I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 9 Chapter 240: triple positive particle

When the energy wave "killed" everywhere, hunters and other people were struggling to support, the army of orcs who had just walked out of the swamp collided with the energy wave, and a large number of orc warriors were immediately annihilated.

Fortunately, Gul'dan noticed in time that after more than a thousand orc warriors "died" because of this, Gul'dan appeared in front of the energy wave with the Orc Warlock of the Shadow Council, and released a wave of fel energy in the opposite direction.

But Gul'dan found that the energy waves composed of fel energy could not stop these strange energy waves at all. Every moment or even every second, the energy waves composed of fel energy would be eroded, assimilated, and joined the army by these strange energy waves. Attack former teammates.

Gul'dan had no choice but to change his countermeasures, changing the block to neutral, weakening the "attack" and "attack speed" of the energy wave, and at the same time informing Blackhand that they could only turn into Redridge Mountain now.

Blackhand Blackhand, leader of the Blackrock clan and first chieftain of the Horde, [until he was slain by Doomhammer near the end of the First War.

Blackhand Blackhand was seen as a savage and cruel tyrant in both Draenor and Azeroth.

After Blackhand attended the Kashhag Festival in Nagrand with the other chiefs, he went to Oshugu to attend the meeting.

At that meeting Ner'zhul told the crowd that their enemies were the draenei.

At first, Blackhand didn't believe Ner'zhul's words, but he changed his mind when he learned that other shamans had made similar judgments.

After this, the Black Hand began to attack the draenei.

A predator of the Hand of Seth's high and the most respected warrior of the Horde, Blackhand is well-deserved as the leader of the mighty Blackrock clan on Draenor.

In the eyes of others, he is a tactical genius and a ruthless dictator, and he is very concerned about whether his soldiers respect him.

But Gul'dan soon discovered that this was a very egoistic, power-hungry orc.

And so, through political manipulation and flattery of Blackhand himself, Gul'dan succeeded in convincing the leader of the Blackrock clan that he, as leader of the Horde and a member of the Shadow Council, played an extremely important role in the Warlock's dark strategy.

In fact, Blackhand is just a **** chosen by those evil warlocks to achieve their goals.

With the unanimous support of the orcs, Blackhand was elected chieftain of the newly formed orc tribe - all of which, of course, were orchestrated by Gul'dan.

Although the Black Hand is the nominal chief, Gul'dan has always kept the power in his own hands through covert bribery and blatant blackmail.

Under the instigation of the demons, the orcs launched a war against the draenei, which directly led to the severing of the connection between all the shamans under the Black Hand and the elemental spirits.

Under the circumstances, Blackhand couldn't wait to convert them into the Horde's first warlocks.

In order to increase the number of Horde warriors against the draenei, Blackhand even accelerated the growth of his own children, making them instant combat power.

He also asked Durotan to do the same with the Frostwolf clan, but was refused.

So Blackhand gave him another task - to lead the attack on Telmo.

And the Black Hand family moved there after Telmo fell.

In addition, he was supported by the ogres led by Kroll.

Blackhand at Hellfire Citadel directed subsequent operations against the draenei, including the attack on Karabor City.

After taking the city, the Orc Horde gathered around the throne of the demon lord Kil'jaeden.

Everyone thought that Blackhand would be the first to drink the blood of Mannoroth, but Grom Hellscream was the first to stand up.

Blackhand also refused to let Grisida drink blood.

After this, Shattrath city also fell into the hands of the orcs.

The Black Hand scoured the ruins of the city for the Prophet Velen, but to no avail.

After defeating the draenei, Blackhand led the Horde through the Dark Portal.

However, they encountered trouble when attacking Stormwind Fortress. After the first wave of attacks failed, Black Hand gathered all his troops here and launched an all-out attack on Stormwind Kingdom.

This war was the first war as we know it today.

During the war, Blackhand's daughter disobeyed his orders and fled to the Deadmines with Turok and his ogres.

Knowing the news, Black Hand sends a team of fighters to hunt down Grisida and her new friend.

Gul'dan fell into a coma after attempting to steal information about the Tomb of Sargeras from Medivh's mind.

The black hand is therefore in a very dangerous situation.

Seeing the mighty warlock Gul'dan lose consciousness, Blackhand's lieutenant, Orgrim Doomhammer - whose impending actions have also made him known as the backstabbing man - decides to catch this time Opportunity, take away the power of the puppet chief and take his place.

Orgrim was reluctant to kill Blackhand. After all, he was originally Blackhand's adjutant and swore that he would fight by his side forever.

But the tradition of the Orcs is that the warrior can challenge the chieftain, and the winner wins the rule of the tribe.

Doomhammer finally decided to challenge Blackhand and killed him.

In this way, Doomhammer became the chief of the tribe and the leader of the Blackrock clan at the same time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Next, he led the tribe to victory in the first war, but that is the story of Orgrim, so Let's pass the perspective back.


Time went back to Zhou Wenwen before he let everyone leave the Fargoland mine...

After seeing everyone leave, Zhou Wenwen roughly estimated the time to be 10 minutes later, and loaded an empty sharp-shell shell made of new metal wrapped with tungsten alloy onto a small electromagnetic launch track, and then came to the launch bar. Before, he gritted his teeth and pulled down the shackle.

The pulled shackle immediately drives the chain link to activate a button battery to release the current. These currents flow into the transformer circuit after being enhanced all the way according to the pre-set circuit diagram.

However, the deliberately designed transformer circuit cannot accommodate these currents at all. In less than two seconds, the capacitors in the circuit will emit hot smoke, and it is about to fail. However, Zhou Wenwen did not move at all, because he already knew that, It has been calculated.

For a long time, Zhou Wenwen wanted to get rid of the life curse of the secret source stone, the core of the overclocked armor. For this reason, he embarked on the road of cultivating immortals. However, even if he embarked on qi refining and broke through the successful foundation building, he could not get rid of the life curse.

The road to immortality is long and far. I want to break through the foundation and reach a new realm, but I don't know when it is, so ————

Zhou Wenwen can only follow Tony's method of creating a new Ark reactor in Iron and Steel 2 to create new elements, which is why Zhou Wenwen wants to build a particle impactor.

It's just that he has never found an element that can replace the secret source stone, but now, he can only fight one, and 3 positive particles are the goal of this Zhou Wenwen experiment.

Chapter 0241 Announcement to rescue Medivh

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