I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 10 Chapter 239: Kilauea Volcano

Tossing a cup and getting up, getting out of the sill car, weeping and taking medicine, we entered.

The stone city wall on the east side, level 1, provides 1/6 standard level 2 sword-wielding infantry, 2 level 3 standard shield-wielding infantry: 1/6, 2 level 6 standard Specialized infantry with a bow: 1/3.

Visitor, Code Talker, Hunter, Parallel Bit Encoder, Parallel Whisper Collider, Segment Dragon, Retreat Whisper Lancer, Electronic Threshold, Code Exporter, Code Cooler, Code Encoder, Code Generator, Electric Code Exporter, Electric Code Cooler, Whispering Spearman, Whispering Coder, Whispering Suppressor, Digital Machine, Bit Machine, Prototype Machine, Rider Number.

...7 days later.

Time: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 at 05:10 am.

Location: Kilauea Volcano, southeast of Hawaii Island, Hawaiian Islands, Pacific Ocean.

Kilauea Volcano, located on the southeastern **** of Mauna Loa volcano in central and southern Hawaii Island, Kilauea Volcano is considered to be the youngest and most active volcano in the world, because it has hundreds of thousands of cubic meters every day. Lava erupted from the island's volcanic crater.

Kilauea Volcano is about 1280 meters above sea level. It is still 18000 feet below sea level. There is a huge caldera on the top of the mountain with a diameter of 4027 meters and a depth of more than 130 meters, which contains many craters. At the southwest corner of the caldera, there is a crater churning with hot lava, about 1,000 meters in diameter and 400 meters deep.

In 1960, the Kilauea Volcano erupted, and the lava flow rushed down from the heights and poured into the sea, filling a new land area of ​​about 2 square kilometers by the sea.

Another eruption occurred in 1986, adding 6.8 square kilometers of new land to the Big Island.

On July 29, 2002, billowing magma erupted from Kilauea Volcano and flowed into the sea, where fire and water merged to form a spectacular sight.

On August 17, 2002, the fiery red magma spewed out of the volcano billowed toward the sea, like a magma dragon.

For 20 years, the continuous outpouring of magma from Kilauea Volcano has created several new black sand beaches on the southeastern Hawaiian island and has expanded the island's size.

And today, Kilauea volcano will continue to tell its "legend".

May the gods better die in the land of the abyss, Sashalyu.

The negotiation between the gods and the demons failed, and the gods immediately led the army to attack the demons in the Hell Land, but the demons were already prepared and deployed heavy troops here.

This battle has been going on for a whole century. Although the demons have won the victory, the land of Hell has been beaten unsuitable for demons to live in.

The demons had to build the sword of **** for the land of hell, hoping that the sword of **** could change the place of hell.

But the divine aura of the gods lingering on the land of the extreme prison is far from what the sword of the extreme prison can change.

In this case, the demons thought of humans, because it was humans who liberated the demons from the hands of the gods in past wars.

At this time, it happened that the human beings in the western continent of Arreat openly opposed the gods and called on the various races on the planet Arreat to form a coalition to fight against the gods.

The demons took advantage of the army sent during this time to make agreements and contracts with humans.


Because the following passages could not be deciphered at Zhou Wenwen's current level, so after Zhou Wenwen took pictures of the stone tablet and wrote down the words on the stone tablet, a beam of light erupted from his chest, interrupting the stone tablet.

And as the stele cracked, a broken sword inserted in the stele also appeared in front of him.

Just as Zhou Wenwen was curious about why the broken sword was in the stone tablet, a quest completion notification sound came from his ear. Zhou Wenwen looked at it and found that it was the task of "The Sealed Land 04 Sword of Extreme Prison" that became his own mission. Finish.

"The Sealed Land 04 The Sword of Extreme Prison" "Completed" quest evaluation: B-.

mission rewards:

1 B-level mission mainline.


Interpret the stone of the devil's contract and find the sword of hell.

Mission requirements:

Discover the Sword of Hell. (1/1)


The Sword of Hell can be found in the direction where the lava disappears.


After the task of "The Sealed Land 04 Sword of Extreme Prison" was completed, there was no new task. After Zhou Wenwen took out the broken sword, he put the two small stone tablets of the abyss dragon into the heart of the castle, and turned on the overclocking armor and supersonic speed. The cruise model went all the way and returned to the Scarlet Rose Dungeon.

Just at this time, the demon army summoned by Tarsalo Bloodrose Lannex was besieging the Scarlet Rose Dungeon, and the spells constantly thrown from the hands of the winged demons in the air attacked the infantry guarding the gate of the Scarlet Rose Dungeon. , posing a great threat.

Zhou Wenwen, who jumped into the air from the entrance of the hole, couldn't hold back when he saw this scene, and immediately killed him, but he was shot by the devil's hand from the long-awaited Tarsalo Bloodrose Lannicks. Hit the ground.


Zhou Wenwen resisted the blow, quickly changed his posture by landing, and pressed the button just before landing, ready to enter the overclocking stage 2.


After chatting with NATO representatives and United Nations representatives, Zhou Wenwen led the team back to the base~www.wuxiamtl.com~ while recuperating and preparing for battle.

The Transformers that belong to him now are:

Forerunner, Geek, Destroyer, Jaguar, Cougar, Jaguar, Stalker, Supporter, Striker, Super Eagle, Destroyer, Skyguard, Defender, Balrog, Spy.

Visitor, Code Talker, Hunter, Parallel Bit Encoder, Parallel Whisper Collider, Segment Dragon, Retreat Whisper Lancer, Electronic Threshold, Code Exporter, Code Cooler, Code Encoder, Code Generator, Electric Code Exporter, Electric Code Cooler, Whispering Spearman, Whispering Coder, Whispering Suppressor, Digital Machine, Bit Machine, Prototype Machine, Rider Number.

Such a mighty team naturally attracted the attention of the army, so they sent a team of soldiers to follow in a mine-protected infantry vehicle, and finally arrived in Detroit and joined the Detroit barracks.

But what they didn't know was that on the road, Zhou Wenwen took the Super Eagle, Destroyer and Sky Guard, and took advantage of the supersonic speed to fly all the way to Tony's villa. In the center of it stands a huge version of Iron Man with a height of five meters and a width of six meters, but obviously, judging from the various external thermal weapons on this huge version of Iron Man, the user wearing the huge version of Iron Man, It should be Tony's uncle Obadiah Stani.

With that said, Tony and Parker should be around.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenwen quickly turned on infrared thermal imaging, found Tony and Parker who were unconscious, and also found Dr. Octopus hiding in the forest.

For Zhou Wenwen, the Doctor Octopus in the different time and space was useless at all, and immediately ordered Super Eagle, Destroyer and Sky Guard to kill Dr. Octopus, and shouted in front of this huge version of Iron Man.


To be continued

Chapter 0240 Announcement of my body Yulei

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