beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep

"Di, the second time to wake up the "Temple of Knights" failed! According to the rules of the "Star Domain", the "Temple of the Star World" will start to collect the failure information and detect the reason!"

"Di, the reason for the detection is completed, and it is confirmed that the failure to wake up the "Knight Temple" from sleep for the third time will cause unbearable impact."

"Di, "Astral Temple" will block the signal of "Knight Temple" according to the rules of "Star Domain". Di, after the signal is blocked, "Astral Temple" will continue to search!"


Zhou Wenwen was stupid. He did not expect such a situation at all. After hesitating for a few seconds, Zhou Wenwen finally started.

He sorted out the dialogue logs and found reports on the reasons for the failure to wake up from hibernation of "Lihuo Palace" and "Knight's Temple".


Reasons for the failure of "Astral Temple" to wake up "Lihuo Palace" and "Knight Temple" from sleep:

①: The search system found that in the **** area of ​​"Lihuo Palace", there is a residual positioning mark of the enemy's breath. According to the particle activity display, the positioning mark will automatically send out information every 10,000 years.

According to the scan of the "Lihuo Palace", once the "Lihuo Palace" is awakened from dormancy, the positioning mark will also enter the working state, and will continue to send out information, attracting a large number of enemies.

At present, according to the positioning and search, the "Astral Temple" is in the standby "Original Domain" and cannot receive strong support from friendly forces.

According to the rules of "Star Domain", "Astral Temple" blocked the signal of "Lihuo Palace".

②: The search system found that there are still gods, gods and domain-level combat units in the core of the "Temple of Knights".

Once the "Temple of Knights" is awakened from dormancy, the gods and the domain-level combat units will also be awakened, but even if the "Temple of Doom" is added, the "Astral Temple" cannot defeat the gods and gods and the domain-level combat units. combat unit.

According to the rules of the "Star Domain", the "Astral Temple" blocked the signal of the "Knight Temple".



Seeing this report on the reasons for the failure to wake up from sleep, Zhou Wenwen took a deep breath and wanted to run away on the spot.

There is a saying that is good, people will die if they do it.

Zhou Wenwen's action immediately alerted the floating hall in the air, and soon, there was movement from the ancient Roman architectural style hall.

There is a saying that people die for wealth and birds die for food.

Zhou Wenwen thought that if he could be approved by Yuanyu to open the Lihuo Palace, then he could also be recognized by the Astral Temple.

And according to this report, although the Astral Temple and Lihuo Palace are not the same group army, they are all under the Origin Domain. Therefore, according to the equation, Zhou Wenwen can enter and leave the Origin Domain, and he can also enter and exit the Astral Temple.

Zhou Wenwen, who figured this out, became extremely calm, put on his glasses, and waited...waiting...

When the time came, a two-meter strong man full of muscles appeared in front of Zhou Wenwen. Before Zhou Wenwen could react, he was caught by the strong man.

Then I saw the strong man jumping in place and jumped directly to the platform of the floating hall in the air, and the ground was under the pressure of the strong man's instant blessing, and there were cracks in the net strong.

At this time, Zhou Wenwen only reacted, feeling the rapid airflow in the air, thinking that this is the dance of the sky.

At this time, an ancient voice of vicissitudes also came from the floating hall, "Come in, this time's Lord of the Gods."

Zhou Wenwen couldn't believe it, he said at the door in surprise, "Lord of the gods? Are you calling me?"

The ancient voice came from the floating hall again, "You will know when you come in. I will answer all your questions, as long as it is within the combined authority of you and me." Gu

Hearing this, Zhou Wenwen quickly walked across the corridor and entered the hall, followed by the strong man.

Contrary to Zhou Wenwen's expectations, in addition to a pile of petrified various strange and strong things in the hall, the rest were either buried with stones or broken, Zhou Wenwen looked terrified.

At this time, the ancient vicissitudes of life sounded again, and this time, Zhou Wenwen found the source of the sound, a golden monkey-shaped stone monkey, it turned out to be petrified.

I saw him say, "Okay, Doomsday Knight, you should go down. If you go up, I'm afraid you will also affect him."


Hearing the stone monkey's words, the strong man stepped back and walked down, but in less than a second he came up again and looked at the stone monkey.

Zhou Wenwen couldn't figure it out, so he retreated pretty and let the strong man and the stone monkey look at each other.

Looking at each other for less than a few seconds, the stone monkey shook his head as if he had conceded defeat. After a while, a seat was raised from the hall, and three crystal clear glass bottles were placed on the seat.

The strong man grabbed the glass bottle rudely without going down, Zhou Wenwen wanted to follow, but was stopped by two 3-meter-high wooden figures.

At this time, Zhou Wenwen no longer understands, but also understands what happened, he was sold!

Zhou Wenwen didn't hesitate at all, the Han sword appeared on his watch with just a wave, and the two 3-meter-high wooden figures were chopped into several sections, and his highly alert voice sounded again.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, did you see it, it seems that this year's Lord of the is not stupid, not as easy to deceive as the previous two Lords of the Gods."

The ancient vicissitudes of life sounded again and echoed in the hall, but this time, the sound did not come from the stone monkey, and the stone monkey did not move.

Zhou Wenwen didn't respond immediately. He clenched the Han sword, looked at the stone monkey, and sneered before saying, "Then next time you speak, be careful to move your mouth, otherwise it will be easy to see."

"It turns out to be like this, I learned it, but, I still have a question?"

Faced with this sentence, Zhou Wenwen was not at all careless, he replied, "You say it."

"You think I'm an enemy, or my own."

As he said that, a goat with a volume of more than 3 meters with a broken horn on its head walked out of the shadows and walked towards Zhou Wenwen while talking.

"What if... I said the enemy?"

Zhou Wenwen felt amused, so he sneered in his words.

In the face of Zhou Wenwen's ridicule, the goat didn't care, he also said.

"Bingo, congratulations on your answer, the reward is that you turn into a corpse!"

Saying that, the goat hurriedly rammed into Zhou Wenwen, but Zhou Wenwen fled into the shadows and disappeared, suddenly losing his target. When the goat reacted, his head was already on the wall, and a burst of dizziness and huge pain struck immediately.

But before the enemy, the goat didn't dare to faint like this. It shook its head and settled down. Looking around, it soon found Zhou Wenwen holding a red cloth with a smile on his face. Obviously, he was waiting for it.

The goat was instantly furious, roared "Moo", then raised its head and bumped into Zhou Wenwen, trying to kill Zhou Wenwen.

But I don't know that Zhou Wenwen is waiting for this action, because a blue-white time-space tunnel has been formed behind Zhou Wenwen's back.


To be continued

Chapter 23

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