I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 10 Chapter 107: United Nations official

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Chapter 0107 United Nations Officials

During the period when Fury was introducing himself, Zhou Wenwen took the opportunity to observe Fury again, and his emotions were a bit complicated.

Who is Fury.

In the comics, Nick Fury is a superhero under the American Marvel Comics. He first appeared in the first issue of "Sergeant Fury and His Roaring Commando" in May 1963.

His full name is Nicholas Joseph Fury, a genetically modified fighter of the SSS program, a colonel of the U.S. Army during World War II, and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and peeps.

Nick Fury is white in the 616 universe (the main comics universe), but black in the Ultimate and Movie universes.

Nick Fury was originally an ordinary soldier. During World War II, his left eye was injured by a grenade during a mission. The lack of medicine caused his injury to exacerbate. On the verge of dying, Berthold Sternberg The professor injected him with a drug called Infinite Formula, which successfully controlled Nick's condition, but required regular injections.

The infinite formula can prevent the aging speed of various functions of Nick's body, so that he has a very long life and super physical strength.

After World War II, Nick Fury joined the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

He later served as the supreme commander of several agencies, the most well known of which was Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Fury created the "International Spy and Law Enforcement Section of the Supreme Command", but did not participate in the formation of the superhero team "Avengers", but maintained a good cooperative relationship with them. A trusted intelligence and strategy expert.

Nick Fury and Captain America were comrades in World War II and one of the best martial arts masters on the planet.

Nick Fury holds a black belt in Taekwondo and a brown belt in Jiu-Jitsu and is also an Army heavyweight boxer. He has rich experience and skills in hand-to-hand combat, and is proficient in using various weapons and firearms to fight.

In another important parallel world - the Ultimate Universe (1610 Universe), he is a black man and directly participated in the establishment of two heroic teams, the "Ultimate Team" and the "Avengers". people are very apprehensive.

The movie version of the characters is close to the ultimate universe version.

This is also the reason why Zhou Wenwen has never wanted to contact Nick Fury. As long as Bi Ding does not contact him, he will not be involved.

but now......

Zhou Wenwen took a deep breath and calmed his turbulent heart. At the same time, he calmed down and said, "You United Nations officials, what are you looking for from me, I remember that the United Nations does not have such power."

Hearing Zhou Wenwen's words, Fury was a little surprised by Zhou Wenwen's words, but continued, "Sir, although we are UN officials, according to the regulations of the Security Council, we have..."

Before Fury finished speaking, the head of the lobster boss passed over the heads of everyone at a high speed, and finally fell on the road, that is, in front of the defense line.

During the period when the lobster head was flying, Fury almost subconsciously closed his mouth, and continued to speak when the lobster head landed.

"We are here this time to inquire about your identity, and to make you stop posting videos online to cause dissatisfaction among ordinary people."

Zhou Wenwen couldn't help laughing at Fury's words, thinking that if it wasn't for the mission, I wouldn't help you solve your troubles. I guess those ghouls are enough for you to eat.

But it must not be said that way. Right here, Zhou Wenwen saw a group of agents in black suits coming in from under the hotel. With sharp eyes, he immediately recognized the group as agents from the seventh place in Transformers.

Zhou Wenwen's eyes suddenly lit up. In just a few seconds, he had a countermeasure. He was going to make up the situation in that mission into a bigger one, and then let him entangle with the seventh place.

Although this may be a bit sorry for the seventh place.

When Zhou Wenwen was about to speak, the sound of dense insect wings vibrating suddenly came from the low altitude below. Zhou Wenwen hurriedly looked down and found that it was an autumn cicada the size of a car.

Just when Zhou Wenwen thought it was nothing, more and more Qiu Chan flew out with scriptures, and under Zhou Wenwen's surprised eyes, these Qiu Chan launched an attack on humans, the seventh soldier in front of the hotel and the military on the defense line , was also attacked.

The way these Qiu Chan attacked humans was very simple. They stabbed their own piercing-sucking "straw" into the human brain, and once they sucked that person, they would do it, and then move on to the next one. In just a few seconds, in Qiu Chan. Under the leadership of the elite monster, more than 100 people were killed.

Zhou Wenwen couldn't sit still next time, and hurriedly ordered Transformers to intercept Qiu Chan's boss.


Qiu Chan was not fast and had low defense. The Transformers caught up with Qiu Chan almost immediately and started a massacre.

But the number of Qiu Chan is too many. If the Transformers want to intercept the request of Zhou Wenwen, the boss of Qiu Chan, they must activate the energy weapon.

However, unlike the Transformers on Cybertron, these Transformers inspired by the source of fire will consume the energy reserves in the body every time they use an energy weapon, and the stronger the effect, the greater the consumption.

However, these Transformers excited by the source of fire cannot replenish the energy in the body by themselves. Once the energy reserve in the body is zero, these Transformers excited by the source of fire will return to the original body and can no longer be Transform back into Transformers, and that's why there's this one that can replenish energy with a fire source.

When this was known to Zhou Wenwen, Zhou Wenwen, who was in a hurry, did not care what he would do if he had a conflict with the US military after the death of Transformers~www.wuxiamtl.com~ issued the permission to use energy weapons consent.

So in the next second, these Qiu Chan, who had been invincible just now, were attacked by various energy waves and vanished in an instant.

The Qiu Chan elite monster boss, who was guarded by a large number of Qiu Chan, lost too many younger brothers, which led to exposure, and was directly killed by Zhou Wenwen in the interception battle.

Side quest: "Monster Siege", "Completed" task evaluation difficulty: C.

Quest rewards: 200 fame, 50,000 influence, 300,000 plot points, and 3 C-level quest rewards.


The continuous three waves of monster siege led by boss monsters and elite monsters started, but you successfully disintegrated.

You may still be wondering where these monsters appeared, but please believe that destroying these monsters as soon as possible is the most important thing.

At the same time, I also want to remind you that the second wave of monster siege is possible at any time after 72 hours...


To be continued

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