Chapter 026 Who is the murderer?

"Haha, as expected, I found the murderer!"

"Who is the murderer?"

Tis asked curiously, it really didn't know who the murderer was, but Tis didn't expect that the name Jingjing jumped out of Zhou Wenwen's mouth was a monster.

"First-order monster beasts and tigers!"

"What's the reason?"

"Footprints and the word king!"

Pointing to the footprints of the beasts and the word "king" under his feet, Zhou Wenwen said confidently.

Tis didn't question it. First, both the footprints and the king's characters proved that this matter at least had something to do with the devil tiger.

Second, Zhou Wenwen and others will explain to the caster and the housekeeper that they also need a reason, a murderer, to prove that this is not Zhou Wenwen's fault.

Because Zhou Wenwen was in charge of patrolling and reporting at night, and now that something happened at night, Zhou Wenwen has to bear the responsibility.

But what if there was a murderer?

What about a murderer named with evidence?

Then this matter naturally has nothing to do with Zhou Wenwen, and even Zhou Wenwen does not need to participate in the pursuit, so after Tiss agrees with Zhou Wenwen at this time, he is naturally encouraging Zhou Wenwen.

"However, I'm a little curious, where did you know about the Demon Tiger?"①

One person and one sheep were walking on the way back, and Tis asked when he saw the two people around him.

"I found out last week that someone brought a group of monsters from the Far East two months ago to form an underground auction in a city outside the misty swamp. Coincidentally, that day was the law of that city. The day of the law." ②

"On that day, all the law enforcement teams and militiamen in the city were dispatched, and the whole city was searched. Many underground organizations had already rested for the day because they received a tip from the nobles, so this group of people was miserable."

"Catch, catch, escape, because no one takes care of these monsters, so many monsters run away, of course, some monsters die, attack the city, and are killed on the spot by the caster."

"After that, there were explorers in the foggy swamp and saw some monsters such as tigers, sheep demons, butterfly demons, etc. that appeared at the auction."

"No, it's here."

While talking, one person and one sheep have come to the wooden gate guard post in the gathering place. Tis has returned to the appearance of an ordinary goat, while Zhou Wenwen took a deep breath and ran to the guard post...

A few minutes later, Duncan, the second-order mage spellcaster in the gathering place, went out of the city under the **** of 15 mercenaries. Under the guidance of Zhou Wenwen, he found the body and followed the footprints to the demon tiger.

The Demon Tiger has only Tier 1 strength. Where is Duncan's opponent with Tier 2 professional strength? Duncan is just a wave of magic bombing.

But it is the 15 mercenaries that make Zhou Wenwen and Tis care!

Only one of the 15 mercenaries came back, and the remaining 14 mercenaries According to Duncan's apprentice, the Duncan said that when they came back, they were attacked by the crystal leopard.

Although Duncan inflicted heavy damage on Crystal Leopard, 14 mercenaries died in the battle.

Naturally, this statement was not trusted by Zhou Wenwen and Tis, because after learning the news.

Zhou Wenwen and Tis followed the two carriages that Duncan and 15 mercenaries rode on. Although they did find two places where the battle was suspected, they did not find any corpses, not even bones.

It would be fine if this matter ended here. After all, it was just a trivial matter of the death of the mercenary and the capture of monsters, but what happened next made Zhou Wenwen and Tis vigilant.

The mercenary who went to 15 mercenaries and only had himself returned to the mercenary station of the mercenary group to which he belonged.

The next day, an explorer smelled the smell of the mercenary station as he passed by. He walked in and found a large number of corpses. He was frightened and hurriedly asked Zhou Wenwen and his group of guards for help.

Under suspicion, Zhou Wenwen and the others rushed to the mercenary station, but found that the gate of the mercenary station was closed. After hitting it with a battering ram, they found that there was no one in the mercenary station.

Zhou Wenwen was in a wooden house and found the mercenary who had escaped.

According to him, after the people in the mercenary group learned that the members were killed, they ran away for fear that their interests would be damaged.

Zhou Wenwen naturally did not believe this excuse. He wanted to interrogate the mercenary, but was stopped by the apprentice Mage sent by Duncan, saying that Lord Duncan had designated the mercenary.

What else could Zhou Wenwen do? The mercenary he could only watch was being taken into the Mage Tower. It was a week later when he learned about the mercenary.


The Heiyan Mercenary Bar is located next to the three public mercenary stations on the left side of the gathering place. There is a lot of traffic here, so on weekdays, in order to inquire about news, Zhou Wenwen will also come over to order a beer and listen to the mercenaries before patrolling.

"What, you said that the mercenary died a day ago, or jumped from the mage tower to die?"

"real or fake?"

Zhou Wenwen, who heard the news, was greatly surprised, so he asked in a loud voice.

Seeing that he was being questioned, the mercenary immediately said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see the corpse."

After saying that, the mercenary took Zhou Wenwen to the cemetery of the abandoned and found the body. After the mercenary left, Zhou Wenwen called out Tis.

"How about it?"

Zhou Wenwen asked anxiously, the church cemetery is too conspicuous, and people will come here at any time.

"Like that housekeeper, it has no soul, it's an empty shell," Tice shook his head and replied.

"Where will the soul be?"

Zhou Wenwen thought depressedly, when Teaston heard this sentence, he suddenly realized, but when he saw people waiting around, he waited for them to leave before saying, "It's a ghost, and the soul was taken away by the ghost."

"What is a ghost?"

Zhou Wenwen was a little surprised, it was the first time he understood the word.

Tis explained, "Because of their own characteristics, cat monsters can strip the souls of creatures killed by them from the corpses and trap them in their bodies."

"In order to survive, these souls can only be parasitized in the bodies of cat monsters, but at this time these souls have already become ghosts, and even if they see black and white impermanence, they cannot be reborn in the six realms."

"Not to mention, there are no six reincarnations in this continent."

"Then how to eliminate these ghosts?"

Seeing this, the worried Zhou Wenwen asked.

"It's very difficult to eliminate. You must first eliminate the host cat monsters. With your current strength, you can't even eliminate ghosts. How can you eliminate the first-order demon tigers?" Tis advised.

"Then how can I improve my strength? My potential is not good enough to pass the exam."

Seeing that it can't do this, Zhou Wenwen was rotten and gave up struggling.

"I have a plan to improve your strength and allow you to pass their exams."

"Oh, tell me, what's the way?"

Zhou Wenwen suddenly became interested and asked.


To be continued

Chapter 27

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