I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 10 Chapter 142: Live for the future of mankind!

Seeing the giant wolf's movements, the hunter who remembered the master's mission suddenly panicked. While calling someone on the communication channel, he ordered the forerunners and stalkers to give up sniping, and stepped forward to stop the giant wolf.

The forerunners and stalkers who received the hunter's order also remembered the master's mission. They resolutely gave up their lives, obeyed the hunter's order, jumped from the air, and landed on Tony and Ethan. In front, try to stop the giant wolf.

However, the difference in weight and size between the two was too great. After the giant wolf evaded the attack in one move, the forerunner and stalker were slapped hundreds of meters away with one claw, losing fluctuations and not knowing whether to live or die.

And now, they are the only ones who can save Tony and Ethan.


Ethan, who was lying on Tony's back, listened to Tony's words and watched the robot warriors who called themselves Sky Punishment Walkers behind them, fighting to the death for their lives.

Ethan felt satisfied and moved. This was the first time he had experienced something like this, and it might be the last time. So, why not make my death greater?

Instead of living in the research center for the rest of your life!

Thinking of this, Ethan, who had "completely recovered his mind and stamina", suddenly jumped off Tony. While speaking, he pushed Tony with all his strength and pushed Tony into the corner of the stone.

"Tony, for the future of mankind, live!"

Before Tony, who had landed, could react, Ethan had already picked up the AK that he had run along while escaping, had a shuttle to the giant wolf, and shouted, "Come on, beast!"

I don't know if it was Ethan's words or his attacking action, but he succeeded in attracting the attention of the giant wolf and increased his strength to pounce on Ethan.

Ethan laughed as he opened the zipper on his body, and a row of explosives appeared on Ethan's body, and under his feet was a rock on a thousand-meter-deep canyon.

But because of Ethan's concealment, the giant wolf not only did not notice the crisis under the rock at all, but also chased after Ethan.

The explosives on Ethan's body were originally prepared by Ethan for Tony to wear the armor and kill him from the Ten Rings Gang, but now, it can be effective.

"Haha, beasts are beasts, I didn't notice such an obvious trap."

"Beasts, let's go to **** together!"

After confirming the location of the giant wolf and unable to escape, Ethan closed his eyes and resolutely pressed the button connecting the detonator. The wire of the detonator was quickly electrified to ignite the explosive, and a violent explosion followed, Boom!

Under the impact of the shock wave generated by the explosion of the explosive, the rock was instantly torn apart and fell into the canyon, which also caused the giant wolf to lose its footing and lose its balance and fell.


The sound of the explosive explosion and the disappearing Ethan made Tony react immediately, but it was too late, he could only see the picture of the giant wolf falling.

"Do not------!"

The death of Ethan, a known friend and a friend, filled Tony with grief, and he wailed again. His voice was so miserable that the hunter, who was watching from the sidelines, could not help being moved and distorted, but the expression on his face quickly returned to stability. .

At the same time, the hunter also thought about the poem that the owner often talked about, but would forget the next line.

"Some people are alive, but already dead, his life, such as xxx"

"Some people are dead, but still alive, his death, such as xxx"

As a hunter of Transformers, although he didn't understand the meaning of what the master said, it didn't stop him from copying the words.

And just when one person and one Transformer thought this was all over, a wolf howl came out from the canyon.

Tony's movements suddenly froze, and the expression on the hunter's face was even more unbelievable.

But no matter how one person and one Transformer thought, when the giant wolf climbed up, Tony and the hunter turned around and wanted to run, when they saw the destroyer, supporter, striker, and slayer who turned into fighter planes A picture of passing before their eyes and dropping bombs in the area where the giant wolf climbed.




A large number of bombs exploded. Although the giant wolf was not effectively damaged due to its powerful body, the superimposed shock waves generated by the continuous explosion made the giant wolf's standing and climbing unstable and shaky.

The Destroyer took the opportunity to drop the spear and hit the spear hard, and when he heard a cry, under the cover of the 105mm three-core rockets and 120mm three-core rockets of the supporters, strikers, and fighters, they killed the giant wolf at a low altitude.

"Decepticons, charge!"

"Destruction is coming!"


Although the Destroyer is activated by a one-time C-class Decepticon attack support type fire source, but because of the inheritability of the body and the siblings are hunters, slayers, strikers, and supporters." similar" reasons.

Therefore, the body of the Destroyer can also be transformed into 9 types of vehicles such as the F-22 "Raptor" stealth fighter, the F-16XL "Fighting Falcon" fighter-bomber, and the B-1B "Lancer" bomber. The Destroyer can gain overwhelming advantages by switching vehicle forms.

In addition to the two 120mm 60x long-tube electromagnetic railguns, the Destroyer is equipped with a melee weapon that can be attacked and defended.

For example, the Honeycomb 4 rocket platform, which is stronger than the 9x9 105mm three-core rocket system of the Honeycomb 3 rocket platform, has a 12x12 120mm three-core rocket system.

Although the Destroyer is not equipped with the energy-emitting/energy-defense vehicles and their systems such as Introducing Star, Star Strike, Falling Star, and Ring Star, it is equipped with Nova 1 energy guiding equipment.

This is a simpler equipment than these energy launch/energy defense vehicles and their systems, because it can not only effectively destroy all energy launch vehicles/energy defense vehicles, but also achieve both offense and defense. force field.

For example, now, the Destroyer can hang Nova 1 energy channeling equipment plug-in on the melee weapon in his hand to generate a round shield formed by an energy field with a radius of up to 3 meters, facing the attack of the giant wolf, trying to push the giant wolf again Fall off a cliff.

But the giant wolf who has learned a lesson once will not be effective again~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He let out a low wolf roar, and jumped up with his feet, trying to forcibly bypass the Destroyer by taking advantage of his size.

Seeing this, the Destroyer directly transformed into the self-propelled artillery anti-aircraft form of the AIS tank, and raised two 120mm 60x long tube electromagnetic railguns, aiming at the giant wolf.

"Die, you beast!"

The next moment a sneer appeared on the Destroyer's face, two 120mm electromagnetic artillery projectiles were pushed into the gun bore and fired with a "bang". The giant wolf that Ye Chunqiu transformed into.

Tony, who was still in grief just now, couldn't help standing up when he saw this scene, full of anticipation, the cannonball that turned into blue light waves hit the giant wolf, smashing it to pieces, and avenging Ethan's death.


To be continued

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