As soon as the old goat saw the German Shepherd Zombie Dog, the instinct of the animal prompted the young goat to turn around and run.

The German Shepherd Zombie Dog naturally gave up entangling Zhou Wenwen and chased the old goat, but the old goat was not slow, so the two quickly left the area, and even the approaching zombie group walked towards the old goat .

Seeing that he was free from the trapped mirror, Zhou Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief and searched the surroundings. Zhou Wenwen relied on the buoy instructions to find a subway entrance where the advanced zombie variant R3 hunter in the novel would appear.

Sure enough, just like the novel, there are no zombies in the escalator at the entrance of the subway, and there are no platforms. There are a few zombies in the convenience store and waiting area.

But they all lack hands and feet. Although they have the desire to attack, they cannot attack Zhou Wenwen, which is exactly the same as the description in the novel.

As for this kind of zombie that is easy to solve, Zhou Wenwen naturally took out the arrow from the storage space of the watch, shot the zombies one by one and made them unable to move, and then cut off the head with a sword, ending his life.

This kind of movement, although not big, is not small, so it immediately attracted the attention of a zombie advanced mutant R2, but Zhou Wenwen also immediately noticed the R2 zombie, and shot an arrow backhand.


The arrow flew out quickly, passed through the heart and lungs, the only weak part of the R2 zombie, and nailed it to the wooden board behind it, making it immobile.

The next step is to hit a fixed target. Zhou Wenwen only shot 3 arrows at the throat of the R2 zombie and killed the R2 zombie.

After killing this R2 zombie, Zhou Wenwen was happy but not at all, because the watch detected that the R2 zombie made a silent sound before death.

This immediately aroused Zhou Wenwen's vigilance, and sure enough, Zhou Wenwen's judgment was correct.

In the night vision device that he picked up, Zhou Wenwen made a black shadow of 6 or 7 meters in size at the end of the dam, and jumped towards Zhou Wenwen in the way of constantly bouncing in the subway tunnel.

After staring for two consecutive seconds and recognizing that the shadow was the advanced zombie variant R3 hunter mentioned in the novel, Zhou Wenwen's expression changed drastically.

Without hesitation, he retracted his bow and arrow and gave up the attack, released his flying sword and flew towards the subway exit.

It was too late, but the moment was too fast. At the moment Zhou Wenwen flew out of the subway exit, Zhou Wenwen threw a homemade grenade at the same time, but the hunter also caught up in time.

Facing the flying grenade, the hunter threw his hand and flew away. The two homemade grenades fell under the subway and exploded. The violent explosion immediately attracted a large number of zombies, and they were attracted by the movement of the two. Climbed to the ground and approached the two of them.

Once back on the ground, no matter how far Zhou Wenwen got rid of the hunter, the hunter could always catch up with him. Zhou Wenwen had to stop and turn around, and opened the door in time before the hunter came. time Tunnel.

Seeing Zhou Wenwen disappearing into the blue-white tunnel, the hunter hesitated for two seconds and followed, disappearing into the blue-white tunnel.

A minute later, the zombies that had been attracted by silence at this time also rushed to the blue-white tunnel. Under the pressure of their companions, the zombies crashed into the blue-white tunnel one by one and disappeared.

After the blue and white tunnel swallowed more than 10,000 zombies, they finally disappeared into the air due to the exhaustion of energy. The zombies that lost their target suddenly wandered down the street like a salted fish.

And not long after, the roar of the cold engine suddenly came from the sky, and then two wild horses flew over the heads of the zombies. The zombies seemed to have suddenly found their target and followed the wild horses closely. butt.

There are still a lot of zombies behind them, which were brought by two wild horses from JFK International Airport and LaGuardia Airport. At this time, there were few zombies on JFK International Airport and LaGuardia Airport, and soon, The US 101 division will be airborne here, which also means that the fire operation has begun.


As soon as Zhou Wenwen entered the space-time tunnel, he stepped on the flying sword and quickly broke through the hole, returned to the top floor of the sky tower, and activated the general opening of all the organs. Zhou Wenwen's expression suddenly became calm when he heard the familiar gear turning Lu. Valley

The hunter who was not afraid of death followed through the hole, and when he landed on the ground, Zhou Wenwen rushed over without hesitation.

The hunters did not notice that there were dozens of golden threads a few meters in front of Zhou Wenwen, and the craftsmen who connected these golden threads took great pains to lay out the traps.

The golden thread touched the mechanism immediately. First, three wooden stakes half the size of a human were suddenly pushed out and inserted into the hunter, and then the crossbow machine started to eject. With two sounds of biu, three iron arrows were shot by the big yellow crossbow and shot at the hunter. killer.

Facing the three wooden stakes that suddenly appeared, the hunter roared and waved his claws. The stakes broke and fell in just a few seconds, and the hunter continued to pounce on Zhou Wenwen.

In the face of the hunter's rush, Zhou Wenwen did not panic at all, because although the wooden stakes failed, they successfully covered up the flying sound of the iron arrow, and then it was enough to let the iron arrow in.




As Zhou Wenwen expected, the iron arrow easily broke through the surface defense of the hunter and pierced the penetrated into the chest——

The next second, the arrogant body of the hunter suddenly softened, lying on the ground, like a caterpillar, crawling towards Zhou Wenwen.

Zhou Wenwen did not attack, but looked at the red blood that kept pouring out of the hunter's mouth, but it soon turned fruity due to oxidation. Zhou Wenwen recalled the zombies he had encountered before with a thoughtful expression.

I thought to myself, the zombies above the R2 rank can return to their normal state, and the new organs can support the zombies to perform actions that humans cannot. Is this the reason why hunters can climb like this?

As if he had found an answer, Zhou Wenwen's mood improved, and when he turned to leave, the hunter suddenly burst out and rushed towards Zhou Wenwen.

Seeing that the claws were about to hit Zhou Wenwen, the mechanism was triggered, and three iron spears flew out to stop the hunter and cut him off.

A large amount of blood spattered, dyeing Zhou Wenwen's big white hexagram black, and Zhou Wenwen's face immediately became ugly.

An angry Zhou Wenwen took out his saber and slashed at the hunter's head, but he was still not relieved, but when he saw that the zombies had passed by, he kicked the hunter's upper body with one foot, and then stepped on the flying sword and flew out of the sky tower. .

Zhou Wenwen flew back in front of everyone, pretending to be almost falling because of exhaustion, so frightened Zhao Yun stepped forward to support him in time.


Gan Ning, Zhang Liao, Zhang Ren, Zhang Xiu, and Cao Xing were also startled and rushed forward. Zhou Wenwen dared to let them approach, so he said to them, "Prepare for battle!"

Gan Ning, Zhang Liao, Zhang Ren, Zhang Xiu, and Cao Xing hurriedly entered the formation, but before they left, they saw a terrifying scene. Countless "people" fell out of the sky and climbed towards them.



To be continued

Chapter 013 Announcement from the Fire Palace

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