Because of Ye Fan's words of promise, everyone's hearts gradually calmed down.

Some people even took a nap.

Ah... A female classmate suddenly let out a scream, which sounded very far under the night sky.

What's wrong? Everyone changed their colors and asked hurriedly.

Skull, a human skull! The female classmate's face turned pale, her body kept shaking, and she retreated tremblingly.

Not far from the collapsed pavilion, half of a snow-white skull was exposed in the gravel. It had just been stepped on by the female classmate. No wonder she was so frightened.

All the male classmates gathered around, and Pang Bo kicked the skull out of the sand with his feet. It was obvious that this was the skull of an adult. It had existed for an unknown number of years. It was almost weathered, and the bones were no longer smooth. There were stains on it. Lots of rough cracks.

What is surprising is that there is a very regular round hole on its frontal bone, which can be as thick as a finger, as if it has been pierced by a sharp weapon, and the surrounding area of ​​the hole is very smooth.

It seems that this place is full of unknowns and variables. Although these are dead bones, left behind many years ago, we'd better be careful.

The unfamiliar environment and uncertain factors make people feel chilly.

What are those in front?

Under the hazy night sky, the stars and moon were not very bright, and one could only vaguely see the undulating shadows ahead, like piles of rocks connected together, uneven and intertwined.

When they came closer, everyone was stunned. It turned out to be a ruins, and what was blocking the front was only a small part, and the more massive ruins stretched horizontally into the distance.

The broken walls and rubble on the ground seem to be telling an unknown past event. Under the moonlight, this place looks particularly lonely. In the past, this place should have been a stretch of magnificent palaces, but now it is a desolate scene.

This is a huge ruin, covering a large area. The solid foundation is all made of huge rocks. You can imagine the majesty and vastness of this palace back then.

And the light source is at the end of the ruins, behind a broken wall.

There was once a magnificent palace complex here?

How much manpower is needed to complete such a huge project?

What caused this place to be in ruins and all the tall and magnificent buildings to collapse?

Everyone almost forgot their fear. Everyone was amazed by the huge ruins in front of them. If they were really on Mars at this moment, this would be incredible.

Da Leiyin Temple...

Ye Fan calmly answered everyone's doubts.

Lin Jia looked surprised and said: Da Leiyin Temple?...Ye Fan... Is it the Great Leiyin Temple in Journey to the West?

No, but the Great Leiyin Temple did exist once, and there was indeed Sakyamuni, who can also be said to be the Buddha. For you, the power of Sakyamuni is the same as that of the Buddha in myths and legends~

Ye Fan gave a rare explanation.

This shocked Lin Jia, and at the same time she was elated.

Because Ye Fan's answer proved that he was not like the kind of indifferent beings in fairy tales. A superior god would still answer questions. .

The other half. .

After hearing Ye Fan's explanation, everyone couldn't help but be startled. The Buddha in myths and legends actually existed! If it were someone else, everyone would definitely not believe it. .

But it was Ye Fan who said this. . .

Then this sentence is nine times out of ten correct!

Everyone couldn't calm down for a long time.

a long time.


The light source was right in front, gently radiating from behind the broken wall, causing a faint halo to appear there, indescribably hazy and holy.

What the hell is that?

The light source circulates at the end of the ancient ruins, making the ruins look more desolate and desolate, which naturally makes people feel extremely mysterious.

嚓, 嚓, 嚓...

When everyone stepped on the rubble, they made bursts of sound, which spread far under the empty night sky. They passed by collapsed palaces and finally passed through this huge ruins. Just ahead, although part of the broken wall was damaged, it was still four or five meters high. I really don't know how majestic it was back then.

I want to see what that light source is!

The group of people carefully bypassed the huge broken wall and came to the end of the ruins. They suddenly felt a breath of comfort rushing towards them, as if a divine light passed through the void and reflected in everyone's eyes. eye.

Everyone had completely walked out of the ruins and appeared behind the broken wall, truly seeing the light source in front of them.

Just fifty meters ahead, an ancient temple sits there quietly, with an ancient Buddha with a green lantern, and a little light like a bean.

In front of the ancient temple, an ancient bodhi tree is as vigorous as a horned dragon. It is completely dry, with only five or six green leaves scattered about two meters above the ground. Each leaf is crystal clear and shimmering green, like jadeite.

Chapter 153 The members of the chat group are all greedy

At the end of the ruins, an ancient temple appeared, silent and small in scale, not grand at all. It was just an ancient hall, with a stone Buddha inside, covered with thick dust, and an ancient bronze lamp next to it flickering out a little brilliance.

There is a vigorous ancient bodhi tree in front of the ancient temple. Six or seven people can't hug it. The ancient trunk is hollow. If there are not five or six shining green leaves still dotted on it, the whole ancient tree will look like a tree. As if dead.

The ancient temple and the bodhi tree are interdependent and full of ancient charm. It makes people feel the hazy passage of time and the changes of the years, bringing endless tranquility and ancient times.

When we got here, everyone couldn't hide their surprise. The majestic and vast palaces behind had long been reduced to ruins, but this small ancient temple still existed, giving people a sense of peace and authenticity.

Is this ancient temple the Great Leiyin Temple that Ye Fan said?

Look! The few remaining leaves of that ancient bodhi tree actually have crystal green light flowing around them!

It is indeed the place where Buddha stayed!

Yes, although the ancient temple is in ruins, it still makes people feel the peaceful and peaceful Zen state.

The Bodhi tree can almost be called a Buddhist tree and has a deep connection with Buddhism. According to legend, more than 2,500 years ago, Sakyamuni attained enlightenment under an ancient Bodhi tree and achieved the status of Buddha.

The ancient bodhi tree in front of you and the ancient temple are so extraordinary that you can't help but be surprised.

Why do I feel like a long river of history is flowing? Everything in front of me seems to be extremely long ago, as if it has experienced the precipitation of history.

The distance of fifty meters was very short, and everyone quickly came closer. A strange feeling surged in everyone's heart. What they saw in front of them was like an old historical picture, filled with the breath of time.


The ancient temple is silent and peaceful.

There's a bronze plaque there with writing on it.

Da Leiyin Temple~ Ye Fan is indeed right! This is Da Leiyin Temple!

But why is it so small now? It doesn't have any grand momentum. It's just an ancient temple. Why is it called the Great Leiyin Temple?

Idiot, looking at the dilapidated appearance, the Buddha has left here a long time ago. Without the Buddha, even the Great Leiyin Temple cannot survive forever...

The Buddha's voice is preaching, and the sound is like thunder. This is the Great Leiyin Temple! I never expected that I would see the place where Buddha once preached on Mars in my lifetime!

The more people look at it, the more they feel that this ancient temple is extraordinary.

The heavenly palace behind him used to be so majestic, vast and magnificent, but it was eventually destroyed, leaving only rubble on the ground. This ancient temple seems to be dilapidated, but it is still standing, forming a strange contrast.

Accompanied by Bodhi trees, ancient Buddhas with green lanterns, a little light is like a bean.

It is plain, clear and quiet, and can withstand the temper and test of time. What is left is the truth, and the extravagant things are just passing clouds.

A lamp, a Buddha, a temple, and a tree seem to be the same as ever, existing in this world forever.

All of this is peaceful and peaceful, making people feel like they are bathed in the spring breeze, as if there is some ethereal Zen singing.

What everyone here experienced today made them feel like a dream, but it was an ironclad fact.


Ye Fan stopped staying, patted Pang Bo on the shoulder, and motioned Pang Bo to follow him.

Pang Bo nodded and followed Ye Fan's steps into the ancient temple. .

at the same time.

Ding! Congratulations to the host for arriving safely at the Great Leiyin Temple. The Supreme Heavenly Emperor system rewards the host with the 'Immortal Elephant Prison Suppressing Power'

The Divine Elephant's Prison-Suppressing Power - Youth Edition: It advocates that the human body is composed of endless particles. If every particle can be cultivated into the power of a divine elephant, it will not be a problem to tear the sky and the earth apart, and roar down the stars.

A human body contains 48 million particles.

Every particle is comparable to a divine elephant!

Awakening 48 million particles is the power of 48 million divine elephants!

Innumerable kinds of shocking magical powers can be created through transformation, each of which contains endless mysteries.

Cultivation to the extreme, shattering the universe, subverting the laws, all in one thought!

Because the world system where the host is located is different, it has been optimized for the host~



With the end of the system sound.

Ye Fan's whole body became extremely bright, and mysterious Taoist runes emerged one after another.

An ancient divine mark emerged between his eyebrows.

Use the air to guide the spirit, use the spirit to form an image, move your hands and feet, the power of a giant elephant, a human body, composed of 48 million particles. If its potential is awakened, every tiny particle will be the power of a giant elephant.

All awakened, comparable to the gods, turning the rivers and seas upside down, roaring down the stars, picking up the moon and swallowing the sun, all in one thought.

The types of elephants change in countless ways. The giant elephant becomes a young elephant and turns into a dragon elephant. The dragon elephant turns into green and turns into a primitive elephant. The primitive elephant turns into a strong elephant and turns into a divine elephant. It is for great success.

The inexplicable sound of the avenue lingered in Ye Fan's ears, helping Ye Fan quickly understand how to practice the divine elephant's prison-suppressing power.

Is the youth version of Divine Elephant Prison Force so scary??

Ye Fan was very shocked. I am afraid that except for him in the future, the Wushi Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor, and the Emperor Zun in the world. .

The skills created by the others cannot even surpass the youth version of the Divine Elephant's Prison Suppression Strength. .

Of course, for Ye Fan himself, it is a good thing.

Because he has a little more background.

In the future, he will create his own Heavenly Emperor method. .

But now he is not qualified.

can only say. .

The system of the Supreme Emperor of the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit is too exaggerated.

The members of the chat group were all greedy. .


A voice interrupted Ye Fan's thoughts.

Ye Fan turned to look at Pang Bo, who looked shocked.

He smiled and said, It's just a little gain.


Pang Bo said with excitement on his face: This is still a little gain. He is worthy of being the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. He is so handsome, brother! I want to be with you all the time!!


Hurry up and get your things with me, don't talk about these useless things.

Ye Fan curled his lips and felt helpless.


the other side. .

Not long after Ye Fan took Pang Bo into the ancient temple...

Zhou Yi quickly followed, followed closely by Wang Ziwen, who also entered the ancient temple.

Behind him, Liu Yunzhi seemed to have remembered something, his expression suddenly changed, and he rushed over quickly. Others also woke up from a dream. This was the Great Leiyin Temple, so here was the residence of the gods. Although it had long been abandoned and covered with a thick layer of dust, it was still an extraordinary place.

Ye Fan took Pang Bo in and must have got something. .


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