Please hand over Xiao Longnu. Although Tianyang Zhenren is a Mongolian Khan, he is also a Han. He will definitely treat Xiao Longnu well. .

If you don't drink the toast, you'll have to drink wine as a penalty, so the old man will have no choice but to accompany you! !


Hearing the words of this middle-aged Taoist, the Seven Quanzhen disciples were all angry.

This middle-aged Taoist, who calls himself Master Wuchen, rose to prominence five years ago and directly defeated the Mongolian master Jinlun Dharma King. Then he colluded with the so-called Master Tianyang and spread the word to the world. .

Even after ruling Mongolia, Tianyang Zhenren became the Great Khan of Mongolia in one fell swoop, and Wuchen Zhenren also became the Mongolian National Preceptor.

I thought that Tianyang Zhenren, a Han Chinese, would return to the Song Dynasty, but I didn't expect that he would become king on his own.

Forget it. .

But now, this Master Tianyang has actually insulted Quanzhen.

It's really insulting to Taoism.

Moreover, this extremely ugly Taoist Priest Wuchen ignored them and started threatening them directly. . .

At the same time, they were very confused.

Because they had no idea who Xiao Longnu was, they actually allowed Master Tianyang to offend Quanzhen.

Think of this.

Qiu Chuji said with an indifferent expression: Master Wuchen, what are you talking about? I don't even know what the little dragon girl you are talking about is, and I, Quanzhen, am a well-known and upright Taoist sect. How can I hide a girl secretly?

Master Wuchen's eyes narrowed slightly: Since I don't know, why did my Taoist friend stop me from going?

Hear this.

Qiu Chuji was extremely angry and laughed back: This back mountain is the forbidden area of ​​our Quanzhen Sect. Anyone who enters without permission will be killed without mercy!!

Master Wuchen sneered: Kill without mercy? The old Taoist will see today whether your Quanzhen Sect can stop me and Master Tianyang's Mongolian cavalry!


Damn old man!!

You're a sanctimonious guy, you deserve to be worshiped by Tianzun!

Hearing that Master Wuchen was so arrogant, the Quanzhen Seventh Son and all the elders and disciples were all angry.


Master Wuchen sneered and said disdainfully: How about it? Just because you are blocking my way, I am going on the order of Master Tianyang, the Great Khan~

If you agree, we can all be well. If you insist on blocking it, I'm afraid the Quanzhen Sect will be expelled today! !


But I, master, will kill him~~

Can't bear this anger!!


All Quanzhen disciples were filled with indignation and extremely angry.

The expressions of the Quanzhen Seven Sons were also uncertain and extremely gloomy.

Today, the Mongols are becoming more and more powerful. Although he is a Han, Tianyang Zhenren, as the Great Khan, kills Han people without blinking an eye. .

Even more brutal.

Moreover, Mongolia is currently discussing with the Song Dynasty to attack the Jin Kingdom.

If he offends Master Tianyang now, I am afraid it will cause big trouble.

But Zhongnan Mountain is Quanzhen's holy land, and it is also related to Quanzhen's majesty in the martial arts world.

If left unchecked, the Quanzhen Sect will not be able to gain a foothold in the martial arts world in the future.

There was a stalemate like this for a while.

The current acting head of the Quanzhen Sect first glanced at Sun Buer and Qiu Chuji, who had the most explosive tempers, and signaled them to calm down.

Then he walked up to Master Wuchen.

He frowned slightly and said, We really don't know where the little dragon girl the Imperial Master is looking for is. I hope the Imperial Master can understand.

Back Mountain is a forbidden area for our Quanzhen Sect, and no outsiders can enter. If the National Master insists on doing so, we can only compete~~

Ma Yu's words were soft yet strong, and his intention was very obvious.

In fact, they still know a little bit about Xiao Longnu. .

But as the founder's rules, they also related to the face of the Quanzhen Sect. Even if they knew about it, they would not approve it.


Master Wuchen sneered: Huh~ In that case, let me learn from you masters' unique skills~~

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the Quanzhen Sect knows whether Xiao Longnu is there or not. .

The important thing is that Master Tianyang told him to test the true strength of the Quanzhen Seven Sons and then tell him later, that's it.

Ma Yu and the other seven sons looked at each other, knowing that today's battle was inevitable. .

So he took Master Wuchen to the martial arts field outside Chongyang Palace. .

It's about a competition.

There were many Quanzhen disciples and Mongolian soldiers watching around. .

However, they did not dare to get too close for fear of hurting themselves.

In the center of the martial arts arena. .

The hot-tempered Sun Buer walked out directly.

He slapped his head with disdain.

He shouted softly: Pindao Qingjing Sanren, let Pindao try the real person's methods.

I heard that Zhenren was taught by Zhenren Tianyang and was known as the disciple of Lu Zu. He came from the Chunyang sect and was a poor man with no talent. I have never heard of him and I really want to learn from him.

Sun Buer's tone was full of sarcasm.

Master Wuchen smiled lightly and said: Oh, I will play with you, but are you sure you don't want to come together?


Qiu Chuji was extremely angry and wanted to take action.

But was stopped. .


At this moment, a ethereal voice like an oriole came, as if it was not like the voice of the human world. .

Since the Taoist priest is here for the little girl, I, the Ancient Tomb Sect, will naturally not marry this group of bull noses from the whole town.

Everyone was extremely shocked when they heard this voice.

This mist is melodious and graceful, as if it is far away, as if it is whispering in the ears again.

This clearly means that the skill has reached an extremely loud level!

This is especially true for the Quanzhen Seventh Son.

They are naturally aware of the entanglement between the Tomb Sect and the Patriarch. .

But I didn't expect that Xiao Longnu would come out on her own initiative, and her inner strength was so deep that it was impossible to fathom. .

They even had a vague illusion that Xiao Longnu's skill had reached the level of the legendary Chongyang Patriarch, an innate celestial being!

Before hearing its sound, I first felt its sound, which was melodious and melodious, like the sound of a fairy, spreading between heaven and earth. Death seemed to be close at hand even though it was thousands of meters away.

This is the standard configuration of the innate realm.

At this moment, I saw a graceful figure in the sky. She was wearing a white dress like snow, wrapped in a layer of gauze, and her figure was as ethereal as a fairy.

It actually flew towards here.

Walk on the air!

It was hundreds of feet deep without the help of any force.

It flew straight over.

The Quanzhen Seventh Son, Taoist Master Wuchen, and everyone who saw this scene were stunned. .

A martial arts master who has made a decision in Qinggong among the martial arts world can still make a decision by leaping ten feet deep into a ditch.

But the fairy-like woman in front of him flew over directly. This was not Qing Gong, it was simply an immortal method.

They didn't know that Xiao Longnu had already entered the limit of martial arts in the world of the divine eagle, the innate realm, because of joining the chat skirt.

Previously, based on the group leader’s advice and the teachings of Pluto.

I used the Enlightenment Experience Card myself. .

The Jade Girl Heart Sutra evolved into Gao Wu's Holy Spirit Heart Sutra.

Breaking through the realm of Grand Master in one leap.

Grand Master, among the Divine Condor and even the Condor Trilogy, this is the ceiling-level martial arts realm. .

Little Dragon Girl gently landed on the top of the Chongyang Palace, floating like a fairy.

Only then did everyone come back to their senses.

Taoist priest Wuchen frowned and looked at Xiao Longnu with cautious eyes.

The little girl in front of her has such incredible qinggong that she feels like flying in the air.

He suspected that Xiao Longnu was just like Tianyang Zhenren, with an inheritance given by the gods.

Holding Fuchen tightly in his hand, Taoist Wuchen looked nervous.

Although he is arrogant, he is not a fool.

Before meeting Master Tianyang, he was just an individual, cheating and cheating everywhere. Later, he received the Foundation Building Pill and the Pure Yang Magical Technique given by Master Tianyang.

His current state is higher than that of his former national master, Jin Lun Dharma King.

He boasted that he could defeat the Seven Quanzhens, but the little dragon girl in front of him had no chance of winning. .

Although the girl in front of me is just a weak woman. .

But the pressure on him was like a mountain.

You can't win! You absolutely can't win!

Think of this.

Taoist Master Wuchen smiled slightly.

A slap in the face.

Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, it turns out that you are Little Dragon Girl. A sight is better than a hundred times of hearing. From what I can see today, I know that your martial arts skills are as high as those of Chongyang Zhenren, the founder of the Quanzhen Sect!!


Xiao Long Goddess was indifferent and very disdainful.

Taoist Master Wuchen can come and leave whenever he wants?

impossible. .

Xiao Longnu was naturally not happy. . .

Besides, now that Pluto is in charge, she has no worries at all.

Think of this.

Xiao Longnu said to Master Wuchen: Haha, come when you want and leave when you want. Do you think Zhongnan Mountain is your back garden?

Taoist Master Wuchen's face changed slightly and he said: I have already given up, girl. What do you mean by this? As the saying goes, if you have to be merciful, please forgive me. Please let me go.

Moreover, heroes emerged in large numbers in the Song Dynasty. Among the older generation, there are heroes such as Hong Qigong and Zhou Botong. Guo Jing, the hero who now guards Xiangyang, is even more heroic and famous in the martial arts.

Miss Xiao Longnv would probably be looked down upon by her martial arts colleagues if she did this! !

the other side. .

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