Although Xiao Longnu responded, she had no time to resist.

Facing the huge waves that seemed to destroy the world.

Xiao Longnu looked desperate. .

Right now.

A dark circle appeared in front of Xiao Longnu, exuding an aura of death and mystery.

The surrounding space and all materials turned into nothingness.

This big wave is also completely absorbed.

Xiao Longnu opened her eyes and looked at Pluto with a grateful expression. .

Thank you Lord Hades.

On the other side, Pluto stood with his hands behind his back, one hand pointed at the void, exactly in the direction of the little dragon girl.

He used supernatural energy to construct a dark divine ring similar to a black hole space, which absorbed attacks that could destroy mountains. .

Yan Lingji on the side breathed a long sigh of relief.

Huh, Master Pluto has taken action. I'm so scared. I thought Sister Xiao Longnu was going to die~~

Pluto looked calm and did not speak.

In the chat group.

Fire Fist Ace: Hiss------This extraterrestrial evil demon is so terrifying. If Senior Pluto had not taken action, there would probably be no scum left for Little Dragon Girl!!

Uchiha Madara: This vision is so terrifying. It can actually change the environment and create things from the void. The blow just now was even more terrifying than the Earth Explosion Sky Star.

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: This extraterritorial evil demon system is interesting. It turns out to be the Eastern Wasteland Divine Body from the Zhetian Era.

Ye Fan: What, is this terrifying vision the Eastern Wasteland Divine Body from my era?

Ma Daxian, who calculates everything in the world: It is indeed...

Demons revive the world.

We all the great immortals in Malaysia are also confused. .

This time traveler, that is, the evil demon from outside the territory actually has the Eastern Wasteland divine body that covers the world.

Good guy. .

This Tianyang Zhenren definitely has a system!

Fortunately it was Pluto who accepted the mission.

If it's in a weak spot, it will be difficult.

Ma Daxian breathed a sigh of relief~~~

Tianyang Zhenren, who opened the vision, was extremely confident.

But when he saw Pluto take action.

Instantly desperate. .

Just... break my vision attack that easily...

He felt like crying.

At this moment, Master Tianyang knew.

The person in front of me is Pluto armed with super beast.

Recalling the plot in the anime about the terrifying power of Pluto.

Tianyang Zhenren was desperate.


Pluto looked at Zhenren Tianyang, his eyes emitting a faint blue light, and the dark golden Xuanming armor made it difficult to see his true face.

But just standing there, he looked magnificent, giving people the feeling of being a supremely powerful man who looked down upon all things and looked down upon all things in heaven and earth.

Pluto said indifferently: Ignorance is the source of all pain, how dare you insult my friend~

Xuanming black hole!

The plain words are full of domineering.

Pluto gently stretched out his hand and pointed it into the void.


A terrifying energy fluctuation instantly enveloped a million miles in radius.

Endless darkness fell. .

Space and time seemed to be frozen at this moment. . .

A tens of thousands of meters of black hole space appeared in the sky, exuding a simple, lonely and terrifying atmosphere.

Within the scope of this black hole space, all matter is instantly annihilated. , the space continued to twist, turning into an underworld space full of deathly silence.

Tianyang Zhenren's vision of a bright moon rising over the sea instantly turned into nothingness.

Then a layer of strange and ominous black fog enveloped him, constantly eroding his power.

Tianyang Zhenren was forced to kneel on the ground and was unable to get up.

This is the Xuanming black hole created by Pluto using 0.2 black hole-level supernatural energy.

Killing the time traveler Tianyang Zhenren is like crushing an ant of will.

Pluto is located in the center of the tens of thousands of meters of black hole space in the sky, standing with his hands behind his back.

Xiao Longnu and Yan Lingji were also blessed with Xuanming wings by Pluto with supernatural energy and flew on both sides of him.

Otherwise they will be instantly annihilated.


Pluto looked at Tianyang Zhenren below and said indifferently: There is no time, no space, and no latitude in the Xuanming black hole. There is only eternal silence and darkness.

But don’t worry, I will annihilate you directly. A noble soul needs to be in awe of itself.

Obviously, you have power, but you do not have the belief to support it. The strong dominates the weak, which is the law, so you can die.


Tianyang Zhenren, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head with difficulty and looked at Pluto who was in the center of the Xuanming black hole above the sky, his eyes full of fear.

At this moment, in the eyes of Master Tianyang, Pluto is like the supreme emperor of heaven, suppressing the past, present and future.

Master Tianyang was completely desperate.

In an ordinary world of divine eagles, there is a supreme and taboo powerhouse like Pluto who can destroy the universe.

I wonder if it's a divine eagle or a mythical creature.

The system is great, help me!!

Ding------The host's request has been detected, please wait a moment.



The opponent's cultivation level has surpassed that of the single universe, and there is a great terror behind it. It is detected that the host's winning rate is 0%, and the body and soul will be annihilated. In order to ensure the safety of this system, the system will now begin to unbind itself. Please wait a moment .




Tianyang Zhenren was confused. .

Is the system about to slip away? ?

Is this the untie? ? ?

The most powerful harem system promised will lead me to the top of the world and become the strongest harem king. .

The system is so ruthless.


Master Tianyang knew that he was really finished.

The strange and ominous fog shrouded in the Xuanming Black Hole completely enveloped Tianyang Zhenren.

Annihilate it instantly.

His body and soul instantly turned into nothingness.


Arbitrary through eternity.

Eternal continent.

Qiyuan Ancient Palace.

Li Changsheng's white clothes are peerless, his Dharma appearance is astonishing, the body of the willow tree releases immeasurable divine light, and the quasi-immortal emperor's aura is so bright that it seems to reflect the heavens and the world.

There is a bright ball of light in His hand.

The brightness and destruction are uncertain.

It is the most powerful harem system.

Respect...respect, respected transcendent, please let me go. I'm just a pitiful, weak and helpless system. I just graduated from the system academy. As long as you let me go, I can do anything. ....”

The trembling strongest harem system conveyed it with spiritual thoughts.

It's a self-aware system. It's interesting. Let me trace your memory and serve it to you. Then I'll let you go.

Okay, Master Transcendent!


Looking at the trembling system trapped in the universe in the palm of his hand.

Li Changsheng found it interesting.

This is the first time he has seen a self-aware system.

Calling himself a transcendent, he also said that he graduated from the System Academy

About the origin of this system.

Li Changsheng was also very interested.


Then he uses the supreme supernatural power that is the cause of all effects [to inspire the heavens, go against the years, and penetrate all realms].

Endless avenue symbols flew into the sea, and the supreme vision spanned the heavens and reversed all realms.

The light group of the strongest harem system was temporarily extinguished.

This is Li Changsheng protecting the system.

Because if you are looking back at the memory of the strongest harem system.

Discovered by the supreme being in the world where the most powerful harem system exists.

Then this most powerful harem system must be eradicated.


With the display of Li Changsheng's supreme magical power.

The memory of the strongest harem system was presented in front of Li Changsheng in the form of pictures.

All the heavens and boundless seas. .

Super conceptual dimension.

System Academy.

Congratulations to System No. 999999xN for successfully graduating in the 909th millionth year. I hope you can be a good system and not embarrass the System Academy.

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