I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 10 Chapter 195: Explore the Light

Castleheart Existing Troops:

10 tier 1 tier 1 urban sword-wielding militia, 8 tier 1 tier 2 urban shield militia, and 7 tier 1 tier 3 town bow militia.

11 Tier 1 and 5 apprentices trained sword-wielding infantry, 16 Tier 1 and 6 apprentices trained shield-wielding infantry, and 14 Tier 1 and 9 apprentices trained bow-handling infantry.

24 standard tier 2 and 1 standard sword-wielding infantry, 16 2 tier 3 standard shield-wielding specialised infantry, and 6 2 tier 6 standard bow-wielding specialised infantry.

During the time when he went to Manhattan to wait for the Destroyer, Zhou Wenwen was distracted again to operate the Castle Heart, but before that, Zhou Wenwen had to receive the task first.


Unlock the construction task, explore the Holy Light: "Completed" task evaluation: A+.

Quest reward: Unlock Holy Light Cathedral and Holy Light sequence buildings.

2 A-level mission mainlines.


The soldiers you sent out successfully annihilated the opponent and brought back the cross.


Mission requirements:

Send at least 60 soldiers of no faith. (60/60)

Let the soldiers attack St. Miller's Church, which is controlled by the gang, and rescue the girl who was taken hostage. (1/1)


The day when holy light and justice coexist is the day when darkness disappears.


Unlock the construction task, Justice of the Dark: "Completed" task evaluation: S+.

Quest Reward: Unlock the Dark Cathedral and Dark Sequence Buildings.

2 S-rank missions.


You have completed the task and gained the trust of the Dark Believers!


Mission requirements:

Send at least 60 soldiers of no faith. (60/60)

Let the soldiers attack the police station that was captured by the gang with money, and kill the gang leader who stayed behind. (1/1)


The day when darkness and justice coexist is the day when the Holy Light disappears.


Castle Hearts can now build buildings:

Holy Light Cathedral requires 10,000 wood, 1,000 stone, 20,000 gold, 600 crystal, 600 mercury, 300 sulfur, and 150 gems. (Unlock Holy Training Ground, Temple, Holy Light Cross Tower after construction.)

The Dark Cathedral requires 1000 wood, 10000 stone, 20000 gold, 600 crystal, 300 mercury, 450 sulfur, and 210 gems. (Unlock Dark Training Ground, Temple, Holy Light Cross Tower after construction.)

Seeing the materials needed for the construction of the Cathedral of Holy Light and the Cathedral of Darkness, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help but scolded, and had no choice but to turn his attention to the racecourse.

For the horse farm, you need 600 wood, 100 stone, 5000 gold, and the quest to find wild horses.

Unlock the construction quest, Find Mustang: "Unfinished" quest Rating: C+.

Quest reward: Unlock the horse farm building.

1 C-level mission branch.


As a human being, how can there be no horses?

Go tame the wild horses, train and build cavalry!

Mission requirements:

Find and tame wild horses (0/1)


Must be a Mustang.



Seeing this prompt, Zhou Wenwen was a little puzzled. After he went to the Internet to check it, he realized how pitiful this task was.

Because in general, there are only two types of wild horses in existence, one is the European wild horse and the other is the Przewalski's wild horse.

European wild horses are prehistoric wild horses, distributed in southern France and eastern Spain to central Russia. There are cave paintings believed to be European wild horses in France and Spain, and tools for rearing European wild horses have been found in southern Russia, which are estimated to have been domesticated by the Scythians around 3000 BC.

European wild horses disappeared in the late 1800s and the last bred died in Askanianova, Ukraine in 1876. The Polish government tries to save the descendants of European wild horses in the Bialowieza virgin forest. These descendants are sometimes called Konic Polish ponies.


Seeing this prompt, Zhou Wenwen was a little puzzled. After he went to the Internet to check it, he realized how pitiful this task was.

Because in general, there are only two types of wild horses in existence, one is the European wild horse and the other is the Przewalski's wild horse.

The European wild horses were extinct in 1876, so Zhou Wenwen's hope can only rely on the Przewalski's wild horses, but the news about the Przewalski's wild horses found on the Internet is even more desperate, because in that area.

Przewalski's wild horse, scientific name: Equusferus, Equusferusssp.przewalskii, also known as Mongolian wild horse, note that Przewalski's wild horse is not a Mongolian horse.

The Przewalski's horse is a large ungulate mammal with a body length of about 210 cm, a shoulder height of about 110 cm, a tail length of 90 cm and a weight of 350 kg.

The head is long, the neck is thick, the ears are shorter than that of a donkey, and the hoofs are wide and round. It looks like a domestic horse, but it has no long hair on its forehead, and its neck mane is short and erect.

The summer hair is light brown, the sides and the inside of the limbs are pale, and the abdomen is creamy yellow; the winter hair is slightly longer and thicker, lighter in color, and there are long russet hairs on the cheeks.

The body is sturdy. Proportionally speaking, the head is large and short and blunt, the neck is short and thick, the snout is sharp, the mouth is blunt, the teeth are thick, and the ears are smaller and slightly pointed than those of domestic horses.

The ears are short and pointed, the muzzle is spotted, and the forehead hair is very short or absent, unlike a domestic horse with long forehead hair.

The back is flat, with an obvious dark topline, extending from the shoulders to the tail along the spine; the limbs are short and thick, the inner legs of the legs are gray, often with two to five obvious black horizontal stripes, and the lower part of the calf is black, commonly known as "outing" leg.

The hoof is smaller than that of a domestic horse, tall and round. The base of the tail is short-haired, the tail is thick and long and almost hangs down to the ground, and the tail is wispy, unlike domestic horses that have long hair from beginning to end.

Przewalski's wild horses inhabit mountain grasslands and deserts, and are naturally alert and good at running.

Generally, a group of 5-20 horses is led by strong male horses, and they live in wandering camps. Przewalski's wild horses are originally distributed in the Beita Mountains of the Junggar Basin and the Mazong Mountains at the junction of Gansu and Inner Mongolia~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This is not over yet. According to online records, shortly after the Przewalski's wild horse was discovered, research institutes and museums from Russia, France, Britain and other countries became very interested in Mongolian wild horses.

At first, because Przewalski's wild horses were difficult to capture, only some skulls and skins were successively transported back to Europe for research and preservation, but after several attempts, it was found that adult wild horses were almost impossible to capture. quick.

People had to catch the newly born ponies. From 1899 to 1903, a total of about 50 wild horses were shipped to Europe one after another, becoming the first Mongolian wild horses to be bred in captivity.

However, due to the influence of the war in the early 20th century, the number of captive-bred Przewalski's horses did not expand, and even by the end of World War II in 1945, these Przewalski's wild horses were only left in Prague, Czech Republic and the Second Park in Munich, Federal Republic of Germany. to 20, of which only half are fertile

At present, almost all wild horses raised all over the world are descendants of these 10 3 males and 7 females.

The only exception is Ukraine's Askania Nova Wildlife Park, in order to rebuild the wild horse herd, in addition to buying a few from Munich and Prague, it also bought a real wild wild horse from Mongolia's National Stud Farm in 1957. This wild horse was captured in 1947.


To be continued

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