I have an eternal eye

Chapter 72 The storm is brewing

As soon as Zhang Biao heard this, he knew that what he said was true.

The capital is different from other places. Many ordinary people earn only a dozen yuan for a day's work.

Even if you save a little, you can only buy rations for a few days. Usually, you have to worry about the next meal after eating one meal, and you will starve if you miss a day's work.

They have no land, so their livelihood is precarious, and they are most affected by food prices.

There are many such people in every neighborhood in Nancheng.

Zhang Biao also realized the seriousness and nodded: Okay, let's leave early.

After changing their clothes, the two came to the gate of Nancheng.

At this time, the city gate had just opened, and the merchants entering the city and the people from the suburbs of Beijing formed a long queue, with noisy people and the neighing of mules and horses.

Even though they moved quickly, the bricks, stones and timber brought from the suburbs of Beijing were still lined up in the center of the queue, and the city guards checked them one by one, dilly-dallying.

Upon seeing this, Yang Zhuo hurriedly stepped forward, said a few words to the leader of the city guard with a playful smile, and at the same time quietly stuffed some scattered silver.

Those at the back, come here first!

The two were obviously very familiar with each other, and the city guard commander directly arranged to jump in line. Others in line were already used to it, and they just complained in a low voice.

At this time, Zhengyang Street was not too crowded. The two of them led the way, and more than a dozen carts of bricks, stones and lumber passed through the street and turned right into Yongle Fangfang Alley.

Crossing here, you can directly reach Fengyifang.

The craftsmen from Guojiawan were already waiting by the alley, wearing bamboo hats or smearing their faces black to cover up.

Everyone didn't waste any time and just pushed the car forward.

Even so, it's a bit late.

When we arrived at Chongxianfang, many people had already flocked in, blocking the entire alley.

Their faces were anxious and they were talking among themselves.

Other grain stores are closed. I heard that only Chongxianfang can still buy grain...

How come there is a sudden food shortage?

Who knows, those grain store owners don't dare to show up, and they can't even find anyone when they come to the door.

Hmph! I'm afraid you don't know. This year, the grain harvest in various states is poor, and the rich people have secretly bought all the grain. Most of them want to hoard it, buy low and buy high.

Damn it, is this going to let people live?

There are more people on the West Market side. I heard they were fighting. People from the West Market Department have closed the gate...

At this moment, there was a commotion at the entrance of Chongxianfang.

What, you still need money to enter the workshop?

I've never heard of such a thing!

Facing the anger of the people, Marquis Wu of Chongxian Square waved his stick and said viciously: With so many people, we can't squeeze into the square. If you don't want to give up money, just wait obediently. It's not like I won't let you in.

I'll give it! I'll give it!

A few neatly dressed people paid the money and rushed into the square without saying a word.

Seeing someone taking the lead, many people followed suit and paid.

After a while, someone came out carrying a bag of food, and the people around him asked about it.

Is there really food in it?

Yes, but the price is 30% higher than before, and the sales limit is five kilograms per person. Any more will not be sold.

As soon as these words came out, more people paid to come in.

Seeing this, Yang Zhuan lowered his head and sneered with a few others: This is a way to take advantage of the situation. Look, after a while, they will say that the food is sold out and let people go back.

Old man Guo, the leader of the craftsmen, said in astonishment: The capital is so big and there is a shortage of food. What should we do if the people make trouble?

Don't worry, there won't be any trouble today.

Yang Zhuo glanced sideways and whispered: They will definitely say that there will be another batch of grain shipped tomorrow, but the price will also increase, first come first served, and whoever dares to cause trouble will not be sold tomorrow!

The adults in the court don't have time to play this trick, and there is no need to take risks. Looking at this method, some young masters must be trying to get some pocket money...

After hearing this, the craftsmen were stunned.

Guo Wadang shook his head and cursed: Mom, this person with a dark heart is more ruthless than Jie Dao.

Sure enough, soon Wuhou shouted loudly: Everyone, everyone, the grain store has informed us that they are sold out today, so please go back.


When the people heard this, they immediately made a noise.

We are still waiting for the rice to be cooked at home, what should we do...

Get out of the way, I want to go in and take a look!

It must be you who are hoarding!

Beat this black dog to death!

Seeing the turbulent public sentiment, Wu Hou, who blocked the gate of the square, also became nervous, gripped the stick tightly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Don't be impatient!

The leading Marquis Wu quickly shouted: Tomorrow! Another batch of grain will arrive tomorrow. You can come here early tomorrow...

At this moment, someone shouted: Hurry, the West Market is open, and the court wants to open Changpingcang. The price is still fair over there, don't take advantage of these thieves!

In an instant, people crowded out, and everyone ran fast, fearing that they would be beaten first.

A trace of ridicule flashed in the eyes of Wu Hou, who was guarding the door, and he turned around and said: Brothers, go to the grain store to pick up things later. Also, I will be the host tonight, Guangfu Tower!

Brother Wang, open up!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Guo Wadang shook his head speechlessly, People say it's difficult to get along in the capital, and it's true.

Yang Zhuo smiled and said: This is the way of the world. Where there are people, there are all kinds of calculations. From ancient times to the present, they are always the same.

Let's go, don't waste the time...

Fengyifang is located on the westernmost side of Yujing City, not far from the west gate. It sells funeral and funeral items, which is somewhat unlucky, so there are few people.

Zhang Biao found Fang Zheng and Zhou Tong.

This is a skinny old man who runs the largest coffin shop and is quite prestigious in Fengyi Square.

Zhou Fangzheng, we're in trouble.

Captain Zhang... no, Brother Zhang, you're too polite. Don't worry, no one will disturb you in that remote place. Just stay here in peace.

The two had dealt with each other before.

Even though Zhang Biao resigned from his six-door job, Zhou Tong still wanted to have a good relationship and didn't even want any money.

After all, there is a ruthless person in the shop who can also suppress those ghosts and ghosts who come to fight against the autumn wind...

The foundation needs to be laid again!

Guo Wadang was experienced and found the problem after walking around for a while. He shook his head and whispered: This temple is old and has been flooded. If you want to build a stable secret room, the foundation must be solid...

Upon seeing this, Yang Zhuo raised his hands and said goodbye: Everyone, please be busy first. The gang has a lot of chores today. Brother Zhang, if you need anything, just call me!

Brother Yang, walk slowly!

After sending Yang Zhuo away, Zhang Biao led Guo Wadang and others along the dry well and entered the cave.

He is not afraid of secrets being discovered.

One thing is that these people will leave Beijing after finishing their work.

Secondly, he didn't want to do anything confidential, he just wanted to find a quiet place to practice his magic.

“This place is nice…”

Guo Wadang also knew what was going on and didn't ask any more questions. He turned around and thought deeply: The ancient well is the entrance, so it's inconvenient. So we might as well seal it up and build a secret room in the Taoist temple that leads down to it, and create an exit that leads directly to the outside of the temple!

Zhang Biao's eyes lit up, According to what Senior Guo said, this cave also needs to be renovated...

While they were busy, there was also trouble in the West Market far north of the city.

Just today at the court meeting, Prime Minister Liu Ji and others hurried to Qionghua Palace to explain the situation in the city.

Emperor Zhao Mian was furious when he heard this and ordered the Ministry of Punishment to conduct a strict investigation. At the same time, Chang Pingcang was opened to quell public complaints.

Outside the Changping warehouse, it was crowded with people.

One person only gets three catties?

That's enough!

Panic and anger continued to spread among the crowd.

Some people got hot-blooded and began to push Wu Hou, and some even shouted that they would break into Changping Granary to grab grain.

What are you yelling about!

Situ Bo, the Minister of Household Affairs who came to deal with the matter, angrily said: This is the kindness of the Holy One. You all don't know what is good or bad!

If there are no restrictions, those who are greedy for profit and unjust will buy in large quantities. Can you grab it?

Don't worry, there is plenty of food in Changpingcang. The Holy One has ordered people to investigate the matter thoroughly, and there will be results soon.

Let me know where the Jinwu Guards are. Anyone who dares to cause trouble will be taken away and thrown into jail!

After some hard and soft tactics, coupled with the increasing number of Jinwu Guards who were eyeing them eagerly, no one dared to cause trouble and they queued up to buy food.

Seeing that the scene calmed down, Situ Bo, the minister of household affairs, breathed a sigh of relief. After entering the granary, he took a few glances and his face immediately darkened.

It's enough for a few days.

If this happens today, the Changping warehouse will be empty in three days.

Bring that thief over here!

As soon as he finished speaking, a wolf-like warrior came over, dragging the trembling steward over.

Situ Bo's eyes flashed with murderous intent, I don't care who is behind you, go back and tell your master that I will be sitting here tonight, and you will vomit out everything you eat before tomorrow morning!

Let's go, take someone to watch him!

After a lot of chaos, night finally fell.

Situ Bo was sitting in the courtyard of Changping Cang, with torches blazing around him, but no one came to bring food.


A Guardsman hurried over and said with an ugly face, Reporting to your lord, the grain officer walked around Taipingfang and hanged himself when he returned home.


Situ Bo nodded lightly and took a calm sip of tea. He was not as angry as he was during the day.

Of course he knew who sold the grain.

It is even known that the grain has already been dispersed to various states and entered the granary of wealthy families.

But he couldn't afford to offend those people.

Just make a gesture and throw the pot away.

I'm afraid the court will be busy tomorrow...

Near the wall in the distance, Zhang Biao ran quickly, hiding in the darkness from time to time, and soon arrived at Judefang in the north city.

Outside the square gate, Cui Laodao walked around anxiously. From time to time, he felt the cold sweat on his forehead and looked aside furtively.

Next to him, a woman in silver armor was holding a big gun on her shoulder, looking at the moonlight quietly, her face full of sadness...

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