"Sword come!"

"Go sword!

Seeing the other party, Ku Qiulinguo, and then taking a few steps back, Zhou Wenwen was instantly ecstatic, no longer holding his hands, and while speaking in a low voice, he used his mental power to fully mobilize his spiritual energy to input Zhou Tianxingchen's magic sword, while in Yuanyuan Under the constant instillation of spiritual energy, the surface of Zhou Tianxingchen Dang Demon Sword was also wrapped in a layer of silver light.


"Flying Sword Style - Changhong pierces the sun!"

Just as Zhou Wenwen was preparing for "Flying Sword", his sensitive ears heard the voices and movements behind him. Zhou Wenwen, who had no intention to ignore it, was afraid that this time he would make a major mistake, so he had to change his direction and shouted in a low voice.

Although the change of direction reduced a lot of power, Zhou Wenwen was able to control it with ease, and when he couldn't separate his heart to see what the situation was, Zhou Wenwen could only fight one shot and input 90% of the spiritual energy into Zhou Tianxingchen Dangmo sword.

And because of the increase in the amount of spiritual energy and the increase in energy density, the silver light on the surface of Zhou Tianxingchen Demon Sword gradually evolved into golden light, the speed became faster and the weight was lighter.

"Go sword!"

With the sound of Zhou Wenwen's voice, Zhou Tianxingchen's magic sword, which had been spinning, suddenly changed direction and flew towards Zhou Wenwen's back at high speed, just hitting Wang Danren's "Flying Sword Style - Changhong penetrating the sun".

In the next second, Zhou Tianxingchen, which turned into golden light, swayed the magic sword, and without any effort, the aura on the surface of the double rainbow sword was dissipated. He was also sent flying, and Zhou Tianxingchen's Demon Sword, under Zhou Wenwen's control, continued to kill Wang Danren.

Before Wang Danren could react from the pain of losing control of the double rainbow sword, a golden light flashed before his eyes, and the next second, Wang Danren's head turned into broken bones, and the immortal science splashed on the ground.

Wang Danren died, but Zhou Wenwen's movements did not stop, because Zhou Wenwen did not forget that on his front, there was an opponent who could deal with him with all his strength.

So I saw Zhou Wenwen once again expended mental energy to control Zhou Tianxingchen's magic sword to turn around and fight back, and turned around and shouted sharply, "Sword come!"

On Cu Chulainn's side, he received the instructions given by the Master. Although he regretted it, he could only abide by it immediately.

"I took your heart and pierced the gun of deaththorn!"

"あなたの心臓は Private が fetching って, とげの間を經きます!"

While chanting the spell, Cu Chulainn input magic power to unseal the Noble Phantasm, ready to kill Zhou Wenwen with the spear of death thorns.

Zhou Tianxingchen, which turned into golden light, swayed the restraint in the body of the Demon Sword. After feeling the energy emanating from the spear of death thorns like a demon, he immediately broke free from Zhou Wenwen's control and ran the power of Zhou Tianxingchen to increase the speed.

And Zhou Wenwen, who knew nothing about this, thought he had encountered an "aircraft model bomber" and watched helplessly as he lost control of Zhou Tianxingchen's magic sword.

As a result, Zhou Tianxingchen, who was supposed to kill Cú Chulainn, swung the magic sword, but stalled and crashed into Cú Chulainn and the spear of dead thorns. Zhou Wenwen could only make amends, using the wind direction to change the direction, allowing Zhou Tian, ​​who continued to fly, to fly. The Xingchen Dang Demon Sword killed it again.

But I didn't expect that although Zhou Tianxingchen Swinging Demon Sword successfully changed its direction, it went straight to the direction of Chen Date and Li Peinan.

However, Zhou Wenwen did not understand the next situation. Zhou Tianxingchen, who was flying in the direction of Chen Date and Li Peinan, suddenly changed direction and increased speed after flying for 6 seconds.

At the speed of almost just an instant, the Zhou Tianxingchen Swinging Demon Sword passed through the heart of Ku Qiulin, and a large amount of Zhou Tianxingchen's power was injected into the heart of Ku Qiulin and flowed from the blood vessels to the whole body. Back in the hands of Zhou Wenwen, the control has also returned.


"You guys had a good time chatting, so why don't you come and help me!"

Zhou Wenwen, who heard this sentence from the communication channel, couldn't help but complain, and just after he finished complaining, Zhou Wenwen was punched hundreds of meters away, so frightened that Zhou Wenwen thought he was dead.

However, because Zhou Wenwen adjusted his posture and the protection of the overclocking armor and the shock wave interception in time, Zhou Wenwen's body did not suffer major damage, but only felt the vibration.

Zhou Wenwen stood up again, took off the front of the helmet, and stared at the monster that was summoned by Li Peinan's conspiracy against Chen Date and summoned with the fusion of Eastern and Western magic. Flat, but his hands are still shaking.

The monster in front of Zhou Wenwen was dozens of meters long and less than ten meters tall, but because of its huge body, it looked extremely huge.

The hands and legs are thick but not cumbersome at all, extremely flexible, but because of the huge difference in proportion to the body, the monster's actions are reversed, and it is its unstable attack characteristics that give Zhou Wenwen the opportunity to avoid attacks and counterattacks .

However, the dark green text coloring tattooed on the monster's body endows it with invulnerability. The energy torrent rays emitted from the eyes of the head make Zhou Wenwen even more troublesome.

But what's even worse is the 100-meter-long chain on the monster's hand. Its speed is comparable to Zhou Wenwen's flying speed. Zhou Wenwen was bound several times, but Zhou Wenwen used an electric spear to "electricity" to frighten the monster to let go. Zhou Wenwen took the opportunity to escape.

Over and over again, Zhou Wenwen learned his lesson and did not give him a chance, and the monsters who were more and more familiar with electricity became less and less afraid.

And if you want to ask how this monster came, it has to start from Zhou Wenwen's solution to Wang Danren's sword...

When Chen Date and Li Peinan, who were standing on the top of the mountain, saw that Wang Danren was also killed by the enemy with flying swords, their expressions changed greatly, but this expression only lasted for a second or two. Pei Nan quickly decided his actions.

I saw that Chen Dat first consumed a Command Spell to fill Cu Chulainn's Noble Phantasm with NP, and then consumed another Command Spell to let Cu Chulainn release the Noble Phantasm.

After Chen Date spent most of his mental energy to make these two steps, when he bowed his head and rested, when he was about to use the light flying scroll he brought from the FA world to escape remotely, there was a pain like being stabbed behind him~www. wuxiamtl.com ~ Huh?

Ok? !

Chen Date stretched his hand behind his back and touched the wound, and a surprised expression appeared on his face, but with Li Pei-nan pulling out the alchemy magic sword from the wound, the power of witchcraft entered Chen Date's body along the wound, Straight to the heart blood vessels, making Chen Dat in a dying state.


Chen Date trembled and asked inexplicably.

Faced with Chen Date's words, Li Peinan did not answer immediately, but carefully observed that the power of witchcraft reached a certain size in Chen Date's body, and it would automatically split and delay, and Li Peinan ended the witchcraft. The injection of force, let go and stepped back and replied.


To be continued

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