Affected by this stone tower, there is no fog for hundreds of miles around the stone tower, so this place has become the only place where humans can live on a large scale in the foggy swamp.

And there is a saying that goes to the most dangerous place is the easiest way to become a nouveau riche.

Although the Mist Swamp is dangerous, and the plants, insects, and animals are also unusual, it is a closed ecosystem of its own, making the Mist Swamp the only area on the Iskander Continent where there are no monsters, crystal beasts, and monsters. ①

From the sixth year of the city-state calendar, the famous human explorers broke into the misty swamp one after another, and when they came out of the misty swamp. ②

Although the number of human explorers has plummeted, they have brought back batch after batch of precious personnel, and at the same time inspired more human city-states to send explorer teams to the Mist Swamp, known as the "Golden Journey" in history. ③

With the passage of time, the "Golden Journey" intensified, and after humans discovered the existence of stone towers and established settlements here, the "Golden Journey" reached an unprecedented height in the 45th year of the city-state calendar.

Because in the 45th year of the city-state calendar alone, there were more than 1,600 human explorer teams registered in settlements, and more than 4,000 merchant trading teams. The number of people exceeded the upper limit of 500,000, and they rushed towards the height of 1 million. ④

Although a year later, due to the outbreak of mercenary wars in the human city-states, each city-state reduced the number of explorers sent to the Mist Swamp and reduced the size of the explorer team. ⑤

But in the end, in the 49th year of the city-state calendar, before the Iskander continent was swept away by the magic wave, the registered human explorer team in the Misty Swamp settlement exceeded the number of 3,000. ⑥

The number of merchant trading teams has already exceeded 10,000, and the number of residents has exceeded 10,000 and 100,000, reaching 300,000, and the number of people has exceeded the limit of 1 million, reaching 1.74 million.

After the wave of magic swept across the continent of Iskander, in the 52nd year of the city-state calendar, the famous human city-state and the three types of spellcasters with outstanding strength, mages, wizards, and warlocks, united to force the Holy See to stop interfering with the secular regime, and established the "Aila Lefu". "Empty City", in order to maintain the connection between the three types of spellcasters: mages, wizards, and warlocks. ⑦

Although it was less than a year, in the 53rd year of the city-state calendar, the "Ailal Floating City" split because it could not solve the problem of mutual interests, and returned the power, and has since become a neutral city independently. ⑧

The Holy See stopped interfering with the secular regime and re-transferred to other continents. The three major associations of the Mage Association, the Wizards Association, and the Warlock Association took over the seats, and intensified their efforts to interfere with the secular regime. It is worth until the major human city-states become complete puppets and spellcasters. become a new noble. ⑨

Under the influence of this factor, the three major associations began to send spellcasters to the Mist Swamp to gain benefits.

Because of the inability to enter the tower, the casters had to build a tower and their own laboratory around the tower, jointly dividing the land and forcing the humans on the original land to become their slaves in order to live. ⑩


①Warcraft, Crystal Beast, Monster Beast:

Warcraft comes from animals, insects, plants, and other methods. They have magic cores in their bodies and can cast magic.

Crystal beasts are produced by crystal crystallization. They have crystal nuclei in their bodies. Some crystal beasts produced by crystallization of elemental crystals can cast magic.

Most crystal beasts can use powers.

Monsters are created by animals, insects, plants and other creatures with spiritual energy in the world. When the aura of these "all things in heaven and earth" reaches a certain height, they will open their spirits and gain wisdom.

They have demon pills in their bodies that can cast spells, abilities, and spells.

Whether it is a beast, a crystal beast, or a monster, its strength is stronger than that of animals, insects, and plants. For this reason, in order to distinguish the strength of these guys, it is divided into 12 levels from 1st to 12th.

Among them, every third-order strength will produce earth-shaking changes.

②City calendar:

Before that, because the human beings in the Iskander continent had not been unified, and the languages, characters, and lifestyles were different, the human beings from all over the country divided the land and ruled them, relying on danger as the city. Therefore, this is called a city-state.

In order to commemorate the anthropologist Sokrama who ran for the peaceful and common resistance of the Holy See and monster attacks for the human city-states of Iskander, the human city-state agreed on the year after Sokrama's death, which is called the first year of the city-state calendar.

Before that, before the city-state calendar, the history stored in the book was divided into 3,000 to 5,000 years.

③ "Golden Journey", the items brought back in the misty swamp are called "Golden Journey" because of their high uniqueness and cherishment, which can be exchanged for a lot of gold.

④The number of people exceeded the upper limit of 500,000, and went to 1 million:

Under the call of the anthropologist Sograma and his disciples, the major human city-states, apart from wars against other races, gradually reduced the city-state battles with each other, and in the end they were willing to fight, and the residents living in the city-states got a good environment. Willing to settle in the city-state to gather wives and children.

But at the same time, it is also the time for the reform of the human city-state The battle formation, weapons, armor, and training have undergone unprecedented changes.

⑤ Mercenary War:

When time entered the city-state calendar, the mercenaries on the Iskander Continent suddenly lost their jobs because they no longer fought, although it was said that most of the mercenaries changed careers and joined the explorer team.

But there are still at least 100,000 mercenaries floating in various city-states.

In order to lead the mercenaries, it was decided to compete with the city-state for the explorer market, and to say that the city-state boss would continue. In short, in order to prove the strength of the mercenary association, the mercenary association was divided into two factions, and a battle between the mercenaries started.

Although this battle belongs only to mercenaries, outside the battle, the city-state and the caravan were attacked by the mercenaries, causing heavy losses.

Forcing each city-state to reduce the number of explorers sent to the Mist Marsh, reducing the size of the explorer squad, it is worth fighting. Because of the signing of the Namer Peace Agreement, mercenaries can no longer attack city-states and caravans.

⑥Magic Tide:

The magic wave refers to that when Seiya is in a strange celestial trajectory, a tsunami-like magic wave will be generated, sweeping the Iskander continent and causing disaster.

⑦The Holy See stops interfering with the secular regime, "Ailal Floating City":

After the time entered the city-state calendar, due to the reduction of battles between the city-states, the Holy See, which had always had both sides, suddenly lost its former prestige.

When the Holy See was in the 48th year of the city-state calendar, the problem of obtaining the power of the Holy Light was solved, and a large number of priests and paladins were recruited. The strength increased significantly, and the attitude became aggressive.

The city-state that was unable to recruit, remembered the three major associations of mages, wizards, and warlocks that were suppressed by the Holy See in the past, and asked the three major associations for help.

The three major associations of mages, wizards, and warlocks naturally seized this opportunity and joined forces to suppress the Holy See...


To be continued

Chapter 025: Who Am I?

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