
At the critical moment of life and death, Huo Du's true nature was revealed again. He didn't even look at his companions and the Mongolian soldiers who followed him.

Escape quickly.

While everyone was still shocked, he had already ran out of the Chongyang Palace gate and ran down the mountain. .


Xiao Longshen's expression was indifferent, as if she had just crushed an ant to death.

Stepping on the void, he floated away towards the back mountain.

Only the bewildered Quanzhen Sect members and the stranded Mongolian soldiers were left.

Looking at Xiao Longnu, she looked like a banished immortal.

Tan Chuduan looked at Ma Yu and said, Senior brother, this...

Sun Buer, Qiu Chuji and the other Quanzhen Seven Sons all looked at Ma Yu, the acting head. .

Ma Yu's face looked a little painful, and he was troubled for a moment, and then his eyes turned firm.

As it was before, it will be the same now, no changes will be made!


We will strictly follow the instructions of our Senior Brother.

Even though he said so. .

But their minds were full of thoughts.

As disciples of Zhenren Chongyang, they knew about their master and Lin Chaoying.

Naturally, I also know about the Tomb Sect. .

Now the Ancient Tomb Sect has actually produced a being who is like an immortal and even surpasses the Chongyang Patriarch.

They don't know how things will turn out in the future.

Just now Xiao Longnu used Amaterasu.

It was simply unheard of and unseen.

The pupil technique can actually reach such a state.

Moreover, the strange changes occur when it is used, as well as the energy that surpasses internal strength and true energy.

Just like the immortal magic or magic power described in Daozang.

But no matter what, Xiao Longnu's fairy-like method was completely beyond their conceptual understanding.

They even felt that no one could compete with this woman even in the next 500 years.

Including their master, Wang Chongyang. .


Chat up skirt.

Your Majesty, please spare my life - Lu Shu: Sister Xiao Longnu looks so cold and cold, I love her.~~

Tomb of the Gods - Nangong Xian'er: Sister Xiaolongnu is really becoming more and more classy, ​​I love it~

Imperial Female General - Esdeath: Tsk, tsk, this Taoist priest is so miserable...

Dragon Ball - Frieza: Yes, it's so tragic. I am very heartbroken.

Peach Blossom Island little loli - Huang Rong: Isn't this your method~~ King Frieza...

Dragon Ball - Frieza: Hey, adults are chatting, little girls, please don't interrupt...

Little Lolita from Peach Blossom Island - Huang Rong: Humph~ Just insert it, just insert it, just insert it!!! A little bit ╭(╯^╰)╮~

Imperial Female General-Esdeath: Ahem, something is wrong with me...

The True Gentleman of Huashan---Yue Buqun: ...

Swallowing the Starry Sky-Luo Feng: ...

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: It's good to know, don't say it out loud, Xiao Rong'er is still young, it's so embarrassing~~

Peach Blossom Island little loli - Huang Rong: Hey, what are you talking about!!

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: No...it's nothing... Sister Ronger, don't think too much~~

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world, said: Well, let's not talk about this topic anymore. This so-called Wuchen Master is just a sanctimonious guy and is not worthy of being a member of the Taoist sect at all.


Xiao Longnu: @Master of the whole universe, Ma Daxian, Master Wuchen has been reduced to ashes. Zhongnan Mountain should be fine~~

However, the extraterrestrial evil spirits have not appeared yet, so Master Pluto and Sister Yan Lingji will have to stay for a while.

The omnipotent and omniscient group leader: Well, it should be~~


Super Beast Pluto: Since Zhongnan Mountain is temporarily safe, I will take the little girl Yan Lingji out for a walk...

When the evil spirits from outside the territory appear, remember to inform us in your skirt. .


Pluto really wanted to see the magnificent mountains and rivers outside. .

The dark and airtight place of the ancient tomb is definitely not where Pluto wants to stay. .

As for sister Yan Lingji, she naturally follows Hades. .

In her eyes, only by following the boss of Pluto can one be absolutely safe. .

She also wanted to see the beautiful mountains, rivers and scenery in another world.

Xiao Longnu was a little confused.

But there is no way to refute it.

Boss Pluto and sister Yan Lingji were obviously helping him with the mission. If an extraterrestrial evil spirit suddenly appeared and killed him, who would be responsible? .

But did she have any way to refute, what happened to Lord Pluto coming out for some air~~

She thought it was reasonable.

Bid farewell to Xiao Longnu for now. .

Pluto took Yan Lingji from Zhongnan Mountain and traveled all the way to see the magnificent mountains and rivers.

For Pluto, although he has witnessed the vast universe and countless star fields, the scenery of the Earth has always had an inexplicable attraction for him.

Soon, the two came to Xiangyang City. .

Xiangyang City is where Guo Jing is guarding. It is located in the Qinling Mountains and in the upper reaches of the Han River. It has been a battleground for military strategists from ancient times to the present.

Because of this, Guo Jing was able to guard the place for so many years without any harm. .

On the Han River, a straw boat was floating slowly along the river.

Pluto stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the magnificent mountains and rivers and the pleasant scenery, with the occasional breeze blowing, full of comfort.

Yan Lingji knelt down and sat in the middle of the boat, looking at Pluto with a cute look on her face and said: Lord Pluto, this scenery is indeed beautiful, but you have been looking at it for half an hour and ignored you~~

Hades looked back.

Looking at Yan Lingji who was pouting cutely, she smiled and touched Yan Lingji's head.

Slowly said: I have seen too many gorgeous starry skies in the universe. I want to see more magnificent mountains and rivers. In my world, only the first parallel universe has the Earth planet. Although the Ancestral Sacrificial Spirit has brought the Ultra World over, ...That's all, that's all, I don't understand even if I tell you, forgive me~ little girl...

Then, Pluto stood with his hands behind his hands and turned his head to look at the scenery in the distance.

Yan Lingji's face felt slightly hot as Pluto touched her head.

Listening to Pluto's words and lonely back, she didn't know why, but she felt inexplicably sad and sympathetic.

Lord Pluto is a very powerful boss even in the chat group, but who can understand his loneliness~

Thinking of this, Yan Lingji looked at the back of Pluto standing tall with his hands behind his back in front of him.

There are so many thoughts in my mind.


After a period of time.

Pluto lay on the hull of the boat, put his hands behind his head, and looked at the blue sky.

Slowly said: Little girl, you said this chat group connects all the heavens and all realms. What kind of magnificent scenery will there be in these three thousand worlds?

Hear Hades' question.

Yan Lingji was a little silent, sitting quietly next to Hades, not knowing how to answer.

She didn't know how to answer Pluto or why she entered the chat skirt. .

She really didn't know what to say.

Finally, Yan Lingji said: Then Lord Pluto, what is your understanding and pursuit~~

Pluto smiled and said: Unify the seven parallel universes and the Ultra World.

Chat group, targeting Senior Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit and Senior Li Qiye, pursuing a higher realm~


Right now.

A huge ship appeared in front of the two of them, more than ten times larger than the straw boat of Hades and Yan Lingji, blocking the way forward.

A gorgeously dressed, graceful and extremely beautiful woman came out of the big ship.

She looked at the approaching grass boat.

Using his internal energy, he shouted loudly: May I ask the boatman in front if I can borrow it for you? I'm Huang Rong of Peach Blossom Island~ Thank you very much!


On a straw boat. .

Hades raised his eyebrows slightly.

He murmured: Huang Rong? Huang Rong from Xiao Longnu's world...

Pluto is familiar with the chat group's data files.

Moreover, the chat group originally had a young version of Huang Rong.

Of course Pluto knew about this famous figure in all the worlds. .

As a character who runs through the Condor Heroes trilogy.

Huang Rong in the Divine Eagle Era is no longer a quirky little girl. .

But a beautiful middle-aged woman. .

But Hades had no intention of giving up his position.

Instead, she turned to Yan Lingji and smiled: Little girl, this is what Xiao Ronger will look like when she grows up.

Yan Lingji pouted her cherry lips and said, Little sister Ronger is really beautiful since she was little...


Seeing Yan Lingji's cute look, Pluto smiled slightly.

Holding Yan Lingji's jade hand.

He stepped into the air in the direction of the big ship.

Every step Pluto takes, there are ripples of energy under his feet like a black hole as a pedal, and they are engraved with extremely mysterious and simple runes.

Pluto's expression was indifferent, and he just crossed the void step by step, but he gave people the feeling of a group of supreme gods who cannot be blasphemed.

The distance between the straw boat and the penetration was about several hundred meters. .

Huang Rong stood on the bow and found that the approaching straw boat showed no signs of giving in.

Liu Mei frowned slightly.

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