In this situation, everyone is deadlocked with each other, and it is worth the third-party forces to appear in Fuhan, especially the most powerful Ten Rings Gang. They even dared to attack the convoy of the US military's arms dealers and kidnapped the arms dealers.

After learning about Zhou Wenwen's legend, he also specially surrounded the hospital. The people in the hospital naturally refused, so they asked the Green Religion, the military government and Pakistan for help.

However, the Green Religion who learned about the incident and the military government changed their previous attitude to celebrate. Although Pakistan was willing to rescue, he was also entangled by another country.

Also learned of this matter, Mei Luge realized that the opportunity was coming, but their army was not around, so they could only make a verbal promise.

So what is Zhou Wenwen's attitude?

Zhou Wenwen doesn't care about this matter, because he can do anything at any time to destroy the Ten Rings Gang, but the problem is—

What the Ten Commandments wanted him to save was the arms dealer who was kidnapped by them. At that time, the arms dealer was not in a good condition and was already in a state of being one step away from going to the emergency room.

As for the identity of this arms dealer, Zhou Wenwen, who has been in this world for more than two years, naturally knows it, so after thinking about it, Zhou Wenwen agreed to the request of the Ten Rings Gang.

After instructing who should take over the large and small affairs in the hospital, Zhou Wenwen sat on the Humvee of the Ten Rings Gang, and gradually disappeared from the eyes of the crying Afghans.


On the Hummer, two Ten Rings Gang fighters spoke Arabic and laughed at Zhou Wenwen, but Zhou Wenwen did not respond at all. Instead, he calmed down and tried to recall the memory of the arms dealer in his mind.

If Zhou Wenwen remembers correctly, this arms dealer is Tony Stark, or Iron Man, whose full name is Anthony Edward Tony Stark, and is one of the main characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

At the age of 14, Tony entered MIT College, and at the age of 17, he graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering of MIT College, and successfully found his own social position with impressive results - the new owner of the family business Stark Arms Company.

The unfortunate death of his parents actually inspired Tony's career to move forward.

At the age of 21, he began to control tens of billions of property, and gradually established Stark's status as the US military's first arms supplier.

But Tony's arrogant personality and unscrupulous approach to his ends often get him a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, he also has a shrewd, capable, **** and charming female assistant Virginia Pepper Potts always giving him meticulous care and help.

But a kidnapping incident soon after changed Tony Stark's life forever.

When Tony led a group of his subordinates and military observers in a deserted place to sell his newly developed guide, he was attacked by the "Ten Rings Gang" unexpectedly.

In the end, Tony, who was hit in the heart by a missile fragment in the chaos, woke up and found a strange device in his chest. It was this device that maintained his life.

It turned out that Dr. Ethan, who was also a hostage, used a car electromagnet to absorb the shrapnel in his body, saving Tony Stark's life. Of course, the Ten Rings Gang asked Tony Stark to make missiles for them.

As the saying goes, a hero doesn't suffer immediate losses, and the smart Tony didn't sit still.

With the help of Ethan, he used the rough equipment and raw materials provided by the Ten Rings Gang to build steel armor for himself in the dark underground base.

In the fight with the terrorists, Dr. Eason bought time for Stark to escape and died unfortunately.

But Dr. Eason's last words made the escaped Tony change his idea of ​​making ammunition to save the world.

So, Tony improved the steel armor, made another reactor, and became the real "Iron Man".

Obadiah Stane, the long-standing bad guy who coveted Stark's rich life, couldn't hold back, and he made a secret deal with the Ten Rings.

Obtained the wreckage of the armor left by Stark when he escaped from the terrorist base from his hands, and with the help of a group of scientists, captured Tony's reaction world and used the steel armor improvement on himself.

So far, Obadiah finally has the reason and confidence to do whatever he wants.

And Tony can only rely on the old electromagnet heart to fight with Obadiah.

In the end Potts activated all the energy of the arc and defeated Obadiah.

At a press conference the next day, Tony officially announced that he was Iron Man.

However, after this, more trouble came. Tony's enemies began to attack him continuously. The government and media from all walks of life also continued to put pressure on him. Tony also lived a long life because the palladium element in the Ark reactor gradually penetrated into his body. , he began to live up to the expectations of friends and lovers around him and became alone.

But his father Howard Stark brought hope to Tony in the message film. Tony invented a new replacement element (i.e. the isotope of the Rubik's Cube) according to the blueprint left by his father, saved his life, and made friends with his friends. Together with his lover, he foiled the plots of the villains Whiplash and Justin Hammer, and was later hired by Nick Fury as a consultant for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Two years later, Tony received an invitation from S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil to help S.H.I.E.L.D. against Loki, and became good friends with Bruce Banner.

After SHIELD's Helicarrier turbine was damaged, United Captain America repaired the braking system, and after Agent Coulson was killed by Loki, Tony felt remorse and immediately guessed that Loki's next move was in New York blatantly opened the time and space portal to invade the earth.

After the U.S. government ordered S.H.I.E.L.D. to launch a nuclear bomb to New York, Tony received an urgent notice from Nick Fury and quickly caught up with the nuclear bomb. The Tari invaders were all wiped out, and Tony fell into the earth before the time-space portal closed, and was rescued by the Hulk and survived.

After the Great War in New York, he was troubled by unprecedented anxiety and devoted himself to the development of an upgraded version of the Iron Man suit.

After the unexpected incident of a terrorist attack, he meets Harry Keener, a young boy who has a similar experience with him, and Harry helps him out of the shadow of anxiety.

Later, he and Harry worked together to explore the truth behind the Mandalin incident, and together with their friends and lovers, they defeated the mastermind behind the scenes. Through surgery, the remaining shrapnel and reactor were removed from the body, and they were thrown into the sea. Trapped in Iron Man suit.

He later gave Harry a complete set of artificial intelligence equipment and told Banner what happened.

After the events in Washington, Tony and the rest of the Avengers moved on.

In the base of the commander-in-chief of the Hydra Corps, Steckel, he was affected by the ability of the Scarlet Witch and saw the complete destruction of the Avengers, so he had the idea of ​​creating a defensive machine to protect the earth.


To be continued

Chapter 018 Announcement of the Avengers Assemble

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