He said to everyone: You are right, Ye Zi, everyone should go back quickly...

Zhou Yi is usually gentle and gentle, but at this moment he was very excited, his eyes flashed strangely, and he said: Ye Fan, since gods really exist, then whether we can practice or not, I remember you said before that everything depends on our luck. All the challenges we encountered today This may be a great opportunity for us.”

Buddha, gods, Ye Fan, Emperor of Heaven, Immortality... When these absurd legends are mentioned now, no one will find them too absurd. These facts before us indicate that many common sense can be subverted, and God does not absolutely not exist.

A living god just happened to be right in front of them. .

This god is Ye Fan.

Following Zhou Yi's excited words.

The emotions of all the students were ignited to a climax.

Because most of them have more or less obtained Buddhist utensils from Daleiyin Temple.

The kind of thing that only exists in novels, TV, and myths and legends.

Really controlled by them. .

The beautiful fantasy of seeking immortality surpasses their fear of the unknown.

Don't think so much... What you said is easy. The most important thing now is to listen to Ye Zi's words... Pang Bo glanced at Zhou Yi sideways.

Li Xiaoman was beautiful and charming. After a series of incidents, she became calmer and said: Listen to Ye Fan. I guess this is just a small pure land on Mars. Ye Fan will never lie to us. of..

Lin Jiamei's eyes wandered, and she nodded heavily and said: Yes, although Ye Fan is the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, he is still our classmate after all, and he also said that I still believe in the handsome character of Ye Fan~~

While speaking, Lin Jia glanced at Ye Fan.

Seeing that Ye Fan's expression did not change, he finished this sentence with confidence.

Along with Li Xiaoman and Lin Jia's opening.

The rest of the students also echoed.

Liu Yunzhi, who was hiding in the corner, looked sinister, but he was hiding very deep. .

Ye Fan didn't care at all about the ants' emotions.

He was speechless.


Crocodile Ancestor's seal has been lifted. .

I told you to go back to the bronze coffin quickly, why do you have to say so many words?

Ye Fan looked helpless.

Everyone was very confused. Is it wrong to flatter him?

Of course there is nothing wrong with flattery.

Ye Fan is also very useful. .

But flattery also depends on the timing. . .

at the same time.

Suddenly there were rumbling sounds on the reddish-brown ground, and the empty land shook, as if thousands of troops and horses were galloping, or as if an angry sea was raging.

Mars is shrouded in wild sand for a quarter of every year. Large typhoons on Earth are more than 60 meters per second, while storms on Mars are as high as 180 meters per second. Super storms can sweep across The whole planet.

Not to mention people, even heavy tanks will be swept up into the sky!

In just an instant, all the stars and moon in the sky disappeared, endless reddish-brown sand and dust completely covered the sky, and a huge storm swept across Mars began.

No, we don't have a storm here...

Just now, many people were frightened, thinking that a catastrophe was coming, but now everyone found that the storm was raging in the distance, but it was calm up close.

Taking the Five Color Altar and the Great Leiyin Temple as the axis, a hazy circular cover with a diameter of more than a thousand meters is formed over this area, isolating it from the outside world.

Li Xiaoman's words came true. This place is indeed a small pure land, with supernatural power blocking the storm, which indirectly proves that gods may exist, and this may be a place of refuge for gods.

No, that hazy light is dimming and will disappear! A female classmate looking up at the sky turned pale.

The dim layer of light on the sky is gradually melting away, and I'm afraid it won't take long before it completely disappears. Everyone changed their colors after seeing this scene. Death was so close and no one could be calm.

What should we do? Are we...really going to die here? Some people's words were trembling.

I don't want to die... some female classmates cried.

If the mask disappears, we will be crushed by the super storm! Even the male classmates are terrified. The only pure land on Mars will no longer exist, and there will no longer be any room for survival.

I...we still have Mark!

What should I do? Please, Ye Fan, save us!

You said it, you said you would protect us, Mark, please...


The storm roared like muffled thunder, and the entire land seemed to be shaking. The sky and earth were covered in mist, and there were wild sand everywhere. Fear spread among everyone.

Chapter 155 Why must we protect

The storm roared like muffled thunder, and the entire land seemed to be shaking. The sky and earth were covered in mist, and there were wild sand everywhere. Fear spread among everyone.

The excitement of having just obtained a Buddhist vessel was completely gone.

At the critical moment of life and death, everyone was extremely anxious, and many people were confused.

Ye Fan sighed. for

He was speechless for these people.

But when they think of going to Beidou, the cause and effect between them is broken.

He still said: Go along the path of the gods and go to the five-color altar. Yinghuo is not the end, you still have a journey.

Listen to Mark!

Thank you...Ye Fan!


In the chat group.

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: Xiaofan's is pretty good...

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, if I were grandma, except for those with whom I am close, I would be a loser!

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: After all, we have the feeling of being classmates in college.

Great Master - Muchen: This feels good.

Ma Daxian, who has calculated all the world, said: You still have to look at the world. In a dark world like that, this kind of kindness will not work. Of course, Ye Fan is fine. This kid is the son of great destiny. He will definitely become the supreme emperor in the future. Weird I have withstood the bad luck, and now that I have joined the chat group, I have the system given by the ancestor worshiping spirit, as well as the help of everyone in the group!!

Your Majesty, please spare my life - Lu Shu: I'm jealous of you all...

Covering the world. .

According to the meaning of Ye Fan's words, Yinghuo is definitely not the end.

There is a five-color altar in Mount Tai, which summons the Nine Dragons to pull the coffin and lead them to Mars.

There is also a five-color altar on Mars, which is very likely to lead to the more distant starry sky. This is the road that the gods once walked. Now the meaning of Ye Fan's words is obvious. The only way to move forward is to continue along this ancient road and leave Mars. , only then can there be hope of survival.

At this time, everyone understood and quickly rushed towards the five-color altar.

Although the distance is only one thousand meters, everyone feels as if they are as far away from Wang Yang. This distance is related to their life and death. If the light mask in the sky breaks before reaching the five-color altar, everyone will be Certain death.

The vast ruins of the Heavenly Palace are littered with rubble. This is a difficult journey. Because they are walking too fast, some people sprain their feet here, but they do not dare to stop for a moment. They endure the pain and move forward quickly, not wanting to fall behind.

Even if they arrive at the Five-Color Altar safely, it is still unknown whether the Starry Sky Ancient Road can be opened. This is a huge shadow that hangs over everyone's hearts. You must know that everything is passive in Mount Tai. But there is no choice at the moment. That is their only life-saving straw. They can only get there first and then think of a solution.

Ah... A female classmate suddenly let out a scream while running among the ruins. She fell into the dust with a gudong and never moved again.

Her face was filled with a look of horror, and there was a blood hole as big as a thumb on her forehead. Blood was gurgling. It seemed like she had seen something extremely horrifying before she died.

What's going on?! Everyone felt horrified and their hearts were filled with fear. A living life suddenly died like this. It was still with everyone just now, but now it has left forever. It was so sudden and strange.

We have desecrated the Great Leiyin Temple. Could it be... that the gods are punishing us? A female classmate's voice trembled, and her heart was filled with fear.

Even if God exists, Buddha is kind, and Ye Fan is right next to us. What are you afraid of?? Zhou Yi interrupted her words to prevent the spread of fear, and said: We have no way to take her away right now. We can only let her rest here, and now we must quickly return to the Five Color Altar.

Then why didn't Mark protect her!!

This female classmate's words were full of grievances.

Why does Ye Fan have to protect her?? Does he have this obligation?? Didn't he also remind us in advance?

Also, you are running so fast that you have caught up with the rabbit. You are no longer with Ye Fan, but you still let Ye Fan stay with you. He is your daddy?

Now is not the time to talk about this, hurry back to the ancient bronze coffin!!

This female classmate instantly became angry.

No one hesitated. At this moment of life and death, they could no longer care about the body of the female classmate.

In fact, Ye Fan could save this female classmate, but he did not do so. .

Because he is not a saint.

I have done my best to tell them so much.

Except for Pangbo, he didn't want to care about anyone. .

More importantly, after he finished speaking, some students ran away like crazy.

Who can you blame?

By following him, he can be protected easily. .

In this regard, Lin Jia is very smart. .

Always by your side. . .


When... Suddenly, the bell sounded melodiously, the sound was loud and solemn, like a yellow bell vibrating,

Extremely bright golden light rushed up from Wang Ziwen, and his whole body was enveloped in the gorgeous golden light, as if he was wearing a thick golden battle suit. It was extremely dazzling, like a golden divine fire burning.

The broken copper bell in Wang Ziwen's hand was shaking gently. The loud sound was exactly what it made, and the bright golden light also came from it.

What happened? Liu Yunzhi was closest to him and asked very nervously.

Something attacked me just now... Wang Ziwen was usually polite, but at this moment he was shrouded in golden divine flames, as if he was wearing a golden battle suit. He was very imposing, as if he were a god coming to the dust.

Did you see what it was? Liu Yunzhi asked.

I didn't see anything, I just felt a terrible breath enveloped my whole body, and then the copper bell suddenly vibrated. At this moment, Wang Ziwen was enveloped in golden light, but he still had lingering fears.

After hearing these words, everyone who had found something in Daleiyin Temple tightly grasped the broken Buddhist utensils in their hands. These things have now been confirmed to be truly extraordinary and must be possessed by gods!

At the same time, Ye Fan and Pang Bo walked over slowly.

Next to Ye Fan were Lin Jia, Zhou Yi and several classmates. Because of Ye Fan's presence, they were all safe and sound.

Seeing this scene, the other students were very upset. It might have been much safer if they had followed Ye Fan from the beginning. .

Ye...Ye Fan, what should we do?

Buddha... Can the Buddhist artifacts protect us? Are there monsters? Xiaojia... Xiaojia is just gone!!



Looking at the frightened people.

Ye Fan sighed. .

He lightly snapped his fingers.

The female classmate turned into tiny particles of light and dissipated into the void.

He turned the Taoism of his female classmates into energy factors and returned them to the universe.

This is better than being ruined by these little crocodile clones of the crocodile ancestor.

If this female classmate hadn't run so fast and followed him, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

With his current strength, he can naturally protect this female classmate. .

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