence at all.

Moreover, it is the Beidou Star Territory.

Although they don't know what kind of place the Beidou Star Territory is.

But here, the strong is definitely respected.

Liu Yunzhi, Li Changqing and the female classmate never expected that Ye Fan would be so decisive. . .

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