I Have a Three-Realm Auction System

Chapter 253: Step through the cycle of reincarnation, I also want to find you back (nine changes)

Seeing where Yan Shuimo disappeared, Zhou Fan stretched out his palm, trying to touch it, but he couldn't touch anything.

He cried. At this moment, he felt like a child, especially helpless.

He knew that Yan Shuimo chose to die for him. This is a woman who can give her life willingly for him.

"You gave your life for me, then, for you, I am willing to step through the cycle of reincarnation and find you back." Zhou Fan muttered to himself as he looked at the place where Yan Shuimo disappeared.

Before, he only knew that in the auction room, in exchange for all kinds of treasures, status, wealth, etc., they can all be obtained through auctions.

Although he also knows that there is a magic door in this world, if he wants to protect his relatives, he can only become stronger!

Even though he has been working hard to make himself stronger, at this moment, he still feels that he is too incompetent.

He wants to get Yan Shuimo back, he wants to go to the realm!

Zhou Fan flipped his palm, and a small boat appeared in his hand. The small boat was no more than a palm, and it was blue in color, flashing with fluorescence.

This is Tian Xing Zhou, the treasure originally exchanged from the hands of the master craftsman Lu Ban.

Tian Xing Zhou rose in response to the storm and turned into a size of three feet, Zhou Fan's spiritual power surged, swept Wen Ting and Heilong, holding Yan Shui Mo's corpse, and stepped into the Tian Xing Zhou.

Immediately, the Tianxingzhou turned into a green streamer and headed towards the gods.

"Brother Fan, Sister Shui Mo will be fine, right?" Wen Ting asked concerned.

"I... won't let her have an accident." Zhou Fan gently touched Yan Shuimo's cheek.

Seeing Yan Shuimo who seemed to be asleep, Zhou Fan's heart was like a knife. It was he who did not protect Yan Shuimo, which made her look like this.

It was a long time before he moved his gaze away from Yan Shuimo and looked at the black dragon in Wen Ting's arms.

The black dragon at this time had already become the same as the little milk dog before, but fell into a deep sleep.

Zhou Fan checked, but his face was surprised. He discovered that there was a faint mysterious power in the body of the black dragon awakening.

With this mysterious power, the black dragon should be fine, and may need to sleep for a while.

"The Capital of God..." Zhou Fan looked in the direction of the Capital of God and drove the Tianxingzhou away quickly.

The capital of the gods is the center of the Chinese clan, and it is also the place where the major clansmen gather. It is also common for the big gate lords to oppose each other for their own interests.

However, everyone will be able to stop, after all, the same human race, healthy competition can promote the development of the race, but if it is too much, it will be punished by the monastery.

The monastery is also located in the capital of the gods, and the director Jiang Xingtian sits in it.

Tianxingzhou is very fast, but within an hour, it traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, arrived in the capital of God, and went straight to the monastery.

Before coming to the monastery, Zhou Fan put Tian Xingzhou away and walked in with Yan Shuimo and Wen Ting.

"Stop!" Just when Zhou Fan wanted to enter it, the guard at the gate of the monastery stopped him.

They looked at Zhou Fan warily, because from Zhou Fan, they felt a strong killing intent.

"Who are you and what are you doing in the monastery?" one of the guards asked.

"I'm here to find Jiang Xingtian." Zhou Fan took a deep breath and cleared up his mood.

"Presumptuous, dare to call the dean's name directly, I think you are impatient." The guard said angrily.

Who is Jiang Xingtian? He is the head of the Jiang family, the head of the monastery, and a terrifying powerhouse who has reached the realm of Luo Tianshang. He is the only one who can compete with the Lord of the Demon Sect.

It can be said that Jiang Xingtian is the patron saint of China. Without him, the line of China would have been swallowed by the Demon Sect.

In everyone's heart, Jiang Xingtian is highly respected, and no one dares to call him by his name directly.

Now a nasty kid who dares to call the dean's name directly, in their opinion, has committed an unforgivable sin!

"Then please go in and inform Jiang Xingtian, saying that Zhou Fan is looking for him, and he will naturally come out to see me." Zhou Fan's brows wrinkled slightly. He knew that seeing Jiang Xingtian was so difficult. He should have let Jiang Kong be with him at the beginning .

If this were the case, Yan Shuimo wouldn't have any trouble.

But now it's too late to say anything!

"Let the dean come out to see you, boy, who do you think you are? What kind of dean can you see?" The guard sneered.

They could see that Zhou Fan's cultivation level was not in the realm of true immortality, so why did Master Dean come out to see him?

You know, their cultivation bases have also reached the realm of real immortals, but they can only serve as monastery guards. One can imagine how powerful the monastery's overall strength is.

There are so many people who want to see the dean, and they won't let everyone in.

"Jiang Xingtian, I'm here, come out and see me!" Zhou Fan yelled, his voice contained spiritual power, which was extremely penetrating, even if Jiang Xingtian was meditating at this time, he would have a certain chance of hearing it.

"Boy, you're looking for death!" Seeing Zhou Fan's disagreement, he urged his spiritual power to shout, and the two of them couldn't help but change.

This is a monastery. This kid doesn't understand the rules. He yells here. If he ran into the elders in the courtyard, they wouldn't be able to eat.

Therefore, they didn't hesitate, stepped on their feet, and then killed Zhou Fan.

"Stop it." Just when they were about to do it, they heard a majestic voice that made their appearance come to an abrupt end.

Because the owner of this voice is not someone else, it is Dean Jiang Xingtian.

They turned their heads abruptly, and as they expected, Master Dean was standing not far behind them.

"Master Dean, this kid must have dashed against you, and I will drive him away." The guard looked nervous when he saw it.

"No!" Jiang Xingtian came slowly, "He is my guest."

"What?" After listening to Jiang Xingtian's words, the two guards couldn't help but feel violent. This guy is actually the dean's guest!

However, this guy seems to be only in his early twenties, how could he be the dean's guest!

However, this sentence came from Jiang Xingtian's mouth, and they must believe if they believe, and believe if they don't.

"How did you do this?" Jiang Xingtian couldn't help frowning when he saw the woman in Zhou Fan's arms.

"It's a long story, let's go first." Zhou Fan took a deep breath.

"Come in with me!" Jiang Xingtian turned and walked into the monastery.

Seeing this, Zhou Fan quickly followed with Wen Ting, leaving behind two door guards who were still dumbfounded!

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