I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 10 Chapter 171: It does not matter!

Mission requirements:

Kill/Defeat Dragon Knight Silent 1 time (0/1).

Kill/defeat Dragon Knight Betain 1 time (0/1).

Kill 1 Wandering Warrior Awakened (0/1).

Kill and capture 6 Aisen Red Dragons (0/6).

Kill and capture 15 mages (0/15).

Kill and capture 15 Warlocks (0/15).

Destroy 600 F/D-1-A aerial bombardment magic golems. (0/600)

Destroy 900 F-1-B aerial combat magic golems. (0/900)

Destroy/major the Decisive Battleship fleet. (0/1)



Roaming Warrior Awakeners have faster speeds than Roaming Warriors, and at the same time they have awakened quite terrifying abilities, making them an enemy that should not be underestimated.

Be careful Dragon Knight Silent, he has more than one mount.

Although the dragon knight Betan is weaker than the dragon knight Mokang, his strength should not be underestimated.


600 units?

900 units?

6 red dragons?

The three terrifying numbers suddenly made Zhou Wenwen's face look ugly. Not to mention whether Zhou Wenwen and his "God Punishment Walker" can fight, even if this number is the three strongest forces on earth, it will take half a year or a year to fight. .

Because everyone's land-based modern fighter pilots add up, not so much.

Although there are many Hainan Airlines, the core of the battlefield is Manhattan, not flying everywhere like in the Battle of Washington.

The only good news is that the arrival time is clear, and the next coordinates of Manhattan are revealed.

As long as no one sits to death, then the next coordinate exposure in Manhattan will be when the Avengers assemble for the first time, and if the seduction is correct, these guys will encounter the Chitauri army, and he will not need to contact the world to convince the world to station troops in Manhattan. .

After watching the mission, Zhou Wenwen flew up and went to meet Tony and Peter. At this time, Tony already knew Zhou's intentions from Peter's mouth.

So Tony chose to get straight to the point, and he said directly, "Why, you want to keep the lives of these enemy mounts?"

Hearing Tony's words, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help being stunned. He couldn't decide to answer in a split second, so he wanted to change the subject and talk about the enemy while thinking.

"These guys are from another world. The next time they appear, the number will be more than 1,000 and less than 2,000..."

"It does not matter!"

Contrary to Zhou Wenwen's expectations, Tony stiffened uncharacteristically, he said very seriously.

"If you plan to drag this matter on and not deal with it, those crazy pharmaceutical companies and research institutes will find an opportunity to dissect these 5 "monsters". Trust me, you will regret it even more!"

Tony's words made Zhou Wenwen wake up like a dream, but at the age of 15, he had never experienced such a thing, and he didn't know what to do, so he said according to Tony's words.

"Then you say, what should I do?"

"That's it, that's it."

Peter: "Very good!"

Just when Tony, Zhou Wenwen, and Peter Parker were chatting happily, Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D. Director "Big Blackhead" Fury arrived at the scene in a bulletproof vehicle. The two were immediately put in.

When Coulson asked the soldiers to learn that Tony, Zhou Wenwen, and Peter Parker were on the east side, the two headed in that direction, and this time Fury came for the Avengers plan.

When Coulson and Fury appeared in the field of vision of Tony, Zhou Wenwen, and Peter Parker, the three almost subconsciously closed their mouths, and at this moment confirmed each other that they all knew Fury's identity and details.

Zhou Wenwen chose to ignore and deal with Fury coldly and violently.

Here's Spider-Man Peter Parker. He has had a lot of things with S.H.I.E.L.D. in his own universe. Naturally, he knows Fury, and like Zhou Wenwen, hates him.

So when Peter Parker saw Zhou Wenwen's attitude towards Fu Duan, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he took the same attitude as Zhou Wenwen, ignoring it. Of course, Peter Parker's methods were more sophisticated, because he chose to follow Zhou Wenwen. Continue talking about what was said before.

"By the way, Zhou, these guys you said earlier are from another world. When they appear next time, the number will be more than 1,000 and less than 2,000... What does this sentence mean?"

And Tony, of course, also knew Fury, but at this time Tony didn't see Fury's insidiousness, but seeing the attitude of the two friends, Tony was still a little hesitant about what to do.

And when Peter Parker said this, Tony suddenly figured out what he should do, and followed.

"He should be talking about the number of enemies."

Zhou Wenwen was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to say something to explain, he saw the F117 Nighthawk's Super Eagle landed in front of him and handed him the phone.

Zhou Wenwen's eyes shrunk suddenly, because he recognized that this phone was the hunter, and the hunter did this because of that...

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenwen found an excuse to leave, and sat in the cab of the Super Eagle. After taking off with a short sprint, the hunter showed up and told the reason.

It turned out that just a few minutes after the battle, the satellite of the Space-based Weapons Station 1 deployed over Qatar was attacked and lost its signal.

The Super Eagle took off in an emergency wearing space flight equipment. Under his survey and monitoring by other satellite cameras, he found that it was a Decepticon...

In the Mediterranean interception battle, an F/A-1-A combat-type magic puppet was hit by a missile and fell, but the whole body was still well preserved. A French offshore support ship fired beams, interrupted it in the middle and sank it.

The French Navy was furious, and immediately dispatched Marines equipped with star grenades. Under the suppression of the US Air Force's barrage firepower, they used the star to blow up the F/A-1-A combat magic puppet.

(The U.S. military base in Qatar here is set at the beginning of the movie "Transformers 1" and was destroyed by the Decepticons Transformers)

In addition to some personnel entering the underground air-raid shelter, the army all maneuvered, especially the tanks.

The F/A-1-A combat-type magic puppets do not know the layout of the U.S. military. Without command, they will only act according to the set procedures.

As a result, when they flew over the camp, were locked on by radar, and were shot down by anti-air missiles, they only reacted, and their pupils turned "red~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and launched a counterattack.

The torrent of red energy particles emitted from the pupils due to the environment easily broke through two walls less than half a meter thick in a row, killing the machine gun soldiers.

After 15 machine gun soldiers were killed successively, the U.S. Army who was present learned a lesson, no longer hiding in buildings, but instead mobile combat, but because of the cancellation of continuous fire suppression, the infantry running around with star grenades Immediately became a target, and for a time there were beams all over the camp.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Fortunately, three M1A2SEP main battle tanks arrived in a hurry at this time, preventing the tragedy.


To be continued

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