Ding-----It may be due to the will of the world. The host has changed too many plots that led to this situation.

But when the host joins forces with the Great Song Dynasty and the Great Song Dynasty to destroy the Jin Kingdom, your Donghuang divine body will be fully activated and you will have the vision of a bright moon rising on the sea.

At that time, even the land gods will not be the host's opponent.

The strongest harem system will always be with you!!

Great, as expected of the system!

Master Tianyang stood up excitedly.

His eyes were filled with heat.

Little Dragon Girl, Huang Rong, none of you can escape, please become my harem~~

Pass my order! From now on, all Mongolian cavalry and crossbowmen are ready to attack the Kingdom of Jin!


A few hours later, the Mongolian army gathered.


Set off!

Looking at the mighty army, Master Tianyang showed a satisfied smile.

More than ten years ago, he came to the world of the divine eagle and became a young master from a down-and-out family.

Obtained the strongest harem system.

After that, his path to continuous rise began.

Starting from the little maid at the beginning, and then step by step, his harem grew more and more.

The strength is getting stronger and stronger.

A few years ago, he even killed the Mongolian Han and replaced them.

. . .

This is my kingdom~~

No, it’s Ben Khan’s kingdom! !

Tianyang Zhenren was so satisfied that he planned to destroy the Jin Kingdom and fully activate the Donghuang divine body.

When the time comes, Huang Rong, Xiao Longnu, and all the beauties in the Divine Eagle World will be my harem! !


The next day.


The Mongolian army of Zhenren Tianyang and the army of the Song Dynasty were at odds with Kaifeng City. The two armies combined nearly 800,000 troops and were boundless.

It was very terrifying, like a wave, with overwhelming momentum.

After five days of fierce fighting, the battle is not over yet.

The scene was extremely bloody.

Nearly 100,000 soldiers were all injured or killed, and their bodies were more than two meters tall. .

The scene of the land around Kaifeng City being stained with blood was extremely horrifying.


Kaifeng was once the capital of the Song Dynasty, and the people of the Song Dynasty all remembered this shame.

Therefore, the soldiers of the Song Dynasty have been fighting almost life-threatening attacks for the past five days.

On the other hand, looking at the Mongolian cavalry under the command of Zhenren Tianyang, this army known for its bravery looked as if half of it was dead.

He doesn't like to fight.

This made the senior generals of the Song Dynasty feel a little uneasy.

But the siege was imminent and there was no way to retreat. .



Wow! ! ! ! !

The city gate is broken!

Brothers, kill me!

Rush, take back your home!

The soldiers of the Song Dynasty were extremely excited when they saw this scene, and rushed into Kaifeng City as if they were desperate for their lives.

The golden man who had been holding on for five days now showed serious despair.


On the other side, Master Tianyang watched the soldiers of the Song Dynasty swarm into Kaifeng City. .

But he ordered the Mongolian soldiers to stop entering the city.

The generals looked at Master Tianyang in confusion.


Why did the Great Khan order us to stop~~

Yes! The Song people have already entered the city...

Master Tianyang smiled lightly and said: Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, the snipe and the clam will fight to gain.

In this way, time flew by, and half an hour passed quickly. .

The Song army and the Jin people entered the city and started a fierce war.

The Jin people knew that they would never survive, so they might as well fight to the death.

The Song army was also like a bloodthirsty beast, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil, just like the Jin people treated them back then.


Master Tianyang looked at everything in front of him leisurely, as if the old god was there.

Right now.

Ding----- Congratulations to the host, you have successfully defeated the Jin Kingdom and completed the mission. The Donghuang Divine Body will be fully activated.

You will get the vision of the wheel and the sea ----- the bright moon appears on the sea

With the end of the system sound.

Tianyang Zhenren felt that there was an extremely mysterious and terrifying energy in his body.

The entire skin has also become as white as jade, as if he could cut off the river and fill the sea with just one move.

At the same time, he also learned in his mind how to use the vision of the bright moon on the sea.

Feel the seemingly infinite power within your body.

Master Tianyang was extremely happy.

Then he said to the generals under his command: The time has come to destroy the Song and Jin countries and establish the supreme dynasty. Please follow me to kill the enemy!


The generals can't wait.

Tianyang Zhenren led the army to attack the city.


Inside the city.

The streets were littered with corpses, it was extremely tragic.

The head coach of the Song Army was extremely excited, as the recovery of the Song Dynasty seemed to be about to begin today.

Thanks to the great hero Guo Jing for your help!

The coach expressed his gratitude to Guo Jing. .

Guo Jing waved his hand, looking absent-minded.

Right now.


Sorry, sir, the Mongolian army suddenly launched an attack on our army. Our army is in danger...

The coach looked shocked and said: What! What did you say!!

Guo Jing also frowned.

Right now.

Hahahahaha, he is right, you and the Kingdom of Jin are just ants. I have tried so hard to gather you here just to destroy you all!


Guo Jing stared at Master Tianyang from the beginning to the end.

It was he who killed Meng Ge and became the Great Khan.

Moreover, he was so ambitious that he constantly had the idea of ​​Song Dynasty.

Master Tianyang also sensed Guo Jing staring at him.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the man with Chinese characters staring at him, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and an inexplicable temperament.

Needless to say, this person must be Guo Jing.

Tianyang Zhenren smiled and said: This hero who has been staring at me must be Guo Jing, Guo Daxia...

Guo Jing snorted coldly and said nothing.

Master Tianyang is not annoyed at all.

He said slowly: I heard that Mrs. Guo, the heroine Huang Rong, was a great beauty who was famous in the world, and your beloved daughter Guo Fu, although she is young, is also a beauty.

Don’t worry, Daxia Guo, when the Song Dynasty is destroyed and you are killed by me, I will take good care of them. .



How dare Shu Zian bully me!!!!

Guo Jing was extremely angry, with veins all over his body exposed.

Master Tianyang touched his reverse scale.



With a dragon's roar, Guo Jing gently patted the horse's back and slapped Master Tianyang with one palm.

The true energy flowing in the palm is extremely mysterious, and a vaguely divine dragon appears faintly.

It is the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

The powerful internal force caused the surrounding air to scream.

Directly towards Tianyang Zhenren.

Is this the strength of Hero Guo?!

The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon are indeed well-deserved~


Tianyang Zhenren didn't even raise his eyelids.

Looks disdainful.

He mocked and said: Guo Daxia? You're just a waste~~

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