I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 10 Chapter 166: Autobots, attack!

But Zhou Wenwen, who was in anger, would not care about this.

After struggling to stand up, Zhou Wenwen immediately called Cheetah on the communication channel and brought the lead box over.

2 seconds later, the Decepticon-style Transformers Cheetah, who was hiding around, was instructed to run out of the restaurant's toilet with a lead box. Under the gaze of the humans in the restaurant, it flew out of the restaurant like a 120-yard car in less than 6 seconds. Just arrived next to Zhou Wenwen.

Zhou Wenwen was immediately surprised and entered the password to open the lead box. The hunter developed the second-order transformation parts of the overclocking armor, the overclocking armor equipment package-version 1.2 Δ-shaped electronic cycle conversion device, and the medicine cryogenic protection box. Items stacked together appear in front of you.

But the most important thing is the medicine in the low temperature protection box of medicine, where Zhou Wenwen is in the overclocking state, the sixth generation overclocking liberation concentrated potion and other things in proportion to the famous medicines, ranging from no side effects to high side effects .

However, because Zhou Wenwen's time was limited and there were no side effects for overclocking the armed medicine, Zhou Wenwen only equipped 3 bottles of 60ml of chrysanthemum tea with an increase of 180%, and the effect has not been tested.

So this time, Zhou Wenwen's attention was placed on the 60ml orange juice version of the overclocking armed potion that he prepared the most with low side effects and tested the most at the same time.

The orange juice version of the overclocking armed medicine proportion is orange juice 1:3 grape water:5 sixth generation overclocking liberation concentrated potion, the effect has been found in many tests, it can improve the stability of the user and the overclocking armor by 120% within 60 minutes, side effects As long as the effect of the potion lasts for 10 to 15 minutes, the stability of the user and the overclocked armor will decrease by 9% per second, and the existing radioactive erosion of the user's body will increase by 12%.

"Overclocking ——————"

After drinking 60 ml of orange juice version of the overclocking weapon, Zhou Wenwen took off the new lightning badge on the necklace on his neck, inserted it into the card slot on his left hand, and pressed the button to push it forward and then backward, so that it activated the program to push the mechanical gear, The three probes are made to generate electric current and are connected to the surface of the skin. At this moment, the electric current of the probes is drained to the electric patch on the surface of the skin.

Zhou Wenwen only said the full text at this time, "Overclocking---armed, transformed!"

Under the guidance of the electric patch, these currents are introduced into the armored energy area to activate the energy system. A steady stream of current is immediately generated from the energy system, and then flows to the whole body of the armor, activating the whole system, and making people familiar and familiar. The sound of electronic sparks sounded again.

With the sound of sparks, the gold-plated tungsten-steel alloy diamond-shaped armour pieces that are attracted and closed by the magnetic iron, immediately merge into one after being electrified, and wrap the Zhou Wenwen up and down, and then bite into each other layer by layer to form The armor, the outer steel armor of the hands on the hands, is also composed of layers of armor layers that overlap with each other after the power is turned on.

At the same time, the blue LED lights arranged in rows and rows inside the armor turned on as soon as the power was turned on, allowing Zhou Wenwen's vision to be restored, and a row of English and numbers also appeared in front of Zhou Wenwen's eyes.

Accompanied by a huge thunderous sound, Zhou Wenwen, who had summoned the bodyguard of the Thunder of Wu Ji, shot the rhino man Alexei, Baima, and Montenegro in succession with lightning speed. female reporter.

The blonde female reporter panicked, and quickly strengthened the magnetic force, trying to **** Zhou Wenwen away in the air like last time.

But this time, Zhou Wenwen summoned the thunder of the fifth self to protect himself, so that the blonde female reporter not only did not attract Zhou Wenwen, but also received an electric shock caused by the thunder of the five self.


The next moment, the blonde female reporter was shaken all over by the electric shock, her limbs were numb but not life-threatening, but she also lost her defense.

Seeing this, Zhou Wenwen took out a new "flame ray"-"S-X1" ray-type crystal energy magic scepter and shot it at the blonde female reporter, huh!

The blazing red flame element particles converged according to the program set by the magic sceptre to form a torrent jet, but were once again blocked by an amazingly thick blue shield. As the blue shield sounded, there were also red hair. The voice of a female reporter.

"The water elf from the pure world, in the name of Ancient Rhines, I order you to protect her!"

Second-order second-ring magic, water shield!

The red-haired female reporter had not finished summoning the Shuilai Shield, she waved the sky blue staff again, ready to chant magic again, thinking that she would lose again in the energy battle, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help frowning.

But this time, the "miracle" happened.

"Autobots, attack!"

"Autobots, attack!"

With the sound of the sound, the land explorer Geek shone on stage and turned into a humanoid combat form when he appeared. The two 90mm shell energy cannons on the left and right hands bombarded the red-haired female reporter and the blonde female reporter, bang! boom!

Under hydraulic propulsion, two 90mm energy shells were ejected 30 meters out of the barrel, and the rocket propulsion motor mounted at the end of the shells triggered ignition, entering Mach 2 in just 2 seconds, hitting the red-haired female reporter and Blonde female reporter.

The compressed energy in the 90mm shell exploded instantly, evaporating the water shield and at the same time evaporating the red-haired female reporter and the blonde female reporter.

Zhou Wenwen really wanted the sky blue staff, but seeing the red-haired female reporter disappearing with the staff, Zhou Wenwen had to sigh inwardly.

The red-haired female reporter and the blond female reporter solved it. Zhou Wenwen turned his head and looked at the two photographers with a smile. He thought it was also an easy battle, but he saw that the two were not panic at all, and had already changed into battle clothes. And behind the two, there is a figure similar to Gai Yuan and other Transformers.

When the figure came out and revealed his identity, the smile on Zhou Wenwen's face disappeared immediately, replaced by seriousness.

Because standing in front of you is a core character in the Transformers movie, Bumblebee! (Already in Chevrolet form)

Bumblebee is one of Optimus Prime's most trusted lieutenants. The second character of Autobot Autobot has excellent intelligence and spying capabilities, and his combat effectiveness is also one of two.

"I didn't expect Bumblebee to be found by you," Zhou Wenwen said in a deep voice~www.wuxiamtl.com~ We also didn't expect that you found a way to manufacture Transformers on a large scale," said White Horse.

Because he couldn't expose the other party's and his own injuries in public, Montenegro had no choice but to say, "Stop talking nonsense. If you don't want to fight, just report the name of the guild, and the guild battle will be resolved."

Ok? !

Hearing Montenegro's words, Zhou Wenwen was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly lit up. He was smart and immediately understood that he was regarded as another member of a hostile guild by the other party, and wanted to solve it by the rules between the guilds.

Zhou Wenwen, who got an important piece of news, wanted to inquire about another important piece of news, but he turned around and saw Tony driving Mark 2 and Peter Parker over, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help but scream.


To be continued

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